We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 119


The mobile phone is a bit rusty to use, but also a little novel.

Click into WeChat, there are only two contacts in it. It was Jiang Lu who added it yesterday, and also changed the notes, one is Brother Greed, and the other is Brother Qiao.

He clicked on Jiang Li's name, clicked into the chat interface, and wanted to try to send a message, but he didn't know what to send. He hesitated for a while, and finally sent a smiling expression.

After sending it for a while, the phone rang, and it was Jiang Li who sent him a message back: [Are you in the hospital? ]

Before Jiang Chi learned to type, he sent a voice message: Yes.

Jiang Greed clicked on the voice and listened to it. Looking at the concise dialogue on the chat interface, he was sensitive to the tentacles that the boy tentatively protruded. It is a good thing to be willing to communicate with people, so he sent him an emoji of touching his head; [Come to the hospital to pick you up after get off work, go out to eat at night. ]

After waiting for a while, Jiang Chi sent another "Yes".

This time it was a text message. It is estimated that he was typing slowly at that moment.

Speaking of Jiang Li, I have to feel that Jiang Chi is really smart. He was raised by the lunatic Li, so naturally he never went to school. Jiang Li was worried that he could not read, but found that most of his words were I can recognize it, and I can also draw it out when I write it, but it can be clearly seen that he is not writing stroke by stroke, but it seems to be drawing graphics from memory.

Compared with many trained monsters, the cultural level is even higher.

Jiang Greed's desire to send him to school became active. According to human age, Jiang Chi should be in the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school at his age.

Remembering the last time Xiao Xiaoyu said that he had contacted the school for homeless children to resume school, he called Xiao Xiaoyu and asked what materials he needed to prepare for returning to school.

Xiao Xiaoyu turned around, and there were still two transparent eye masks under her eyes: "There are quite a lot of materials I need. I have a file before, and I will send it to you to have a look."

After resting, she was full of energy: "Do you want to contact Jiang Chi's school?"

Jiang Greed talked about Jiang Chi's situation, and said, "It's not an option for him to stay in the hospital every day. He can also distract his attention when he goes to school."

Xiao Xiaoyu nodded in agreement: "I am familiar with the principal of the experimental primary school. If you have prepared the materials, I will accompany you there."

Jiang Greed responded, seeing that the dark circles under her eyes had faded a lot, and asked concerned: "Is the insomnia gone?"

Xiao Xiaoyu was refreshed: "I went to live at my parents' house for two days. I ate, drank, and slept well. It's just that the commute to and from get off work is a bit long. I plan to go back to my home today."

After speaking, he sent a scanned copy of the previously prepared materials to Jiang Lu.

There wasn't much work to do, so Jiang Greed simply clicked on the document and began to study it carefully.


Jiang Chi finally learned how to write by hand. He sat on the head of the bed, holding his mobile phone and focused on writing out the words he knew one by one. A small light flashed in his dark eyes.

Sister Zhang called him twice, but didn't see him responding, so she stretched out her hand and patted him lightly, saying, "You child, the doctor is talking to you."

Jiang Chi hid the light in his eyes, pursed his lips and looked at Doctor Yu.

Doctor Yu is gentle and fair, with a gentle smile: "Have you had lunch? If not, I will bring you a copy from the cafeteria."

Jiang Chi ignored him, lowered his head and continued typing.

He didn't like this doctor very much, especially after the other party hinted to Jiang Li that he was sick two days ago, no matter how Dr. Yu talked to him these two days, he ignored him.

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.

"This kid may be embarrassed." Sister Zhang next to him saw that he didn't say anything, and made an embarrassing round: "I ordered lunch, but it hasn't been delivered yet, so don't bother you."

Doctor Yu smiled and said yes.

When he turned around, his eyes were heavy. He walked to the door, glanced sideways at the young patient with dull eyes on the hospital bed, moved his lips undetectably, and then left the ward.

Lunch is ordered by the hospital as a unified meal. If you order it the day before, it will be delivered directly to the ward by logistics the next day.

At this time, the ward is the busiest time, and the family members who accompany the bed take some cold food to the pantry to heat up, and gather in twos and threes to talk.

Sister Zhang has gotten acquainted with the two family members in the ward in the past two days, and went to the tea room with them after taking the meals. There were only three patients and Jiang Chi left in the ward.

Jiang Chi touched grandma's hand and saw that her lips were a little chapped, so he moistened her lips with a cotton swab.

The young patient across the bed suddenly yelled: "Monster, go away!"

Jiang Chi subconsciously turned his head to look over, and saw the patient staring straight at him, his hands and feet still struggling.

There was no one in the corridor or the ward, so Jiang Chi ignored him and directly rang the call bell.

