We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 39


Jin bought an electric car and applied to become a delivery rider. This has officially started working for two or three days. He is not yet a full-time rider, so he has relatively free time. Because Uncle Yao wanted to invite Jiang Greed to dinner, he didn't go out to take the order this morning.

Although the takeaway rider has worked hard in the wind and sun, Yao Xiaohei is very contented. This kind of life is much better than when he was practicing alone in the mountains.

And he also has his own plan. He plans to apply for a special delivery rider after Uncle Yao goes to the hospital for a review for the last time. At that time, his income will be higher. He will first pay back the money he borrowed from the uncle, and then save the money he earns later. Get up for a rainy day.

Uncle Yao is not young, and his days are numbered due to cancer, this has always been a knot in his heart. Although he didn't say it, he kept thinking about it in his heart.

He won't break his promise when he said that he wants to provide for Uncle Yao's retirement.

Seeing the anticipation for the future on his face, Jiang Greed couldn't help but also smiled, and then glanced at the starling on his head and said, "Master Yao didn't see anything, did he?"

Although he used a bit of a trick to deceive his appearance, but this starling sang out of tune every day, and he was not very good at seeing Yazi.

Xiao Hei laughed, and said in a low voice: "I didn't see it. There were a few days when this song was always playing on TV at home, and Da Hei learned it. The uncle thought it was tired of memorizing poems and replaced it with a fresh one."

After the two of them picked the vegetables, they sent them to the kitchen for uncle Yao to fry. Uncle Yao lives alone, and he often cooks by himself, and his hands and feet are very nimble. Now there are two other people helping him, their movements are faster, and soon five dishes and one soup are served on the table.

The old man was in high spirits and even opened a bottle of red wine given by someone else.

The red wine was not intoxicating, so Jiang Li mixed it with Sprite and poured Jiaotu a small glass. Suan Ni sat on his lap, and every time Jiang greedy took a bite, he would feed him.

After a meal, the host and guest enjoyed themselves. Jiang Greed's cheeks were just a little red, and Jiaotu was already in a daze.

After Jiang Gree helped clean up the dishes, he saw Jiao Tu sitting on the sofa blankly, rubbing against Suan Ni in his arms, still smiling, and he didn't know what he was laughing at. Suan Ni's belly was paralyzed, her face full of lovelessness.

Uncle Yao came out with the fruit, and was delighted to see Jiaotu like this: "Hey! Are you drunk?"

Jiang Greed hurriedly stepped forward to rescue Suan Ni, rubbed Jiaotu's head again, and said, "Go home."

Jiaotu let out a dumbfounded "Oh", stood up obediently, and stared at Jiang Greed, as if waiting for his next instruction.

He amused Uncle Yao like this, packed a bag of fruit and stuffed it with yogurt for Jiang Li, muttering: "Let him drink the hangover power, go back and sleep again..."

Jiang Greed ate and brought his drunken brother home.

As soon as Jiaotu returned home, he changed back to his original form. He didn't even have time to go to the aquarium, so he passed out on the sofa drunk.

The half of the body exposing the snail shell was dyed a light pink, the big black eyes were tightly closed, and the eyelashes trembled slightly with breathing. Suan Ni tickled him with the tip of his tail, Jiao Tu felt it, hummed twice, and shrank back into the shell again.

Jiang Greed picked him up and put him into the room, and told Suan Ni to look at him: "You guys stay at home, I'll go out for a while."

After all, he was still thinking about the thing he had seen in Qingyang Lake, trying to find out what it was. Since the other party dared to come to the door so openly, he had to give the other party some color, otherwise he would really think that he was a soft persimmon easy to bully.

Jiang Gree thought unhappily, they all saw something yesterday, and that thing came to him tonight, so maybe they will go to Jiaotu or Suanni today.

Although he was confident that the other party would not hurt his younger brother, Jiaotu was so timid, what if he got scared

He had to go and get that thing out.

Jiang greedy put his bag on his back, told Suan Ni to watch the pepper map, and went out to Qingyang Lake Park.

There was a lot of people in the park on weekends, but Jiang Li only picked up the path, and the fewer people he encountered as he went in, he first walked around the lake, but found no trace of the thing. He found a remote place, hid the mobile phone in his bag, took off his coat, and quietly dived into the water.

Although Taotie was not as good at water control as Jiaotu, he was also a son of a dragon and had lived in the Dragon Palace for a long time, so his water skills were not bad. He nimbly dived into the water and began to explore around.

Qingyang Lake is well managed and protected, the water quality is clean and clear, and the visibility is high. It greatly facilitated Jiang Greed's search.

He started from the Jiukong Bridge where Jiaotu met the thing yesterday, and continued to search north.

