We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 30


sent a message.

The mother and daughter he photographed happened to be known to Grandpa Xue. The mother’s name was Tan Zhi, and the daughter’s name was Tao Liu. The family of three lived in the third building, and they even knew the house number.

"Tan Zhi?" Wang Qing paused and turned around: "Which Tan Zhi?"

"you know?"

Jiang Greed showed him the photos on his phone.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qing really recognized her at first glance. He pointed to Tan Zhi's back and said, "Her hairstyle and clothes are very recognizable. She is one of the three people who saved Chen Ruomei."

That night, the three aunts who heard Chen Ruomei's call were Xu Meifang, Tan Zhi and Xie Guizhen.

It was about nine o'clock in the evening when Chen Ruomei had the accident. She was going to go to work, and the three of them had just returned from the square dance.

Knowing that Tan Zhi was also parasitized and that the symptoms were still serious, Wang Qing suddenly had a strange expression: "She obviously saved Chen Ruomei, although she was not rescued, but no matter how you think about it, she shouldn't be the target of revenge."

Based on the analysis of the current situation, the conditions for the spore parasite of the red ghost umbrella are very clear, that is, the person who spread the rumor about Chen Ruomei.

In this way, it is easy to think that Chen Ruomei's resentful soul is taking revenge on those who spread the rumors.

But Tan Zhi had tried his best to save Chen Ruomei, so he didn't look like someone who would speak ill of her behind her back.

This matter was suddenly full of doubts.

Jiang Li frowned and said, "Let's split into two groups. I'll go to Tan Zhi's house, and you go to Xu Meifang's house."

Wang Qing and Wang Qing had no objection, so everyone split up.

Ying Qiao and Chen Hua originally wanted to wait until after dark before taking action, but seeing that Jiang Li wanted to visit Tan Zhi's house, they also followed.

The little monster likes to worry about humans too much, but Ying Qiao can't see him unhappy.

After thinking for a while, Ying Qiao took out an orange candy from his pocket, peeled off the wrapping paper and fed it to his mouth, and gave him a reassurance: "Don't worry, with the boss around, that monster can't escape."

In fact, he wanted to say, don't worry if I'm here.

But with his current status, it is obviously not convincing enough.

Then he gave Chen Hua a cold look with some displeasure.

Chen Hua: ...

What's wrong with you

Jiang Greed was still thinking about something, Ying Qiao fed the orange candy to his mouth, and he subconsciously opened his mouth to take it. It was only after eating in his mouth that he realized that he turned his head and opened his eyes to look at him.

That looks like a frightened cub.

Good-looking and cute.

Ying Qiao was instantly satisfied, feeling a sense of accomplishment of successfully feeding the cubs.

He also raised his hand and rubbed his head: "Don't worry too much."

With sugar stuffed in his mouth, Jiang Tan's cheeks puffed up and he let out a "huh". In fact, he wasn't too worried, he just felt that everything about this matter was full of weirdness.

But what's wrong with it, and because of the lack of key information, they can't be connected in series.

While he was pondering over and over in his mind, the three of them had reached the tenth floor of the third building. As soon as the elevator door opened, a young girl rushed in, her eyes were red, and her fingers were poking at the buttons on the first floor.

It wasn't until Jiang Li got out of the elevator that he realized that the girl just now was Tan Zhi's daughter Tao Liu.

Judging by Tao Liu's expression, it seems that she just ran away from home after a quarrel.

Jiang Greed was puzzled, so he went to the door of Tan Zhi's house and rang the doorbell.

The doorbell rang four or five times before I heard Tan Zhi cursing, mixed with a dull coughing sound.

"You damn girl, if you have the ability to leave, why are you back?"

It was indeed Tan Zhi who came to open the door. Her yellow curly hair was disheveled, her complexion was abnormally sallow, and when she spoke, there was a faint fishy smell in her mouth.

Seeing that the person at the door was not her daughter, she froze for a moment, and was about to close the door after a few curses.

Jiang Greed blocked the door with his hands in time, and smelled the strong smell of candles behind the door.

He narrowed his eyes immediately and said, "Aunt Tan, we met in the morning."

Tan Zhi stared at him viciously: "Let go, why didn't the female ghost eat you?!"

When she spoke, her mouth opened and closed. Jiang greedy eyes saw the mycelium protruding from her mouth. The dark red mycelium extended from her throat and attached to her tongue, as if to replace her tongue.

"Have you seen the female ghost in the well? Did she come to you?" Jiang Greed asked suddenly.

When he asked suddenly, Tan Zhi's eyeballs trembled, and then he screamed insults. The dialect she spoke was very fast. Although she didn't quite understand it, she knew that the words were dirty.

She was like an emotionless dirty-spraying machine, with her mouth opening and closing quickly, spitting out ugly words without even taking a breath.

Jiang Li saw her chest heaving violently, as if she was about to faint from lack of oxygen at any moment.

But she didn't faint in the end. After scolding, she seemed to have nothing happened and wanted to close the door.

