We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 19


Heart. Monsters are also different from humans. If their hair is bald, Mao Mao will most likely be bald too.

Think of a glutton with a bald head and a tail, how ugly is that? !

Sitting down at his workstation, Jiang Li peeled off the two tea eggs, and poured the soy milk into a small shallow bowl—this is Suanni's breakfast.

He himself ate a bowl of hot dry noodles with half a cup of soy milk left.

After eating breakfast unhurriedly, it was just time to go to work.

Director Cheng went back and forth, and asked several people to go to the big conference room for a meeting.

This was the first time Jiang Greed had met colleagues from other departments of the Sub-district Office after joining the job. There are about 20 people in the whole sub-district office, which belong to five offices. In addition to their civil affairs department, there are also the party and government office, family planning office, finance office and economics department.

Including Director Cheng, there are four or five leaders in total.

Everyone sat in the conference room in order and listened to several leaders taking turns to speak.

Jiang Li condensed it. The general content of the meeting was that the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. In response to the party's call for poverty alleviation, the sub-district office decided to carry out the "going to the countryside to help the poor" activity this year to help rural people get rid of poverty and become prosperous.

Each sub-district office is responsible for one or two villages and towns under the jurisdiction of Hanyang District. Because the city leaders attach great importance to this event, they have to prepare early. All offices must contribute their efforts to make a good plan, and there will be leaders from the city to test the results at that time. Those who perform well can also be rated first.

By the time the meeting was over, the morning was almost over.

Jiang Greed had never participated in these activities, and was a little confused. On the contrary, Xiao Xiaoyu and Xue Meng had a deep hatred and sighed.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Xue Meng counted for him with his fingers: "The year before last, we went to the countryside to help the villagers plant rice; Condolences to the widowed elderly and left-behind children, cooking meals for a week with an earthen stove... "

His face was full of collapse: "I don't know what the hell is going to happen this year."

Xiao Xiaoyu's expression was also painful: "Quickly go and ask the director Zhang Tianxing when he will return from vacation. It would be good to have one more person to share the pain."

Jiang Greed: ...

Although he has not met, he has begun to sympathize with this colleague.

After get off work at noon, the three of them went out for lunch together.

As soon as they sat down at a Sichuan restaurant, they heard Xue Meng yell, and turned the phone screen over: "Those murder cases in the district have been solved, and the police announced that it was a cult organization that was killing people. The one we went to earlier Jewelry stores are dens of cult organizations.”

Jiang Li and Xiao Xiaoyu stretched their heads and leaned over to look. On the Weibo interface, Ping An Jiangcheng official V just released a Weibo, saying that these cult organizations believe in an evil god called "Suishen". The cult organizations confuse believers and tell They bought the fortune stone made by the cult organization, and they can reverse the fortune and get what they want.

But in fact, the materials used to make these transfer stones are unknown, and a rare bacteria was also detected in them. After being infected with germs, the body will gradually weaken, and sudden death is likely. In Hanyang District, there were four consecutive cases of unknown causes of death. After forensic examination, it was confirmed that the deceased was infected with this bacteria and died.

The announcement in Ping An Jiangcheng also released the store address and photos of the "Xinxiangshicheng" jewelry store, calling on consumers who have bought the so-called "transit stone" in this store to hand over the jewelry to the local police station as soon as possible to avoid bacterial infection. endanger your own health.

There are a lot of comments on this Weibo, and many people are saying that they or their relatives and friends bought the fortune stone and handed it in to the police station after returning home/off work.

Xiao Xiaoyu scrolled through the comments on Weibo, and said in disbelief: "Is there really someone who believes in this fortune stone?"

Shabi Xue Meng who got shot: ...

He stole a glance at Jiang Greed, and then at Xiao Xiaoyu with a secret sense of superiority. Thinking what do you stupid Muggle know

The fortune stone is real, and so are the monsters, but they will kill people.

The author has something to say:

Mr. Ying (calling one by one): Hello? Let me tell you good news, I have raised cubs, but you don’t have any? Don't be too envious of me, as long as the red envelope is ready.

Other demons: Sorry, the user you called is out of service area, please try again later.


If you do too many immoral things, you will really be punished.

It's a pity that Longlong still doesn't understand this truth.

Send 100 red envelopes, Jiujiujiu=3=

Chapter 15

After the three of them finished their meal, they went back to the unit for a lunch break.

Just as Jiang Li sat down, the phone rang. He took a look and found that the message was from Wang Qing.

Wang Qing is the young policeman. The two exchanged WeChat messages when they parted yesterday.

Wang Qing sent him several messages in a row.