There are many undercurrents at the bottom of the lake, as well as various aquatic plants and animals. Jiang Greed was afraid that the thing would detect his breath, so he kept his breath carefully and moved forward. His speed was very fast, but it took him an hour or two to search to the north of Qingyang Lake, and he was about to go to Xunyang Lake.

There are many lakes in Jiangcheng, and the waterways are criss-crossed. It is impossible for him to search all of them, so he is going to turn back from the other side. In this way, if you can't find the other party, you can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to find him.

Jiang Greed turned around and was about to leave, but saw the waters in the direction of Xunyang Lake with sharp eyes, a few strands of long black hair were floating, and a white shadow was quietly sneaking towards his direction.

The other party turned out to be a master at concealing aura.

And very cautious.

Jiang Li pretended not to notice it, and turned back at the same speed as before.

He felt the thing following him. As he walked forward, he wondered what it was.

Although it is in the form of a woman, it is obviously not a "human". It looks more like some kind of monster.

It's just that I still can't figure out what it is.

While he was pondering, the thing had apparently confirmed that he hadn't noticed him, so it sped up its speed and got closer to him.

The lake water fluctuated silently, and Jiang Li didn't seem to notice it.

Strands of black hair spread out in the water, gradually surrounding him, the faint shadow above blocked the light cast from the water surface, and Jiang Li felt something lightly attached to his back.

That is the touch of the skin, cold, smooth, and chills to the touch.

Jiang Li's fluid movements paused for a moment, then he turned his neck stiffly, facing the woman lying on his back.

The pitch-black eyes without whites stared at him unblinkingly, half carrion, half stunning. The long ink-colored hair that reached his feet swayed like water plants along the water waves, and gradually closed towards him...

Jiang Greed's eyes widened, even his pupils dilated, as if frightened by this scene.

The other party seemed to like his frightened expression, and moved closer to him, almost touching the tip of his nose, and those swaying long hairs were still closing together, almost forming a cocoon to wrap him inside.

Jiang Greed looked at the face of the other party who was close at hand, and suddenly smiled.

He mouthed at the other party: Got you.

Then, taking advantage of its lack of time to react, it quickly grabbed its long hair. The hair was very long, but it was just convenient for him to move. He used the long hair as a rope and wrapped it around its neck several times, trying to strangle its neck so that it could not break free.

It's just that I didn't expect that my subordinates lost their strength and twisted the head of this thing directly.

? ?

Jiang Greed opened his eyes wide and looked at the head in his hand, thinking that this is too brittle

The expression of the head held in his hands suddenly became extremely vicious. It opened its mouth, revealing a row of jagged teeth, and the long hair behind its head danced like a water snake.

Jiang Greed immediately lifted its head, turned it in a different direction, pressed it hard against the protruding rocks at the bottom of the lake, and blocked its mouth.

The dancing long hair stagnated, and soon became more manic. The clear lake water was filled with strands of black liquid, and the water waves at the bottom of the lake suddenly became grotesque.

In the swaying waves, Jiang Li's figure twisted slightly, and his movements stopped abruptly.

In this moment of stagnation, it suddenly broke free from Jiang Greed's shackles and returned to its body.

Jiang Greed was about to pursue, but found that his body passed through the phantom of the opponent, and its body dissipated like a wave of water, and in the next second, it appeared in a farther place.


Jiang Greed was puzzled for a moment, and immediately chased after him. The bonus he got couldn't make him run away!

But this thing is obviously very familiar with this water area, and it circled twice and three times, and quickly got rid of Jiang Li and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang greedy was furious when he accidentally let the bonus go away.

But he had lost track of him, so he could only turn back disgruntled.


Ying Qiao had already called Jiang Li five or six times, but the other party didn't answer any of them.

Chen Huadao: "Is it outside, didn't you hear it?"

They were in Qingyang Lake Park at this time, and they came here after hearing that someone had an accident at Qingyang Lake today. It happened that Jiang Lu lived nearby, so Ying Qiao called Jiang Lu and planned to take him to do the task together.

Who knows how many calls in a row but no one answered.

"I'll try again."

Ying Qiao frowned and walked to the Nine-hole Bridge, and made another call.

The familiar ringtone of the incoming call rang in the handset of the mobile phone, and at the same time, there was another cheerful ringtone of the incoming call.

Ying Qiao moved the phone away from her ear and looked at the rock that made the sound. He strode over and saw the familiar backpack hidden behind the stone.

He was thinking about why the little monster's backpack was here, when he heard the sound of water splashing beside him, Jiang Li suddenly got out of the water, lay down on the bank and looked at him.

Ying Qiao's gaze faltered on his dazzling white skin before he asked, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Greed stared at him, and after a while he recovered his voice and said calmly, "Catch the water ghost, I saw a water ghost in the river yesterday."

There was a guilty conscience in his voice.

Of course that thing is not a water ghost, but he can't tell Ying Qiao, I'm very courageous, and there is something that I don't know what it is.