We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 28



This kind of mushroom is not big, and the whole is only an inch long. The stalks are slender, the caps are oblate, and the whole body is dark red, like a small open umbrella.

Jiang Li had never seen such a mushroom before. He gently pinched the cap of the mushroom, and the gills below immediately scattered fine red powder—it was its spores.

Suan Ni, who was lying on his shoulder, wrinkled her nose and couldn't help sneezing again.

"I probably have an idea."

Jiang Greed restored the manhole cover, and excitedly said: "Now go back and find Xue Meng to confirm. If there is no accident, we will have another bonus!"

Suan Ni immediately groaned in cooperation.

Another demon came to deliver results!

grab it!

Jiang Tan returned to the unit with freshly picked mushrooms.

He first went to see Xue Meng's situation. Except for his voice change and slight cough, Xue Meng has not had any major adverse reactions so far.

As soon as Xue Meng saw him, his eyes were as eager as a lost dog seeing its owner: "Boss! Did you ask me?"

"Ask, but there are some places, I have to confirm with you first."

After Jiang Li finished speaking, he dragged him to the bathroom.

in the bathroom.

Xue Meng opened his mouth wide in bewilderment, and Jiang Li turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone to face him, pressed the base of his tongue with disposable chopsticks, and checked his throat with a serious face.

After squinting and observing carefully for a while, I finally saw the red mushrooms looming in Xue Meng's throat. The mushrooms are much smaller than the ones on the wall of the well, and they are densely packed together. They grow vigorously with the throat cavity as soil and bad words as fertilizer.

No wonder everyone coughs, anyone who has something in their throat will have to cough.

He also thought of the middle-aged woman he met in the morning, who occasionally made a slight "rustling" sound when she spoke. Now that I think about it, it should be that the throat cavity contracted when speaking, squeezing and rubbing against the vigorously growing mushrooms in the throat cavity, and then the sound came out. Such a strange sound.

"What's going on? Did I really fall for it?"

Xue Meng looked dignified after seeing him checked, and his voice was trembling with fright.

Jiang Greed thought for a while and told him the truth: "You have a piece of red mushroom growing in your throat."


Xue Meng looked at him blankly: "What the hell?"

How can mushrooms grow in the throat

Jiang Greed could only explain to him the connection between the accident in Hongjingyuan's manhole and this weird mushroom: "I suspect that the appearance of this mushroom is related to the dead Chen Ruomei."

As long as Chen Ruomei was discussed, he would be parasitized by mushroom spores, mushrooms would grow in his throat, and eventually he would lose control of his own voice. This kind of mushroom probably also has the effect of inducing the dark side of people's hearts, which will induce them to utter more bad words, thus continuously providing nutrients for the growth of the mushroom.

As for what the mushrooms will look like in the end, no one knows. But thinking about it would not be a good thing.

Moreover, people affected by spore parasites are often not aware of their abnormality.

This is a very scary thing.

Seeing Xue Meng's terrified face, wanting to vomit but not being able to vomit, Jiang Greed comforted him: "You haven't been affected too deeply, I'll get you some talisman water to drink, it should be fine."

These mushrooms are just a little weird, but they won't be too powerful, otherwise Jiang Li wouldn't have ignored it at first.

Xue Meng felt relieved.

Then he thought of something, immediately covered his mouth, and typed on his mobile phone: [I won’t say anything from now on, so as not to say TAT that shouldn’t be said]

Jiang Greed patted his dog's head pityingly, and said, "Okay, I'll get you a talisman after get off work."


After get off work in the afternoon, Jiang Li went to the Demon Management Bureau.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the Demon Management Bureau building, he bumped into Ying Qiao.

They probably didn't expect to meet each other in the Demon Management Bureau, and the expressions of both of them were very surprised.

Ying Qiao was lucky to bring Chen Hua with him today, and he got out of the car with a flawless smile: "Why did you come here? What happened to you?"

Jiang Greed felt guilty in his heart, but he was very calm on the surface: "I found that there seems to be a monster in Hongjingyuan, so come to the bureau to report."

"Isn't it okay to call to report? Why did you make a trip in person?" Ying Qiao asked strangely.

Of course it was because he wanted to take on this task!

To be able to control so many people, this monster must not be an ordinary monster, and the reward for catching it must be very high.

But this reason obviously cannot be told to Ying Qiao.

After all, in Ying Qiao's eyes, he is just a little monster with a low cultivation base and a short-term transformation!

So Jiang Greed innocently opened his eyes wide, and pulled the poor Xue Meng out: "Because Xue Meng was also affected by the monster, I want to find Taoist priests along the way to buy a talisman for him to drive away evil spirits."

When Ying Qiao heard this, his expression softened.

The little monster is really kind.

He seemed to sigh helplessly, and said, "It happens that the boss is here, so you don't need to report, I'll ask him to help."

Chen Hua:? ?

Jiang Greed:? ? ?

The author has something to say:

Longlong: There is a ready-made coolie here, let him catch the demon.

