We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 40


If you trouble me, I will hit the door of the other party! Not only knocked off its teeth, but also twisted off its head, but it was too careless to let it run away.

That's not what a little monster should do.

Ying Qiao really frowned, with a serious expression on his face. But he didn't say anything, and brought his bag over, and sure enough, he found towels and clean clothes.

His lips collapsed into a straight line: "Come up first and change your clothes."

Jiang Greed: "Oh."

He was still guilty, so he obediently climbed up, wiped off the water droplets, and then put on dry clothes.

Ying Qiao was here, and he didn't dare to use any small spells, because he was afraid of accidentally revealing his flaws. After changing his clothes, he could only wipe his wet hair with a towel.

"I come."

Ying Qiao took the towel in his hand, ran his fingers through his hair, and quickly dried the moisture.

The soft hair became fluffy again, and the silent little monster looked more and more well-behaved and harmless. Seeing him hanging his head silently, Ying Qiao's heart softened.

The little monster should have known it was wrong.

He softened his tone and said in a gentle voice: "You shouldn't go down by yourself, it's too dangerous."

Jiang Greed acted very realistically, muttering in a low voice, "It's just a water ghost."

"How can you be sure it's a water ghost?"

Ying Qiao denied his statement, and asked again: "Tell me what that water ghost looks like first?"

Jiang Greed described the appearance of that thing, and then asked innocently: "What else could it be if it's not a water ghost?"

Ying Qiao sighed, deeply feeling the difficulty of being a parent.

He pointed at Chen Hua: "Do you know what the boss and I are doing here?"

Jiang Greed shook his head: "I don't know."

Ying Qiao said: "Just a few days ago, a few young men disappeared in the Xunyang Lake area. The bodies were finally picked up from the bottom of the lake, and only the skeletons remained after being eaten. This morning, the boss received another According to the news, another gnawed corpse was salvaged from Qingyang Lake."

Because the place where the body was found was remote, it did not attract public attention. The identity of the corpse was quickly confirmed. The police found that he had been to Qingyang Lake Park yesterday morning, and nearly drowned when he fell into the water. After being rescued, he was taken to the hospital.

No one knew how he left the hospital and died in Qingyang Lake.

"That's why the boss brought me to Qingyang Lake to investigate,"

Jiang Li gave a short "ah", not out of fear, but said, "I was there when that man fell into the water yesterday, and I ran into that water ghost when I left."

With his expression, Ying Qiao didn't know whether to say he was bold or that he was ignorant and fearless.

He said helplessly, "That's not a water ghost, it's a forbidden woman."

The ban woman was originally a monster that only appeared in the South China Sea Province. The fishing industry in the South China Sea Province is well developed, and many fishermen often travel to and from the sea. But the sea is unpredictable, and it is common for fishermen who go out to sea not to return. The bones of the fishermen who died at sea sank to the bottom of the sea and no one gathered them together. They were gathered in one place under the pressure of the undercurrent, and resentment gradually arose.

The resentment attracts big fish that eat carrion, and these fish eat the carrion, and at the same time eat the resentment of the dead. Over time, these big fish have become monsters.

The carrion on the bottom of the sea cannot provide a sufficient and stable supply, and the strange fish have no food, so they start hunting living people.

They have a strange fragrance, are good at illusion, and can transform into beautiful women to hunt living people, or not only living people, as long as they can hunt all living things, people or animals, even monsters, they will eat them.

The more aura contained in the flesh and blood, the more they covet it.

Many ordinary people or little demons with insufficient cultivation are easily confused, thinking that they have met a beautiful mermaid, but in fact it is a Rakshasa who eats their flesh and blood. By the time they realized it, it was already the food in the forbidden woman's mouth.

That's why Ying Qiao was angry at Jiang Greed's audacity. It is estimated that more than one forbidden woman appeared in the inland rivers and lakes this time. If the little monsters meet, they may not be able to beat them.

"Isn't the forbidden woman in the sea? How did she come inland?"

Jiang Greed thought it was really an illusion, so be careful next time you meet, and don't let it repeat the same trick and run away.

But he put on a scared expression on his face: "I thought it was a water ghost. I met it at the bottom of the lake just now. But I found that I couldn't beat it, so I ran away."

Ying Qiao no longer knew what to say to him.

He could only frowned and reiterated: "Don't be so reckless next time."

Jiang Greed nodded quickly.

Only then did Ying Qiao ease her expression: "The boss is in charge of this case now. Since you have met the forbidden woman, you happen to be with us."

Jiang Greed originally thought about the bonus and ran away again, but now he was happy again when he heard what he said, and nodded quickly: "Okay."

After speaking, he realized that Chen Hua was the one who called the shots, so he quickly looked at Chen Hua again to confirm.

"is it okay?"

Facing Ying Qiao's X-ray gaze, Chen Hua smirked and said, "Of course."

Dare I say no? @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

After knowing that this thing is the forbidden woman, Jiang Li recounted the process of meeting the forbidden woman from yesterday to today, of course, ignoring the part where he beat the forbidden woman.

