We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 248


Tie and the Jiangcheng Demon Management Bureau presented a big gift.

Gonggong hated so much in his heart that he attacked more and more fiercely.

However, Yazi was not as stupid and weak as he remembered. After a false move, Yazi slapped Gong Gong's old tail wound with his claws, and the sharp claws tore off a piece of flesh, and even the bones could be seen.

Gonggong's face twitched, and the pain of injury made him lose control and shattered the surrounding mountains, rocks, vegetation, and his eyes became more and more crazy.

He suddenly laughed twice, gritted his teeth and said: "Gao Tie, Ying Long, and now you are added, you will all die!"

Yazi scoffed at him with his nose, scratched the ground with his paws, his silver-gray pupils became more and more courageous.

It's not an illusion, he has really become stronger!

That's the way this pitted big snake is, and it's just right to fight back to eat the roasted snake section.

Thinking of the grilled snake section, he couldn't help but suck, he really wanted to eat meat.

Here, Gonggong and Yazi are fighting inextricably. Outside, Jiang Li is holding a meeting with Ying Qiao and Bi Xiyan to exchange information with each other.

Apart from Gonggong, none of the members of the Gan faction were arrested.

Now, apart from concentrating their efforts on searching for Gonggong's whereabouts, they also need to find Gengchen Jiangchi and Yazi.

Previously, Bi Xi and Bi Yan searched Chi You's bones, but they couldn't find any trace of Ya Zi. And the Jiuding transformed by Geng Chen disappeared without a trace with Jiang Chi after Lei Punishment.

Jiang Li squeezed the center of his brows, and suppressed the worry in his heart: "Let's divide the troops into two groups. Ying Qiao and I will go after Taifeng to find the traces of Gonggong. The whereabouts of Jiuding Jiangchi and Laoqi will be handed over to the eldest brother Si." Bro."

Gonggong was seriously injured and escaped. If he is not found out as soon as possible, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not come out to cause trouble again after heals up.

Bixi nodded, and replied in a deep voice: "I have already asked people to expand the scope of the search. If there is no accident, the old seven may have just left the small world. But Jiuding and Jiang Chi..." He paused, but did not continue .

Before the thunder punishment, all the people present saw with their own eyes that the red monster transformed by Jiang Chi rushed into the Jiuding, and the Jiuding landed in the middle of the altar. But after the thunder punishment, Mount Menghu was razed to the ground, and everyone in the Qian faction was there. But Jiuding and Jiang Chi were the only ones missing. What this means, everyone has a vague idea, but no one is the first to point it out.

"Geng Chen and Jiang Chi will be fine."

When the atmosphere was tense, Ying Qiao said firmly, "Since Geng Chen had already been playing tricks, he wouldn't let himself die so easily."

He knew Geng Chen's character too well, he was not the kind of person who would silently die without leaving a last word.

Ying Qiao took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, stood up and said, "Just as I said just now, the soldiers will look for it in two ways. Ji Xian is also here, and she is with us. trace."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ji Xian's skirt fluttering in the distance, stepping on the fire.

She still had a cold look on her face, she glanced at the surrounding ruins, and said, "I was in retreat for the past two days, so I came a step late, where is Geng Chen?"

"Take Jiang Chi and disappeared." Ying Qiao spread his hands, told her the speculation in a long story short, and then pretended to explain to Geng Chen: "Maybe there is another secret layout somewhere."

After hearing these words, Ji Xian's face turned cold again. She closed her eyes in thought, took out a jade pendant and said, "On the way here, the jade pendant seems to have sensed it. I'll go find him."

This jade pendant is exactly what Gengchen gave her as a token of love when she was in the lower realm. It is made from the bamboo flowers of the mother bamboo, while Gengchen carries the baby bamboo. The two sides can feel each other and communicate with each other.

Ying Qiao frowned when he heard the words, and said: "In that case, then go find Geng Chen first, maybe he will know the whereabouts of Gonggong."

After a few people discussed it, they split up.

Bi Xi and Bi An took Dragon Palace's manpower to search, while Tai Feng took the Demon Management Bureau's manpower to finish cleaning up the battlefield, and then went to search for Gonggong's whereabouts.

Ying Qiao and Jiang Li followed Ji Xian first, and followed Yupei's vague induction to find Geng Chen's whereabouts.

Ying Qiao looked at Ji Xian who was walking ahead and sensing the position of the jade pendant without saying a word.

Not too worried, and even a little bit want to laugh.

Geng Chen can still send a signal to Ji Xian for help now, and when he is found, he may wish to die even more.

Otherwise, the bad debts he owed would not be settled in a short while.

The author has something to say:

Geng Chen:? ? Little brat, you really want me to die.

Longlong: Otherwise


I’ve been waiting for a long time, I’m unable to write the last few chapters, I really want the second update but I’m too tired, and I don’t dare to stay up too late, let’s owe the first update, I really can’t write orz

In fact, I had a minor operation a few days ago. I have nothing to do but need to rest more, and I sleep dimly every day.