Chen Hua:? I disagree!

Greed: Performance and bonuses are mine! Do not grab QAQ


Longlong, who finally appeared on the stage, really has no eyesight!

PS: I discussed it with the editor. "Monster" will be added to V on 3.18. On the 18th, the 4D badge will be dropped. After V, the daily update mode of 6,000 will be activated. I hope that all bosses can support the original version. Embroidery will work hard to update der !

Bow to everyone!

Draw 100 red envelopes, everyone~

Chapter 23

Jiang Greed opened his eyes wide in surprise, rejecting it in his heart.

How could he have forgotten this? Ying Qiao's boss is also from the special service team.

At this moment, his eyes on Chen Hua had changed to those of his competitors.

Chen Hua = grabbing performance + grabbing bonuses

Chen Hua:? ?

What are you looking at me for? I don't want to thank you either.

Ying Qiao was completely unaware of the refusal expressions of the two, and said to Chen Hua with a threatening smile on the surface: "Boss, didn't you say that you are busy these days? Why don't you help Jiang Greed."

Chen Hua: ...

He wanted to yell at me if I was free, do you really not have a B number

But he dared not.

The humble social animal showed a standard smile for a second: "Okay, then go and have a look."

Ying Qiao looked at Jiang Greed, and the smile on his face became more real: "Let's go, I just got a ride with the boss."

Jiang Greed: ...

He wanted to speak but stopped talking and wanted again, but he really didn't know what reason he could find to refuse. His face turned red from holding back, and finally he struggled to death: "Will it be too much trouble for you? And I haven't bought my talisman yet."

"No trouble."

Under Ying Qiao's death gaze, Chen Hua quickly said, "I just haven't accepted the mission for a long time."

Ying Qiao also said: "You don't need to buy talismans, the boss can also draw talismans."

Jiang Greed looked at Chen Hua with resentment: Why is a boss so idle and knows everything? !

Chen Hua also looked back at him resentfully.

I don't want to, it's all forced.

Neither of them paid attention to each other's eyes, they turned their heads together. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

In the end, Jiang Li got into the car with Ying Qiao.

Chen Hua is the boss, of course the driver can only be Ying Qiao.

Jiang Li was asked to sit in the co-pilot, and the reason Ying Qiao gave was: "The boss likes to be alone, and doesn't like being disturbed by others."

Jiang Li didn't understand the rules of the workplace, so he believed what Ying Qiao said, but after getting in the car, he felt more and more sad about the bonus he missed again.

In the end, I can only try to hypnotize myself, he is not short of money, not short of money, not short of money.

It doesn't hurt at all!

This relieved a little.

The three first went to buy the yellow paper and cinnabar for the talisman, and then went to Xue Meng's house.

On the way, Jiang Li had already explained the ins and outs of the discovery of the mushroom. Chen Hua was a little reluctant to be forced to work overtime, but his curiosity was aroused after Jiang Li finished talking.

After living for so many years, he has never seen a mushroom grow into a spirit.

On the contrary, Ying Qiao looked thoughtful and said, "Mushrooms look like small red umbrellas?"

Jiang Greed nodded: "Do you know what it is?"

Ying Qiao said: "I once heard from a friend that there is a mushroom called the red mantle, which is naturally able to attract resentful spirits."

This was what Geng Chen told him back then.

The red ghost umbrella is generally born in the shade. Because it looks like a red umbrella, it will attract resentful souls. The red ghost umbrella can absorb the resentment of these resentful souls for its own use. The more resentment there is, the more the red ghost umbrella will grow. it is good,

But it is precisely because the red ghost umbrellas are born in places where resentment gathers, so it is difficult for them to survive for a long time. Because once there are capable people and strangers to get rid of the grievances, these red ghost umbrellas will also be cleaned up.

Geng Chen can't stay idle, he has visited all the places in the south, and no one tells the strange things he has seen, so he came back and told him.

It's just that this is all about the old calendar. I didn't expect that there would be such an evil thing as the red ghost umbrella now.

Jiang Greed hadn't heard of the name of the Red Ghost Umbrella before, but he was very concerned about "Wraith".

In modern society, there are not as many such things as resentful spirits and ghosts. Otherwise, the practitioners from the Special Management Bureau next door would not be too idle to panic and compete with the Demon Management Bureau for performance.

Generally, only when there is great resentment before death, and when the time and place are favorable, can it turn into a resentful soul and stay in the mortal world.

But Chen Ruomei's death was obviously accidental, so where did she get so much resentment

Jiang Tan frowned and pondered, then remembered Xue Menglai who had suffered an innocent disaster.

He remembered that Xue Meng told him that he was passing by the inspection well where the accident happened, and heard people gossip at the door, followed by one ear, and then asked, "Has the client been caught?"

There must be conditions for the spores of the red ghost umbrella to parasitize the human body, otherwise there are so many people in Guanghongjingyuan, and if they pass by the inspection well every day, none of them will be able to escape.

people who are now parasitized