We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 220


dinner? "

"No, I don't want to stay here for a long time." Ji Xian glanced at him, not wasting words with him on addressing: "I found some things recently, and I happened to tell you together."

Her expression became slightly serious: "It's related to Ganpai."

Speaking of business, Ying Qiao also put away his casual look: "Let's find a place to talk about it in detail."

The four of them finally returned to Ying Qiao's villa, and Ji Xian told them what he had found in these days.

Since the last farewell, Ji Xian has no contact with Ganpai, but she has always been concerned about Ganpai's purpose of finding Jiuding, so she has been secretly inquiring about this.

Although she couldn't stay in one place for a long time, her erratic movements and good concealment allowed her to find out some news.

"The Gan faction is looking for the Jiuding to sacrifice to the heavens."

In ancient times, there were great witches who worshiped the heavens and the gods. They would prepare ritual vessels and sacrifices, supplemented by specific steps and formulas, so that they could express their wishes and pray for the mercy of the heavens and the witch gods.

But earlier, this method of sacrifice was actually used by witches and gods. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The witch god, that is, the ancient great demon, is powerful and can freely travel between the upper and lower realms. However, since the extinction of heaven, the communication between the two realms has been blocked. The lower realm has tried many methods to connect with the upper realm, one of which is offering sacrifices to the heavens.

They used tripods as utensils and human sacrifices as sacrifices in an attempt to get in touch with the upper world.

However, various methods including offering sacrifices to the heavens ended in failure, and the method of offering sacrifices to the heavens was later abandoned, and instead was learned by the human race.

"Haven't Jitian tried and failed a long time ago. Why are Ganpai doing such useless work?"

This way of picking people's teeth is so stupid that Ying Qiao couldn't think of a reason for Ganpai to do it for a while.

"The Jiuding was built by King Yu, and it was integrated with a strand of Gengchen's soul. It also went through the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and was connected with the fate of the human race." Ji Xian slowly said what he knew: "They probably want to use the Jiuding as a medium to attract people. The power of heaven and earth."

Jiuding guards the three dynasties, which is closely related to the luck of the human race.

The idea of Gan Pai's attack is to use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son. Since the way of heaven is partial to the human race, they use the Jiuding as a medium to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to break the shackles and rebuild a road to the sky.

To be honest, this idea is good in theory, but not very feasible.

The Jiuding is just a sacrificial vessel and does not have offensive power. It can only be used as a medium to induce the power of heaven and earth.

Unless they can find a big monster with sufficient strength and cooperate with Jiuding, there is no possibility of success.

But the fact is that the spiritual power is thin now, and the strength of the ancient monster can no longer be the same as in ancient times.

Ying Qiao asked himself that it might not be able to achieve such a point even if he and the most powerful monsters in existence hit with all their strength.

Where does Gan Pai get his confidence

Ji Xian also couldn't figure this out, but Ganpai's actions were hidden, and the information she found was really limited, so she could only remind Ying Qiao: "Since they have this plan, there must be other ways to replace it, and you should pay more attention to it." Yes." After a pause, he said again: "Take care of Geng Chen, if I'm free, I'll come over again."

Ying Qiao replied: "Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Not only will he be optimistic about people, but he will also give him double care.

Ji Xian nodded when he heard the words, got up and left.

The three of them sent her out. Before parting, Ji Xian turned around again and said with a little hesitation: "There is one more thing. I haven't found evidence yet. It's mostly my guess. I'm talking to you, so be careful."

"Tian Wu should also be a member of the Qian faction. If I guess correctly, he must be one of the Earth Masters."

Shuibo Tianwu, with eight human faces and a tiger body with ten tails, was originally a deity who lived in the Chaoyang Valley and was worshiped by the human race. Later, the demon race declined and the human race revived. Many gods who had been enshrined fell one after another, and Tianwu disappeared.

But Ji Xian met Tian Wu by accident not long ago.

—The last time when Ji Xian left alone in Jiangcheng, he accidentally saw Tian Wu meeting the little demon in the Gan faction near the waters of Jiangcheng.

At that time, Ji Xian wanted to follow her to confirm her identity, but the other party was very cautious, probably aware that someone was following her, and quickly disappeared and got rid of her.

But Tianwu has eight heads and eight faces, and his appearance is very strange. Even if he is transformed into a human form, his characteristics are very obvious. Ji Xian had met Tian Wu before and had a deep impression on him, so he guessed the identity of the other party, and suspected that Tian Wu was also a member of the Qian faction. And with his strength, his status in the Gan faction will definitely not be low.

"Okay, I'll be careful." Although Ying Qiao has never dealt with Tian Wu, but because Tian Wu often comes to the upper world, he has met twice, and other people gossip a lot, so he has heard some of them, so he left a mind.

Seeing that he knew what was in his mind, Ji Xian stopped talking and turned to leave.

Jiu Ding stood on tiptoe until he couldn't see her back before turning back reluctantly.

