We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 45


Went for a good meal.

When he came back, he found that Zhang Tianxing was already in the office, but there was a huge box piled up next to his desk, and he was hugging Suan Ni, holding the snacks in the box and asking, "Do you like this?"

Suan Ni leaned up to smell it and shook his head.

He threw this one aside, then picked up another: "What about this one?"

Suan Ni nodded this time, and he put it in the drawer.

Xue Meng went over to look, and saw that there were all kinds of dried meat and dried fish and preserved fruits in the boxes, all of which were vacuum-packed, without brands, and it was impossible to tell what kind of meat and fruits they were.

After Suan Ni finished picking, Zhang Tianxing opened a bag of preserved fruits for him to eat and play, and collected the dried meat and preserved fruits that he picked out and threw on the other side, threw them all back into the box, and distributed them to the people in the office one by one.

Jiang Li took a look in his hand and saw that there were quite a variety of varieties, most of which he didn't recognize, but there were some he knew. Holding a bag of danmu fruit, he asked Uncle Zhou in a low voice, "What is Zhang Tianxing's history?"

This seemingly ordinary dried meat and preserved fruit are all exotic animal meat and spiritual fruit. Zhang Tianxing got so much in one trip home, obviously he is not an ordinary person.

"Heavenly?" Uncle Zhou glanced at Xue Meng and Xiao Xiaoyu behind him, and after confirming that they couldn't hear him, he whispered, "He's from Longhushan."

Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province is the birthplace of Taoism and the ancestral home of Zhengdao Tianshi School. Since Zhang Daoling attained Taoism in Longhu Mountain, Zhang Tianshi guarded Longhu Mountain, sat in the Qing Palace, lived in the Tianshi Mansion, and inherited the Taoism for sixty-three generations. All dynasties have been worshiped and canonized. In ancient times, there was a saying of "South Zhang and North Kong", which is enough to prove the great power of Tianshi Mansion.

Today, although Taoism has declined, the influence of Tianshi Mansion should not be underestimated.

And Zhang Tianxing is the youngest son of Longhushan's generation of celestial masters.

Zhang Tianshi has two sons, but the world only knows that the eldest son, Zhang Tianling, is outstanding in cultivation and good at dancing, and he is already appointed as the next Tianshi. But they don't know that the second son Zhang Tianxing's cultivation is more advanced and advanced. It's only because he is indifferent and eccentric and doesn't care about common affairs that the Tianshi Mansion rarely allows him to show up in front of people. Zhang Tianxing went down the mountain after he became an adult, in the name of looking for a breakthrough opportunity, but in fact he took the college entrance examination without telling his family, and after graduation he came to this small street office to work from nine to five.

When Tianshi Mansion realized something was wrong, he had been receiving wages from the street office for two years.

Uncle Zhou gossiped: "Didn't Tianxing ask for leave a while ago? I heard that something happened to Tianshi's mansion, so he rushed back to deal with it."

After all, he is also a member of Tianshi Mansion. If something happened at home, it is impossible for Zhang Tianxing not to go back.

Jiang Greed said "No wonder".

No wonder Zhang Tianxing could casually take out a bunch of dried spiritual fruits and jerky meat.

Jiang Li once heard his eldest brother talk about the Tianshi Mansion, if it is said that the Dragon Palace belongs to a powerful force in the Yaozu. The power of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion among the monks of the human race is similar to that of the Dragon Palace among the monster race.

Moreover, Tianshi Mansion occupies Longhu Mountain, and after cooperating with the local government to develop various tourism resources, it has made a lot of money, and it is simply collecting money lying down.

Jiang Greed looked at Zhang Tianxing, who was addicted to sucking cats, and felt a little complicated for a while.

I didn't expect to meet people from Tianshifu in the small street office.

He returned to his seat, Zhang Tianxing saw that he seemed to be worried, and suddenly said without thinking: "I don't hate the Yaozu."

Jiang Greed turned to look at him, and saw that although his face was cold and hard, his eyes looking at Suan Ni were soft.

Although the monster race and the human race coexist harmoniously nowadays, and even the human monks who used to eliminate demons and defend the Tao have moved to the next door to the Demon Management Bureau as neighbors, and have become brother departments under the same jurisdiction of the Ministry of Security, but even so, there are still many human monks who hate monsters. family.

People who are not of our race must have different minds, this saying has existed since ancient times.

Not all races can accept heterogeneity, and monks are no exception.

Although Zhang Tianxing was taciturn, he was unexpectedly careful. He probably came back worried after seeing Jiang Li and Uncle Zhou whispering, thinking that Jiang Li was worried that his younger brother would be hurt if he got too close to him, so he said this on purpose.

