We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 259: Extra three


Suan Ni was sent to Small World in November.

Ever since he was sent to Haicheng by the fifth brother, he gave up on himself and opened up to eating, drinking and having fun. When he returned to Jiangcheng and was about to be sent to the small world, he accepted it obediently.

Jiang Li touched his head, seeing that he was not crying or fussing anymore, he was a little worried instead: "Is this a big blow?"

The cub is not stupid, is he

Jiao Tu comforted in a soft voice: "It's only been half a year, myna, practice hard and you'll be back soon! We'll visit you often."

Jiang Chi nodded: "If you concentrate on training, half a year will pass in the blink of an eye."

Suan Ni frowned, and sighed faintly: "My heart is like dead ashes, it's probably me." He raised his head and tried to hold back two tears: "When I come out of it, I won't be the person I am now. Brother Wu Are you really going to be so cruel?"

When Jiang Greed saw that he had started to play tricks again, he knew that his brother was still normal.

He grabbed Suan Ni's round ears, and said coldly: "When you come out, you will be a big Suan Ni with your cultivation base soaring, and you can transform into a human form."

Suan Ni: Woo qaq

No matter how reluctant Suan Ni was, he was finally sent into the small world by Jiang Greed himself.

The small world has just opened and there are a small number of queues, and there are not many people now. The big demon of the Demon Management Bureau is guarding the entrance. Seeing the languid Suan Ni, she smiled and said, "Hey, you came to quit the net? This is the second one today."

Jiang Greed was curious: "Who else belongs to the front?"

The big demon cheerfully said, "Who else is Xiong Sansan from the National Treasure family? Isn't this the smallest cub in their generation? It's the one who was sent to the zoo to make fun of online dating a few years ago. This time As soon as I heard that Small World was open for queuing, I quickly entrusted someone to find a relationship to send the cub in."

He snorted: "It was delivered the day before yesterday. You didn't see it. Four or five parents twisted it over. They made a fuss for a long time, and almost knocked down my office."

As he spoke, he took another look at Suan Ni, and boasted: "Your family is quite obedient and not noisy."

Jiang Gree recalled it for a while, and then remembered that this famous national treasure, he had met this famous national treasure when he took Jiang Chi to the hall of the Monster Management Bureau to do errands, and it seemed to be called... called Xiong Sansan.

At that time, this brother stole his ID card and ran away from home, going to the window to change his name to Xiong Kuang. As a result, his parents had already greeted the staff and refused to allow him to change his name. He was afraid of being arrested, so he ran away.

I really didn't expect that after so long, this brother is still in the rebellious stage.

Jiang Greed looked at his younger brother who was very well-behaved most of the time even though he was addicted to the Internet, and was a little worried: "After you go in, practice hard, and we will visit you once a month."

Suan Ni responded listlessly.

Jiang Greed followed his back and put him on the ground.

It was a foregone conclusion to go to the Small World to quit the Internet, Suan Ni sniffled, looked back at Jiang Li and the others, and then slowly entered the Small World under the guidance of the staff.

It was the first time for Suan Ni to enter the small world. Before he came, he thought it was similar to the Internet addiction rehabilitation center of the TV series, but when he came in, he found that it was completely different.

The small world is full of aura, with mountains and water, and a beautiful environment. Except for the lack of modern equipment, it is actually very good!

Suan Ni was stunned, and the claws that moved forward were not so heavy.

He followed the staff for a short walk, and after registering and listening to the staff explain the precautions, he was left alone.

Suan Ni's exuberant curiosity began to stir again, he stalked and walked close to a cluster of wild flowers, sniffed it hard, it smells so good!

He looked around like a thief, and quickly ate a flower.

Squinting his eyes and chewing, the taste turned out to be pretty good.

After eating, another animal that looks like a butterfly, but is prettier than a butterfly, flew over in front of her. Suan Ni's eyes lit up, and she dropped wild flowers to chase after it...

Curiosity about the small world completely overwhelmed her depression, Suan Ni ran after the butterfly for a long time, rolled in grass clippings in the haystack, and then lay panting on the stone by the stream and spread her belly.

He looked comfortably at the sky above his head, flicking his tail back and forth. As soon as he was free, he began to miss his dear game.

