We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 228


. "

"Okay." Song Yu obediently walked forward holding the phone, he held the phone up high, and stared at the screen of the phone while broadcasting in real time: "Yes, yes..."

"Ah, it's gone again!"

"...the signal in the mountains is too unstable."

Song Yu walked forward for a long time, the weak signal finally stabilized, he stopped jumping repeatedly, and stopped firmly at the position of a signal signal.

"Finally stabilized." He breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said to Jiang Li: "There is a signal, I will call the bureau first—"

His voice stopped abruptly when he saw the empty mountain road behind him.

Jiang Li, who was supposed to be waiting behind him, disappeared at some point. Obviously, from where he was standing, he could still see the raised rock that Jiang Li just stood on...

A chill came up from the soles of his feet, Song Yu swallowed his saliva, resisting the numbness of his scalp.

"Ginger Greed?"

He tried to call out, and the sound echoed endlessly in the empty mountain, and there were several echoes, but there was no response from Jiang Li.

After hesitating at the same spot for a moment, Song Yu first called the bureau to explain the situation, then gripped the phone tightly, took a deep breath, and walked back along the way he came.

One step, two steps... Ten steps... Hundred steps...

This time, Song Yu's memory developed, and he walked very slowly, checking the signal of his mobile phone after taking two steps. However, until he reached the rock where Jiang Li was standing, and even walked nearly a thousand meters over the rock, the cell phone signal was still weak and stable.

But Jiang Li was still missing.

Song Yu had no choice but to stop, and waited for the large troops from the sub-bureau to arrive, and then turned back with the large troops to look for the stockade.


Jiang Greed stood there cautiously and did not move.

He watched Song Yu walk away step by step holding his mobile phone, and kept muttering whether he had a signal or not. Seeing that he was about to go out of sight when he went farther, Jiang Li prepared to follow for a while.

But he just took a step, and saw that Song Yu in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Either it gradually disappeared, or after reaching a certain limit, it just disappeared out of thin air. There are neither restrictions nor fluctuations in aura, nor are there any weird and frightening signs.

Song Yu just melted into the air, and disappeared in an ordinary and ordinary way. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed cautiously walked forward for a short distance, and looked closely at the place where Song Yu disappeared, but found nothing.

He was worried that he would leave the space like Song Yu in the future, so he could only stop at the spot and wait as agreed.

After the agreed hour passed, he waited for another hour. He didn't see Song Yu who had turned back, and he was even more sure that the entry and exit of this space was very random. If he went out, it might be difficult to find the entrance again.

He wrote down the place where Song Yu disappeared, and then turned back to the village.

Although Song Yu left the village early in the morning, he spent too much time on the road between the two of them, so it was already noon when Jiang Li returned to the village. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The villagers had already had lunch, and it was still early for dinner. They were all sitting in twos and threes at the door chatting. Jiang Li noticed that there were a few more young and middle-aged men in the village. They were vaguely familiar faces he had seen in the Holy Land last night.

He smiled and came forward to say hello: "Everyone is back from work?"

These strong men also greeted him: "Are you the one who stayed at Grandma's house?"

Jiang Greed nodded with a smile, and continued to chat with them: "Yes, my friend's family has something to do and just went down the mountain. I want to collect wind, so I have to stay in the village for a few more days."

He chatted casually again: "When will you go down the mountain to work again? When you go down the mountain next time, I will go with you." He frowned and complained: "The village is too far away, and the mountain road is difficult to walk. It's safer to go."

"We can't say when we will go down the mountain again. It depends on when Mu Yiji will issue instructions." One of the men said: "If you want to go down the mountain, don't go in the evening. There will be no danger at other times."

Jiang Greed's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Why can't we leave in the evening? Is there any danger in the evening?"

The man said: "There are people in other villages who have enemies with us. If you leave in the evening, you may meet them. If you live in our village, you are considered a member of our village. If you meet a village that has hatred against us, There may be reprisals."

Jiang Greed made a frightened expression, and asked, "Are there other villages in the mountains? How will they retaliate?"

"You can't tell outsiders about this." But the man stopped and refused to continue, waving his hands and said: "Just remember what I said, don't go out after evening."

Jiang Greed closed his eyes, smiled and said: "Okay, thank you, I won't go out." @无限好文,all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed seemed to have listened to the words of the villagers, wandering around the mountains during the day, but came back before evening.

