We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 38


He ran a long way with Suan Ni.

Fortunately, the kite did not fall fast and was not blown into the lake. Jiaotu chased it to the lake, and the kite happened to be hanging on a willow tree beside the Jiukong Bridge.

"I'll go get it." Suan Ni jumped from his shoulders to the tree to pick the kite, while Jiao Tu waited under the tree.

The lake water behind it rippled slightly, and the quiet fragrance was sent to the nose with the wind. Jiaotu wrinkled his nose, not liking the scent very much.

At this time, the ripples in the lake behind him became bigger, as if something was beating the water.

Suan Ni was still untying the kite line on the tree, Jiaotu turned his head to look at the lake curiously, and saw long black hair like seaweed floating in the clear lake water. The place where he was standing was just beside the nine-hole arch bridge, and his long black hair floated out from under the arch bridge, followed by a beautiful face.

The woman's complexion was extremely white, three points colder than the white-painted Nine-Arch Bridge. His long eyebrows are slanted, and the ends of his eyes are dyed red, only a pair of eyes are pure black, without the white of the eyes.

She was floating in the water like this, looking at Jiaotu on the bridge with her dark eyes, and a three-pointed smile appeared on her bright red lips.

The aroma at the end of the nose became stronger again, Jiaotu looked at the woman in the lake curiously without blinking her eyes.

The woman in the lake looked at him for a moment, then smiled suddenly, and the left half of her face gradually began to rot. At this time, half of her face was intact, but only rotten flesh and blood remained on the other half. She stared at Jiaotu fixedly, her pure black eyes showing a bit of viciousness, she turned around and dived into the bottom of the lake. The long hair and skirt formed a gorgeous flower in the clear water.

Suan Ni had already taken down the kite at this time, and shouted at Jiaotu: "Jiujiu? What are you looking at? Come and pick me up."

Jiaotu let out an "oh", looked away, and reached out to catch him under the tree.

Suan Ni threw the kite down first, and then dexterously jumped onto his shoulder. Jiaotu picked up the kite and went back the same way with Suan Ni.

Seeing the two brothers coming back, Jiang Greed handed them water: "There is a spare spool in the bag, do you want to play?"

Suan Ni groaned and slumped beside his legs, telling him to rub his belly: "I won't play anymore."

Seeing this, Jiaotu also sat down next to Jiang Li, holding the water bottle in his hand and sipping: "I don't play anymore."

He added: "I just saw someone in the lake."

"Huh? Who?" Jiang Greed frowned slightly, looking at him searchingly.

Jiaotu described the situation in the lake, then sniffled and said quickly, "That's the scent! It smells so bad."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "plop" sound not far ahead, like the sound of something heavy falling into the water.

Jiang Li's expression was slightly trembling, and he immediately got up and walked towards the lake. He had just taken two steps when he heard the noise over there, and someone was calling for help: "Someone fell into the water!"

Not long after, there were two sounds of falling into the water, as if someone had jumped into the water to save someone.

Jiang Li hurried over, and when he arrived, he saw that the young man who fell into the water had been rescued, his eyes were closed, and the person who rescued him was giving him artificial respiration. '

The crowd who came after hearing the sound gathered around, dialed 120, and it was so annoying... It was almost a mess.

Fortunately, in less than ten minutes, 120 arrived. The young man had woken up from a coma after first aid. It was his girlfriend who called for help first, and she got into the ambulance with him.

When the medical staff passed by Jiang Lu carrying the stretcher, Jiang Lu smelled the aroma that Jiaotu had mentioned.

This fragrance is not strong, it is a very quiet cold fragrance, floating in the nose as if there is nothing, it is very weak at first, when you smell it frequently, the fragrance will become stronger. Jiang Greed sniffed carefully for a while, and smelled a rotten smell in the fragrance.

No wonder Jiaotu said it smelled bad.

Jiang Greed walked to the edge of the lake and looked down at the water. Because someone fell into the water and was rescued, the lake water on the shore became a little cloudy.

He walked back and forth along the lake, but he didn't find the woman Jiaotu mentioned.

The crowd gathered because of the falling into the water farce had dispersed, and Jiang Li couldn't find any clues, so he could only go back home regretfully.

The three brothers left along the way they came. When they walked through the path by the lake, there was a slight sound of water on the lake behind them. If Jiang Li felt something, he turned around and saw a few strands of black hair floating in the center of the lake. Zhang Jibai's face rose from the water, and his black eyes without whites were fixedly looking at them.

Jiang Greed narrowed his eyes, and was about to turn back to see what it was, when the woman in the lake sank into the lake instantly and disappeared.

The surface of the lake was calm without any waves, as if the woman had never appeared.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Originally, I brought my younger brother out to play today. Jiang Li didn't want to make troubles, thinking about finding time to visit later, he took Jiao Tu and Suan Ni back home first.

In the afternoon, the three brothers ate dinner outside.

Jiang Greed took Jiaotu to eat hot pot.

