We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 256


Chatting about "eating chicken", he turned to Jiaotu and Jiuding and said, "No one has been watching him for a while, so he is addicted to games, right?"

Look, the two brothers started the Amway game within five sentences of their reunion.

Jiao Tu faltered, his eyes fluttered, trying to cover Suan Ni: "I'm not particularly obsessed..."

In fact, after Jiang Li and Jiang Chi had accidents one after another, they didn't have the mind to indulge in the game anymore. But later Chen Hua's sister-in-law told them that the fourth brother and Jiang Chi had been found, and Suan Ni was in a good mood, so she pulled him and Jiuding three rows to celebrate.

Later, Suan Ni disliked the poor record in the third row, and pulled Zhang Tianxing in again.

Sometimes both he and Jiuding rested, and Suan Ni was still in double row with Zhang Tianxing.

But this must not be told to the fifth brother, otherwise the starling will probably be disconnected from the Internet and confiscated the tablet.

But if he doesn't say anything, Jiang Li can guess that Suan Ni is now a teenager with severe Internet addiction.

He looked at Suan Ni who was still happily discussing "eating chicken" with Ya Zi, and wanted to make him happy for another two days.

Suan Ni didn't realize that he was about to face a catastrophe, and talked to Yazi affectionately. After the reception banquet was over, she couldn't wait to grab Jiaotu and Jiuding, and took Yazi back to the room to eat chicken.

Bi An looked at it and muttered, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Why haven't you seen Lao Ba being so affectionate with him? !

Bixi took a sip of wine gracefully, glanced at him, and said to Chen Hua: "It's rare for you to come to Dragon Palace, so stay a few more days. There is also a spiritual spring behind Dragon Palace, you can go to bubble if you have nothing to do, it will be good for your recovery .”

After finishing speaking, he took a special look at Bi An, and said: "I'm usually busy, so please treat Chen Hua well for me." @无限好文,全在晋江文学城

When Bi An received the big brother's gaze, he was finally clever and quickly responded.

Chen Hua, who was planning to return after two days as a guest, had no chance to refuse. Seeing that Bi An had already accepted, she could only half push and half thank him: "Then bother."

Bi Xi smiled gently: "They are all from my own family, so you don't need to be so out of touch, Ying Qiao calls me big brother, if you don't mind, you can also call me big brother."

Chen Hua met his gentle and understanding eyes, his ears were hot, and he called out big brother graciously.

Bixi laughed. Raised a glass to him.

Chen Hua raised his glass in return, then glanced at Bi An who was still smirking beside him, and couldn't help scolding him stupidly.

How could he be fooled by the lard and fall in love with this fool

Chen Hua drank and thought blankly, he must have been single for too long.

Looking at a silly batch, he even saw a trace of handsomeness.

It's too sloppy.

After drinking a lot of wine at the welcome banquet, several people were a little bit smoked, so Bi Xi made an excuse to go to rest, left the venue early and went back to the room, leaving the space for the two young couples.

Jiu Zhuang was cowardly, Bi An looked at his younger brother, then at Chen Hua, who was looking at the scenery, and leaned over slowly, asking with a hint of drunkenness, "Shall I show you around?"

He drank a lot of wine, his face did not change, but a slight blush appeared on his neck. When speaking, her voice was much lower and hoarse than usual, with her Adam's apple rolling up and down, Chen Hua looked at it, and agreed in a strange way.

Bi An curled his lips into a smile, and walked out side by side with him.

Jiang Greed's eyes were glued to the backs of the two of them, and his eyeballs wanted to follow them out. After being pulled by Ying Qiao, she couldn't help but look away and snicker: "I just said sister-in-law is safe!"

Ying Qiao would not be so happy to have an extra sister-in-law, and this sister-in-law is also his brother and subordinate, he thought eccentrically, as for that naive Bi Yan, maybe all the ducks in his mouth could fly. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Li didn't know that he was slandering him, so he was happy for a while and remembered that there were still important things to do, so he pulled him and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the baby."

As soon as she heard that she was going to see the baby, Ying Qiao didn't have the time to get angry.

He let Jiang Greed pull him, followed him out of the Dragon Palace, and walked towards the place where the coral was dense.

Jiang Lu didn't know where he hid the treasure, so he took him along a small path, through several caves and a piece of lava on the seabed, before Jiang Lu stopped in front of a sunken ship.

I don't know how long this sunken ship has been on the bottom of the sea. The whole ship is almost integrated with the rocks behind it. The hull is completely covered by sea creatures and aquatic plants. If it is not for the roughly preserved hull shape, it is almost impossible to recognize this ship. a ship.

The sunken ship was surrounded by corals, and countless large and small colorful aquariums shuttled around. They didn't flee in panic when they saw Jiang Li, obviously they were very familiar with Jiang Li.

"My treasures are all hidden in here." Jiang Li was a little proud and asked him to follow him.