"It would be great if I had a mobile phone." Suan Ni turned over and continued to spread on the other side.

"Yes, I think so too." A faint voice suddenly echoed from the grass not far away: "Give me a mobile phone, and I can stay here forever."

"Who?!" Suan Ni, who was lazily spreading her belly, was startled, sat up and looked around for the source of the voice.

First I saw two black round ears, and then a big white round head...

Suan Ni:

He jumped off the stone curiously, and approached him cautiously: "Who are you?"

Xiong Sansan turned over and sat up, said in a muffled voice, "My name is Xiong Kuang, were you also sent to quit the net?"

As soon as he talked about Jiewang, Suan Ni had a warm feeling for him, he paced and sat down next to Xiong Sansan, and said familiarly: "Yes, are you alone here? I will listen to work when I come in." The staff said that a man named Xiong Sansan was also sent over the day before yesterday.”

He intended to find a topic to chat with, but Xiong Sansan was silent, and said depressedly: "Why do people still know me after I come here?" He said under Suanni's puzzled eyes: "Xiong Sansan is mine. Little name, no matter how I come here, people still know me.”

Suan Ni thought it was because my fifth brother regarded you as a negative example!

But he refrained from saying this, otherwise he might lose his first friend in the small world.

Friendships are always easy to form between the pups, and the two have been on the move together since day one.

Xiong Sansan is a little fat, and his words and deeds are a little soft, but he has great strength; Suan Ni is small and flexible, and his head is also good. The two of them have no worries about eating and drinking when they walk together. Miss the game.

But time is like this sometimes, when you are bored and bored, time sneaks away.

Half a year is not too long in the Yaozu's concept of time, it seems to pass in a blink of an eye.

By the time Suan Ni reacted, it was time to leave.

In the past six months, although he didn't play games, he still didn't work hard to cultivate. Every day, he and Xiong Sansan studied how to make delicious ingredients, otherwise he went to catch birds, insects and animals to play. But it can't help the small world is full of aura, and even the flowers and plants we usually eat are spiritual plants. Suan Ni, who didn't practice hard enough, was finally able to transform into form.

He was a little confused the first time he turned into a human form. At that time, Xiong Sansan went to the stream to drink water, and he turned into a human form after rolling in the haystack.

Before he could take a closer look at what his human form looked like, he changed back again.

It's a bit unstable, but at least I learned it.

Suan Ni proudly told the news to his good friend Xiong Sansan, Xiong Sansan was quite disdainful, saying that he would transform himself a long time ago, but he was unstable, so there is a use for it! And because of this, he was stared at the pillar of shame.

Suan Ni was not convinced, he thought that he could transform into form, and maybe he could use spells. So he used a trick to hide his figure and followed the staff.

In the small world, there will be staff coming in regularly to inspect, and the monsters who practice in the small world can find them if they need it. Therefore, these little monsters were not particularly high-level, and Suan Ni followed them quietly, but no one noticed.

Suan Ni winked at Xiong Sansan triumphantly, and was about to turn back, but unexpectedly found that the big monster guarding the exit was not there

Suan Ni:! ! !

He stretched out his head nervously to confirm, and found that he was really not there.

And these patrolling demons didn't find him at all...

The body moves faster than the brain, while the brain is still weighing, Suan Ni's claws have already stepped out.

Sure enough, no one around noticed him, and Suan Ni quickly left the entrance.

The entrance is on the top floor of the hotel, and there is no one else at this time.

Suan Ni found a place to transform back into a human form, got another set of waiter's clothes to put on, and happily went downstairs.

half year! He hasn't seen modern society for half a year!

so excited,

Suan Ni wandered around the hotel arrogantly, originally wanted to make a phone call with Fifth Brother, but hesitated when the call was made, anyway, there was still half a month to come out, anyway, Fifth Brother would not Knowing that he has come out, then he can completely wave by himself first! Come back when the time is up.

As Fifth Brother said, when he can transform into form, he will be a big suanni.

Big Suanni can make his own decisions!

After figuring it out, Suan Ni returned to her original form and left the hotel happily.

He planned to take a stroll in Yun Province first, because of his cute appearance, he didn't worry about eating and drinking at all. It's just that before the paw stepped out of the hotel gate, Suan Ni heard someone calling him.


