We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 4


. He was tall, 1.9 meters by visual estimation, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He stood out of the crowd, and he was very handsome. As soon as Jiang Li walked over at a faster pace, the girls coming and going would give him a second look.

If Ying Qiao hadn't said that he was just a social animal with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, Jiang Li would almost have thought that he was the domineering president of some company with his arrogant aura.

He trotted over, stood still in front of Ying Qiao, and said a little embarrassedly, "Have you waited long?"

Seeing him appearing, Ying Qiao, who was originally surrounded by passers-by and looked a little impatient, relaxed slightly, raised his left wrist and tapped his watch: "Soon, I came early. Where are we going to talk?"

The two met today to discuss how to operate the "fake couple".

But Jiang Li was obviously not ready to get straight to the point, he asked with a smile: "Have you had lunch yet?"

Ying Qiao hesitated for a moment, but still shook her head: "No."

Jiang Li said: "Then let's find a place to eat and talk? How about hot pot? Do you have any taboos?"

hot pot? Ying Qiao couldn't help frowning at the thought of several pairs of chopsticks scooping up vegetables in a pot. But seeing Jiang Greed's expression of wanting to eat, and thinking about his own fucking poor social animal figure, Ying Qiao finally suppressed it. Nodded expressionlessly: "As you wish."

Big deal he won't eat.

Seeing his agreement, Jiang Greed was really happy: "I know a very delicious hot pot restaurant, just wait for me, I will buy a roasted pig's trotter and take you there."

Then Ying Qiao watched him happily running towards the food stall in front of the mall. These stalls are temporary simple tents, and pedestrians come and go from the tents, which is neither hygienic nor healthy. Seeing Jiang Greed come back from buying three roasted pig's feet, Ying Qiao's brows were almost frowned.

Jiang Li looked very happy. He carried two copies and handed the other to Ying Qiao: "Please eat."

Ying Qiao stared at it for a long time before reaching out to take it reluctantly. Jiang Li didn't notice his strangeness, and while leading the way ahead, he took a bite of the pig's trotter: "I just said that this restaurant must taste good."

Seeing that Ying Qiao didn't move, he urged him to try it quickly.

As an extremely fastidious dragon, Ying Qiao has never eaten at a roadside stall, nor tried to eat while walking on the street. He took a deep breath, tried to force a smile, and said, "I'll eat later."

Jiang Li let out an "oh", and his attention was quickly distracted—

Suan Ni in the bag smelled the aroma, and hustled around in the bag dissatisfied: He also wanted to eat.

"I bought it for you, and I will eat it for you when there is no one else."

Jiang Li lowered his voice to appease his younger brother, he whispered a few coaxing words, and the moving Suan Ni finally settled down.

The hot pot restaurant is at the end of the alley, and Jiang Li led Ying Qiao through the alley on the right side of the mall. Halfway through, they heard arguing and calling for help from the opposite side. This alley is not as lively as the shopping mall, with only a few scattered passers-by watching.

Jiang Greed stopped and looked, and saw a young girl being half-dragged and half-carried towards the car by a middle-aged man in a gray suit. open me."

The middle-aged woman who followed the two wiped her tears and cried: "Qianqian, don't fight with your parents. You have been away for so many days, and your father and I haven't closed our eyes for several days looking for you everywhere. You feel distressed." I feel sorry for Mom and Dad, come back with us."

The middle-aged man said angrily: "What's the use of crying with her? If she is obedient, she can steal the family's money and run out?! This time, when I return home, I will send her to live in school. If the child becomes like this, it will be difficult for her to live in school." You are used to it!"

The middle-aged men and women sang together, one with a red face and the other with a pale face. Passers-by who wanted to help hesitated when they saw the girl struggling and calling for help.

Some old people persuaded: "The child is young and ignorant, you adults should talk about it carefully, and you can't use violence."

Some people also educate the little girl: "It's wrong to steal money from the family, why don't you learn well at a young age?"

The girl burst into tears, then looked at the passers-by who were persuading her, and begged, "I really don't know them, they are human traffickers, please call the police for me."

The middle-aged man slapped her heavily on the back and dragged her to the side of the car even more vigorously. He said with a very annoyed expression, "Call the police, how many times have you called the police? Reporting a false police report disrupts official duties, and you will be detained and punished... "

Middle-aged men and women are well-dressed, and this righteous look made the passers-by who were hesitant hesitate again. After a short moment of hesitation, the girl was dragged to the side of the car, and the onlookers were dubious. Clutching at the car door and refusing to get in the car, he could only desperately cry for help.

