We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 252


It's just that the video of the thunderstorm is still circulating on the Internet.

On the one hand, the Yunnan Provincial Bureau has to assist the local government and the police in arranging the finishing work, and on the other hand, it has to pay attention to online public opinion to prevent some content that should not be widely disseminated from being spread. Not to mention that there was an untimely bomb. Bomb Gonggong fled outside. Since the establishment of the Yunnan Provincial Branch, such a big incident has never been encountered.

Everyone in the sub-bureau was simply exhausted.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the Jiangcheng Demon Management Bureau to receive good news—Ying Long Taotie and Nv Ba had found and killed Gonggong, completely eliminating the hidden danger. And also accidentally discovered a small world that affects the development of the entire monster race.

The director of the Yun province branch, who had been anxious for a few days, was given a shot in the arm. He felt that he could still do what he wanted, and dealt with Meng Hushan's affairs efficiently, so he returned to the branch with Taifeng and others.

The news of Gonggong's death was so exciting that everyone was exhausted and attended the meeting full of energy.

Ying Qiao and Taifeng announced the news of Gong Gong's death, and arranged for the follow-up affairs to deal with the remnants of the Gan faction, and let the other irrelevant people go back to rest first.

In the end, there were only Ying Qiao, Jiang Li, Tai Feng, Bi Xi, Bi Yan and the director of the Yun province branch left in the meeting room.

"Is the matter about the small world true?" Tai Feng asked.

In order to prevent unnecessary troubles caused by the leakage of news, Ying Qiao did not mention the small world and the possible resurrection of many ancient monsters at the meeting, but just informed Tai Feng in private, asking him to say hello to the headquarters. The revival of the small world and the ancient great monster is related to the entire monster race, and even affects the current relationship with the human race. It can be said that it affects the whole body, and it must be handled carefully and properly.

Although he knew that Ying Qiao would not joke with him about such a thing, Tai Feng still found it unbelievable.

How prosperous the monster clan was in ancient times. At that time, it could be said that big monsters walked everywhere. Only the big monsters who have personally experienced the ancient times can truly appreciate the prosperity and strength of the ancient monster clan.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Among them, Taifeng has the deepest experience.

He has personally witnessed countless big monsters falling and dissipating one after another.

"Eight. Nine is not far from ten." Ying Qiao nodded, seeing his smiling face, he knew what he was thinking, and tapped on the conference table to remind him: "But don't expect too much. How many great monsters have fallen in ancient times, but That small world is not another lower realm."

After all, the small world is not the real lower world, even if there are ancient monsters who are lucky enough to be resurrected in it, there may not be their relatives and friends in it.

Under the Dao of Heaven, all living beings are the same.

Just like there was no sign of the great monster's fall, the recovery of the small world this time is also random and all depends on luck.

It's just that no matter how many resurrections there are, it's a good thing for the entire Yaozu.

"I know." Tai Feng smiled openly, "But even the Dragon Palace can get Chi Kiss back, and there may be old acquaintances among them."

It's not that Ying Qiao doesn't have this idea, but compared to the great monsters who fell in the lower realm, the hope of the demon clan that dissipated with the destruction of the upper realm seems to be even slimmer. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and he simply gave up hope.

He knocked on the table again, and said impatiently: "Let's get started, we have to go back to rest after the meeting."

It doesn't matter if your partner is not around, but I am still in a hurry to go back to the hotel with my boyfriend to sleep.

After repeated urging, Taifeng had no choice but to put down his emotions and connected the video with the General Administration.

Since receiving the news from Taifeng, the General Administration has attached great importance to it. It has been waiting for the follow-up news since the morning. After the video was connected, the atmosphere became solemn. Taifeng reported the things that happened in Yun Province in recent days one by one. , Ying Qiao made supplements later when it involved Gonggong and Small World.

The meeting lasted for three hours. At the end of the meeting, the General Administration said that they would send someone over to make an appointment tomorrow, and first arrange an elite to explore the situation in the small world.

If it turns out to be true after exploration, this time Jiang Li and the others will all remember first-class merit.

Jiang Li was drowsy from listening to it, but he perked up when he heard that the merits should be recorded. He pricked up his ears, and he quietly asked Qiao: "How much bonus is there for the first-class merit?"

As a glutton with an object, he is very short of money.

Ying Qiao's face was weird, seeing his eyes full of anticipation, he couldn't bear to hit him: "The group of people in the headquarters are more picky than Tai Feng."

The question is that recording credit is the highest honor and cannot be corroded by the smell of copper.

Jiang Greed:? ?

He suddenly became wilted, leaned against Ying Qiao, and muttered in a low voice, "That's too much, I'd rather be corroded by the smell of copper."

Ying Qiao laughed when he heard the words, and seeing that Taifeng had cut off the video, he got up and pulled him up: "Well, then let's go home and roll the pile of gems, and they will deduct the money."

Jiang Greed was coaxed to be happy, but then he felt that he couldn't say that, and he still had to take what was given for nothing.

