We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 13


Once caught, it is easy to go astray. "

Seeing that Jiang Greed looked confused after finishing speaking, he didn't seem to understand, so he gave another easy-to-understand example: "For example, this time, the human race likes to have sex after drinking the most, and you rashly brought people back and slept in the same bed. Being able to resist the temptation may not be conducive to practice."


Jiang Greed never thought that he would have anything to do with Xue Meng. He vaguely felt that these words were not right, but after careful consideration, he couldn't think of anything wrong, so he could only nod in response: "I see."

The corners of Ying Qiao's lips curved in an imperceptible arc, subconsciously wanting to touch his head, but just as he raised his hand, he retracted it nonchalantly, and said indifferently: "Human race life is short, if you want to find a partner in the future, you can Look for it among the demon clan. Don’t learn from those demon clans that are in love with humans and monsters.”

Jiang Greed continued to nod, and then yawned involuntarily.

Looking at Suan Ni in Ying Qiao's arms, when they were talking, she had already fallen asleep in Ying Qiao's arms.

Ying Qiao remembered that he had to go to work tomorrow, the little monster must not be as energetic as himself without sleep, and said: "It's getting late, you should go to bed early. If you meet Tai Sui again, call me anytime."

Jiang Greed narrowed his eyes sleepily, nodded obediently, took Suan Ni over and sent him out.


Ying Qiao left the community and drove around a long way.

When I got home, I found that the lights were on on the first floor of the villa, and Chen's picture was dark on the sofa in the living room. When he saw him coming back, he immediately showed a mean expression: "Boss Ying is willing to come back?"

Ying Qiao frowned: "What are you doing here?"

Chen Hua's face turned blue with anger, and she complained about his evil deeds in a mournful tone: "Why didn't you ask how I got back when you threw me on the side of the road?"

The Bureau of Demon Control has regulations that in human cities, in non-emergency situations, demon races must apply for high-altitude flights. There is nothing to do on weekdays, and we can only rely on transportation.

In the end, the old bastard Ying Qiao drove the car away and left him on the side of the road alone!

"You don't know how to take a taxi?" Ying Qiao looked at him, as if looking at a mentally handicapped person: "Did you walk back by yourself?"

Chen Hua: ...

His bawling voice froze for a moment, and then he changed the subject abruptly: "Let me guess where you went in the middle of the night? Don't worry about that little monster, and you're rushing to the guardian?"

He originally thought that Ying Qiao would deny it, or give him a violent kick to kick him out.

Who knew that this irascible old bastard actually smiled abnormally and said, "Yeah."

Chen Hua groaned, wondering if the old sow was going to climb a tree? !

Seeing his rolling eyeballs, Ying Qiao snorted: "Put away your dirty thoughts, Jiang Li is young, and he is really a brat."

Chen Hua's yin and yang were strange and dragged out the tone: "Oh... so you like to play and cultivate?"

Ying Qiao: ...


The author has something to say:

Honest Greed: I’m afraid I’ll scare you when I say it, I’m a big monster ╰(‵ ′)╯

Mr. Ying (kindly): The little monster is so cute, I have to protect him.

Chen Hua: Vomit!


Today is a day for honest greed and Mr. Ying to talk with each other. Mr. Ying puts on the 800-meter filter and is addicted to his own brain.

Draw 100 red envelopes, I love you =3=

Also, Kaiwen has received a lot of landmines and nutrient solutions these days. Thank you very much for your support, but because the list is too long and may affect the reading experience, the thank you list will not be included.

I have seen your love, thank you, bow.

Chapter 10

When Xue Meng woke up early in the morning, he felt dizzy, sore and weak, more tired than running 800 meters.

In particular, the alarm clock set on the mobile phone is still ringing persistently in my ears, and the sound of the rooster crowing directly hits the soul through the eardrum. Xue Meng opened his eyes and sat up, fumbled to turn off the alarm clock, plucked his hair irritably, and threw the phone aside.

The mobile phone fell on the bedside table and made a dull sound. After a moment of silence, he realized that this was not his bedroom.

Rubbing his forehead, he was about to get up to take a look when Jiang Greed walked in.

Jiang Li was wearing pajamas, and there was a slumped kitten in the pocket of the pajamas. The kitten seemed to have not woken up, and it only showed its head resting on the edge of the pocket.

"Are you awake? You drank too much yesterday, so I brought you to my house."

Xue Meng tried his best to turn the chaotic brain, and finally remembered what happened last night. He scratched his head embarrassedly: "Trouble you."

"No trouble." Jiang Greed shook his head: "Toothbrushes and towels are ready for you, you hurry up and wash up, I'll make breakfast."

Going to work at nine o'clock, Xue Meng glanced at the time and jumped up to wash up.

His haggard face was reflected in the mirror, with huge dark circles under his eyes. He had a very strange dream last night. In the dream, a group of people knelt and worshiped a god, and made wishes to the god devoutly. The idol was also very evil, as if it was alive, and it would still talk in his ear. In the dream, he didn't want to make a wish for some reason, and when he was afraid that he didn't know what to do, it was Jiang Li who suddenly appeared and rescued him.

