We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 35


The demon of the road can still be rescued.

And their ability is very suitable to stay in the supervisory office.

The spores released by the two red ghost umbrellas can monitor every corner of the supervision office, which is really economical and trouble-free.

Jiang Greed asked again about the whereabouts of Chen Ruomei's soul and how to deal with the ordinary people parasitized by the spores.

Ying Qiao said that the priest next door sent Chen Ruomei to reincarnation after he gave her salvation.

As for the ordinary people who were parasitized, the Red Ghost Umbrella siblings had already recalled the parasitic spores. Most people probably only have a cold and cough for a few days, and gradually get better.

At this point in this case, the part that the Demon Control Bureau is in charge of is over. The rest of the work needs to be handled by the police. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

After Jiang Li replied to Ying Qiao's message, he sent another message to Wang Qing, telling him the idea of using the Internet and the media to refute Chen Ruomei's rumors.

Later, Wang Qing reported it, and the official propaganda outlet not only refuted the rumors for Chen Ruomei, but also used this case as a warning to the public, guiding them to be cautious in their words and deeds, and beware of rumors that do harm to others... But this is all That's another story.


After another day of publicity, it was Friday in a blink of an eye. While working in the afternoon, Jiang Li received a call from Uncle Gui.

Uncle Gui was originally a big turtle. In the early years when the Dragon King was still there, he was the prime minister of the Dragon Palace. Later, the Dragon King fell, and Bi Xi took over the Dragon Palace. He found the younger brothers who were living outside one by one, and Uncle Gui took on the work of taking care of the dragon son.

It wasn't until recent years that Uncle Gui got older and the remaining dragon sons left the Dragon Palace one after another, so he started to live a retirement life. But although he doesn't take care of other miscellaneous matters anymore, he must do everything about the dragon sons himself.

For example, Uncle Gui prepares Jiang Li's new clothes every season.

This time Jiaotu woke up and came to find Jiang Li, and Uncle Gui personally sent him over.

On the phone, Uncle Gui's tone was a little hesitant, and he tried cautiously: "His Highness Nine refuses to stay at home alone, and wants to come to work to find you."

Since the Dragon Palace sent Jiang Li to the Monster Bureau last time, his real body was exposed and he hadn't made friends for nearly a year, Jiang Li didn't allow people from Dragon Palace to go to work to find him.

But now that Jiaotu refused to stay at home alone, and wanted to go to Jiang Li, Uncle Gui hesitated.

I heard that His Highness the Fifth Highness gets along well with his colleagues in the new unit. If they go and expose their identities again, His Highness is afraid that the Fifth Highness will hide and sulk again.

But I didn't expect that this time Jiang Li was very easy to speak: "It's okay, you can send him here."

Uncle Gui immediately let out a happy "ah", left a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind, ordered them to clean the house, put away all the things they brought, and then drove to the street office with Jiaotu.

Jiang Greed waited at the gate of the street office in advance, and when he saw a familiar car approaching, he immediately waved.

Uncle Gui got out of the car, looked at Jiang Li lovingly for a while, and said with a smile, "His Highness Fifth has gained a little weight."

Jiang Greed touched his face subconsciously: "Is there?"

Uncle Gui affirmed: "Yes, your complexion is much better than before. Your Highness must like this place very much."

Compared to before, the little Taotie now is simply full of vigor, his eyes and brows are full of energy.

Jiang Greed laughed, then looked at the co-pilot again: "Where's Xiao Jiu?"

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince seldom travels far away, and he is still a little scared, and refuses to come out of the aquarium."

Speaking of this, Uncle Gui had a look of helplessness in his eyes. He opened the trunk, and there was a big aquarium inside.

The aquarium is filled with a small half of sea water, and the bottom is covered with soft white fine sand. Colorful gemstones can be seen faintly among the fine sand. There are also clumps of colorful corals swaying gently in the water.

In the deepest part of the coral clump, there is a conch shell the size of the fists of two grown men. The background color of the conch shell is pearly white, with red and yellow polka-dot patterns regularly distributed from time to time. Around the polka-dot pattern, a circle of bright and gorgeous pearl gemstones are inlaid, making the shell look very gorgeous. Like a fine handicraft.

Jiang Li bent down, tapped lightly on the glass with his fingers, and said softly, "Jiujiu? Brother Wu is here to pick you up."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the water waves shaking slightly in front of the shell, first a pair of small dragon horns poked out, followed by a pair of black eyes, Jiaotu poked out half of his head, delighted And greeted him shyly in a low voice: "Fifth Brother."

Jiang Greed reached out and tapped his little corner: "Why are you so shy? There is no one else here."

Jiaotu became more courageous when he heard the words, and leaned out half of his body, and it was a miniature version of a white fat dragon. The little chubby dragon rubbed his head against his hand, and then felt a little shy again. The whole dragon retracted into the shell, only the tip of its tail was exposed, which was dyed a light pink.

