We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 219


When Geng Chen woke up, he would drink milk, and if he didn't drink milk, he would cry. I had no choice but to order someone to order a batch of monster milk, and have someone send him a tank every day. "

Ji Xian:

Her two beautiful long eyebrows were raised, and her light pupils were watching the bronze tripod rubbing against her side while bubbling and bubbling, and she took a step back in a rare manner. She looked at Ying Qiao suspiciously: "Are you sure this is Geng Chen?"

Is it really something else

Why doesn't it look like it

"It's guaranteed to be a fake one." Ying Qiao pushed Jiuding to the front with a smile, and said, "You've seen Jiuding's weapon spirit before. He was influenced by the power of Geng Chen's remnant soul to give birth to spiritual wisdom and turn into a weapon spirit." Now he is the only one who can communicate with Gengchen's remnant soul." Then he raised his hand and patted Jiuding on the shoulder, and introduced him formally: "This is Ji Xian, Gengchen's partner, call someone."


Jiu Ding was forced to take a step forward, his face blushed, he groaned for a while and finally opened his mouth and called out: "Mom!"

Upon hearing this, Ying Qiao was immediately satisfied and gave him a look of approval.

Ruzi can be taught.


Ji Xian didn't know what expression to make for a moment, so he could only maintain a blank expression, looking a little fierce: "What did you call me?"


Seeing that her expression didn't seem too happy, Jiu Ding was a little at a loss, subconsciously glanced at Ying Qiao, received his encouraging gaze, and then plucked up the courage to say: "Ying Qiao said Geng Chen is my father, then you are my mother " His voice became smaller and smaller under Ji Xian's gaze: "If you don't call it Mom, then call it... Mother? Or... Mother?"

Ji Xian: ...

She opened her mouth to say something, but found that she couldn't make it clear.

And when she looked carefully at Jiuding, she realized that Jiuding's outline was actually very similar to Geng Chen, but her nose and mouth were somewhat similar to hers. The young man in Tsing Yi stood there with a pitiful expression. It seemed a bit too cold to refute it directly.

What's more, Ying Qiao is not wrong...

After thinking about this level, her expression eased a little, she nodded towards Jiuding, skipped the address question, pushed away the bronze tripod that had already finished drinking milk and rolled to her feet, and asked Qiao : "He lacks a soul, so he is stupid?"

Ying Qiao let out a "hmm".

Jiu Ding had the most say in this matter. Seeing that Ji Xian seemed vaguely disgusted, he quickly explained: "It's not that stupid, he has become a little smarter recently, he can talk to people, and he knows he needs milk!" Remembering that the most important point was missed, he quickly added: "Yesterday I said I wanted to find you!"

Although he tried very hard to help his mentally handicapped father, it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Hearing this, Ji Xian's two Xiulong eyebrows frowned so much that they were about to knot.

She was silent for a moment, then glanced at the bronze cauldron that she was pressing against and could only turn around in circles, and looked at Jiuding with a blank expression: "Can he talk now? Let him not move." @无限好文,全在晋江Literature City

Jiuding let out an "oh", and was about to send a message, when the bronze tripod circling suddenly stopped and stopped firmly beside Ji Xian.

Jiuding:? ?

What's the matter, he hasn't spoken yet

Ji Xian looked at Ding thoughtfully: "Can you understand?"

The bronze tripod immediately pierce the ground vigorously, making a dull sound.

Then he tried to approach Ji Xian again, but Ji Xian avoided him. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The bronze tripod didn't touch anyone, it paused on the spot, then the whole tripod flipped over and began to roll on the ground.

It was as if they were watching a juggling juggling. Seeing his big tripod roll over on the ground, rolling from one end to the other, and then from the other end to this end, the strong and heavy body of the tripod pushed the ground several times. road crack.

But Ji Xian was unmoved.

Ying Qiao recorded the maintenance fee of the ground in the small book again.

The scene was very silent for a while.

It was Jiang Greed who broke the brief silence: "Is Geng Chen's situation better than yesterday?"

After all, he needed Jiuding to pass the message in the middle yesterday in order for him to understand the words.

Jiuding felt it for a while, and his expression suddenly collapsed, but he still echoed: "That's right, it's a little stronger."

Not only is it stronger, but even the wail is much louder.

He howled "Ji Xian Bao Ji Xian Bao" non-stop, like a provocative machine played on a loop, so noisy that his brain was buzzing, but the point was that it was embarrassing.

Jiuding thought to himself that the fairy mother he had just met would be gone soon, after all, his mentally handicapped father was too embarrassing.

He moved away a little disgusted, so as not to be disturbed.

The bronze tripod was still rolling around like a juggler, looking like a child.

However, Ji Xian was more ruthless than Ying Qiao, she half-closed her eyes impatiently, tapped Ding with her fingertips, and said threateningly: "Don't make noise."