The young patient was still muttering "monster" and staring at Jiang Chi with bloodshot eyes, his body was struggling and twitching, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger.

The nurse who called for him never came, Jiang Chi hesitated for a moment, and got up to go out to call for someone.

It's just that his actions seemed to have stimulated the other party, and the young patient suddenly struggled violently in response, and even broke free from the restraint belt, dragged his injured leg with a plaster cast and got out of bed, and walked in the direction of the crazy woman Li with a face full of madness.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Chi's outward footsteps stopped immediately, he turned back to protect himself in front of the hospital bed, and pressed the call bell a few more times.

"Monster, monster!"

The young patient's expression became more and more distorted and ferocious, and he looked at Jiang Chi with fear and disgust, as well as a hint of despair and madness that was driven to the end. He approached Crazy Li's hospital bed, stretched out his hand to pull the infusion tube, and cursed viciously: "You are all monsters! You should all be damned! Go to hell!"

Of course, Jiang Chi couldn't let him succeed, he pushed the person away abruptly, his brows and eyes were full of hostility: "Get out!"

The patient was pushed to the ground by him, but as if he didn't feel the pain, he staggered up again, with a vicious and determined expression: "The monster should die! Why don't you die?!"

He rushed towards Jiang Chi violently, his veined hand tightly strangled Jiang Chi's neck, with a feeling of despair: "Go to die, go to die, let's die together. If you die, you won't be able to see me anymore." Hahaha… "

Jiang Chi's face was flushed, he groped around and grabbed a heavy object, and slammed it down on his head.

The iron water bottle was smashed and a piece was dented, but the other party did not let go. Jiang Chi couldn't breathe, and became angry, clenched his teeth and hit him on the head one after another.

Not long after, the patient's face was smeared with blood, and he let go of his hand in pain.

When there was a gap, Jiang Chi covered his neck and panted heavily. Unexpectedly, the other party reached out and took off his hat, pointed at the horns on his head and laughed nervously: "Monster! Everyone will find out your true face soon! You can't harm anyone!"

As he said that, he staggered up and ran outside. While running, he shouted: "Help, the monster is eating people, the monster is eating people!"

It was lunch break time, and most of the nurses in the nurse station were eating and resting. The family members who heard the sound from the other wards saw that his head and face were covered with blood, and they didn't dare to approach him. They could only watch him run outside.

Hearing the yelling outside, Jiang Chi panicked for a moment and suddenly came to his senses, wrapped his head with his coat, and chased him out with strides.

He has to get his hat back!

The nurses and security guards who came after hearing the sound chased after him, trying to stop the patient, but he had already run to the corridor with one foot over the fence as if he was going to jump down.

I could only slow down and persuade him to come down in a gentle voice.

The young patient was riding on the fence, with half of his body hanging in the air, giggling and pointing at Jiang Chi who was chasing him: "The monster is coming! The monster can't catch me haha."

Everyone turned around in astonishment, only to see Jiang Chi rushing forward without saying a word, grabbing the black hat in the patient's hand. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The crowd of onlookers suddenly let out an exclamation, anxiously and angrily called Jiang Chi to come back, don't irritate the patient.

Jiang Chi held on to his hat tightly, his eyes a little fierce.

The patient held onto the other side and locked himself in a stalemate with him, then let go of the hand holding the railing with a smile, and unexpectedly tore off Jiang Chi's coat that was covering his head indiscriminately: "He's a monster! Look, look! "

He was dancing, his body was shaking. On the face is distorted ecstasy and pride.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Shouts erupted from the crowd, Jiang Chi grabbed the hat abruptly, put it on with gritted teeth, and was about to walk to the ward with his head down.

But as soon as he took a step, the surrounding crowd took a step back and looked at him in horror.

Jiang Chi paused.

In the front is the crowd with frightened eyes, and behind it is the mental patient pointing at him and laughing.

Harsh laughter mixed with whispers, wrapped him airtightly. Jiang Chi clenched his fists tightly, and looked around with his dark eyes, all he could see was fear and disgust. He slowly pursed his lips, his eyes darkened, and his face showed the numbness and indifference he was used to.

The author has something to say:

The greedy cub is rushing to protect the cub: the cub who bullied my family and ate you :)


Unknowingly wrote 3K8, so a little late.

Sorry for the long wait!

Chapter 87

After eating at noon, Jiang Li and Ying Qiao sent a WeChat video to discuss where to eat at night. Since Ying Qiao was suddenly called away by the phone last time, he suddenly became busy, and the two of them had less sticky dates.

Ying Qiao's complexion has changed a lot in the past few days, and he smiled a little when he received the video.

"Shall I go to barbecue at night? Xue Meng gave me Amway a newly opened barbecue restaurant. It is said that oysters and crab claw noodles