We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 34


, Seeing the cage on the hanging ornament, I stood up curiously and pawed it with my claws, and the cage shook even more violently.

Red Ghost Umbrella: #%#... &!

He hated it, but he dared not speak.

Jiang Greed brought Suan Ni back, took apart a piece of dried fish for him to eat, and tidied his sleepy hair by the way.

Ying Qiao glanced at the two brothers out of the corner of his eye, paused for a moment on Suan Ni, and then moved to Jiang Li.

His eyes were slightly regretful.

I don't know if I will have a chance to see the little furry monster next time,

The car stopped at the gate of Jianglu Community.

Ying Qiao wanted to go back to the Demon Management Bureau with Chen Hua, so he didn't send him in.

"I don't know if the red ghost umbrella is poisonous or not. If you feel sick to your stomach tomorrow, please call me."

Recalling the scene where Jiang Greed jumped on the red ghost umbrella like a small animal and bit it with his mouth, Ying Qiao was a little upset. The little monster was indeed too young to be good at this kind of fighting.

He said earnestly: "Next time, don't bite everything you see, it's unhygienic."

Jiang Greed felt guilty for a second, and nodded sharply: "I see!"

Ying Qiao was a little satisfied, took out the remaining candy in his pocket, stuffed it all into his clothes pocket, and said: "This time the boss will also help you apply for the bonus, and it will be transferred to you when it arrives."

Jiang Greed continued to nod: "Yeah."

"Go back quickly and rest early." Ying Qiao rubbed the top of his hair lovingly.

Jiang Greed bid them farewell, and walked into the community with his backpack in his arms.

Ying Qiao didn't get back into the car until he could no longer see him.

At this time, Chen Hua was already sitting in the driver's seat. Seeing him getting into the car, he asked humbly, "Go back to the villa first, or go to the bureau first?"

Ying Qiao took the cage with the red ghost umbrella in his hand, looked at it with interest for a while and said: "Let's go to the bureau first, the police must be working overtime to deal with the case, hand them over first, so that we can arrange people to talk to the police Butt."

Chen Hua looked at him in surprise, thinking that Zhou Papi would also show kindness sometimes.

Even worry about the police handling the case.

Raising cubs is really kind.

Ying Qiao saw his sneaky eyes from the endoscope, snorted, and said, "These few days are counted as you working overtime and going outside, and the year-end bonus will be increased by 50% for you."

Chen Hua immediately smiled, "I'm willing to do my best for the boss, and call me anytime if you have to work overtime!"

Ying Qiao looked at him indifferently: "When your bonus comes out, give Jiang Li a copy according to the amount, and say it is the bonus he applied for."

The year-end award that had just been received suddenly became less fragrant. Chen Hua ate a big lemon, and his whole body was sour, and he became angry again: "Okay, boss."

See, this is the difference between an insider and an outsider.

He exhausted himself and rushed forward to kill monsters, and he got as much as the little monsters who lay down and won.

Chen Hua sighed inwardly:

This may be what humans often call nepotism!

The author has something to say:

Longlong: The original shape of the little monster must be furry, fragrant, soft and cute, and I want to masturbate.

Greedy Cub: ...



Longlong was thinking about farting again today.

Draw 100 red envelopes, everyone~

Tomorrow's update will also be advanced, and the normal time update will resume after the clip is completed on the 21st =3=

Chapter 25

Although staying up late the previous night saved the people in the community, but the next day was a working day, Jiang Li still had to get up early to go to work.

Wednesday was a sunny day, the sun climbed to the top of the head early in the morning, the breeze warmed the sun, and the sun was so warm that I felt sleepy. With a bag of yogurt in his mouth, Jiang Li slowly pedaled his bicycle to work.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the office, I was shocked by the festive scene inside.

Xue Meng was wearing a bright red T-shirt with a red string on his wrist. He was beaming, holding a box of snacks in his arms full of food distributed in the office.

As soon as Jiang Greed stepped in, Xiao Xiaoyu asked Xue Meng: "Xue Meng, have you finally left the order?"

Xue Meng said coldly: "It's a bigger happy event than getting out of the order!"

My little life was saved!

He put the remaining half box of snacks on Jiang Lun's table, enthusiastically pushed Jiang Lun at the door to sit on the seat, and said doglegly: "These are all for you."

Jiang Greed didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you doing?"

"After the catastrophe, of course I have to celebrate."

In the office, Xue Meng didn't speak too clearly, but just pushed the phone in front of him: "Look at this."

On the mobile phone interface is a local news feed with a sensational headline called "A Thief Calls "Stop Thief! Three Women Killed Because of Jealousy, and Enthusiastic Citizens Turned into Murderers".

Looking at the content of the news again, it was indeed about what happened last night.

