We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 31


How dare she say that? ! "

The feeling of being sober and controlled just now seemed to drive her crazy. Tan Zhi rushed forward to grab the bowl of talisman water regardless: "Give me the talisman water first, and I will tell you everything."

Chen Hua thought about it, sprinkled half of the talisman water, and handed the remaining half bowl to her: "This amount can only make you more comfortable, but it can't completely clean up your body. You'd better tell the truth."

Tan Zhi rushed forward to grab the bowl, and drank it voraciously.

She went to the bathroom and vomited for a long time before she came out. Although her face was pale, there was a sickly relieved smile on her lips.

She told the three of them the story of Chen Ruomei's death from the beginning.

On the day Chen Ruomei died, the three of them had just returned home from the square dance. It's just that it's not like what they told the police, they went to rescue her only after hearing Chen Ruomei calling for help. Instead, they happened to have a conflict with Chen Ruomei at the gate of the community.

To be more precise, it was Xu Meifang who had a conflict with Chen Ruomei.

Xu Meifang and Chen Ruomei lived in the same building. Chen Ruomei was young and good-looking, and was a new resident, so it was inevitable that she would attract attention. Xu Meifang is the best matchmaker, and it happens that she has a nephew who is not married. Seeing that Chen Ruomei always seems to be single, she is moved, and from time to time, she strikes up a few words with Chen Ruomei to make it close.

When the two got acquainted with each other, they took advantage of the opportunity to bring up the matter of introducing the object. Chen Ruomei took it for granted that she refused, saying that she didn't want to find a partner yet.

But Xu Meifang is very thoughtful, she thinks that Chen Ruomei looks down on her nephew because of her good looks, and wants to find a rich man to climb high. She complained to them several times about it. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Another time, a middle-aged man driving a BMW was looking for Chen Ruomei at the gate of the community, but Xu Meifang was asked. Xu Meifang originally felt that it was not right for Chen Ruomei to go out to work at night and come back in the early morning, so looking at it this way, she was sure that the other party was doing a dishonest job, not sitting on the stage outside, but also being a lover for a middle-aged wealthy businessman.

Her mouth was broken, and she held a grudge against Chen Ruomei, so when chatting, she implied that Chen Ruomei was working as a table hostess in the bar.

Everyone was skeptical about this, but it didn't take long for Chen Ruomei to take the man home and fell out and called the police saying that she was raped. It happened that Xu Meifang lived in the same building as her, and afterward she turned black and white to describe the scene so clearly that many people believed that Chen Ruomei was the lady sitting on the stage. Occasionally, when they met Chen Ruomei in the community, they always walked around her, for fear that she would have a heart attack.

Chen Ruomei had no relatives or reason here, so no one told her these rumors. She realized something was wrong when the landlord said openly and secretly that she was a lady and wanted to refund her money and rent.

After finally persuading the landlord to allow her to find a new house before moving, she ran into Xu Meifang and the other three on the way to work, talking about her falling out with the "client" and calling the police.

Although she is taciturn and not sociable. But not weak temper. Otherwise, he would not insist on leaving evidence and calling the police when he was raped.

Being so slandered and spread rumors, she naturally wanted to come forward to argue.

But Xu Meifang is also a sharp-tongued and aggressive person. During the debate between the two, Xu Meifang couldn't hold back and started to push her hands. Seeing her move her hands, Tan Zhi and Xie Guizhen naturally wanted to fight. He also didn't notice the inspection well behind which the manhole cover was missing.

Chen Ruomei was pushed down by Xu Meifang.

The entrance of the community was dark, the inspection well was dark, it should be several meters deep, there was a muffled sound when someone fell down, and Chen Ruomei was silent at that time.

Only then did the three panic. It was Xu Meifang who pushed her. She realized that she might have killed someone.

Their first reaction was to run away. Not only were the streetlights broken in the old community, there was no surveillance in this area, and they might not be caught if they ran away.

But when they were hesitant to leave, Chen Ruomei woke up in the well, and she began to cry for help weakly. It's just that the sound sounds like there's more air coming in and less air coming out.

Tan Zhi and Xie Guizhen originally wanted to call the police, but Xu Meifang refused at all, and threatened with the money they owed her and that the accomplices would go to jail. The panicked two finally managed to get Chen Ruomei up under Xu Meifang's command.

When Chen Ruomei fell down, she accidentally bumped her head, and her head and face were covered with blood when she pulled it up. She died shortly after getting it up.

Xu Meifang originally wanted to get someone up and give money to her, but when she saw Chen Ruomei who had just passed away, she suddenly had a bold idea...

She colluded with Tan Zhi and Xie Guizhen, took the initiative to call 120, and then called the police, pretending to be a kind person passing by, and covered up the accidental murder.