Ying Qiao's face darkened when he heard that the forbidden woman seemed to have gone to him at night.

Jiang Greed didn't notice his expression, and was thinking to himself: "The forbidden woman is still a fish, right? Can she go ashore?"

Chen Huadao: "No. That's why they are all good at illusion. Whether it's beauty or strange fragrance, they are all part of illusion. The unlucky ghost I found today must have been confused. Baba ran out of the hospital to meet the beauty by the lake at night. , as a result, only bones and skeletons are left for the other party to eat."

Jiang Li was thoughtful: "The young man was rescued and sent to the hospital, but he still didn't escape. Does it mean that they are also selective in hunting?"

Whether it's appearance or meat quality, or other reasons, there must be a choice.

And once the forbidden woman takes a fancy to them, the other party will definitely find a way to eat them.

Jiang Greed's eyes lit up: "That forbidden lady didn't catch me today, maybe it will come again."

After all, he twisted off the opponent's head. This kind of monster has a relatively simple mind and tends to hold grudges, right

Looking at Ying Qiao's dark face, Chen Hua smiled dryly, "So you can't rush into the water anymore."

Then he took out a magic weapon and stuffed it to him: "Bring this on your body, the concubine's illusion can't help you."

Jiang Greed waved his hands again and again: "This is so embarrassing."

"It's okay, you can just take it with you, a worthless little thing." With a hypocritical smile on Chen Hua's face, he insisted on stuffing the thing to Jiang Greed.

I thought I wasn't paying for it anyway.

Chen Hua sneaked a glance at Ying Qiao, already trying to figure out what price to write in the reimbursement.

After the three exchanged information they knew about each other, they confirmed that most of the banned women are currently active in Xunyang Lake and Qingyang Lake.

Both Qingyang Lake and Xunyang Lake are larger lakes in Jiangcheng. The two lakes are adjacent to each other, and their tributaries extend in all directions. Xunyang Lake flows directly into the Yangtze River and finally into the East China Sea.

It could be said that these forbidden women came to Jiangcheng after traveling upstream from the Yangtze River.

It's just that the rivers in Jiangcheng are criss-crossed, and the forbidden women are good at hiding, so it's really troublesome to find them.

Jiang Greed suggested: "It's better to take the initiative to attack than to wait passively. How about I make bait and catch it."

Chen Hua rejected it without even thinking about it: "No way!"

Seeing Jiang Li's stunned expression after speaking, he remedied: "I mean it's too risky. Although arresting these forbidden women is very important, the safety of grassroots comrades must also be guaranteed. I can't risk your safety."

While talking, he glanced at Ying Qiao's expression, and thought about it: "But Xiao Ying is a snake tribe, and he is good at water, why don't you let him look in the lake first, maybe he can find traces, Xiao Ying, don't you think so? "

He said the last sentence while looking at Ying Qiao.

If the little monster doesn't go, then someone has to go. Of course, it must be Ying Long, whose father loves him like a mountain!

Chen Hua saw that he had a serious face, but finally nodded his head, and his heart exploded with joy.

The feeling of making the boss work is really addictive and irresistible.

The author has something to say:

Movie Emperor Greed: I met a forbidden woman, she was so fierce, I couldn't beat her, and almost got bitten by her QAQ

Longlong: Don't be afraid, I will avenge you!

Forbidden woman who had her teeth knocked out and her head twisted off:? ? ? MMP


Longlong is really a father's love like a mountain (bushi)

Chapter 28

Ying Qiao took a deep look at Chen Hua, got up and said, "I'll go down and have a look."

Jiang Greed was a little worried. Although the snake tribe was good at water, Ying Qiao didn't look like a very powerful Yazi. He quickly gave Ying Qiao the magic weapon that Chen Hua gave him just now, and asked him to take it just in case.

Chen Hua looked at Jiang Greed's worried face, and thought that this little monster had been raised for nothing, and he knew he was worried about others.

Then comforted: "Don't worry, no one will have an accident."

Ying Long is the ancestor of playing with water, being on the shore is enough to cause headaches, let alone getting into the water.

He was afraid that Ying Qiao would fall into the water, not hold back his breath, and scare away all the forbidden women, that would be the biggest trouble.

Hearing Chen Hua's reassurance that he didn't care too much, Jiang Li became more and more worried, but he also knew that he couldn't follow at this time, so he could only watch Ying Qiao go into the water with a worried face.

He thought that the forbidden woman had just had its head twisted off by him, so she probably wouldn't come back for a while... right

Ying Qiao dived into the lake under the watchful eyes of the two.

After entering the water, he continued to dive, and after confirming that he could not see himself from the shore, he transformed into a dragon tail. Ying Long is good at controlling water, so he is not bad at all. The dragon's tail swayed slightly in the water, and after quietly feeling the subtle changes in the water flow, he went north to search.

The golden dragon tail swayed lightly, but the lake water did not