I don't know who won Jiang Greed and the idol in the dream.

Xue Meng thought while brushing his teeth.

After washing up, Jiang Li had already cooked two bowls of dumplings for breakfast, so he invited him over to eat.

Xue Meng sat down opposite him, and while snoring, he told him the dream of last night; "...you don't know, the dream is the same as the real one, and I even remember the details very clearly. It's really scary skr people, luckily it's just a dream..."

After speaking, he ate a warm dumpling in one bite, dispelling the cold feeling in the dream.

Holding a glass of warm water, Jiang Greed glanced at him and said slowly, "How do you know that the dream is not real?"

"Fuck, don't tell horror stories early in the morning."

Xue Meng's dumplings were frightened, and the hot soup in the bowl splashed out, making him hiss.

He took out a tissue to wipe his hands, but suddenly stopped, staring at his empty wrist, as if he wanted to see flowers: "Where is my bracelet?"

He remembered that the bracelet was still on his left hand during the dinner last night.

"There is something wrong with the bracelet, and it has been handed over to the state." Jiang Li said.

Xue Meng stared at his empty wrist, then looked at Jiang Greed where the old god was present, and thought of the weird dream last night, his face turned green.

"Didn't you dream last night?"

Jiang Greed put down the empty water glass, smiled and said, "Guess."

Xue Meng really wanted to reply that you guessed, I guessed or not, but he didn't dare, he felt that this matter was a bit mysterious. According to the common routine in novels, most of the characters who break the casserole and ask the end will be cannon fodder after opening the door to the new world.

Xue Meng felt that he could not be this cannon fodder, and he still wanted to work hard to reach the finale.

Even the ancients said it, it is rare to be confused. When it's time to be confused, be confused. This is great wisdom.

After breakfast, Xue Meng cleaned up the dishes, and the two went out to work together.

Suan Ni's existence had passed Minglu yesterday, and Jiang Li generously took him to the work unit today.

When the two arrived, there were only five minutes left before work. Uncle Zhou's tea had already been brewed, and Xiao Xiaoyu's makeup was all done.

Seeing Jiang Greed enter the door, Uncle Zhou beckoned first, took out a rattan cat bed from the side and handed it to him: "This is for you."

The cat litter is a hollow cylinder with a soft straw mat inside. Obviously it was specially prepared for Suan Ni.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhou."

Jiang Li showed a surprised smile. This cat litter looks simple, but when you hold it in your hand, you can feel that the material is much better than the one you bought on Taobao. He smiled until his eyes rolled up, and couldn't help saying thank you again.

"Small things made by myself are worthless. If the cat likes it, I will do it next time."

Jiang Tan let out an "ah" and put the cat litter under the window. It happened that the lazy morning light crept in from the window, covering the grass-yellow cat's nest in a ball of warm light.

Without Jiang Gree's words, Suan Ni crawled out of the bag and jumped onto the top of the cat's nest. He showed great interest in the cat's nest, stepped on the top first, then got into it, rolled himself into a ball, kept flicking his fluffy tail, and let out a happy purr from his throat .

Xiao Xiaoyu watched from the side with a smile on his face, pulled out a pile of dried meat from the bag and put it into the nest: "Here, I brought it specially for you."

This is the jerky that Suan Ni liked very much yesterday.

Suan Ni immediately meowed happily, came out of the nest, and rubbed her head back and forth in her palm.

Before Xiao Xiaoyu could hug him, he ran to Uncle Zhou's feet with his little paws, stood up and grabbed his knees, and meowed twice to show his thanks.

Uncle Zhou didn't know if he understood what he was meowing, so he raised his hand and rubbed his head, his old face turned into a wrinkled orange peel with a smile. He reached out and fumbled in his pocket again, and took out an unknown package of jerky and handed it to him: "You are so good, I will reward you with another one."

Suan Ni flicked her tail and circled around him before returning to her nest with the jerky in her mouth.

Looking at his younger brother surrounded by dried meat, the smile on Jiang Tan's face never faded for a moment. Withdrawing his eyes, he turned on the computer and started the next day's work energetically.

Familiar with the rules and regulations, and then help Xiao Xiaoyu sort out the forms, by the time Jiang Li stopped to take a breath, it was already half past ten. Director Cheng didn't know when he came here, and he was explaining things to him in Xue Meng's position. When he finished speaking and was about to leave, he glanced at Jiang Greed, turned his head to Xue Meng and said, "Take Xiao Jiang with you, and let him familiarize himself with the work."

At the end of October, Jiangcheng will hold an international competition. In order to prepare for the competition, the street office will also start collecting information on the residents of the community in advance.

In particular, Hanyang District is far away from the city center. Compared with other central districts, the development is relatively lagging behind, and the residents are more mixed. Therefore, Director Cheng told them,