I didn’t want to say it at first, but if I get scolded, I’d better explain it hhhh (it’s really nothing to worry about, it’s a minor surgery)

Draw 200 red envelopes to compensate everyone, I'm really sorry.

Chapter 200

small world.

Gonggong and Yazi have already decided the winner.

After eating the flowers and plants full of aura in the small world, Yazi's strength gradually increased. However, Gonggong was seriously injured, and lost his heart in anger, so the defeat can be imagined.

Jaizu slapped him from mid-air to the ground, and was about to step forward to give him a fatal blow, but Gonggong suddenly rolled up the nest of stone eggs not far away and threw it forcefully towards the distance, then turned around and flew away. Run in the opposite direction.

Seeing a nest of eggs being thrown high and about to fall to the ground in the blink of an eye, Yazi roared angrily, immediately ignored Gonggong, and rushed over to catch the eggs in a hurry.

But Gonggong took advantage of this opportunity and escaped far away.

Geng Chen, who was hiding in the dark watching the battle, pounced hard on the ground angrily, looked at Ya Zi who was in a hurry, and then looked at Gong Gong who was running further and further away, the whole tripod was turned over, and under the cover of mountains, rocks and vegetation, he struggled towards Gong Gong. Gong chased after him.

And here Yazi narrowly caught a nest of eggs, felt distressed one by one, and confirmed that the balls were still strong, and after none of them were broken, he dragged the eggs to find the nest again.

——Gong Gong had already run away without a trace at this time, and he could not catch up with him any more, so he simply found a satisfactory place and dug a cave to make a nest, and first carefully hid a nest of eggs in the nest.

After choosing a place to settle down, it's time to find something to eat.

Although he couldn't eat the roasted snake section, Yazi was very satisfied with the aura-filled flowers and plants here. After a stroll around, he picked a large bunch and came back to fill his stomach first, and then piled all the remaining flowers and plants on the rocks. Then he yawned lazily, lay down next to the egg, and prepared to have a good sleep first.

When I have enough energy, I will catch snakes and eat them tomorrow.

At the same time, Gengchen followed the traces and finally found Gonggong's trace.

Gong Gong, who was seriously injured, was closing his eyes under a cliff to heal his wounds. There were several large and small stone spirits beside him, and he was absorbing the spiritual power from the stone spirits to nourish the damaged meridians.

He looked very embarrassed, and the successive injuries left him in a very weak and exhausted state.

If Geng Chen hadn't been struck by the lightning penalty, he would have been 80% sure to kill him with one blow.

However, he is now just a tripod with almost no ability to protect himself. And Jiang Chi exhausted all his strength, turned into a cloud of red mist and fell asleep to repair himself.

Seeing that the great opportunity to completely kill Gong Gong was about to be missed, Geng Chen was very anxious.

It's been a while since the news spread, and I don't know if Ji Xian can bring the little bastard over in time. If Gonggong is allowed to run away this time, it will only be more difficult to kill him completely next time. Besides, there is only this chance to turn the fate around. If it is missed, there will be no next Bai Ze to risk his life to push the derivative machine.

Geng Chen was full of sorrow, couldn't hold back his anxiety and rolled twice.


Gong Gong, who was closing his eyes to heal his wounds, suddenly opened his eyes, looking vigilantly at Geng Chen's hiding place.

Geng Chen froze immediately, he was firmly fixed on the spot and did not dare to move again.

However, Gonggong was like a frightened bird at this moment, he stared at Geng Chen's direction gloomyly for a while, then got up worriedly, and walked towards Geng Chen's direction.


Seeing him getting closer and closer, Geng Chen quickly observed the surrounding area, and when he realized that he could not escape, he gritted his teeth and released Zi Zhu.

Zizhu quickly flew towards the sky, Gonggong's eyes sank, he suddenly realized something, and chased after Zizhu who was rising higher and higher...

"Are you sure it's here?" Following the guidance of Yupei, the three of Jiang Li have already found a place more than a hundred miles away from Menghu Mountain.

Ji Xian closed his eyes and felt silently for a long time, then nodded to confirm: "It's near here."

Jiang Li looked up and saw the mountains rising and falling, one after another, stretching towards the distance: "Gonggong is hiding in the mountains?"

"It's near here." Ji Xian shook his head, stretched his fingers over a few places, and said slowly: "It shouldn't be beyond this range."

The Yaozu's eyesight is good, and Jiang Li and Ying Qiao can almost see the mountains and forests when they follow her fingers. If Gonggong is hiding in it, they can't be unaware.

Jiang Greed and Ying Qiao looked at each other, uncertain: "There are other small worlds?"

Only this reason can explain the present situation.

"Since there is the first one, it's not surprising to have the second one." Ying Qiao pondered for a while and said, "Since the jade pendant points here, why not search around first to see if you can find the entrance."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ji Xian beside him suddenly raised his finger to point to a place in the void, and said firmly, "It's over there."

Jiang Li and Ying Qiao turned into prototypes at the same time after hearing the words, and attacked in the direction she pointed.

Most of the attacks fell to nothing, but a very small part of the attacks seemed to pass through the void in front of them and land elsewhere.

two people