We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 14


Be sure to do a good job of investigation to avoid unstable factors affecting the construction of the competition area.

Xue Meng is obviously very experienced in this. He brought a thick stack of registration forms and carried a bag on his back. Then he called Jiang Greed to go out together.

The information collection work is divided into districts, and they only need to be responsible for a few streets under the jurisdiction of the street office. Although the collection work is simple, it is very tedious and time-consuming. Jiang Greed followed Xue Meng to sweep the buildings from the nearest community.

The so-called building sweeping means knocking on doors and registering from door to door on every floor.

Xue Meng was in charge of knocking on doors and confirming information with residents, while Jiang Li was in charge of recording. When the two finished sweeping one building and moved to the next, Xue Meng suddenly whispered nervously to Jiang Li: "Did you see it?"

Jiang Greed:

"See what?"

"Bracelets," Xue Meng raised his eyebrows, his voice rose and then immediately suppressed: "In the building we just swept, there are at least a dozen households wearing that kind of bracelets, and there are also two or three people wearing necklaces. One... the rest I don't know if I didn't wear it, or I couldn't see it hidden in my clothes."

It was Xue Meng who had been communicating with the residents before, and Jiang Greed really didn't notice this. The building just now was the No. 1 building of this community, and he frowned slightly: "Did you find anyone wearing bracelets or necklaces in the previous few communities?"

Xue Meng shook his head: "I didn't see it."

After speaking, he looked at him carefully: "Didn't you say that there is something wrong with the bracelet? There are so many people wearing it, so nothing will happen, right?"

Jiang Greed hesitated and said, "Probably not."

He had already reported to the bureau that as long as Ying Qiao's boss acted quickly enough to arrest the Tai Sui plant, there shouldn't be any problems.

Listening to his uncertain tone, Xue Meng panicked, and asked cautiously: "What should it mean? It means that something may happen?"

"It's hard to say." Jiang Greed walked towards Building No. 2 with a pile of registration forms in his arms. Seeing that he was nervous, he comforted him again: "The main reason is that it's useless for us to be nervous. The choice is in their own hands."

These bead strings left by Tai Sui will not directly harm people. The bead strings are just a medium. If these people cannot withstand the temptation and make a wish to cross the boundary to Tai Sui, and eventually lose their lives, it can only be said that it is a karmic cycle. , as it should be.

What outsiders can do is to arrest Tai Sui as soon as possible. But it doesn't mean that if you catch Tai Sui, those who have made a wish to Tai Sui will be safe.

Wishing is the cause, and the price is the effect. Even if Tai Sui can't collect the price himself, Tiandao will collect it for him.

People always have to pay the price for their foolishness.

Xue Meng thought of the people in the dream who made wishes with fanatic expressions, and vaguely understood what Jiang Greed meant. He remembered Jiang Li's warning to him, and couldn't help rubbing the goose bumps on his arms vigorously.

During the conversation, we arrived at the second building.

Xue Meng had no time to think about it, and stepped forward to knock on the door of the first household.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman with a mean face. She was vigilantly pawing at the door and asked in Mandarin with a strong dialect: "What do you do?"

Xue Meng showed her the work card hanging around his neck: "Hello, we are the clerks of the Hanyang Street Office, and we came to count the household information. What is your name? How many people live in the house?"

The middle-aged woman frowned tightly, and said impatiently, "Zhao Qunfang, I'm the only one at home."

Xue Meng didn't seem to notice her impatience, and continued: "I still need to register my mobile phone number, please report it."

Zhao Qunfang reported another series of numbers: "Is it okay?"

Xue Meng was about to answer, but suddenly his back was poked with a pen, he paused, and then he heard Jiang Gree ask: "On the afternoon of May 4th, you called to report the 'Wanted Things Come True' jewelry store in Wenhua Street, right? We have gone to the store to investigate and found no feudal superstition activities or cult organizations."

Jiang Li felt that her voice was familiar just now, so he asked.

Zhao Qunfang's complexion changed, and a look of guilt and fear flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand and was about to close the door: "What are you reporting? I didn't report it, I don't know."

Xue Meng understood Jiang Greed's meaning, and quickly inserted his foot into the crack of the door, and asked with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we are not looking for responsibility. It's just that there is something else wrong with that store, we want to ask Can you provide any other clues?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything! If you make trouble again, I'm going to call the police!"

Seeing Xue Meng repeatedly questioning, Zhao Qunfang's face became more and more ugly, swearing in dialect, and closing the door regardless.

It's just that the door couldn't be closed, and when Xue Meng was struggling to move his feet, two policemen came over and asked, "Does Zhao Qunfang live here?"

Before Zhao Qunfang could speak, Xue Meng immediately answered for her: "Yes."