Bronze Ding:…

The crazily rolling tripod stopped, and hesitantly swayed left and right a few times, as if weighing things up. After a few seconds, it still didn't move.

Ji Xian was slightly satisfied, and said to Qiao: "I've seen it, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out without delay.

"!!!" @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Seeing her intentions, the bronze tripod seemed to follow her in a hurry, but it rolled across the ground and made a dull rumbling sound, which made Ji Xian turn his head and glance at him lightly, and he stopped moving again.

Ji Xian continued to stride away.

Jiuding: ...

He looked at the bronze tripod and then at Ji Xian's back, thought for two seconds, and followed Ji Xian's footsteps.

"Let you not live up to expectations, are you disgusted now?"

Ying Qiao didn't care if Geng Chen in Dingli could understand or not, and said with a look of caring for you: "Later, I'll ask someone to install a wall mirror for you in the room, and you look at yourself in the mirror every day. You should be more motivated to practice hard and recover soon."


The bronze tripod hit the ground heavily.

very unhappy.

Jiang Greed gave him a sympathetic look, always feeling frustrated from Yi Zun Ding.

Alas, it's no wonder that Ji Xian's dislike is so obvious, if he can continue to be silly and happily begging for milk, he may really have no object.

The author has something to say:

Longlong: After the mirror is installed, I will install a camera for you. When you recover, you can take it out for more aftertaste.

Geng Chen:? ?


There is no second update today, and I will draw 100 red envelopes for everyone!

Good night tweet tweet =3=

Chapter 175

Jiang Li and Ying Qiao finally came out of the cubicle. When they left, Ying Qiao seriously asked the staff to ask him to find someone to install a large mirror in Gengchen's cubicle tomorrow. Put on the mirror.

"I'm afraid he won't be able to see it." Ying Qiao said with an appearance of "I'm all for his own good": "Looking in the mirror more often when he has nothing to do will help him find himself as soon as possible. "

The staff didn't understand what this operation was, but because Ying Qiao gave the errand fee yesterday very generously, the staff quickly agreed: "Don't worry, I'll send someone to install it tomorrow morning."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a muffled "bang" from the compartment.

The staff suddenly turned their heads to look in horror: "What's wrong?"

"Maybe I'm too excited." Ying Qiao said without changing his face: "As soon as possible, install it for him. It's best to choose a durable and anti-collision mirror, so that he won't get too excited and break it."

The staff could only nod in confusion: "Oh oh oh."

Only then did Ying Qiao leave with Jiang Li with a satisfied face.

Ji Xian and Jiu Ding were not at the elevator entrance, so they should have already gone down. Jiang Greed went down the elevator with him, and finally couldn't help asking: "You and Geng Chen don't have a good relationship?"

Why does it look a bit targeted

"How come?" Ying Qiao was surprised: "In the clan, Gengchen and I are the closest in age, and our relationship is the most harmonious."

It's not like the other clansmen who want to fight on the spot when their temper comes up. They are all civilized dragons, and they try not to move their hands if they can, so as not to break the relationship between their uncles and nephews.


He spoke so confidently that Jiang Li couldn't answer for a while, so he just kept his mouth shut.

I just muttered in my heart, the way your uncles and nephews get along is quite special.

Those who didn't know thought there was revenge.

The two went out of the building of the Demon Control Bureau, and they saw Ji Xian and Jiu Ding waiting by the car, Jiu Ding was talking to Ji Xian, the two were far away, they didn't hear what was going on, they just saw him chattering non-stop While moving, Ji Xian didn't speak, but turned his face slightly, as if he was listening.

As soon as I approached, I heard Jiuding Baba asking: "Where do you live tonight? Do you want to go back with us? Will you come tomorrow? If you don't come, my dad will probably lose his temper."

Yes, he adapted to the role quite quickly, and he recognized his father very fluently, without hindrance.

Ji Xian said: "I have my own place to live, so I won't come tomorrow."

"Ah..." Jiu Ding was a little sluggish, with a face full of disappointment, and asked persistently: "Then come the day after tomorrow?"

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ji Xian: "I won't come the day after tomorrow. I'll come again when Geng Chen recovers."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City


Jiuding sighed suddenly, my mother is so indifferent.

It seems that the retarded father is not attractive enough.

Ji Xian glanced at him, saw Jiang Li and the two walking over, and asked, "He lives with you now?"

Ying Qiao nodded, and said righteously: "He is my younger brother, if something happened to Geng Chen, I naturally have to help take care of him."

"Thank you." Ji Xian took out two exquisite storage bags, and handed the larger one to Ying Qiao: "His living expenses." The smaller one gave Jiuding: "Pocket money."

Holding the pocket money, Jiu Ding was moved to tears, thinking that it doesn't matter if he treats his father badly, as long as he treats him well!

He has no opinion at all!

Ying Qiao put away the storage bag with a smile all over her face: "Auntie is too polite, let's have a meal together later.