We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 238


The most ferocious resentment that Tuan separated from Taotie was later Jiang Chi.

Gonggong also accidentally discovered the place where Taotie was sealed when he knocked down Buzhou Mountain and pretended to flee. Later, the aura in the lower realm became thinner and weaker due to the Jedi's heavenly power. When he was looking for a way to break the barrier between heaven and earth, he thought of Taotie. When he went to search again, he found that Taotie had left. resentment.

At that time, he guessed that the Yellow Emperor had already seen Taotie's unusualness long ago, so he specially sealed him with Xuanyuan Sword to get rid of his grievances.

Later he checked the whereabouts of Taotie, and learned that he was found by the Dragon Palace, and he rarely showed up after that, only vaguely heard that Taotie was staying safely in the Dragon Palace, so he was almost sure that his guess was correct. If it was a fierce Taotie, even the Dragon Palace would not be able to lock him up.

He put away the fierce resentment together with the broken Xuanyuan sword, and after many years of searching and searching, he finally found Chi You's real burial place and found Chi You's head, that's when he came up with this idea.

- Raise Chi You's head, Taotie, and that group of ferocious aura together to maximize their ferocity and let them devour each other, just like raising Gu. The one left after that must be a fusion of the three parties , the strongest, and the closest to the real Chi You's strength.

At that time, he only needs to find another suitable container and refine it to sacrifice to heaven. With the ferocity and strength of the "Gu King", and with his assistance, he will be able to break through the barrier between heaven and earth in one fell swoop and fulfill his long-cherished wish for many years.

In order to get to the last step today, he has spent countless time and painstaking efforts.

Gonggong watched with satisfaction as Taotie swallowed Chi You's head, and the obvious trauma on his body began to recover quickly.

He touched the Nine Cauldrons in his sleeve, and only waited for the Taotie to devour the Yazi, then he would be done.

However, Taotie did not devour Yazi as he wished, he stared at Yazi for a long time with his scarlet eyes open, then turned and left.

Yazi, who was standing still, relaxed slightly, and immediately ran in the opposite direction.

On the contrary, Taotie walked a few steps, then stopped hesitantly, looked around for a while, and then walked towards the north hesitantly.

Gonggong's face darkened slightly, and he took back the Jiuding in his sleeve, and muttered to himself: "It shouldn't be..."

Taotie swallowed the heads of Jiang Chi and Chi You, who were transformed into ferocious qi, one after another. This time should be the most powerful, and it is also the moment when the ferocious nature is most aroused. Taotie was born with the ability to devour everything and eat everything. He is hungry all the time, and greed is engraved in his bones.

There is no reason for Tao Tie, whose ferocity is fully aroused, to let Ya Zi go.

Unless something went wrong.

Gonggong gloomyly recalled for a while, and with a sway of the snake's tail, he searched for the place where Jiang Chi and Chi You fought. When he got there, there were only ruins and a large amount of blood on the ground, and Jiang Chi was nowhere to be seen.

He had been here when he first stepped into the small world. He thought that Jiang Chi was devoured by Taotie and his body was gone, but he never thought that there is another possibility, that is, Jiang Chi was not devoured by Taotie.

His face was changing, and after a long time, he followed the trail to find the past - he wanted to confirm Jiang Chi's life and death. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The author has something to say:

#Little Farewell Reunion#

Longlong: I finally found a boyfriend (kiss, hug, hold high

Greedy Cub: Delicious! (Suddenly excited


Although it was late, I finally wrote it out.

Good night everyone =3=

I just noticed that it's number 7, the cuties of the college entrance examination, come on!

Chapter 191

Jiang Chi's trail is not difficult to find. When Gonggong found Jiang Chi in the cave, Jiang Chi had just woken up.

Herbal medicines were still applied on his body indiscriminately, and the trauma has healed a lot, but he was still weak after being seriously injured, and he had some difficulty in moving, so he could only look out from where he was. He clearly remembered seeing Jiang Greed before he fell into a coma, but why didn't he see anyone when he woke up

Gonggong watched him in the dark for a long while, then appeared with a cold snort and walked out.

"You really are tough."

A mass of stripped resentment rose up, and by chance, he and Xuanyuanjian brought it back together, and later handed it over to Tianwu. After going through reincarnation and suffering, he has lived tenaciously until now.

Gonggong looked at him with satisfaction, as if looking at a well-finished work: "Although it is more troublesome than I expected, the effect is better this way."

Jiang Chi didn't understand his inexplicable words, but his instinct made him aware of the danger, he stood up staggeringly, and let out a low growl of warning in a bravado.

Gonggong didn't take his demonstration seriously, and with a wave of his sleeve, Jiang Chi lost consciousness.

He took the unconscious Jiang Chi to look for Jiang Greed.

Jiang Li didn't walk fast. He seemed to be extremely hungry. He ate up all the food he could eat along the way. His eyes were red with ferociousness, and he was full of hostility. Somewhat like it.

