We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 120


All delicious. "

Jiang Greed was thinking about going to try it at night, when Sister Zhang called suddenly, he paused, and said to Qiao: "I'll answer the call first, and I'll talk to you later." He hung up the video , connected the phone.

The voice of Sister Zhang at the other end was flustered, and before Jiang Li could speak, she crackled like a cannonball: "Jiang Chi almost killed someone, you should come to the hospital quickly, I can't handle it here This..."

"What's going on?" Jiang Greed was startled and stood up abruptly.

However, the background sound on the other end of the phone was very noisy, crying, insulting, and shouting were intertwined, and only groups of indistinct noises could be heard. Sister Zhang didn't speak for a few minutes, and she didn't hang up the phone. Jiang Greed frowned several times before she heard her say again: "Something has happened, something has happened, come here quickly."

After speaking, the phone was hung up hastily.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Jiang Li took his wallet quickly, and only had time to ask Zhang Tianxing to ask for leave and take care of Jiaotu and Suanni before he took a taxi and went straight to the hospital.

When he was in the car, he called Jiang Chi, but there was no answer.

He was so anxious that he could only urge the driver to go faster.

***@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

—The situation got out of control after the young patient's mother rushed over.

Jiang Chi stood there helplessly, with a calmness and indifference on his face that didn't match his age.

The patient behind him was still half-straddling the fence, smiling gloatingly, holding the jacket torn from Jiang Chi's head in his hand, and teasing him like a cat: "Little monster, little monster, everyone knows you are a monster!" whee… "

He waved his arms and said passionately to the crowd like a speaker: "Catch him quickly! Burn the monster to death, or I will be today..." His expression suddenly became gloomy: "Tomorrow it will be your turn!"

"I'm not."

Jiang Chi turned around abruptly, grabbed the coat waving in front of him, and repeated through gritted teeth, "I'm not."

I'm not a monster, nor a psychopath.

The one who is sick is obviously you.

Why are those people not afraid of the real mentally ill person, but they are afraid of him

Jiang Chi clutched his coat tightly, his neatly cut nails turning white. His eyes also became silent a little bit, and hostility enveloped his brows and eyes, making his expression look extraordinarily gloomy and fierce. Hardly like a kid in his early teens.

The young patient seemed to be frightened. He searched for something in the crowd with frightened eyes, and shouted: "Mom, mom, the monster is going to kill me, save me..."

The patient's mother, who arrived a step too late, pushed through the crowd, and saw this scene with tears in her eyes.

She charged at Jiang Chi like a mother beast guarding her cub, pushed him away, and cursed, "What did you do to my son? Monster, monster!"

At the same time, screams suddenly sounded one after another from the crowd: "Be careful!"

"People are going to fall!"

"Hold him quickly!"

The woman who cursed Jiang Chi turned her head in astonishment, and saw her son sitting on the fence sway, then fell back uncontrollably, with a twisted and weird smile frozen on his face.

He was still holding Jiang Chi's jacket in his hand - before Jiang Chi was pushed away, he was grabbing the other end of the jacket to wrestle with him, and the two maintained a delicate balance.

"Yao Yao!" The woman suddenly stretched out her hand and rushed to the railing, but she only managed to grab the coat that was held by her son.

She stared blankly downstairs, her emotions fluctuated suddenly, and she lost her voice for a moment.

Fortunately, the head nurse was still calm, rushed to the railing and looked down, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "The air cushion caught it, it caught it, it should be saved."

The floor they were on was the sixth floor. As soon as it was discovered that the patient wanted to jump off the building, the hospital contacted the fire brigade as soon as possible and spread out the air mattress downstairs.

The doctor guarding downstairs has quickly carried the man onto a stretcher and sent him to the emergency room.

Everyone's attention was on the patient who had fallen from the building. Jiang Chi, who was ignored for a moment, got up from the ground with his eyes downcast, patted the ashes on his body, and walked back slowly.

His mind was empty, his eyes were a little absent-minded, and only instinct was urging him to go back to the ward, to go back to grandma. Familiar people can give him a sense of security.

Someone paid attention to his movements, and suddenly exclaimed: "Stop him, he is going to run away!"

The crowd closest to Jiang Chi dispersed with a whimper, and surrounded him with a sense of justice. No one wanted to touch him, and they only accused him with words: "If you want to leave after hurting someone, how can it be so easy? "

"What about your parents? Even if you are young and don't have to bear legal responsibility, parents must be responsible, right?"

Someone else suggested: "Or call the police, he doesn't look normal at all."