[The case has been handed over. According to the captain, the case is almost closed. However, because unnatural factors are involved, when the case closing announcement is released, it will be modified. ]

[Zhao Qunfang also explained everything, she does have a connection with Tai Sui. According to her account, she bought the bracelet in that store by accident. She usually has the habit of buying lottery tickets, and just bought a lottery ticket after buying the bracelet that day, and won a big prize. At first she thought it was her luck, but that night she dreamed of Tai Sui, and the other party asked her to make a wish, but she was always alert and didn't make a wish right away. Instead, after seeing the effectiveness of the luck stone, he disclosed the store to Li Chunhua and asked Li Chunhua to verify it. ]

[And after Li Chunhua divorced her ex-husband. She has always held a grudge against her ex-husband's current wife. Not long after she was introduced by Zhao Qunfang to buy a fortune stone, she made a wish to Tai Sui, hoping that her ex-husband's current wife would die a bad life. ]

[We went to Li Chunhua's ex-husband's house overnight to investigate, and found that her ex-husband's current wife had a car accident two days before Li Chunhua's death, and almost failed to recover. After Li Chunhua learned the news, he told Zhao Qunfang, but within two days, Li Chunhua died strangely at home. Zhao Qunfang was afraid in her heart, but she was even more afraid to make a wish easily. But she couldn't bear the benefits brought by the fortune stone, so she made a deal with Tai Sui, promising to help it develop more believers. ]

Written here, Wang Qing's tone is very indignant.

[Sometimes I feel that people's hearts are actually scarier than monsters. Most of the people who bought fortune stones in their community were introduced by Zhao Qunfang. If you hadn't subdued Tai Sui, I don't know how many people would suffer. Now Zhao Qunfang has been detained in the detention center, and the city leaders are discussing a heavier conviction for her. ]

After reading the news, Jiang Li was a little bit embarrassed.

Although he had already guessed that Zhao Qunfang was an accomplice, he did not expect that she would take the initiative to help Tai Sui develop believers. How is this behavior any different from helping Tai Sui kill people

No wonder Wang Qing was so indignant.

He sent back a message: [There is a god standing three feet above the head, if you do too many bad things, you will always be punished. Although we cannot control hearts, we can do our best to prevent crime. Don't be discouraged, let's work hard together]

Wang Qing was really encouraged.

[Greedy brother, your ideological awareness is much higher than mine! I remember, if there is another case next time, I will come to you again. The captain called me, let's talk next time. ]

In the end, he also sent an emoticon package for the boss to beat his leg.

Putting the phone away, Jiang Li couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. Suan Ni jumped on him from the nest, let out a meow, climbed down on his lap with her tail crossed, and began to take a nap with a small snoring.

Jiang Greed gently pinched his round ears, his eyes were bright and warm.

It's not that he poured chicken soup into Wang Qing. Although the gods have fallen, the way of heaven still exists. Just like Tai Sui, even if he is the darling of heaven, he has killed a lot of evil, and in the end the first one to clean it up is heaven.

The ancients often said that the law of heaven is reincarnated, and retribution is not good.

This sentence is not false.

Not only people like Tai Sui, or people like Zhao Qunfang and Li Chunhua, but even those who are greedy for petty gains, bought fortune stones and obtained benefits by relying on fortune stones, will be punished without exception.

This is the warning given by Heaven.

Jiang Greed frowned slightly, and sent a circle of friends to warn himself.

[Try hard to be an upright and good person, serve the masses, contribute/struggle to the society]

The accompanying picture is a group of little suanni taking a nap.

Jiang Li doesn't have many friends on WeChat. Originally, there were only a few relatives, but recently, he has added several new friends such as Ying Qiao, Xue Meng, and Wang Qing.

Bixi was the first to like and comment: Is Xiaoba fat

Then there is Jiaotu: Brother Wu, I woke up, and I will come to play with you in a while, QAQ

Even Director Cheng came to join in the fun: young people have a high level of ideological awareness, not bad/thumbs up.

When Ying Qiao saw Moments, half an hour had passed since the release time. He rarely commented on Moments, but this time after he liked Jiang Greed, he hesitated to leave a comment.

[Ying Qiao: Are you still angry? Invite you to dinner to make amends? ]

After Jiang Li woke up from a nap, he took out his mobile phone to check the time, and found that there were many WeChat notifications. He went back to the comments one by one, and saw Ying Qiao's comments.

After one night, he was actually not so wronged and angry anymore.

After all, Ying Qiao didn't know that he was Taotie, he was probably just like other monsters, spreading rumors and believing the rumors.

As a magnanimous monster, since Ying Qiao took the initiative to admit his mistake, Jiang Li didn't bother with him anymore.

So he took the initiative to send a WeChat message to Ying Qiao.

[Not angry anymore. where to eat at night ]

Ying Qiao looked at the WeChat message, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up into a subtle smile.

Sure enough, what the book says is still useful.

The book says: If parents accidentally hurt their cubs in the rebellious stage, they should have the courage to admit their mistakes and apologize to the cubs, so that the cubs can open up their hearts and not push the relationship between the two parties into an estranged situation.

He apologized, and the little monster really