Gong Gong observed for a while, looking for an opportunity to throw the unconscious Jiang Chi in front of Jiang Lu without showing any trace.

The way forward was blocked, and Jiang Greed looked hesitantly at the red beast that descended from the sky. Excitement and doubts flashed in his eyes after seeing the food, but he didn't immediately pounce on it to feast on it.

He stopped on the spot hesitantly, his ferocious eyes swept over Jiang Chi, he was eager, but he turned him over hesitantly, revealing the front side.

He still remembered Jiang Chi, who seemed to be his subordinate who specially served him food.

After devouring Chi You's head, most of his injuries were healed, but Chi You's resentment aroused his ferocity, causing instinct to dominate his actions. At this moment, he is like a walking killer who only knows how to eat, and his reason is overwhelmed by desire. Temporarily suppressed, but occasionally popped up because of the blurred memory.

So he didn't rush to devour Jiang Chi without hesitation after seeing Jiang Chi.

The weak but still tenacious sense of reason stopped the instinct, making him stand still, looking at Jiang Chi with scarlet eyes, but he didn't move.

Jiang Chi yelled, waking up from his coma.

He struggled to open his eyes, and saw Jiang Greed who was only a step away from him.

Jiang Chi's eyes widened in surprise, and while calling out to Jiang Greed, he subconsciously rushed over and wanted to fall into his arms. But he forgot his current situation, he turned into a beast shape, his appearance was ferocious, he could not speak, and the sound he made when he opened his mouth was also a low and hoarse roar.

Jiang Greed thought he was going to attack him, and after quickly avoiding it, he yelled back at him in a demonstrative manner, his sharp claws scratched deep marks on the ground, and he almost couldn't help but pounce on him and tear him apart.

Jiang Chi flinched, and then realized from the surprise of seeing Jiang Greed at first, he opened his mouth to speak again, but no matter what he uttered, there was only a hoarse and dull roar, which was a bit vicious because of his anxiety .

It seems to be provocative.

Jiang Greed narrowed his eyes slightly, rushed forward and pressed Jiang Chi to the ground, his red vertical pupils looked at him coldly, as if deliberating.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Chi was pushed to the ground, his deadly neck and abdomen were in Jiang's claws, but he didn't struggle at all, he just looked at him in puzzlement and worry, not understanding what happened to Jiang.

At this moment, he also understood that it wasn't just him, but Jiang Li's state was also not right.

Jiang Li kept panting heavily, and let out a dull grunt from his throat. His eyes scanned him back and forth, and even lowered his head to smell him.

Jiang Chi obediently did not move.

Seeing that he seemed to be very interested in his claws, he also took the initiative to curl up the sharp claws and sent the claws to him in a fawning manner.

Unable to speak, he kept silent, and only tried his best to convey his harmlessness with his eyes.

Jiang Greed stared at the prey that was offered to him, his eyes hesitated for a moment, and he bit the paw as if unable to bear the temptation.

He didn't eat it yet, but just smelled it, and he knew that the taste in front of him must not be bad.

Taotie can swallow everything in the world, and its teeth are naturally extremely sharp.

Jiang Chi's paw was bitten by him, and he grunted in pain, but he still didn't struggle. He only looked at Jiang Greed with trusting eyes, and unconsciously let out a cub-like whimper from his throat.

Jiang Greed looked at him for a moment, spat out the claws that had been eaten into his mouth, and then roared angrily, leaving Jiang Chi behind and ran away quickly.

Jiang Chi called him anxiously, but he could only hear the howling of beasts echoing in the forest, and Jiang Greed had disappeared.

Falling short again, Gong Gong who was hidden in the dark looked at the direction where Jiang Greed disappeared, his face was congealed for a moment, he appeared and grabbed Jiang Chi in his hands, and said with an uncertain expression: "I can't tell, but your relationship is quite deep, to this extent Now, Taotie can still resist not eating you."

Jiang Chi couldn't open his mouth, but he connected with the previous coma, and then thought of Jiang Li's actions just now, and vaguely understood what was wrong with Jiang Li.

He stared at Gonggong resentfully, guessing that he was in the same group as his kidnapper.

Gonggong met his eyes, sneered, and took out the Jiuding from his sleeve. The normal-sized Jiuding continued to grow bigger in his palm, and then he flipped his wrist, and the huge Jiuding turned upside down, trapping Jiang Chi in the tripod.

"It's just a mass of fierce resentment, but it has its own thoughts."

Gong Gong only thought it was absurd and ridiculous, it was all evolved from Chi You's grievances, opponents who were supposed to devour each other and kill each other, but after getting along for a short time, they still had feelings.

It's a joke!

He spent a lot of time sending resentment into samsara, going through hardships, not to make him a kind person who sacrificed himself, but to make him hate the human race, to stimulate his ferocity, to make him and Taotie fight and devour each other , it's not watching them act brotherly love