Xu Meifang died, and two police cars came to the community one after another. As expected, the media with a keen sense of smell did not fall behind, and the news came out only one night later. The case is still in the investigation stage and has not been announced to the public, but the police took Tan Zhi and Xie Guizhen away from the community, combined with the fact that the three were praised by the media for their bravery and enthusiasm for saving people, now there is a big reversal, the news naturally caused heated discussion.

Many local people have also heard that Xu Meifang's death was very strange, and Tan Zhi and Xie Guizhen were a little bit crazy. Although the media dare not lead in the direction of feudal superstition, the comments below are more or less guessing in the direction of revenge.

Others don't know the inside story, but Xue Meng knows it.

He secretly guessed that Xu Meifang's death was somehow related to that weird red fungus, and he was afraid for a while. If Jiang Greed didn't know a big boss who understands this, his life would be over!

So in the morning, he quickly took the red rope that his mother begged from the temple, changed into a red dress to ward off evil spirits, and came to the office with a large box of snacks in his arms.

"Reported so soon?"

In the information age, network communication is developed. Jiang Greed looked at the comments below the news and suddenly had a fresh idea. To refute Chen Ruomei's rumors, perhaps we can use the well-developed Internet and media.

However, this matter still needs to be discussed with Wang Qing, and the cooperation of the police is needed, so he put it in his heart for the time being. Turning to look at Xue Meng, concerned: "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Xue Meng shook his head. After vomiting yesterday, he fell asleep again, and when he got up, he was full of energy, and he ate well.

But he was still a little worried, lowered his voice and asked, "Have those things been resolved?"

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed nodded: "It has been resolved, and the finishing work has been handed over to the police."

Xue Meng's heart fell back into his stomach completely. He wisely didn't ask more about last night, but said: "When will your brother and Master Chen be free? I have the opportunity to thank you for saving my life in person."

Jiang Greed silently responded to who his brother was.

After reacting, I wanted to explain, but felt that it was too complicated to explain clearly, so I simply acquiesced in this title. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"I'll call you next time they come over."

Xue Meng returned to his position happily.

On Thursday, Jiang Li will go to another community to give a lecture on flu prevention, so he has been preparing for tomorrow's lecture all day today. Fortunately, Xue Meng's "cold" has healed up, and he took the initiative to share the responsibility of the remaining three communities, so Jiang Li's work is not too heavy.

After being busy for a long time, Jiang Li stretched his waist, got up and poured a cup of hot water. He had to rest his eyes after staring at the document for a long time.

Seeing that he was idle, Suan Ni trotted over from Uncle Zhou with the jerky in his mouth, jumped onto his lap easily, and pushed the jerky in front of him with his claws, signaling him to eat it.

Uncle Zhou likes Suan Ni very much. Since the first time he gave away the cat litter he made, he has never lost all kinds of small toys and snacks. He almost treats him like his own grandson.

Jiang Greed rubbed his round ears, split the dried meat in half, ate one piece for himself, and fed the other piece into his mouth.

Suan Ni squinted her eyes, lying on his lap, flicking her fluffy tail back and forth comfortably.

Jiang Greed smiled, picked up the phone and looked at it.

He was obsessed with work and didn't read the news before, only now did he realize that Ying Qiao had sent him several messages.

Ying Qiao told him that the Red Ghost Umbrella siblings had been handed over to the Demon Control Bureau and were temporarily detained at the supervision office. The bureau is still arguing over how to convict and sentence the siblings.

According to the account of the siblings, their bodies were damaged thousands of years ago, and their consciousness fell into a deep sleep, floating around in the form of spores. It was Chen Ruomei's blood and resentment when she fell into the well that awakened their consciousness. The siblings had just woken up and were still very weak, so they made a deal with Chen Ruomei. It was originally agreed that Chen Ruomei volunteered to be the nourishment of the siblings, and in exchange, the siblings helped her avenge her.

But probably Chen Ruomei's experience was so tragic that even the siblings couldn't see it, and in the end they only absorbed her grievances and did not touch her soul. Even when avenging her, the siblings took the initiative to expand the scope of revenge. Not only took revenge on Xu Meifang and the others, but also those who spread rumors in the community.

Originally, the starting point of the siblings is not a big evil, but the bad thing is that after they released a large number of spores to parasitize the human body, they began to lose control of their greed. The process of regrowing the red ghost umbrella requires a lot of nutrients. They want to make ordinary people It is also absorbed as a nutrient. If Jiang Li and the others hadn't stopped them in time, I'm afraid Xu Ruomei would not be the only one who suffered in the end.

Therefore, the bureau is currently discussing the appropriate sentencing for the siblings' excessive revenge and harm to human beings.

Nowadays, the number of monsters is rare. If it is not for the vicious monsters, the monsters who commit crimes are rarely executed directly.

Ying Qiao told Jiang Li that the biggest possibility now is to let the siblings stay in the supervision office to pay for their punishment with labor, and reform through labor.

Like the siblings who have not yet adapted to human society, accidentally strayed into the wrong