We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 229


The fog above was blown away by the violent air current, revealing the true appearance of the valley.

——The strange rocks in the valley are jagged, and the height can reach straight into the sky. On the strange rocks, there grows a fiery red maple forest, and clusters of red maple leaves are like burning flames, driven by the intense airflow to dance on the treetops and branches.

The strong wind howled, the strange rock trembled, and the red maple was stained with blood.

Afterwards, a giant with a head like a bull's head, wings on his back, four eyes and six arms, each holding a weapon, strode out. Its stature is immeasurably tall, and at first glance it feels like it is standing on top of the sky. Every time its feet step on the ground, it will cause the earth and the mountain to tremble. Every time the wings on its back flap, it will create a strong hurricane. The six arms holding weapons waved, gently clearing away all the obstacles around them.

The scales on Jiang Greed's body opened unconsciously, and under the powerful threat, his figure skyrocketed and he turned back into his real body.

His body leaned forward slightly, his scarlet pupils narrowed vigilantly, and he let out a tentative growl from his throat, assuming an attacking posture.

With a wave of the giant's arm, he also let out a thunderous roar. Following his movement, the pure black chains around his neck collided, making a piercing clank.

It roared angrily twice, and ignored Jiang Greed. It waved its weapon and slashed at the chains that bound him. For a moment, electric sparks flew everywhere, and the high-pitched and piercing impact sounded like countless cold arrows piercing the eardrums.

However, the chain is not as thick as its arm, but it doesn't move at all no matter how it is chopped, there is not even a trace of imprint.

The giant became even angrier when he saw this, and his six arms waved and chopped indiscriminately, and the entire valley was almost flattened by his strafing shots. The fierce hurricane rolled up the huge boulder, and shot it indiscriminately in all directions.

In the distance, Yazi pressed his ears back, and let out a low growl from his throat, while flexibly dodging flying stones, he retreated cautiously.

Jiang Li looked back at him while avoiding, blocked the Gangfeng Boulder with his body, and shouted at him, telling him to leave quickly.

With him blocking most of the wind and boulders, the pressure on Yazi in the rear was much less. He turned his head and glanced at Jiang Li, and then ran away without looking back. He was obviously familiar with this terrain, but within a few breaths, he had disappeared.

The mad giant in front was attracted by Jiang Greed's roar, and vented all his anger on him.

It flapped its wings, waved its arms, and strode towards Jiang Greed.

Jiang Gree raised his head and roared, not timidly going up to fight it.

The giant was different from any opponent in the past. It was huge and mighty, and its attacks were the same as Jiang Greed's, fighting head-on in a brutal and brutal manner.

The gigantic Taotie collided with the majestic giant, and there was a muffled sound when the bodies collided. The surrounding mountains collapsed, and the crushed stones engulfed the plants and animals on the mountains, pouring down like a torrent.

The giant smashed Jiang Lun's back with a huge ax in one arm, and Jiang Lun exchanged one for one, tearing off one of his arms.

Jiang Greed swallowed his arm in one gulp, feeling that the giant's arm tasted different from others. Before he could figure out what the difference was, the giant without an arm attacked again...

The two fought from the valley to the river, and from the river to the mountains. I don't know how many mountains have been trampled and how many rivers have been filled. Jiang Li had a few bruises on his body with deep visible bones, and the scales on his back were mottled, revealing bright red tender flesh. The giant also lost three arms, and one of the horns on his head was broken off.

Jiang Li hid behind a boulder, lowered his body cautiously, panting heavily.

From dark to dawn, and from dawn to dark again, today there is a faint morning light again. I don't know how many hours have passed, the injuries and the consumption, Jiang Li has already felt tired, and his movements are not as flexible and powerful as when he started.

The giant not far away was missing a few arms, but it didn't seem to feel any pain or fatigue. It turned its head, locked onto Jiang Li again, let out a roar, and rushed over brazenly.

Jiang Greed could only bite the bullet and fight again—

Suddenly there was a low whining sound behind him, Jiang Greed turned around, and saw Ya Zi, who had escaped before, came back at some point. He stopped and turned his head, impatiently urging Jiang Greed to follow.

Jiang Greed understood what he meant, hesitated for a moment, and quickly followed behind him. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Seeing this, the giant roared again, and followed closely behind.

Yazi was leading the way, and Jiang Greed shrunk to keep a distance and followed behind him. The giant waved his remaining arms. Because his body was too big, he moved slowly and lagged behind a long way, but he kept chasing him closely.

Jaizu held a dagger in his mouth, his ears pointed forward, and he ran with two tails behind him to find the complex terrain.