At the same time, I secretly decided to urge my mentally handicapped father to practice hard in the future, so that he can have a complete family as soon as possible.

Look at Jiaotu Suanni and the others, how important it is for a cub to have a complete home!

Although he is no longer a cub, it's not too late to make up for it!

Jiuding murmured in his heart planning for the future, and he was not even interested in playing games.

Jiang Li went to the study with Ying Qiao, added Tian Wu to the Earth Master, and put a question mark next to him, indicating that it was pending.

"Is there any intersection between Tianwu, Suan, Fuyou, and Yuan Yin?" Jiang Li was thinking about Tianwu's purpose of joining the Qian faction.

Sourness and joining the Ganpai are purely secondary illness attacks and being fooled, delusion can create bloody terror like in ancient times, day by day;

Fuyou has been the main force against Jedi Tiantong since ancient times, and now he is alive and making a comeback;

Yuan Yin was forcibly sent to the lower realm to support the Yellow Emperor, but he couldn't go back once he went there. It is understandable if he is unwilling to return to the upper realm;

But what is the purpose of Tian Wu

Jiang Greed searched his barren memory, and found that he didn't seem to have much impression of Tian Wu.

The only impression I have is probably that Zhu Wu once compared Tian Wu with him, saying that after seeing too much Tian Wu, he doesn't feel ugly any more.

Although what Wu Wu said was nonsense, it was enough to show that Tian Wu was really ugly.

Other than that, Jiang Tan had no other impression of him.

Ying Qiao pouted, spread his hands and said, "I only have one impression of him, and that is ugly."

Most of the big monsters in ancient times grew freely, and there were not a few big monsters with two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety heads, such as arrogant insects, nine phoenixes, and Xiangliu. These are all big monsters with a lot of heads, but none of them have such hot eyes as Tian Wu.

Ying Qiao had met Tian Wu twice, how would you describe Tian Wu's appearance

It was like eight tigers with human faces were forcibly rubbed together, with huge heads and thin bodies. The eight heads were barely squeezed into a circle, the facial features were squeezed out of shape, and the expression was distorted and hideous.

Moreover, although it is in the shape of a tiger, its body does not have a long coat, but it is covered with green and yellow feathers. The feathers are rough and dull, and the color is weird.

It's really ugly, unique and outstanding. It's so ugly that it's hard to forget just by looking at it.

The author has something to say:

Greedy Cub: Tian Wu is so ugly, will eating it affect my handsomeness

Longlong: You don't need to look at ugly things.

Tian Wu:? ? ? ? (I'm knocking!


Today there is only one more woo woo, and after practice, the car encountered a heavy rain, and I went home very late Orz

Continue to draw red envelopes!


Chapter 176

All in all, Tian Wu's ugliness is unique among the Yaozu.

Besides, the other monsters are ugly in their original form. At any rate, their appearance is normal when they take human form, not to mention handsome and handsome, but they are also normal people. Only Tian Wu is different. He is ugly in original form, but deformed in human form.

Probably because the blood was too mixed, when Tian Wu was transformed into a human form, although Tian Wu had only one head, he had four faces. There is a gloomy and distorted human face on the front, back, left, and right sides.

However, in ancient times, the status of the human race was low, and the big monsters seldom took human form, so everyone has a deeper memory of Tianwu's original form.

But Ji Xian was in human form who had seen Tian Wu before, so even though she was not familiar with Tian Wu, and thousands of years had passed between them, and Tian Wu had disguised himself again, Ji Xian recognized him.

"No matter what his purpose is, since we already know that he may be the master of Ganpai, we should be more wary of him." Jiang Lu finally said.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no reason to guard against a thief for a thousand days. Now that they are in the open and the Gan faction is in the dark, all they can do is to be more vigilant and see the tricks.

Ying Qiao coincided with his thoughts, and the two temporarily put aside the matter of Tian Wu, and took the boys out for dinner.

at the same time-

In Jiangcheng, in a high-end villa.

A man with red hair and red clothes stood with his hands behind his back. His body, which was much taller than ordinary people, cast a long and twisted shadow on the ground: "Have you found Yuan Yin?"

"I found it." Another person hidden in the shadows reached out his hand and took out a dwarf puppet with a short arm: "There is still a soul, do you want to wake him up for questioning?"

The man in red nodded silently, and the man pointed at the center of the puppet's eyebrows. A few seconds later, the dwarf puppet opened its eyes, and a pair of dull and dull eyes flashed with expression, then struggled and jumped off the ground, towards the red-clothed The person saluted: "My lord."

The man in red is obviously very important in the eyes of the two.

The dwarf puppet, that is, Yuan Yin, first bowed apologetically, and then explained in a gloomy tone: "Fuyou didn't listen to dissuasion, and acted rashly. Taotie discovered the clues, followed the vine to find the Oak Hotel, and even the small space of the hotel was also destroyed. Ruined. I noticed something unusual, went back to investigate, but was accidentally noticed by my good disciple."