Suan Ni froze for a moment before realizing that it seemed to be Zhang Tianxing's voice


He turned around abruptly, and sure enough, he saw Zhang Tianxing.

Suan Ni was overjoyed, trotted over and raised her head and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Tianxing dressed uncharacteristically, wearing a Taoist robe, walking among a group of Taoist priests. Expressionlessly, he explained to his curious elder brother and fellow seniors: "My colleague's younger brother." Then he picked up Suan Ni and weighed him: "It's grown strong."

"Didn't Jiang Li say that you won't come out until half a month?"

Since Suan Ni was sent to practice in the small world, Zhang Tianxing had no cats to suck, and he was very concerned about the day when Suan Ni came back.

Suan Ni became nervous when he heard him talking about Fifth Brother. He looked around, covered Zhang Tianxing's mouth with his paws, and said in a low voice, "Shh, I sneaked out."

Zhang Tianxing:

But he is not a talkative person, so he nodded when he heard the words, and stopped asking.

"Where are you going?" He frowned, a little worried about Suan Ni's safety.

Suan Ni found a bound position in his arms and lay down, shaking her ears and said: "I don't know, just stroll around."

"Then follow me." Zhang Tianxing patted his head twice, and his narrowed eyes revealed pleasure: "I'll just go shopping too."

Brother Zhang:? ?

He tried to remind his younger brother: "Aren't you going to the small world with me?"

Zhang Tianxing hugged Suan Ni and didn't look back: "I won't go."

Anyway, I just wanted to pet the cat. Now that I have the cat, it doesn't matter where it is.

Brother Zhang: ...

How could I have such a capricious brother? !

Better to a cat than to a brother!

However, Zhang Tianxing didn't care about his brother's heart. He took Suan Ni back to the reserved hotel room, and after changing the Taoist robe that was in the way, he asked Suan Ni: "Where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

Suan Ni was rolling happily on the soft bed, when she heard this, she stopped and said, "Aren't you going anywhere, double row?!"

He was very anxious, he hadn't played a game for half a year, and he didn't know if he had a hand.

Zhang Tianxing was silent when he heard the words, and finally took out his mobile phone for him to play with: "I will buy you a mobile phone by the way when I go out for dinner."

Suan Ni rolled over with her mobile phone in her arms: "You are so kind!"

Zhang Tianxing smiled, and took the opportunity to rub his head again, but Suan Ni suddenly changed back to a human form, and his hand landed on Suan Ni's extremely elastic and chubby cheek.

Suan Ni tilted her head and blinked her eyes: "Hey, I changed into a human form again?"

Zhang Tianxing glanced at his naked body, and quickly covered him with a quilt: "You still can't control the shape change?"

Suan Ni huddled around in the quilt, a little embarrassed: "I only learned how to change form, and I can't control it very well."

Zhang Tianxing: ...

He turned around to look for clothes in the suitcase, and said, "Then you should go out less recently."

Otherwise, what if it turns back to its original shape on the street

This move was exactly what Suan Ni wanted. He put on the clothes that Zhang Tianxing had found indiscriminately, lay on the bed with his pillow in his arms and started playing games.

On the other hand, Zhang Tianxing was sitting not far away in a daze, glancing at Suan Ni from the corner of his eyes.

He twirled his fingertips, but there was still a soft and elastic touch on his fingertips.

It seems... not bad.

Zhang Tianxing was in a daze, but he couldn't prevent the door from being pushed open suddenly. Brother Zhang walked in while talking: "It's been agreed at home, if you change your mind, just—"

His words stopped abruptly when he saw Suan Ni on the bed.

Suan Ni was wearing Zhang Tianxing's clothes, but Zhang Tianxing was one size bigger than him, and the short-sleeved shorts were much bigger on him. He rolled twice on the bed, and the neckline opened loosely.

Brother Zhang politely looked away, and retreated to the door: "Sorry for the interruption." After finishing speaking, he was about to close the door, and then remembered something, and asked Suan Ni: "How old are you?"

Suan Ni:? ?

He stared blankly at Big Brother Zhang.