Jiang Greed shrunk in size and was not hindered much, but the huge giant encountered many obstacles, but at the same time, this also aroused its deeper and heavier anger. It waved the weapon in its hand to break through the obstacles, Perseveringly chasing after them, but the distance between the two sides is inevitably getting bigger and bigger.

Ya Zi glanced back and yelled at Jiang Li.

Jiang Greed immediately understood what he meant, speeded up, and quickly followed him, only half a step behind him.

At the same time, Yazi dodged into a cave full of purple vines, and Jiang Greed followed without hesitation. Immediately afterwards, Yazi jumped up, and the horns on the top of his head pushed hard towards the top of the cave. A huge falling rock fell down, just blocking the entrance of the cave tightly.

After being blocked, Yazi relaxed. He glanced at Jiang Li arrogantly, squatted on a large polished rock inside, and began to lick his hair slowly.

Jiang Tan glanced around the cave, and found that there was a lot of space inside the cave, and there were many unseen fruits piled up in the open space, and there were even two thin deer that were raised in captivity.

Seeing Jiang Greed kept staring at the two deer, Yazi, who was still cleaning the fur slowly, jumped up and growled threateningly at him.

Seeing the way his hair exploded, Jiang Greed thought this was obviously Yazi's lair.

He withdrew his gaze, sat down at the entrance of the cave, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

The sound of rocks collapsing could be heard intermittently outside. It was obvious that the giant was mad because he couldn't find them. He was a little worried that the giant would find them, but after listening for a long time, he didn't see any movement coming this way, and Yazi was even more calm. look.

Then he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the layout of the cave, Jai Zi obviously stayed in the space for a long time, and he was the one who led him to the valley of giants, so he should know better than him how to get rid of the giants.

Thinking of this, Jiang Li relaxed his tense body and began to clean the wound for himself.

Yazi pulled a bunch of fruits to the side of the big rock, while he lay down on the rock, eating the fruits one by one, staring curiously at Jiang Greed with a pair of dark golden eyes, and the short sword that was always held in his mouth was caught He pressed in paws.

Jiang Greed looked up at him while he was dealing with the wound, and asked, "You really don't remember me?"

Yazi's tail twitched, ahh ate a fruit.

Jiang Greed asked again: "How long have you been here? How did you get in?"

Yazi continued to eat the fruit and ignored him.


After treating the wound, Jiang Greed looked at him with a frown, and said to himself, "You won't even be able to speak after you forget who you are?"

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Yazi, who was lying on his stomach eating fruit, suddenly became violent, screamed and threw two stones at him angrily.

The stone hit him without pain or itching, Jiang Li didn't even try to dodge it, hehe sneered and said: "I'm stupid, but my temper has not changed. I'll settle this time with you when you recover."

Yazi exchanged glances with him, then laid down leisurely again, this time not looking at him, but leaning on the dagger and staring at the two captive deer.

Seeing this, Jiang Greed was moved, remembering that when he was eating supper by the river before, Yazi was hiding and watching. Reminiscing that there seemed to be no animals in the forest before, I understood the reason why Yazi stared at the two deer but refused to eat them.

—There must not be many animals in the mountains.

Yazi is no ordinary beast, he can live by eating fruit. But carnivorous animals are forced to be vegetarians, and it is painful to think about it and know it.

No wonder Yazi stared at the two deer but was reluctant to eat them, because they would be gone.

After thinking about it, Jiang Greed also got down on the ground, and took out a handful of gems from the storage ring to replenish his strength.

The crunching sound immediately attracted Yazi's attention, and he stretched his head to look in Jiang Li's direction. Seeing Jiang Li covering his paws, he patted the ground with his paws in dissatisfaction, and let out a fierce howl.

Jiang Greed ignored him, turned around, turned his back to him, and continued eating.


He ground his teeth and stared at Jiang Greed angrily.

hold grudges.

After staying in the cave for an unknown amount of time, Jiang Greed listened for a long time, but there was no movement of the giant outside, but he didn't know if the giant had gone to look for them elsewhere or had gone back. Will it come out again after going back.

He glanced at Yai Zi who was angry and ignored him, adjusted a comfortable posture, and began to think about taking Yai Zi back home.

If he wants to go back, he can only take the road that Song Yu walked before - this is the only clear connection between the two spaces so far.

It's just a question of how to get Jai Zi back. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

He obviously wouldn't follow him honestly, and it would be another trouble to make a noise to lure the giant over.

Staring at Yazi became more and more serious, Jiang Greed had already started to think about the possibility of knocking Yazi unconscious and taking him back.

Yazi sensed his gaze, sensitive