We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 223



Good night everyone, chirp chirp=3=

Chapter 178

Jiang Li watched this video over and over again, and the seriousness on his face became more serious every time he watched it. He asked Xiao Xiaoyu to send him a copy of the video, and pulled the eldest and fourth brothers into a group, and then video Send it over, let the eldest brother and the fourth brother read it to confirm.

It took about ten minutes for the WeChat group to reply. First, Qu An sent a question mark, asking what video Jiang Lian sent.

In less than two minutes, he probably finished watching the video, and noticed the shadow that flickered at the end of the video, and said in surprise: [? ? This is the seventh? Where did the video come from? @食餐不吃吃]

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

[A video on the Internet was shot by a donkey friend who went to Yun Province. Something happened to the traveler in Yun Province. This is his second live broadcast video asking for help. You can watch this video for details. ]

Jiang Li briefly explained the ins and outs, and sent the first video.

As soon as the video was posted, the eldest brother Bixi also replied: [It’s Lao Qi, that’s right, the location is in Yun Province? I'll contact the people from the Demon Control Bureau over there to check it out. ]

Jiang Li said yes, and remembered that Ying Qiao was also a nominal deputy director after all, so he thoughtfully added another sentence in order to win favor with his boyfriend: [Ying Qiao said that he would also help to check. ]

Bi An replied with a speechless panda head expression pack.

Jiang Li snorted, turned around and pulled Ying Qiao and the little boys into the group, and changed the name of the WeChat group to "We Dragon Palace Makes Trouble".

Bi An:

[@食餐不吃不吃, what’s your name? ]

Seeing the reminder in the group after speaking, Bi An changed the group name to "We Dragon Palace rides the wind and waves".

Jiang Greed posted a shrunken mouth emoji in the group, and told Ying Qiao privately about Ya Zi's appearance in Yun Province.

After the initial joy, he was actually a little worried. If the black shadow in the video was really Ya Zi, why didn't he go back to Dragon Palace

He crossed many guesses in his mind, but forcibly vetoed them one by one, crossing them heavily in his heart.

Ying Qiao understood what he was worried about, and said: [I'll call Yun Province now to ask, if the video is real, the Yun Province branch should know about it. ]

It was because of Ji Xian's appearance before. They have dealt with the branch office in Yun Province, so they are quite familiar with it.

Jiang Li let out a "huh" and temporarily closed the group chat, waiting for news while processing work.

Seeing that he finally put down his phone, Xiao Xiaoyu in front turned his head: "Are you okay? Is this serious?"

Just now, after watching the video, Jiang Li's face became very strange. He kept staring at the video repeatedly without talking, and he didn't speak after watching the video.

Xiao Xiaoyu was too frightened to speak, guessing that this matter was not only true, but also very difficult.

So much so that she didn't dare to ask more, for fear of disturbing Jiang Li's important work.

Maybe he is reporting the situation to a mysterious organization above.

Jiang Li didn't expect that Xiao Xiaoyu had already imagined 108 bad situations in his brain at this time, and shook his head and said, "It's okay, I have already contacted local friends to verify the video."


Xiao Xiaoyu heard the words but misunderstood, thinking that he was really contacting to verify the situation.

The guess in his heart was confirmed, but Xiao Xiaoyu was not happy at all. Quit the video silently and pray to the blogger in my heart.

The Yun Province Demon Management Bureau did not reply until ten o'clock in the evening.

They told Ying Qiao that the headhunter sacrifice incident of the Wa people that has been making a lot of noise on the Internet recently is true. The blogger who asked for help live online is currently confirmed to be missing. Armed police who are aware of the situation and personnel from the Demon Control Bureau are searching for his whereabouts. At present, the police have cordoned off the mountain where the accident happened to carry out a blanket search.

The Yun Provincial Traffic Management Bureau, after multiple investigations, combined the current clues and confirmed that the Wa man who killed in the video was not an ordinary person—this incident was not a simple crime, but also involved inhuman factors.

According to investigations, it is not the first time that these headhunting Wa men have appeared, and they have appeared twice in the last week.

They appear without warning and without regularity, and there is no fixed location, they just randomly appear in towns and villages on the border of Yun Province. The only thing that is different from usual and can be used as a criterion for identification is that when they appear, the sunset glow in the sky will be extraordinarily red, as if on fire.

The Yun Provincial Bureau guessed that the Wa man in the video might not be the current person. They are more like "people" who used to exist in this land. For some reason, many years later, by chance, they were projected to the present Yun Province, but they still maintain the previous habits and behaviors, hunting heads, carrying out Human head sacrifice.