Ying Qiao followed him into the boat, only to find that there was something strange inside.

I don't know how many years have passed, the interior of the hull is almost decayed, and it is full of aquatic plants, and there are many schools of luminous fish wandering in it. The two of them passed through the schools of fish, pushed aside the swaying aquatic plants, and found a cave—— The ship was actually connected to the rocks at the rear. Due to the erosion and corrosion of the sea water, the rocks were dotted with large and small caves. And it was the biggest cave that Jiang Greed took him to.

The two entered the cave through the covered seaweed, and Ying Qiao noticed that the cave was very large. Judging by this size, almost half of this rock group is empty.

Jiang Greed noticed his gaze, and proudly said: "I chiseled it, and it's all for my baby."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands to cover Ying Qiao's eyes, and said seriously, "Close your eyes first, and don't peek."

Ying Qiao gave an amused "hmm" and closed his eyes to cooperate with his mystification.

Only then did Jiang Li let go of his hand, happily going to move the baby.

Most of these treasures were found in the sunken ship that he accidentally discovered, and the other half were saved by him through hard work.

He opened the dusty boxes one by one, and dumped all the jewels and jade inside on the ground.

Ying Qiao closed her eyes, although she couldn't see, she could hear.

Jiang Greed seemed to be dumping something on the ground, the sound of impact was crisp and sweet, one box after another...

After a while, he heard Jiang Li say, "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Ying Qiao slowly opened his eyes, and saw that the entire cave was covered with jewels and jade, and there were many antique porcelains placed on both sides that seemed to be old, and the soft light refracted by the jewels and jade illuminated the dim cave. The light was dimly lit, and Jiang Li was standing in it, smiling proudly at him, with pride in the corners of his eyes and brows.

"I have saved for a long time, and I will give it to you."

Ying Qiao approached him with deep eyes: "So many? What should I do if I can't afford it?"

Jiang Greed frowned and pondered, then hooked his neck and kissed his lips, and said generously: "It's okay, if you can't afford it, just pay with your flesh."

Baby is yours, you are mine.

No matter how the account is calculated, it is not a loss.

Ying Qiao hugged his waist with a low smile, and took the initiative to deepen the kiss. An indistinct and ambiguous voice slipped out from the cracks in her lips: "That one time is not enough, it will probably take many, many times."

Jiang Greed breathed hard, his momentum was like a rainbow: "Don't worry, you can pay back slowly."

Ying Qiao let out a soft "huh", rolled him down on the jade pile together, and rubbed the tip of his transformed tail along his slender legs all the way up: "Then let's pay the interest first tonight..."

They still have so much time, enough to spend their whole life slowly.

[End of text]

The author has something to say:

It's over here, and there will be another episode tomorrow, about three or four! Those who are greedy for cubs, those of fourth brother, those of Suan Ni, and those of Geng Chen.

Thanks to the little cuties who have been following up here all the way, "Monster" is the longest article I have written so far, and it has been serialized for five months. Due to various reasons, I often asked for leave in the middle, and I am very grateful to everyone for their tolerance. I won’t say too many provocative words, in short, thank you for your company for five months, I love you so much der.

Let’s draw 600 red envelopes for the comments in this chapter, thank you for your support, see you in the episode tomorrow =3=

PS: "Monster" has been signed to Hong Kong Simplified Publishing, if you want to squat the progress, you can pay attention to the bib→It's just a sweet embroidered


By the way, I would like to promote the next edition of Gu Dan's successor "To the Disabled Tyrant [Rebirth]", if you like it, you can bookmark it, and the opening time will be notified on the scarf.

[CP: The gentle and beautiful woman is attacked by the iron-blooded and ruthless God of War]

Ye Yunting, the unfavored son of the Duke's Mansion, was married by an imperial decree to Li Fengqi, King of Wu'an, as his concubine.

King Wu'an guarded the northern border and killed countless enemies. He is a well-deserved God of War in Zhao Kingdom.

However, when Ye Yunting married, God of War was already poisoned, his meridians were severed, and he could only lie on the bed and linger on his last breath.

Ye Yunting was ashamed to marry him, and because he was afraid of the fierce reputation of the God of War, he hid in his yard and muddled through. Not long after, he accidentally drank the poisonous soup given to King Wu'an, and died in Huangquan.

Before he died, the King Wu'an who was said to be dying half-kneeled beside his bed, held his hand and solemnly promised: "You died because of me. From now on, I will do my best to protect your relatives. Go at ease."

Later, when he ascended the throne as emperor, he really kept his promise and protected his only relative.

In the next life, Ye Yunting still couldn't escape the fate of being Chongxied by Wu An Wang. But this time, he decided to take good care of this dying man and repay his kindness from his previous life.

Unexpectedly, after detoxification, the man was impatient and pulled him to consummate the house.

He was hugged tightly by the man, and his warm breath hit his ears: "Follow me with peace of mind, from now on, I will protect you."