Seeing the policeman looking at them suspiciously, Jiang Li quickly showed them his badge: "Hello, Comrade Policeman, we are the clerks of the Hanyang Street Office, and we come to collect information on the residents of the community. Ms. Zhao misunderstood us just now."

Seeing the badge, the police dispelled their suspicions, nodded slightly at the two, and knocked on the door.

Zhao Qunfang reluctantly opened the door, obviously not as strong as before: "What do you want me for? I didn't break the law!"

The policeman showed her the officer's certificate and said, "Can I go in and talk about it? Regarding Li Chunhua's death, we have something to ask you for verification."

Zhao Qunfang's eyes dodged: "I, I don't know anything."

The police showed her a printed document: "We found the chat records between you and her on Li Chunhua's mobile phone. Before Li Chunhua died, you had the most frequent contact with her."

Zhao Qunfang was silent for a while. After a while, he moved his footsteps, let the door open, and said with a stiff expression, "Come in, what do you want to ask?"

Two policemen walked in, and Jiang Li felt that there was something wrong with it, so he pulled Xue Meng and followed him cheekily.

The author has something to say:

A dragon who didn't show up: I'm doing business, don't cue.


Draw 100 red envelopes, I love you = 3 =

Chapter 11

Several people sat down on the sofa in the living room, two police officers sat on one side, Jiang Li and Xue Meng sat on the other side, and Zhao Qunfang sat alone on the single sofa. After the policeman took out the printed chat record, she seemed very disturbed. Sitting on the sofa at the moment, her expression was cramped and her eyes were erratic.

The police asked her a few questions according to the procedure, and she also stumbled and contradicted her answers.

Jiang Greed listened in silence, and only then did he know that just two days before May Day, someone died in this community. The deceased was Li Chunhua, forty-two years old, and lived in Building No. 1 of the community. Li Chunhua and Zhao Qunfang are the same, they are both divorced and live alone. Li Chunhua works as a cleaner in a certain building, while Zhao Qunfang works as a cashier in a supermarket on the first floor of the building. Probably because they were in similar circumstances and lived close to each other, the two had very close contacts.

But on April 27, Li Chunhua died suddenly at home for no apparent reason. The body was found by Li Chunhua's superiors, who found her after seeing that she hadn't come to work and couldn't get in touch with her.

Li Chunhua died very peacefully, with a strange smile on his face. Police did not find a cause of death after an autopsy. The autopsy report showed that the deceased had no fatal injuries inside or outside, and had no history of fatal diseases, but he just died in such an inexplicable manner.

And just in April, there were two other victims whose death conditions were similar to Li Chunhua's, and the cause of death was unknown.

The police investigated Li Chunhua's personal relationship, only to find that she had been in close contact with Zhao Qunfang. But just a week before Li Chunhua's death, Zhao Qunfang suddenly resigned from the cashier's job, and did not go in and out with Li Chunhua anymore. The two only kept in touch on WeChat.

"On April 24th, Li Chunhua sent you a message saying, 'My lord has really manifested', what does that mean?" the policeman asked, pointing to the chat records.

Zhao Qunfang lowered her head, unconsciously clenched her hands on her knees: "I, I don't know..."

Seeing that she didn't cooperate, the policeman couldn't help but increase his tone and pressed him step by step: "In the chat record, you replied to her 'I didn't lie to you'. Do you really not know, or are you trying to hide the truth?"

Zhao Qunfang raised her head abruptly, her cloudy eyes trembling uncomfortably, she swallowed nervously, and then changed her words: "I, I forgot... Both of us are a bit superstitious. … was introduced to her, but what she was going to do, I really had no idea."

The policeman stared at her sharply, as if he wanted to see through her skin to the bottom of her heart.

"What master? How do you know each other? Does your sudden resignation have something to do with the master and Li Chunhua?"

"We call him Master Sui, I don't know where he is, we...we met on the road," Zhao Qunfang spoke fluently: "I resigned because I bought a lottery ticket according to the master's instructions and won ten times." fifty thousand."

The two policemen looked at each other, apparently not expecting to win the lottery.

"How do you usually contact the master?"

"There is no contact. When the master said he wanted to find me, he would naturally find me." Zhao Qunfang shook her head, and fear flashed in her eyes when the master was mentioned.

Jiang Greed was listening beside him, and the more he listened, the more he felt that this master should be Tai Sui.

I just don't know what the relationship between Zhao Qunfang and Tai Sui is. And she obviously called and reported the jewelry store opened by Tai Sui before.

Jiang Li coughed, raised his hand and made a gesture to say something: "Comrade policeman, I have something to say."

Seeing the policeman looking over, he continued: "On May 4th, the Sub-district Office received an anonymous call from Ms. Zhao Qunfang, reporting that the 'Wishing Everything' jewelry store in Wenhua Street is a cult organization, and feudal superstition activities are harmful to people. .”

Zhao Qunfang trembled, and suddenly screamed: "You talk nonsense, I