However, this speculation still needs to find more evidence to confirm.

Just before Ying Qiao was contacted, the Yun Provincial Branch had dispatched personnel to investigate the possible locations.

"We have tried our best to guide the public opinion on the Internet. Later, we will jointly issue a notice with the police to define this incident as a vicious kidnapping incident."

There are not many things to do in the Yunnan Provincial Branch. For the branch, this case is already a very serious case that needs to be focused on. Just when they were busy checking the situation and paying attention to online public opinion, the branch director connected to Ying Qiao again. He called Bixi to inquire about the situation.

In terms of rank, the Jiangcheng Demon Management Bureau is on top of them. Ying Qiao and Bi Xi called in person to ask. The Yun Province Branch can only dispatch people to work overtime in a panic, but the ability is limited in the end. It's been three or four days, and after checking and checking, I found this little thing.

As for what happened to these ancient Wa people who appeared inexplicably, so far they are all their guesses, and there is no very strong evidence to support them.

When the call was made, the people in the sub-bureau had evaded each other for a long time, for fear that if they asked three questions, they would not know how to face the storm that corresponded to Qiao.

Fortunately, Ying Qiao didn't say much, just said "It's hard work, I got it", and hung up the phone.

When Ying Qiao answered the phone, Jiang Li was also listening, and after he hung up the phone, he asked, "Where is the place they blocked?"

"In the area of Yuemeng Township." Ying Qiao opened the notebook to check the email sent by the sub-bureau, turned the screen to him, clicked on the location of Yuemeng Township, and said: "The following is the scene map they sent. They A sneaker and a broken mobile phone were found in the woods to the west of Yuemeng Township, and it was confirmed that the blogger who asked for help lost them."

Yuemeng Township belongs to Ximeng County, borders Ximeng Township and Somo Township in the east, Lisuo Township in the south, and faces Myanmar with the river as the boundary in the west.

It was in the woods on the border that the people from the sub-bureau found the lost shoes and the broken mobile phone. Only then did they confirm that the blogger who asked for help had an accident, and his whereabouts are currently unknown.

Jiang Greed took the mouse and browsed through the photos in the files one by one. It's just that after reading it, his brows became even tighter. The mouse cursor stayed on one of the pictures, and he took out his mobile phone and clicked on the screenshot of the video for comparison: "Look, is this a place?"

The on-site photo was taken during the day, and the picture is very clear. You can see the river behind the forest and a few boulders; the video screenshot is much blurred, and it is a dim night, but if you look carefully, you can still distinguish the slight shimmering light behind the forest The river and a few scattered boulders by the river.

Although the angle is somewhat different, you will find that this is a place through careful comparison of the distribution of rivers and boulders. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ying Qiao also noticed it, he narrowed his eyes slightly, pointed to the screenshot and said, "It's the same, but it's a little different."

For example, the distribution of these trees can be clearly seen to be different. The trees in the on-site photos are solid and scattered. However, the trees in the screenshot of the video are very dense. If you look carefully, you will find that some trees overlap.

"It really seems like the two worlds have overlapped." Jiang Li murmured, "But if that's the case, it doesn't make sense for Yazi to appear in the video."

When the blogger broadcast live to ask for help, it was obviously the time when the ancient Wa people were infested, but Yazi also appeared in the woods at this time. If the coincidence is ruled out, it can only show that the guess of the Yunnan Provincial Bureau was wrong.

The appearance of the ancient Wa people was not because the environment they used to live in was projected into reality due to some chance, and it coincided with reality. After all, according to the calculation of the time period when the ancient Wa people appeared and appeared, Yazi had already disappeared at that time. should not appear;

The only possibility is that outside of the real world, there is another space that highly overlaps with reality, whether it is the ancient Wa people or Yazi, they are all in this space. When this space coincides with reality, ordinary people may enter it by mistake, and the ancient Wa people and Yazi in the space can also come out and move around.

It's just that this kind of space that almost completely overlaps with the real world and is undetectable, can it really exist in this era of thin spiritual energy

Even Jiang Li himself was not sure.

When he dealt with Bai You before, he had seen a small space almost exactly like the real world. It's just that it only has a fixed special channel connection with the real world, and it doesn't completely overlap with the real world. And the flaws are also very obvious, it may be difficult for ordinary people to detect, but a monster like him can detect it. Moreover, the existence of this small space is entirely dependent on Bai You absorbing the soul power from the fans. Once something goes wrong with Baiyou, the small space will also collapse.

And this one that appears today seems to be more stable and advanced