Of course, Jiang Greed would not let her get what she wanted, and continued to lock the door, throwing another bait: "You have also noticed that something is wrong with you, right? But you can't send her away by burning paper at home, I have a way."

Tan Zhi's eyes moved as expected, she seemed to want to say something, but what she said was a series of dirty words.

When the three of them stood at the door, they saw her pinching her throat and coughing in pain. She bent down and scratched her throat a few times before barely standing up straight and saying, "You guys come in first."

They go in with goodness.

The smell of candles that Jiang Li smelled at the door was indeed correct. There were white candles on the balcony of the house, and there was also a copper basin with burnt black ashes in it.

"Are you paying homage to Chen Ruomei?"

Tan Zhi paused, did not speak, only nodded weakly.

Then he said with difficulty: "You... what can I do?"

Seeing her anxious and fearful expression, she was clearly aware of her situation.

But all this further shows that Chen Ruomei's death was not simple. Obviously it was Tan Zhi and the others who rescued Chen Ruomei, even if she was not rescued, she didn't have to be afraid of being like this. Thinking about what she said to herself during the day, she obviously felt that she had become like this, that Chen Ruomei's ghost had haunted her.

Jiang Greed didn't answer her immediately, but said, "Tell me how Chen Ruomei died first."

Tan Zhi looked at him in surprise, then seemed to think of something, pinched his hands tightly and said, "She fell to death by herself."

"If you don't tell the truth, I can't help you."

Jiang Greed turned cold. Although he was easy to talk to, he didn't always smile like this at everyone. Especially when he already has a guess in his mind that just needs to be confirmed.

He got up and asked Chen Hua for another exorcism talisman, lit the talisman paper and threw it into the water, holding the cup of talisman water and said to Tan Zhi: "This cup of talisman water can cure your strange disease. Don't tell the truth."

Tan Zhi's expression changed suddenly, her mouth opened and closed, and the red ghost umbrella in her throat stretched out dense hyphae, but she didn't seem to notice it.

"She won't tell you, I'll tell you."

A gentle female voice suddenly appeared.

This voice is very gentle, inversely proportional to Tan Zhi's sharp and high-pitched voice.

Jiang Li even guessed that this voice was Tan Zhi's original voice.

Seeing that Jiang Li didn't answer, "Tan Zhi" opened her mouth again. Her mouth was already filled with dark red hyphae, and there were even crazy-growing red ghost umbrellas protruding from her head. The smooth fungus cap was the size of a one-dollar coin. .

Her mouth was already stuffed with hyphae, and her eyes turned in horror, but she could only open her mouth in such a weird way. The hyphae in the mouth replaced her original tongue, entangled into a ball and wriggled to imitate the movement of the tongue, making a sound: "I tell you the truth, you don't want to interfere in this matter, how about it?"

Jiang Greed looked noncommittal, and just said: "Let me listen first. It's not up to you whether to intervene or not. Anyway, you can't beat us... us."

In the end, he turned a corner abruptly and changed "can't beat me" to "can't beat us".

He also looked back at Ying Qiao with a guilty conscience.

Ying Qiao thought that he was scared after the harsh words, so he pushed Chen Hua from behind, let him rush out to block in front of the two of them, then pulled Jiang Li to her side, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid." .”

Jiang Greed: ...

I am not afraid.

He looked up at Ying Qiao, only to see him pulling himself to hide behind Boss Chen, and suddenly felt blessed.

It turned out that he himself was afraid.

The red ghost umbrella actually looked a little disgusting and weird, but Jiang Tan didn't think there was anything scary about it. But that's because I'm gluttonous.

And Ying Qiao is just an ordinary snake demon, probably scared and embarrassed to show it.

Jiang Greed suddenly felt a desire to protect, he leaned against Ying Qiao, held his hand and comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, it's very weak."

Ying Qiao looked at the little monster who said "not afraid" but leaned honestly, like looking at a cub actively seeking shelter.

His eyes were soft, and he didn't pierce the little monster's self-esteem, so he had to cooperate: "Well, we are not afraid."

Chen Hua, who was caught off guard and pushed to the front:? ?

What bullshit are you tm hiding behind?

The red ghost umbrella probably didn't expect Jiang Greed to be so uncooperative, and the entangled hyphae stretched out from his mouth, facing them provocatively: "Since we can't reach an agreement, there is no need to continue."

After speaking, the dark red mycelium suddenly dissipated and turned into a burst of red mist.

Tan Zhi, who had regained control of her body, almost went crazy with fright. She pinched her neck with both hands, and kept clasping her throat with her fingers, making retching sounds.

Chen Hua didn't have any pity for her, looked at her indifferently and said, "If you don't tell, we'll go to Xu Meifang and Xie Guizhen, there will always be someone willing to tell."

"Xu Meifang won't say it."

Tan Zhi suddenly raised her head. Her eyes were red from retching, and her mouth was still stained with mycelium and dark red mucus that had been forcefully vomited out. She looked a little scary.

She smiled nervously: "She pushed Chen Ruomei into the well, that's murder!