There were no pedestrians, no monitoring, and Chen Ruomei's autopsy report also showed that she died from a head injury. And the three of them had indeed just returned home from the square dance, and they had no grudge against Chen Ruomei... They even lied to the police. From a murderer and accomplice to a good citizen who is brave enough to do justice.

The three of them became grasshoppers on a rope, and they all gritted their teeth without revealing a word.

Except for midnight dream, no one knew that Chen Ruomei's death was related to them.

If it weren't for the strange things that happened one after another, Tan Zhi would never have said this in his life.

She twisted her face and looked at Chen Hua: "I've told you everything I know, give me the rest of the talisman water!"

Chen Hua looked at her in disgust. Although he didn't discriminate against humans, he had to say that people's hearts became vicious, even worse than monsters.

He deliberately said: "Actually, I lied to you just now, I only have that one talisman left."

Tan Zhi's eyes widened in disbelief, the eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, and he said hysterically, "Impossible! Aren't you masters? Please save me, I didn't kill people, there are grievances and debtors." , Xu Meifang should die if she dies! I didn't kill anyone!"

"You didn't kill, but you were an accomplice."

Jiang Li should have been angry, but looking at Tan Zhi who was still shirking responsibility without knowing anything wrong, his anger was strangely gone, only cold disgust remained.

"We are not masters, we are national civil servants." Jiang Li showed her the work card of the street office: "I recorded what you said just now, should you surrender yourself, or should I go to the police station to report you? ?”

Tan Zhi stared blankly at the work permit.

Jiang Greed still felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, and said: "Actually, the talisman water just now is also fake, it is a lie to you. Those things are still in your throat, if you don't believe me, feel it for yourself."

Tan Zhi really grabbed his throat in panic.

Jiang Li didn't say that she didn't feel it yet, but now that she said it, she felt very itchy in her throat, as if those disgusting things had grown out of her throat again.

She rushed back into the bathroom, scratched her throat and vomited again.

Jiang Li called Wang Qing, originally wanting to explain the situation on Tan Zhi's side, but unexpectedly Wang Qing said first: "Xu Meifang is dead."

Xu Meifang committed suicide. This morning, while her husband was leaving for work, she stabbed herself in the throat with a fruit knife.

Her two children are in school, and her husband works overtime at night. He just came home not long ago. When Wang Qing and Wang Qing came to the door, he was trying to open the door locked by his wife.

After Wang Qing showed his certificate and indicated that he wanted to find Xu Meifang to understand the situation, he had no choice but to explain the situation. Wang Qing and Zhao Heng helped to open the door, only to find Xu Meifang dead on their bed.

Her death did not exceed twenty-four hours, but the body already gave off a stench, and the oxidized blood turned black and red, coagulating on the bed like blood clots, and the damp quilt seemed to become a hotbed, giving birth to clusters of dark Red miniature red ghost umbrella.

The scene was eerie and frightening.

Xu Meifang's husband passed out on the spot. Wang Qing and Zhao Heng quickly called people to cordon off the scene and send Xu Meifang's body for an autopsy.

Jiang Greed could only send Tan Zhi's recording to him first, and let him listen to it himself. Although this kind of recording cannot be used as evidence in court, Jiang Li still kept a copy.

At this time, Tan Zhi had already come out of the bathroom, and she also heard what Jiang Li said just now.

Her eyes were a little dull and she repeated: "Xu Meifang is dead?"

"Dead." Jiang Greed no longer had the slightest sympathy for her, and even asked viciously, "Whose turn will it be next? You? Or Xie Guizhen?"

Tan Zhi's body trembled, and he fell limply to the ground.

Jiang Greed finally said to her: "If you surrender now, you may still be alive."

After that, the three of them ignored Tan Zhi and left the Tan family.

After going downstairs, there were indeed two police cars parked in the community. The police were busy cordoning off the scene, and many residents who heard the commotion gathered around to watch the commotion.

Wang Qing and Zhao Heng were not seen in the crowd, probably because they were still upstairs.

Jiang Greed looked up and vaguely saw a window shrouded in a thin red mist. Those spores floated and did not disperse, as if they were looking for more parasites.

Ying Qiao patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's wait in the car first, we won't be busy here for a while."

Jiang Greed nodded, then couldn't help but sighed, his expression a little downcast.

Looks like a helpless cub seeing the darkness of the human heart for the first time.

Ying Qiao remembered that he was so close to human beings, he must be very disappointed when encountering this kind of thing, so he raised his hand and rubbed the top of his hair comfortingly, and said comfortingly: "Human nature is inherently evil, there are too many such things, if you see too much, you won't be afraid." will be disappointed."


Unexpectedly, Jiang Li shook his head, and seriously refuted him: "I'm not disappointed, except for people like Tan Zhi, there are always more good people. I'm just not worth it for Chen Ruomei, she is a good girl."

He was never disappointed by the darkness in the hearts of wicked people, he just felt sad for Chen Ruomei's death.

the evil of these people