We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 44


He explained it again, and then looked at Jiang Greed expectantly: "Look, Ying Long is actually not as bad-tempered as the rumors say."

Jiang Li murmured in his heart, he couldn't see that Ying Qiao was still a fan, Ying Long went to his lair and robbed his treasures, he was simply a contemporary bandit, what is bad temper

But Jiang Greed didn't dare to say no at all, so he could only keep nodding.

"Yeah, you're right."

He worked really hard to keep the friendship boat from capsizing.

Ying Qiao felt that the little monster was perfunctory, but seeing his earnest gaze, she felt that she was thinking too much.

In the end, he could only stop the topic with regret, and watched him enter the community. Thinking of finding an opportunity to popularize his glorious deeds with him next time.

When Jiang Greed returned home, Suan Ni and Jiao Tu had already woken up after a nap.

The two little ones were holding the tablet in the living room and playing with Penguin Speed. Suan Ni's little paws were inconvenient to operate, so she squatted on Jiaotu's shoulder and directed him to play.

As soon as Jiang Greed entered the door, he heard him yelling: "Turn, turn, turn..."

"Oh, why did you crash to death again!"

Jiaotu persevered: "...start again."

The two brothers didn't notice Jiang Li's arrival at all.

Jiang Greed stepped forward, nodded the heads of the two brothers, and pointed to the time: "What time is it, are you still asleep?"

When Suan Ni saw Jiang Greed came back, she stopped shouting, jumped from Jiao Tu's shoulder to his shoulder, rubbed his head against him, and flattered him, "Fifth Brother, we are waiting for you to come home."

Jiang Li didn't know his little Jiujiu, so he snorted on his head and warned, "Next time, don't stay up late with Jiujiu."

After speaking, he touched Jiaotu's forehead with concern: "Are you still dizzy?"

Jiaotu shook his head honestly: "I won't be dizzy after sleeping."

Seeing that he didn't have any aftereffects of alcohol, Jiang Greed ignored his pitiful eyes and took the tablet away from him with a firm heart, saying, "It's time to sleep now, and we'll play tomorrow."

Jiaotu looked like I still wanted to play, but when he heard Jiang Li's words, he obediently said "Oh" and followed him back to his room to sleep.

A good night's sleep.


The next day was Monday, and Jiang Li got up early to go to work.

Jiaotu changed back to its original shape, staying in the bag with Suan Ni, and was carried to the unit by Jiang Li.

When Jiang Greed went over with his breakfast, he found a young man he didn't know sitting in the office. He subconsciously glanced at Uncle Zhou who was drinking tea and reading the newspaper, and only then was he sure that he had gone to the wrong office.

The young man's eyebrows were clear, but he didn't have any expression on his face. He didn't seem surprised when he saw Jiang Li, and nodded at him: "Zhang Tianxing."

After speaking, he handed him a pack of wick cakes: "Special product."

Jiang Greed knew who he was, and this was the colleague who had been on leave since he joined the job and never came.

He took the pastry, thanked him, remembered that he still didn't know who he was, and said, "Jiang Li, I'm a new colleague."

Zhang Tianxing: "I know, I saw the group news."

Jiang Greed thought of the group of colleagues who chatted and farted all day long. There seemed to be four people in it, but only Xue Meng was always talking in it, and he didn't notice that there was another person.

After a few words of pleasantries, the two of them knew each other. Although Zhang Tianxing didn't talk much, he didn't seem difficult to get along with.

Jiang Greed took his special product, and reciprocated by giving him one of the apples he brought.

Then he returned to his seat and let his brothers out. Jiaotu still stayed on his desk, but Suan Ni jumped out by herself, and squatted on the top of her cat's litter, looking at Zhang Tianxing curiously.

Zhang Tianxing also saw Suan Ni, his eyes were glued to Suan Ni's body, and he stopped moving.

Seeing this, Jiang Greed originally thought that Zhang Tianxing was concerned about him keeping a "pet" in the office, but who knew that Zhang Tianxing stared at it for a long time, then suddenly took out a ham sausage, and then waved to Suan Ni.


His expression was much gentler than when talking to him.

Suan Ni tilted her head to look at him curiously, seeing him calling her, she hesitated for a moment or jumped out of the cat's nest, and walked over with her paws.

Zhang Tianxing was sitting on the ground, so he had to look up at people. Seeing that the other party seemed very friendly, he jumped lightly and landed on his lap.

Zhang Tianxing's eyes suddenly lit up like a light bulb turned on. He looked at Suan Ni on his knee almost tenderly, and carefully reached out and touched the fluff on the top of his head.

Jiang Greed heard him sigh, and muttered in a low voice, "So that's what it feels like to stroke a cat."

Jiang Greed:? ?

Before he understood what Zhang Tianxing meant, Xue Meng, who entered the door later, made a fuss: "Zhang Tianxing, are you finally back?"

Then he saw the suanni on his leg, and he looked like a screaming chicken with its neck strangled: "Fuck, Nini would let you jerk off, isn't that scientific?!"