"Yes, yes, call the police." The woman lying on the railing finally came to her senses, she pointed at Jiang Chi and said sharply: "This is intentional murder, everyone has seen it, he is intentional murder! If my son has You don’t even want to live!” As he said, he searched the crowd, found the timid-looking Sister Zhang, and rushed to grab her: “You call his parents over, I won’t let this matter go! This kind of monster shouldn't be raised!"

Sister Zhang was so frightened that she stammered and explained: "I'm just a part-time worker, don't look for me..."

The scene was suddenly chaotic, but the head nurse stood up and separated the two, and the timid security guard took Jiang Chi to the consultation room to see him, and then asked Sister Zhang to call Jiang Li.

It's just that the call was made, and before I could say a few words, I heard a young nurse rushing over in a panic: "The patient in bed 618 has stopped beating!"

618 Bed No. 3

Jiang Chi, who had been quietly following the security guards to the consultation room, paused, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the ward, his dark eyes covered with a bottomless shadow.

"Isn't the patient in bed No. 3 of 618 the child's grandma..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the thin and small Jiang Chi rushing towards Ward 618 like crazy. The security guard quickly caught up with him and tried to pull him back, but he grabbed his arm severely.

The security guard let out a cry of pain, only to realize that Jiang Chi's hands had grown sharp nails at some point.

They immediately looked at Jiang Chi with apprehension, and no one dared to go forward.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Chi turned around and ran to the ward, but was restrained by Doctor Yu who was rushing towards him, and at the same time quickly injected him with a diazepam.

Jiang Chi tried his best to widen his eyes, but finally slid down powerlessly.

Doctor Yu held his body, and there seemed to be deep black swirls in his eyes. He said softly, "Look carefully, how ugly these human beings are."

The author has something to say:

It's not intentional, it's just that an important plot is about to come out, and the writing is very slow orz

Greedy cubs will not be wronged, trust me!


Jiyou opened a new Wenliao, selling Amway for everyone, if you like it, you can go to Kang!

"The Villain Senior Brother Doesn't Want to Be White [Wear Books]" by Sweet and Sour Lotus Root

Ji Yanqing transmigrated into a villain in a cultivation text.

As the senior brother of the protagonist Qi Ye, he colluded with the villain to murder the protagonist and betrayed his teacher because of jealousy, and finally died under the sword of the protagonist.

However, as a homosexual, Ji Yanqing saw her junior brother Qi Ye for the first time——

Ahhh, I am a tall and cold boy in white!

So, on the surface, Ji Yanqing played the role of the vicious villain senior brother in a reserved and professional manner, but secretly turned on the junior brother in various ways, only hoping that the task could be completed sooner.

One day, Qi Ye awakened a system that could check Ji Yanqing's favorability.

Since then

Ji Yanqing (strange yin and yang): Junior brother Qi is so majestic in the big competition, I am afraid that he will surpass my senior brother and me soon.

"The favorability point is 35 points, this person thinks you are quite cute."

Looking at Ji Yanqing with a pink heart on her head, Qi Ye hesitated to speak.

Ji Yanqing gritted her teeth): I hate you! It's because of you that you took everything from me

"The favorability point is 65 points, this person is greedy for your body."

This time, Qi Ye directly interrupted Ji Yanqing's performance with a serious expression, "Senior Brother Ji, I like you too."

Ji Yanqing:? ?

no no no! It's good to be gay, but he still has to complete the task, and he doesn't want to wash it off!

Chapter 88

Doctor Yu personally sent Jiang Chi, who was unconscious and unable to resist, to the consulting room. Jiang Chi, who was unconscious, still had his brows tightly together, and there was a faint flow of hostility between his still immature brows and eyes.

With a satisfied expression, he tapped Jiang Chi's eyebrows, then restrained his smile and went out, and asked the security guard to lock the door of the consulting room, and said: "This child is very aggressive at the moment, you must not let him out. "

"Don't worry, I will look after him."

The security guard at the door thanked him repeatedly, and then locked the door of the consulting room with a key, and moved a stool to guard the door of the consulting room.

Dr. Yu glanced back at the consulting room, his eyes flickered, and he left unhurriedly.

Without Jiang Chi's interference, the doctors and nurses who reacted hurriedly rushed to Ward 618 to check on the situation of the mad woman Li. However, her heartbeat had completely stopped, and the undulating curve on the monitor became straight and without waves. The doctor stepped forward to check, and finally shook his head with a serious face.

Sister Zhang who came over wiped the sweat from her palms on her trousers, and said in a panic, "This...it was fine just now, but it will be gone if you don't say it...how am I going to explain this to the employer..."

The scene was too chaotic just now, everyone's attention was attracted, and no one could explain clearly what happened to Crazy Li. The doctor just visited the room in the morning and checked the patient's condition. Her condition has been stable and she should not have suffered a cardiac arrest.