The moment the girl was about to be stuffed into the car, Jiang Li quickly stuffed the shoulder bag and roasted pig's trotters into Ying Qiao's arms, then strode over and pulled the girl out of the car.

Perhaps because he didn't expect someone to make trouble, the middle-aged man's expression changed, and he quickly reached out to pull the girl back: "Young man, this is our housework."

The girl was so frightened that she saw that the middle-aged man was coming to pull her again, she screamed and hid behind Jiang Li: "I don't know them!"

Jiang Li grabbed the middle-aged man's arm, and with the other hand he took out his mobile phone and dialed 110: "Whether it's a housework or not, it will be clear when the police come."

The middle-aged man didn't expect him to be so strong, he struggled for a while, and then his expression became awkward: "Young man, there is a misunderstanding here, please let go first, let's make it clear."

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman who had been crying knelt down straight, and cried to the girl hiding behind Jiang Li: "Qianqian, stop making trouble, go back with your parents, if you continue to make trouble like this, parents I really have no face to live on."

Probably the middle-aged woman cried so miserably and vividly that passers-by unconsciously gravitated toward her.

Some people even persuaded Jiang Greed: "This is someone else's housework, so don't meddle in it. When the police come, make it clear, you will be the one who is embarrassed."

"Yeah, these parents are also guilty, how did they give birth to such a child..."

Jiang Li was unmoved, and only said to the onlookers: "It doesn't matter if I made a mistake, but if these two people are really human traffickers, if they take people away, they will kill this little girl. Human life is a matter of fate, or Wait for the police to come and find out."

His tone was firm, and the passers-by who believed in the couple were also shaken. Someone even surrounded the couple spontaneously, and echoed, "That's right, there is a guard booth over there in the shopping mall, and someone has gone to call for someone."

The two groups of people were in a stalemate when someone shouted, "The police are here!"

Everyone subconsciously followed the sound to see that the middle-aged man and woman saw that something was wrong, took the opportunity to rush into the car and were about to drive away. They drove forward recklessly, and the crowd didn't dare to stop them. Seeing that the two of them were about to rush out in a rampage, they heard a few bursts from the car's tires, and all four tires burst simultaneously.

This scene was so shocking that everyone was stunned for a moment. On the contrary, the police who rushed over rushed forward while everyone was stunned, and escorted the middle-aged man and woman out of the car.

The onlookers who believed the middle-aged men and women's words had realized now that this couple was really a human trafficker! Otherwise why are they running? Taking advantage of the police's inattention, the angry passers-by kicked the trafficker several times.

Some people gasped in disbelief: "Now there is such a courageous human trafficker who dares to rob people in the street?!"

Someone even praised Jiang Greed: "Fortunately, this young man was clever enough to stop him, otherwise this girl would have been miserable."

"Yeah, these human traffickers are really devastated, and they have to die."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the girl who was captured in the street was already slumped on the ground and weeping. Jiang Li helped her up and comforted her: "It's all right now, the police are here too, don't be afraid."

This little girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old, and she should be a student. It was only after seeing the police that he finally calmed down a bit, and while sobbing, he took out his mobile phone from his bag and called his parents.

The incident of human traffickers abducting people in the street was so bad that the police quickly escorted the person back to the police station. The girl's parents arrived soon after receiving the call and followed the police to the police station. And Jiang Li, as a witness who acted bravely, had to follow along to make a record.

The crowd of onlookers was gradually dispersed. Jiang Greed walked towards Ying Qiao, scratched his face and said, "Thank you just now. But the hot pot may not be finished, so I have to go to the police station first."

—If Ying Qiao hadn't happened to be standing on the side of the road where the car passed by, and reacted quickly and quietly blew the tire with magic, the two traffickers would have probably driven away.

Ying Qiao didn't answer his words, but just looked at him probingly: "Are you always so helpful?"

Jiang Greed didn't understand what he meant for a while, and he was a little confused: "Isn't it a traditional virtue of human beings to be willing to help others and be brave in doing what is right? Of course, we must help if we can help."

The corners of Ying Qiao's mouth collapsed into a straight line. Although he didn't refute him, he thought in his heart that it was the virtue of human beings, so what's the matter with the monster race

Jiang Greed is probably one of the few monster races he has seen who has completely integrated himself into human society. He suddenly smiled softly: "You are... an old friend of mine, very similar."

"Old man? Your friend?"

Ying Qiao smiled: "Should he be considered an elder? He also liked to help the human race during his lifetime."

Jiang Greed was taken aback: "Sorry, I don't know..."

Ying Qiao waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Don't be sorry, he's been dead for a long time, and I'm not sad anymore."

It's just that he suddenly saw a monster clan so similar to him, and felt a little touched for a while.