Seeing that he didn't speak, brother Zhang hesitated for a while, thinking that his brother should not be such a beast... right? Then he smiled at Suan Ni, closed the door and backed out.

Suan Ni was confused and asked Zhang Tianxing: "Is that your brother? What did he say just now?"

Zhang Tianxing said "hmm", thought for a while and added: "Don't worry about him."

Suan Ni let out an "oh", and devoted herself to the game again.

Zhang Tianxing came with his brothers from Longhushan, who was also allocated a place in the small world. The people who went to Yun Province this time were all elite disciples from the Tianshi Mansion. Zhang Tianxing didn't plan to come, but thought that he might meet Suan Ni, so he agreed to come.

It's just that I didn't expect that before I went in, I ran into Suan Ni outside. So Zhang Tianxing logically stayed in the hotel to feed the kittens.

Suan Ni's transformation into human form was unstable, Zhang Tianxing didn't dare to let him go out, bought him a new mobile phone and packs of snacks, and stayed in the hotel room to pet the cat.

The only trouble is that the kitten will always turn into a human form at random times, and Zhang Tianxing didn't expect it. He didn't know if it was the prototype of Ai Wu and Wu, but he thought the human form of Suan Ni was also very cute.

Want to rua face.

It's just that the human form is not as good as the original form, so it's not easy to rua casually.

So Suan Ni discovered that every time she changed back to her original form, she could lie on Zhang Tianxing's body to play games, but when she changed back to a human form, she just didn't give her legs a pillow!

Suan Ni looked at the mirror in the bathroom for a while, and came out angrily to question Zhang Tianxing: "Is my human form much uglier than the original? Why do you have to treat it differently?!"

Zhang Tianxing: ...

He shook his head under Suan Ni's stare.

Only then was Suan Ni satisfied, she kicked off her slippers and climbed onto the bed, patted her side and said to Zhang Tianxing, "Then come up quickly, lend me your legs for a pillow!"

Probably because of the habit of always being rua to rua in the original form. Suanni likes the feeling of physical contact. When in the original form, he likes to be hugged and tired of close people. Now that he is in human form, he will not be able to change it for a while. .

Zhang Tianxing was stared at by him, so he could only lend him his leg to pillow on.

In such a flash, half a month passed quickly.

One day, when Suan Ni was addicted to the game, she suddenly sat up in shock: "It's broken!"

Zhang Tianxing:

"What's wrong?"

Suan Ni hastily exited the game to look at the calendar on her mobile phone, her heart sank when she saw it: "It's been two days, and I forgot that Fifth Brother is coming to pick me up!"

The free life is so comfortable that he forgets the time.

He was in a hurry to call Jiang Li, but found that he couldn't remember the phone number.

Zhang Tianxing blushed when he saw that he was anxious, and took out his mobile phone to call Jiang Li.

Jiang Greed came to pick up his younger brother home on time, but he was empty. In the past two days, I have been in a hurry to get angry, and I have turned my back on my back.

The phone calls to Zhang Tianxing were all absent-minded: "Brother Cool? What's the matter?"

"Ni Ni is here with me." Zhang Tianxing played his cool character, delivered the most amazing news with the least words, and then handed the phone to Suan Ni.

Suan Ni hummed and yelled "Five Brothers".

Although Jiang Greed didn't know what was going on, he was relieved to know that Suan Ni was fine. After informing the others, they followed Zhang Tianxing's position to find them.

Then he discovered that Suan Ni was staying in the hotel playing games, and she sneaked out half a month in advance!

All the worries turned into anger to beat his younger brother.

Jiang Greed took the 狻猊, and said with a stern face: "Half a year in stocking, the guts have been fattened up."

"..." Suan Ni retracted her claws and lowered her head, not daring to breathe. He just rubbed Jiang Greed's arm flatteringly.

Zhang Tianxing wanted to help explain a few words, but before he opened his mouth, he was shut up by Jiang Greed's death stare.

In the end, the listless Suan Ni was slipped away by Jiang Liti.

In order to punish him for sneaking away, Suan Ni had to stay in the small world for an extra month before she could come out.

After Zhang Tianxing heard about it, he went to look for another brother Zhang: "I'll go to the small world with you."

Brother Zhang:? ? ?

Are you here for Auntie? So capricious.

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