Compared with yesterday, today's stockade is much quieter. Many households close their doors and windows when it gets dark, and some even don't even light their lights. Jiang Gree washed and returned to the room under the urging of the borrower, and after pretending to toss about for a while, he pretended to be sleeping and turned off the oil lamp.

He lay on the bed for a while, and when it was dark and there was no sound outside, he locked the door behind him, and quietly left through the window.

He turned into his original form, running and moving lightly between the branches of the treetops—he stepped on it during the day, and after confirming that this was another space, he completely lost his scruples.

The original shape was faster, and while running fast, he searched the forest, trying to find the black shadow that appeared yesterday.

In fact, he suspected that yesterday's black shadow was Yazi.

But yesterday his attention was all attracted by the head sacrifice, and he couldn't see it clearly under the distraction. He only saw the black shadow flashing past vaguely. Reminiscent of the black shadow flashing past in the video, he felt that the black shadow was jealous The possibility is relatively high, so I came out to look for it again tonight.

—As long as he can be sure that Yazi is in this space, he will find Yazi even if he turns this mountain over.

Jiang Greed looked at the six directions, listened to all directions, turned from the east side of the mountain to the west side of the mountain, but found nothing.

Neither did they find any black shadow suspected to be Yazi, nor did they meet the ancient Wa people who were headhunters.

He landed by the river, scratched the ground with his paws a little discouraged, and soon calmed down, thinking about where to find it next.

When you use your brain, you get hungry easily, and when you are hungry, you want to eat some late-night snacks. Jiang Li took out a handful of gems from the storage ring, and the whole gluttonous body sat down by the river, crunching and eating late-night snacks, while wagging its tail Think about what to do next.

It's just that before he could figure out why, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a figure with a hidden aura in the woods diagonally behind him, peeping at him from the dense canopy of trees.

Jiang Greed threw two more gems into his mouth, pretending to be unaware, but the frequency of his tail wagging involuntarily became faster - the other party's peeping did not bring a sense of danger, and even a long-lost feeling Familiarity.

Jiang Greed's heartbeat also quickened - he had to find a way to confirm the identity of Sombra.

Taking the opportunity to search for gems in the storage ring, he quickly cast his eyes diagonally behind - the black shadow was partly covered by the tree canopy, but the half face exposed and the short sword in the opponent's mouth were enough to confirm Sombra's identity.

That's right.

Jiang Greed turned around unexpectedly, and rushed towards the place where Yazi was hiding.

However, Yazi's reaction was also very fast, his dark golden pupils formed a thin line, he turned around and ran away, his figure was as fast as lightning.

Jiang Greed angrily chased after him and called: "Lao Qi! Ya Zi!"

But Yazi ran so fast that he didn't even look back.

Immediately, Jiang Greed became exasperated, and chased him over half a mountain. However, his speed is fast, and Yazi is not slow. The two of them are always separated by a certain distance.

In the gap between running fast, Ya Zi glanced back and yelled at Jiang Li threateningly, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

He looked at Jiang Greed with strange eyes.

Yazi ran forward quickly and looked around quickly. When he saw the valley in front of him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he rushed towards the valley with all his strength. While running, he let out a high-pitched and sharp roar, which echoed over the mountain forest The endless chatter soon caused another roar full of anger and resentment.

This roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the whole mountain seemed to be trembling.

Jiang Greed was startled, and looked distractedly and vigilantly at the valley. Seeing this, Yazi took the opportunity to run away quickly, and after making sure that Jiang Greed couldn't catch up with him, Yazi stopped far away, yelled at him brazenly, his eyes were full of gloating, as if he was waiting to watch a show.


The appearance of this owed beating is very familiar.

Jiang Li remembered this expression when Jai Zi used to bully those big monsters who came to Dragon Palace to trouble him.

Contemptuous and provocative, especially annoying.

In the past, those big monsters who went to the Dragon Palace to trouble him were all beaten to the point of being injured, and they were still full of breath when they left.

Jiang Li looked at how relieved he was at that time, but looking at it now, he wanted to catch Jai Zi back and beat him up!

But the reality obviously does not allow him to do so.

The roar full of anger and resentment resounded through the valley, echoing between the heaven and the earth, and even the air seemed to tremble. Jiang Greed could only put down Jai Zi temporarily, and be wary of things in the valley.

The author has something to say:

Curious Yazi (probing): What are you eating

Angry Greedy Cub: Do you want to eat? not give :)


I'm coming!

Lao Qi finally has a positive face!

Draw 100 red envelopes today!

Chapter 183

The breath in the valley is shaking, shrouded in the valley