Oh, Ni Ni is because he insisted on giving Xiao Suan Ni a nickname.

It's not that he's so rare, it's that Zhang Tianxing has shown them what it means to be cat-hate-dog-hate in all directions during the years of working with them. But this person is a fuzz lover, he can't hold back a few words all day long, so he likes to suck cats and dogs secretly.

Xue Meng laughed at him and was tired.

I never expected to see a cat walking without hiding from Zhang Tian in my lifetime.

Zhang Tianxing curled his lips coldly, glanced at him and then retracted his gaze, gently moving from the top of Suan Ni's head to the tip of his tail, his slightly narrowed eyes were full of enjoyment.

He looked at Jiang Li, more friendly than before: "What does Nini usually like to eat?"

Just listened to it, and it was already called by Xue Meng. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed laughed, thinking that this colleague was a bit funny: "He is not picky eater, he will eat anything. But he likes dried fish the most."

Zhang Tianxing looked in the direction of his fingers—there was a small box next to the cat litter, which was filled with various snacks, most of which were fed by colleagues in the office and Ying Qiao, and it was Suan Ni's small treasure house.

Zhang Tianxing stared at the dried fish for a while, then scratched Suan Ni's chin with his fingers, and said in a low voice, "You like dried ray fish? You really are not an ordinary cat."

Suan Ni tilted her head and meowed, her big golden eyes were cute and innocent.

Jiang Li's position was close to him, so he could hear clearly. Turning his head and wondering: "What dried ray?"

Zhang Tianxing pointed to the bag of small fish and said, "That."

Then he said to Suan Ni: "Do you like to eat? I'll buy it for you."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed stared at the bag of dried fish, a series of question marks appeared in his eyes.

This was given to Suan Ni by Ying Qiao, he thought it was just an ordinary dried fish.

Jiang Greed has eaten manta rays. Manray lives in the East China Sea and is good at flying. They often appear in groups and are difficult to catch. But its taste is extremely delicious, so that the price of ray is hyped very high, not only expensive, but also difficult to buy.

The eldest brother got a few fresh stingrays for them to taste.

Although he has never eaten dried ray fish, but ray fish is so expensive, he also knows that dried fish must not be much cheaper.

He didn't expect that the small dried fish that Ying Qiao casually gave would be Wen Ray dried fish.

Jiang Greed's first thought was not where did the money come from, but why did this person spend money so recklessly

After getting along with him these days, he can somewhat see that Ying Qiao's job may not have much salary, but he should be able to share a lot of bonuses when he goes out with Boss Chen. It's just that this person spends money lavishly, which is why he is so poor.

Just like him, although the salary is high, he can eat.

They all make themselves poor.

It's just that he is not poor now, and he can eat with his belly open.

But Ying Qiao couldn't do it, he was so good at making things, the bonus he got was definitely not enough.

The Moonlight Clan is not desirable.

Jiang Li felt that it was necessary to talk to Ying Qiao about this matter, so that he could no longer give such expensive snacks casually.

The author has something to say:

Longlong: Look at this Yinglong. He is tall, handsome and rich. !

Movie King Greedy (perfunctory): Mmmmmm, fanfanfan. You are what you say.


It's still a day for Longlong to work hard to Amway himself.

Draw 100 red envelopes, Chirp~

Chapter 30

Zhang Tianxing really likes Suan Ni, or in other words, he really likes small animals.

Throughout the morning, Jiang Greed saw him continuously taking out all kinds of snacks from the drawer to feed Suan Ni, and he was puzzled by why there were such small snacks in the drawer of the cold and cool brother.

In the end, Xue Meng solved his confusion: "Have you seen his drawer of snacks? They are all prepared to deceive kittens and puppies, but they have not succeeded so far, and they are all cheap for us."

Xue Meng was very embarrassed while talking, and said that God was finally moved by his persistence.

Zhang Tianxing, who was rubbing Xiao Suanni's belly, glanced at him sideways, and said indifferently, "I won't take advantage of you in the future."

Xue Meng immediately looked at Jiang Greed: "Did you see, this is a man who values cats and despises friends."

Zhang Tianxing dismissed his resentful woman's face, and was still addicted to the joy of petting cats.

Suan Ni was served comfortably by him, and she didn't even move her nest this morning.

During the lunch break at noon, Xue Meng asked Zhang Tianxing to go out for lunch together, and Zhang Tianxing asked for almost a month's leave. Now that he finally came back, Xue Meng went out to have a good meal.

Who knows that the protagonist doesn't give face: "I'll go home and we'll meet again at night."

After speaking, he drove away in a hurry.

Xue Meng who smelled the car exhaust:? ?

He angrily pulled Jiang Greed, and then called Xiao Xiaoyu: "Let's eat by ourselves, and we won't take him with us from now on."

Xiao Xiaoyu had a cold face: "Are you a kindergartener?"

The last three are still