We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 239



"If you don't do anything, you can only let me come."

Gonggong glanced at Shi Chen, put his palm on Jiuding, and then slapped the snake tail on the ground heavily behind him, and saw several deep gullies cracked on the ground. Immediately afterwards, the same red resentment as in the Red Maple Valley filled the gully , in an instant. The whole world was filled with red resentment, and the Jiuding, which was upside down in the ground, was also surrounded by an endless stream of blood miasma.

Jiang Chi, who was trapped in the tripod, only felt that the feeling of gradually filling his body had returned.

The wounds on his body began to heal, but he didn't have time to be happy. There was only a humming in the tripod, and then a kind and old voice sounded beside my ears: "Ah Chi."

Jiang Chi was in a trance for a while, as if he saw his grandma who called him.

"Grandma?" @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

He turned his head with difficulty, with a look of sadness and joy on his face. But before he could say a word to grandma, the voice in his ear changed again.

Familiar voices sounded in his ears, but they seemed to be calling directly in his mind. The familiar and unfamiliar "Achi" sounded, carrying a series of difficult and obscure memories, like half of the rising tide rushing into him crazily. in the brain.

Fragments are like a revolving lantern. A filial adopted son was beaten, scolded and abused by his adoptive parents since he was a child, but he helped the family at the age of seven or eight. In winter, he had a fever but was forced to kneel in the ice and snow, and was finally frozen to death. , the body was thrown into the snow-capped mountains, eaten by wolves, tigers and leopards, and died without a whole body; there were good-natured young people who stabbed their friends in both sides, but were framed by their friends, their families were ruined, and they suffered all kinds of humiliation, but they watched the betrayal The friend stepped on his bones and made great achievements, and finally died with hatred, and died with regret...

Every life, every memory, is humiliated and humiliated.

The soaring resentment gathers in the heart, and the "Achi" is like a debt-collecting evil spirit, leading people into deep sinking.

Jiang Chi opened his eyes wide, as if he had personally experienced the resentment that lasted forever. The monstrous resentment gathered in his chest, and countless "Jiang Chi" who had died said in his ears: Kill them for revenge, kill them! Kill them, kill, kill...

His eyes were red, his head was about to split, and he raised his head and let out a mournful roar.

He is like a young butterfly wrapped in a cocoon, trapped in the cocoon, knowing that breaking the cocoon is the only way out, but one after another cry of resentment, full of hatred and blood, trapped his cocoon-breaking siblings.

Jiang Chi's struggle gradually weakened, he curled up weakly in the cauldron, opened and closed his mouth, silently calling Jiang Li's name, but his eyes gradually lost sight...

"Jiang Chi."

Just when he was about to sink completely, a clear and soothing voice overwhelmed the whispers of resentment, pulling him back from the brink of falling like a drum in the evening.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Chi moved in a daze, suddenly realized something, lowered his head and bit himself hard, until he tasted the smell of blood between his lips and teeth, then let go of his mouth and gasped for breath.


"Big Ding is quite cruel to me." The voice muttered before saying, "I'm Geng Chen, your sister-in-law's uncle."


Gengchen Jiangchi knew about it, but isn't he a Ding who only knows how to drink milk? How come here

Is it an illusion again

Jiang Chi pressed his wound vigilantly, trying to use the pain to keep himself awake: "How do I know if what you said is true or not? How do you prove that you are Geng Chen?"

Geng Chen hissed, thinking that this little bastard is quite smart, he hesitated for a while and said reluctantly: "You were not there when that little bastard Ying Qiao gave me milk, can this prove it?"

He still felt ashamed when talking about it, but he had only just recovered, and he had no chance to deal with Jiang Chi, only met him once or twice, and besides drinking milk, he really had nothing else to prove.

I'm not very happy to mention it.

Geng Chen can only comfort himself that this is sacrificing the small self to fulfill the big self. It is rare to see such a wise and wise big monster who takes the overall situation into consideration, and he has not learned a little bit like a little bastard.

The vigilance in Jiang Chi's eyes was a little less. It is true that no one else knew about the delivery of monster milk to Geng Chen except for them.

But he still didn't relax completely, and said cautiously: "Why are you here?"

Geng Chen thought, isn't it the big cauldron of my son's body that is on top of your head? Or I delivered it myself.

Besides, it's a long story, and it's a waste of time, so it's better to hurry up and do some important things.

He said directly: "It's a long story, so I won't talk about it, do you want to go back with Jiang Greed?"

Jiang Chi hesitated for a moment, but still nodded: "Yes."

"Then do as I say." Geng Chen's voice became serious: "Ying Qiao's little bastard should be here soon, and I will hand you both over to him intact."

The author has something to say:

Jiang Chi (confused): Isn't Geng Chen a fool? Do I listen or not

Geng Chen:? ? ?