Jiaotu stays in Dragon Palace most of the time, and eats all kinds of seafood with a very light taste. Jiang Greed was afraid that he would not be used to spicy food, so he specially ordered a tomato pot for him. Who knew that Jiaotu fell in love with the hot pot after trying it once, with red eyes and nose in the hot pot, while staring at the fat beef roll in the hot pot.

Jiang Greed poured him a glass of iced cola, and asked him to relieve the spiciness before eating.

After Jiaotu finished drinking, he started staring at the meat in the pot again, and said, "It's over."

Jiang Greed didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he fished out the scalded meat and put it in his bowl.

After eating hot pot, they went to the night market again. The three of them played until after eleven o'clock in the evening before returning home.

Jiaotu didn't go to sleep in the aquarium that night. He changed back to his original shape and huddled on the same pillow with Suan Ni. Suan Ni bent his body into a U shape to encircle him. The two brothers occupied the inner side of the bed, while Jiang Li slept. on the outside.

After playing outside all day, the three brothers almost fell asleep on the bed.

In the middle of the night, the silvery white moonlight came in through the gaps in the untightened curtains and fell on the beige wooden floor. There was a soft sound of water in the dark bedroom, one after another, like the sound of ripples.

If there seems to be no cold fragrance floating in the nose. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Li's whole body seemed to be submerged in the water, his whole body was covered with cold dampness, and occasionally a strand of hair brushed across his skin, which aroused a slight itchiness...

He opened his eyes suddenly, but the bedroom was quiet, there was no sound of water, and no lingering fragrance.


Only the silvery white moonlight sprinkled the ground.

The author has something to say:

Long Long: Not to mention twenty years old, even two hundred years old, two thousand years old, the little monster is also a cub in my eyes.

Greedy Cub (surprise): Really? actually…


Longlong, who learned the truth later, shed tears.

Draw 100 red envelopes, Jiumi.

The update time resumes at 12:00 noon.

Chapter 27

The bedroom was extremely quiet, Jiang Tan looked sideways, Jiaotu and Suan Ni were still sleeping peacefully on the pillows on the left, and were not woken up.

He landed barefoot, and stepped on the wooden floor without a sound. He opened the curtains a little, and the silvery moonlight outside rushed down.

The bay window of the master bedroom is facing the direction of Qingyang Lake. Looking down from the upper floors, you can see the dark lake sparkling in the moonlight. The entire Qingyang Lake presents an irregular polygon. To the north of it is the Xunyang Lake, and further north of the Xunyang Lake, it flows into the rushing Yangtze River.

Jiang Greed searched around the house, but couldn't find the smell of that thing again. The sound of water and cold fragrance just now seemed to be just an illusory dream.

But the tactile feeling of the whole body as if immersed in water, and the fluttering hair gliding across the bare skin is very real, and Jiang Li doesn't think it's just a dream.

He half-closed his eyes, looking a little unhappy. Unexpectedly, he didn't take the initiative to find that thing, but that thing came to trouble him first.

He made a note of that unknown thing in his heart before going back to sleep.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Afterwards, a good night's sleep.

The next day was Sunday, and Jiang Li originally wanted to go to Qingyang Lake Park to find out, but it happened that Uncle Yao's leg injury had recovered, so he invited him to have dinner at home. Jiang Greed had to postpone going to the park until the afternoon, and in the morning he brought his younger brothers over for dinner. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The vegetables were bought by Yao Xiaohei and Uncle Yao early in the morning. When Jiang Greed passed by, the two of them were picking vegetables in the living room. The birdcage on the balcony was open. The bird he bought from the pet market was now an impostor. The starling of "Da Hei" was singing arrogantly on top of Xiao Hei's head.

A "Song of Going to School" was sung out of tune by it. Uncle Yao laughed and scolded while picking vegetables: "The guests are here, stop singing, prick your ears!"

Of course the mynah couldn't understand it, it fluttered its chest feathers, and sang even more vigorously when it saw strangers.

Uncle Yao showed disgust on his face, and greeted Jiang Greed with a smile: "Xiao Jiang is here? This is your brother, right? The two brothers look really alike! This old bird, who doesn't recite poems recently, just sings every day, making people's brain hurt from the noise .”

Then he got up and wiped his hands, went to the refrigerator to get a drink and passed it to the two of them: "Sit down and drink something to watch TV for a while, the food will be ready soon."

Yao Xiaohei on the side raised his head at this moment and said: "Master, you go to the kitchen, I will take care of the dishes."

Uncle Yao let out a "Hey", wiped his hands, put on his apron and entered the kitchen.

Jiang Greed said, "You get along very well with Uncle Yao."

The old and the young looked like real grandparents.

Yao Xiaohei laughed happily: "Master is very kind to me."

Jiang Greed moved a small bench and sat down to help him pick vegetables, and asked about Yao Xiaohei's work.

After Yao Xiaohei took back his ID card from the Demon Management Bureau, he asked Uncle Yao to borrow the start-up funds.