We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 23


: "It's nothing, I'll ask Xiao Jiang to take you to buy two clothes, look at what you're wearing, be careful that you'll get sick and sick when you get old."

Xiao Hei hung the bag on the wheelchair and pushed him outside: "I'm not cold."

He said that if it is not cold, it is really not cold. Although Xiao Yao does not have any advanced cultivation base, but his physical fitness is still good, and he does not get sick so easily.

But Uncle Yao obviously didn't believe it, and Xiao Hei was happy to hear the babble all the way, with a bright smile on his face.

The three of them took a taxi back to the community, and the two lived at the opposite door, which was convenient. It's just that the elevator stopped, and when the three of them went out, Xiao Hei suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Jiang Li with a look of horror, and stammered: "That, that... Da Hei will have to work hard for you to take care of him for two days , When the house is tidy, I will take it back."

His voice was small and weak, revealing a guilty conscience.

These days I was so busy in the hospital that I forgot, Uncle Yao didn't know that Dahei was dead. Dahei was pretended by Xiaohei, and now that other people are here, there must be no Dahei in the room.

He could only make up an excuse to delay the time, and looked at Jiang Greed for help, asking him to help him think of a way.

Fortunately, Uncle Yao didn't notice anything was wrong, he looked at Jiang Greed cheerfully: "I'm bothering you again, when my leg is healed, I'll cook a big meal for you personally, Xiao Jiang must come."

Jiang Greed secretly gave Xiao Hei a comforting smile, and responded with a smile.


It rained again on Monday morning.

It's clearly not the rainy season yet, but the continuous rain has started intermittently.

The weather was so bad that Jiang Li even bought two tea eggs for breakfast and hurried to the unit.

Because of the rain, Jiang Tan arrived late, and everyone else in the office had already arrived.

He flicked the water droplets from the umbrella in the bucket at the door, and opened the umbrella to dry in the open space behind the office.

Uncle Zhou was still the same, holding a cup of hot tea with a smile on his face, Jiang Li said good morning to him, and carried Suan Ni to his desk. Xue Meng, who was on the opposite side, heard the movement and straightened up, and asked him a morning feebly.

Jiang Greed was surprised: "What's wrong with your voice?"

Xue Meng has an outgoing personality, and his voice is always full of vigor, and he knows that this is a sunny and healthy boy when he hears his voice. But today he was talking as if holding his throat, his voice was high-pitched and sharp, and it sounded weird.

"What's wrong with my voice?" Xue Meng touched his throat suspiciously, couldn't help coughing twice, and complained: "I caught a cold when I slept at night, and it's useless to take medicine. I keep coughing, is my throat hoarse?" ?”

"How can you be hoarse?" Xiao Xiaoyu turned his head when he heard the sound, and said with a poisonous tongue: "Like a eunuch who has been castrated."

The voice was so high-pitched and thin that it hurt people's ears.

I have to say that although she has a poisonous tongue, her descriptions are very precise.

Xue Meng refused to accept: "You were eunuched, and your whole family was eunuched!"

After finishing speaking, I still want to pull Jiang Li to comment: "Jiang Li, what do you think my voice sounds like a eunuch?"

Jiang Greed:... emmmmm

At first he only felt that Xue Meng was holding his throat and speaking, but when Xiao Xiaoyu said that, he felt that it was quite similar.

Xue Meng saw that he was silent and did not speak, and suddenly showed an angry look of being betrayed: "You are targeting me, and you don't know how to care about patients."

Xiao Xiaoyu just took out the cold medicine from the drawer, and slapped it on his desk when he heard the words: "Your voice is like this, and you still have to beep, just take the medicine honestly!"

Xue Meng snorted angrily, got up to get a cup of hot water, and took two cold medicines.

In the afternoon, the rain finally stopped.

Director Cheng called Jiang Li and Xue Meng to the office and handed them a stack of flu prevention brochures.

"According to the hospital's feedback, there seems to be a small-scale outbreak of influenza in our district recently, and it has been cloudy and rainy for the past two days. The two of you find some time and go to these high-influenza communities to do prevention and publicity work together."

Jiang Greed looked at the document and said, "Xue Meng has a cold, I'll go alone. Is there a deadline for completion?"

Director Cheng smiled and said, "Try to publicize this week."

Xue Meng originally wanted to go with him, but as soon as he opened his mouth to say two words, Director Cheng was taken aback by his ugly voice.

"Xiao Xue, if you can't hold on, please take sick leave and go to the hospital." After speaking, he looked at Jiang Li kindly and made a decision: "Then the propaganda work will be hard work, Xiao Jiang. If you can't do it alone, the time You can also relax a little bit."

Jiang Greed responded, and returned to the office with Xue Meng holding a large stack of promotional materials.

Xue Meng is still babbling: "I'm actually fine, but my throat is a little uncomfortable, and I feel itchy and always want to cough."

His voice was too sharp, as if piercing his eardrums, Jiang Li couldn't stand it, poured him another cup of hot water with concern, and tried to stop his mouth: "I can do it alone, if you are sick, you can Take a good rest, drink plenty of water and talk less."