I came to update and found out that the leave note was written, but I didn’t click to publish orz

mentally handicapped +10

I didn't goo, it was just Calvin.

Finally finished writing, good night!

Draw 100 red envelopes.

Chapter 192

For this moment, Geng Chen has been waiting for thousands of years.

In ancient times, the monster race was rampant in the world, and they were the supreme gods. Since they were born between heaven and earth, their cognition is that strength is the respect. A weak race can only survive, but a powerful race like the Yinglong, who can call the wind and rain, and destroy the world is only a matter of turning over.

There are many big demons as tyrannical as the Yinglong clan. They live wantonly and roam the world. No monster clan has ever realized that such rampant days will come to an end one day.

The powerful power makes them proud, making them think of themselves as being higher than other races, but in fact, under the law of heaven, witch gods or demon races, and human races are no different from other weak and humble races.

There is permanence in the way of heaven, it does not exist for Yao, and it does not perish for Jie.

Under the Dao of Heaven, all living beings are the same.

At that time, Gengchen didn't understand these two sentences deeply. Even if Bai Ze came to talk with him and his brother in secret, he worriedly mentioned the hexagrams and prophecies, and talked about the continuation and future of the clan, but he didn't fully believe it.

The monster race has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and its power is unrivaled. How can it be the way of heaven against them

He was young and energetic, and he just felt that Bai Ze was too worrying.

Just a hexagram, can determine the fate of a family

What a joke!

The elder brother obviously held the same attitude as him. Although he didn't explicitly oppose it, he didn't agree with Bai Ze's suggestion either.

Bai Ze said that when the moon is full, it will lose money, and when the water is full, it will overflow. The clan of witch gods has reached the peak of prosperity, if they don't restrain themselves, they will turn from prosperity to decline, and the family may be exterminated.

If it is prepared early, it may be avoided, otherwise, it will be difficult to turn around.

The elder brother asked Bai Ze: How to avoid it

Bai Ze said: Cut off contact, eliminate witches and gods, and avoid living in the four poles. Only after three thousand years can they be solved.

The upper and lower realms were originally a realm of chaos, and it was Pangu who opened up the world, so there was a division between heaven and earth. Afterwards, Pangu died and turned into everything in the world, nourishing the earth. From this, the monster clan became more and more prosperous, and other clans also rose up one after another, living on the same land.

But the prosperity of the race, in contrast to it, is bound to have disputes.

The witch-god clan was born between heaven and earth, and their power was stronger than other races by nature, so they naturally became the leaders of all clans. The rest of the clans could only rely on the witch-god clan to survive.

Even the name of the witch god clan was a title that came later.

The earliest shaman gods were raised naturally, and there was no unified clan name. It was only after growing stronger that they came to be called shaman gods in order to distinguish them from the humble and weak races.

Some tribes even moved to the upper realm, where the weaker races could not easily reach, because they hated the despicable races and did not want to get involved in the disputes in the lower realms, and they truly lived as proud "gods".

At that time, they really regarded themselves as gods.

But Bai Ze wanted them to "cut off the communication between heaven and earth, not call themselves witch gods, and even avoid living in the barren four-pole land", which was tantamount to fantasy at the time.

So in the end Baize returned disappointed.

But he seemed to have expected this kind of result long ago, so he just sighed and said to his elder brother: "I didn't expect this trip, but I still want to try my best. But now it seems that this is an inevitable fate. When Chi You appears , I will come again. I hope you will change your mind then."

After speaking, he left quietly.

They didn't understand what "Chi You" was at the time, and after thinking about it for a while, they had no clue, so they put Bai Ze's words behind them.

Many years later, Bai Ze never appeared again, and the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor fought in Banquan, and Yan Emperor was defeated.

The Yellow Emperor is powerful, but not arrogant. He has lived in the lower realm for a long time, and never underestimates the weak and small races. He has learned from the development of various races and formulated many rules to make the monster races stronger and more prosperous, including some tribes that belonged to Emperor Yan. , is becoming more and more powerful.

Among them, the Jiuli tribe is the most powerful, and the new leader of the Jiuli tribe, Chi You, is also famous in both worlds for his powerful strength.

Chi You's name reminded him and his elder brother of the past.

They tried to find Bai Ze to find out what happened, but they couldn't find any trace of Bai Ze. Not long after that, I heard that the Jiuli tribe was acting more and more rampantly, and the leader Chi You even provoked again and again, showing the intention of being disobedient.

After that, there was an unexpected battle for the deer.

Chi You's strength is stronger than the rumors, he can fight a hundred, even the Yellow Emperor is invincible. Where the Jiuli Tribe passed by, the old rules were abolished, and all ethnic groups respected their strength and slaughtered everywhere. The short-lived peace