Jiang Greed was so cute, he couldn't help pinching the tip of his tail, and said softly, "The aquarium is too big to take to the office. I'll carry you in, okay?"

His voice was very soft, for fear of scaring his younger brother.

Among the nine brothers, Jiaotu is the most docile and harmless. He is timid and weak in attack, and sleeps in his shell most of the time. Jiang Li still remembered that when his eldest brother took him back to the Dragon Palace, Jiao Tu was so frightened that he hid. It took half a month for the monsters in the Dragon Palace to find him out of an ornamental scallop.

Later, it was the eldest brother who went into battle in person to appease him. Let him believe that the fierce Taotie is the fifth brother who just came home, and not a monster who came to eat him.

Jiang Li still clearly remembered the situation at that time. Although he was terrified, even the little dragon's horns were shaking, he still restrained his fear, poked his head out carefully, and called out to him softly. A fifth brother.

It was this soft "fifth brother" that made him suddenly feel a sense of belonging to Dragon Palace, and stayed in Dragon Palace willingly.

Later, in order to prevent Jiaotu from being afraid of him, he took pains to collect a bunch of beautiful pearls and gems, and gave them one every day. After several years of coaxing, he finally coaxed Jiaotu not to be afraid of him.

You must know that Jiaotu's most precious thing is the shell on his back. Every time he wakes up, he has to scrub it carefully, and then choose his favorite gemstones from his newly collected collection, and carefully set them on the shell.

This time when Jiaotu woke up from Jiangcheng, the decorative gemstones on the shell were of course newly replaced. Jiang Li first seriously praised the beauty of the new gemstones, and then stretched out his hand to hug the still shy Jiaotu.

Uncle Gui handed over the handkerchief, Jiang Tan took it and wiped off the water stains on the snail shell, and then put his younger brother into his arms.

"Let's put the aquarium at home, it won't fit in the office."

Jiang Greed said to Uncle Gui: "With Xiaoba as a companion, Jiujiu is fine if he is not in the water."

Jiaotu is timid and carries a shell on his back. He always feels insecure when he is alone on land. So he is rarely willing to leave the sea. It took a lot of courage to come out to find Jiang Greed this time.

Uncle Gui agreed, and said worriedly: "The house has been tidied up again, and all the clothes you brought have been put in the closet. Remember to try it when you get home. Food is also put in the refrigerator. Hurry up and eat while it’s fresh…”

As the old man got older, it was inevitable that he would nag a little more. Jiang Li was not impatient at all, and only sent him away after listening to his babbling.

When the car drove away, Jiang Lu carried his younger brother back to the office.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Xiao Xiaoyu staring dumbfounded at the car that had just driven away.

His heart tightened, and he was wondering if Xiao Xiaoyu had discovered something, so he heard her say shit, and Jiang Li's eyes were shining brightly: "Rolls-Royce Phantom, Jiang Li, your family is so rich?"

— When Jiang Greed came out, he said that his family had come to give him something.

Fortunately, he wasn't discovered... Jiang Li just breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became a little nervous again. He has heard that it is difficult for human beings who are too rich to integrate into the circle of ordinary people. He was afraid that Xiao Xiaoyu would feel uncomfortable getting along with him after he knew about it.

Who knew that Xiao Xiaoyu just clicked his tongue, and then said happily: "If Xue Meng saw it, he might be able to perform and eat lemons on the spot. Then he cried bitterly and hugged your thigh and begged you to let him touch the steering wheel."

Xue Meng likes cars, and the Rolls-Royce Phantom is his dream car. He probably wants to touch the steering wheel in his dreams.

Jiang Greed laughed at what she said, and winked at her: "Then don't let him know."

Xiao Xiaoyu looked at him, and both of them would smile heartily.

Back in the office, Jiang Tan put Jiaotu in the back of the desk.

The pepper map shrunk in the snail shell is like an exquisite handicraft at this time, staying motionless on the table.

Jiang Greed approached him and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'm right by your side."

Jiaotu in the snail shell swayed the dragon's horn slightly.

At this time, Suan Ni struggled to jump onto the table with his precious dried fish in his mouth. He circled around the shell, raised his claws and knocked on the shell, and pushed a bag of dried fish into the shell with his claws. , meowed happily, which was regarded as a greeting.

Hearing the movement, Jiaotu stretched out his small paw, pressed it on his fleshy paw in response, and then retracted quickly.

After a while, an empty packaging bag was pushed out of the shell.

Suan Ni narrowed her eyes happily, pushed another bag of dried fish into it, and happily fed it to her younger brother.

The three brothers happily spent an afternoon in the office.

When she got off work, Suan Ni put her head on the shell, and couldn't wait to push the younger brother into the bag. Seeing this, Jiang Li picked up Jiaotu, tapped Suan Ni's forehead with his fingertips, and said, "Jiujiu just arrived, I'll show him the way first."

Suan Ni groaned, and could only get into the bag by herself.

Jiang Lu put his bag on his back, hugged Jiaotu in his arms, and the three brothers went home together.