Taifeng felt his eyes hurt when he saw the stickiness of the two of them. As the group leader of the "Yinggou broke up and changed his name", he was the only one in the group who saw Ying Qiao and Jiang Li show their affection. I was very disillusioned, and felt that the group name might not be changed for the rest of my life.

Dogs should not be dogs, fierce beasts should not be fierce.

Love really makes people good.

It's very embarrassing.

After the meeting, everyone went back to rest.

The hotel had been arranged by Bi Xi long ago, Jiang Li and Ying Qiao lived in a suite, and Ya Zi and the nest of baby's wretched eggs followed. Geng Chen was mercilessly thrown next door to Ji Xian by Ying Qiao, and asked him to find a way to coax his wife to go.

Geng Chen was still nagging at first, complaining why Ying Qiao didn't arrange a room for him and Ji Xian.

In the end, Ying Qiao sneered and said, "Is it okay to give you a night to think about how to explain tomorrow? Or do you want to have three sessions of interrogation tonight?"

Geng Chen: ...

He finally closed his beeping mouth, to be honest.

After finishing making arrangements for Geng Chen, there are still two pups and a nest of eggs to arrange. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Although it was late, one thing was pressing on the other, and no one felt sleepy. After eating a midnight snack, the brothers gathered in Jiang Li's room and began to study the nest of eggs.

Yazi stood beside him nervously, watching Bi An warily, worried that he would steal his eggs.

The corners of Bi An's mouth twitched, and under Yai Zi's vigilant gaze, he reached out to caress the four eggs that hadn't taken off their stone coats one by one, and the smile on his mouth grew bigger and bigger: "It's the third and sixth, that's right. The remaining two His breath is not familiar, but it should also belong to the Dragon Clan."

After speaking, he looked at Bi Xi, waiting for his conclusion.

Only then did Bi Xi unhurriedly raise his hand to feel the vitality inside the egg.

Both Jiang Li and Bi An stared at him nervously.

After a while, Bi Xi withdrew his hand, nodded and said: "It's the third and sixth child." After speaking, he looked at Ying Qiao and said, "I'm not sure about the breath of the remaining two eggs, you can see for yourself."

Ying Qiao frowned slightly, looking at the two eggs that were left alone.

The nest of eggs that Yazi found was five in total, three of which belonged to Dragon Palace, and the remaining two were probably eggs of other races mixed in. Ying Qiao didn't investigate at that time, and Jiang Greed and Yazi were always taking care of these eggs.

Now Bi Xi suddenly asked him to investigate, he realized something, hesitated for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to detect the breath of the two eggs.

The body of the egg is wrapped in a gray-white stone coat. This stone coat can provide abundant spiritual power, but at the same time it also isolates the breath. Only by close inspection can one detect the isolated breath.

Ying Qiao put his hand on the egg body, lowered his eyes to sense carefully, until he sensed the familiar power from the same origin, then he raised his eyes in astonishment: "Ying Long?!"

Seeing his reaction, Bi Xi nodded and said, "It seems that I didn't admit my mistake."

The remaining two eggs are indeed from the Yinglong clan.

Ying Qiao was a little unbelievable, and after repeated confirmation, surprise appeared in his eyebrows: "It's Yinfeng and Hengning."

In Ying Qiao's generation, cubs of the same age could be counted with one slap. Yinfeng and Hengning are the cubs of his second and third aunts. Ying Qiao was a bully when he was a cub, and he didn't play much with his aunt's two brothers, instead he often hung out with the older Geng Chen. It wasn't until later in the lower realms that I became acquainted with Yinfeng and Hengning.

It's a pity that both Yinfeng and Hengning fell one after another, and only he and Gengchen were left. In the end, even Gengchen was gone.

Ying Qiao has been a loner for thousands of years, and never thought that he could find a fellow clan again. Of course, Geng Chen's embarrassing idiot doesn't count.

He carefully put the two dusty dragon eggs into his sleeves: "I'll take them back when Yun saves trouble."

As a result, Yazi who was next to him was not happy when he saw it. He was very unhappy when he saw several people touching his balls back and forth.

He lowered his body and yelped fiercely at Ying Qiao, telling him to return the egg quickly.

No one is allowed to touch his eggs!


Ying Qiao looked at him for a few times, and finally remembered Ya Zi's precious energy along the way, so he could only put the egg back for a while and look at Bi Xi.

Seeing that he put the eggs back, Yazi immediately dragged the basket in front of her, and covered the eggs with her whole body, as if no one would give them.

Bi An was taken aback by his actions, and murmured: "Why am I falling in love with hatching eggs after losing my memory?" He had a look of incredulity on his face: "Lao Qi didn't have this hobby before, did he?"

Who dares to ask him to hatch eggs, his narrow-mindedness may beat the other party into egg flowers.

Bi Xi’s expression was also a little hard to describe, but he thought a little deeper, and said to Qiao: “Lao Ba was hatched in the Dragon Palace before, and the Dragon Palace has special staff to take care of it. If you don’t mind, you can accompany us this trip send an egg to the dragon