Xue Meng was moved immediately, and said in a sharp voice: "Jiang Li, you are so kind."

Jiang Li smiled politely and politely back at him.

Xue Meng: I'm so touched QAQ

The publicity work in the community needs to be prepared in advance. Jiang Li had no experience for the first time, so Xue Meng found out the PPTs from previous years for him to use as a reference. While reading the materials, Jiang Greed asked questions from time to time about things he didn't understand.

Until he saw the list of key publicity communities, he pointed to the name of one of the communities and asked in surprise, "Why is it Hongjingyuan again?"

In just a few days, Hongjingyuan appeared too frequently. It seems to be everywhere.

Xue Meng suddenly said: "Dead people, bad luck."

He spoke very fast, and Jiang Greed couldn't hear clearly for a while, and asked in confusion, "What did you just say?"

Xue Meng pinched his rooster's throat and stared blankly at him: "I didn't speak."

Jiang Greed frowned a little bit, he looked at Xue Meng seriously, and touched his forehead again, but found nothing unusual.

It doesn't look like he was hit by an evil or cursed, and he doesn't have a demon aura on his body.

Xue Meng looked at him in a daze, his tone was aggrieved, but his voice was very sharp: "I don't have a fever."

Although he didn't see the problem, Jiang Greed was still a little worried. He was not good at this kind of thing, so he could only ask, "Where did you go on the weekend?"

Xue Meng recalled, and said: "I went to my grandfather's house after get off work on Friday, and I came back on Sunday night, and I didn't go anywhere in the middle."

Jiang Greed asked again: "Have you encountered anything special?"

Xue Meng thought for a while: "It's nothing, right? It's just that I'm fine in the community. I heard a group of aunts gossip. Didn't someone just die in the community? There was still a warning belt on the manhole cover. I listened to it at the time. ear."

Looking at Jiang Li's serious expression, his eyes gradually became frightened, and he lowered his voice and asked, "I'm not hitting a ghost, am I?"

Jiang Greed patted him, and said with a broken smile, "You didn't see anything wrong with you, maybe I'm thinking too much. If you're worried, I'll ask a friend to confirm later."

Xue Meng nodded like a pounding garlic: "Dad, you hurry up and ask me, otherwise I won't sleep well tonight."

Jiang Greed agreed.

Next, the two of them concentrated on preparing the presentation plan, but there were no more problems.

When he was about to get off work, Jiang Li suddenly received a call from Ying Qiao.

There was an obvious smile in the other party's voice: "I happened to pass by your unit on business. Are you off work? Is it convenient for me to come in? I brought you something."

Jiang Greed looked at the time. Everyone was getting ready to leave work, so he said, "It's convenient, where are you? I'll pick you up."

"No, I'm in the lobby of your unit."

Ying Qiao got out of the car, held a few bags in his hands, and raised his chin to Chen Hua, signaling that he could leave.

Of course the process was made up, he just wanted to find a reason to feed the little monster, and get to know the little monster's colleagues and friends by the way.

As a pioneer in raising cubs scientifically, Ying Qiao not only pays attention to the little monster itself, but also tries to understand the little monster's circle of friends.

Helping cubs build a good relationship with colleagues and friends is also a very important part.

He was carrying four or five bags, and as soon as he arrived at the hall, he ran into Jiang Li who came out to greet him.

The weather is a bit cold today, and Jiang Li was wearing a white long-sleeved hooded sweater. He came out in a hurry, and the two small ties on the hat dangled in front of him, very lively and cute.

"I thought you weren't free to come today."

Ying Qiao walked in with him, and said gently: "I promised you to come, and I won't break my promise. It's just that there is something that has delayed me for a while."

The president who left hands still has to go to work, otherwise, where would he get the money to support the cub.

Without thinking too much, Jiang Greed led him into the office and sat down in his seat.

Xiao Xiaoyu was the first to notice Ying Qiao, and approached with a smile: "Jiang Li, is this your friend?"

"This is Ying Qiao." Jiang Greed nodded. Introduced two people.

"This is Xiao Xiaoyu."

Ying Qiao nodded and said hello gentlemanly: "Hello, I am older than Jiang Yu, and he is just like my younger brother."

After finishing speaking, he put the packaging bag in his hand on the table, and took out the snacks and fruits inside to share with them: "It's a rare time to come here, I bought some snacks, thank you for taking care of Jiang Li."

Xiao Xiaoyu was not polite, took an orange, and said enviously: "Jiang Li, your brother is so kind to you."

She also wants to have such a handsome and warm brother!

Later, Xue Meng squeezed his rooster's throat unwilling to be lonely: "Welcome Brother Ying to come often in the future!"

Jiang Greed was actually a little embarrassed. To be honest, Ying Qiao, an ordinary snake clan, must be smaller than himself. But Ying Qiao didn't know his identity, and he was full of love, so he didn't refute, and acquiesced in the other party's kindness.

It just so happened that Uncle Zhou came back from outside with a teacup in his hand at this time: "Hey! Why is it so lively?"

Xiao Xiaoyu greeted him