Jiang Li didn't expect that he would misunderstand, and after a moment of stunned, he didn't add superfluous explanations, but smiled at him friendlyly.

Then Zhang Tianxing said aggressively, "Can you let Nini come to my house as a guest?"

Jiang Greed:? ?

Although the office can let him flirt with his younger brother casually, it is absolutely impossible to let his younger brother go to other people's houses alone.

Jiang Li put away his smile and rejected him coldly.

Suan Ni flicked her tail, echoed her brother, stretched her two paws forward, stretched herself, and then jumped back to Jiang Li's desk with her favorite bag of dried fruit in her mouth, and happily went to feed her brother up.

Zhang Tianxing looked at him in disappointment.

The corners of Jiang Greed's mouth twitched as he watched, and it was rare for him to feel a little guilty for his younger brother's scumbag behavior of eating and taking, turning around and leaving.

After get off work in the evening, Xue Meng proposed to have dinner again.

This time Brother Ku didn't indifferently smell the car exhaust for him, and nodded in agreement.

Xue Meng is a pushy guy, and he can't stop when he opens his mouth. Jiang Li and Xiao Xiaoyu walked beside him from left to right, listening to him keep babbling. Zhang Tianxing hugged Suan Ni and fell behind, his eyes were full of cats, cute cats.

Jiang Greed looked back at Suan Ni, seeing that he was quite enjoying himself, so he simply ignored him.

Concentrate on listening to Xue Meng's gossip.

Xue Meng held up his mobile phone to show them: "The host of this post said that he saw a mermaid in Xunyang Lake, and you see he also sent a photo."

There is a local forum on his mobile phone, where some Jiangcheng locals post some romantic dating posts or life posts every day. There are also anecdotes to share. The post he clicked on was a post sharing an anecdote. The poster claimed that he had photographed a mermaid while filming in Xunyang Lake.

He also uploaded the photos he took by accident. In the center of Xunyang Lake, you can indeed vaguely see a slender and beautiful silhouette. Although it is far away, you can vaguely see the delicate profile of the profile.

There are some who believe and some who don't believe in the replies below, and the majority of those who don't believe it generally say that the host is posing for a photo.

Xue Meng scrolled down the post and pointed it to them: "Many people don't believe this host. The host said yesterday afternoon that he would visit Xunyang Lake again to find evidence for everyone to see."

Jiang Greed felt bad when he heard about Xunyang Lake and the mermaid. He was silent for a while when he heard that the landlord was looking for the mermaid, and asked, "Is he still alive?"

Xue Meng was shocked by his question: "How do you know that the landlord is gone?"

This post became popular because the host suddenly disappeared. Yesterday afternoon, the host took his gear and went to Xunyang Lake to look for the mermaid. Around midnight, he suddenly replied to a post saying that he found the mermaid, but after he posted a dark photo, he suddenly disappeared. , has not appeared until today.

On online forums, no one knows whether he really disappeared or was deliberately hyping it up.

For a while, netizens who followed the post were all upvoting this post and calling the landlord.

Jiang Li recalled that there were no living people near Xunyang Lake yesterday, and he said: "How many people died in Xunyang Lake, haven't you heard?"

Xue Meng was surprised: "No."

On the contrary, Xiao Xiaoyu said: "I seem to have heard some rumors, but I'm not sure if it's true or not. I haven't seen any reports on the news."

Jiang Greed thought about it carefully, the found corpses were all gnawed clean, the police must not dare to let the report come out, otherwise there would be no way to explain it scientifically.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

He asked Xue Meng to send him the link of the post, and forwarded it to Ying Qiao.

[Yesterday afternoon, someone mistakenly thought that the forbidden woman was a mermaid, and went to Xunyang Lake to look for the mermaid. The post has now been seen by many people. ]@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

In order to deal with this situation, the Demon Management Bureau has a public relations department, whose full name is the Public Information Network Security Supervision Department. It is specially designed to deal with all kinds of public opinion about Yaozu.

Not a while after the news was sent, Ying Qiao replied: [The people sent by the bureau in the early morning arrived at Xunyang Lake, and found an injured patient in the farmland one kilometer away from Xunyang Lake. Went to the hospital. ]

When the man was found, a large piece of flesh had been bitten off his arm. I don't know how he escaped from the forbidden woman's mouth. He ran for a kilometer with injuries, and finally fainted in the farmland. It was the staff of the Demon Control Bureau who went to clean up the scene and found something was wrong. After looking for it, they found that there was still an injured person in the farmland, and then sent him to the hospital.

Now that the bureau has found someone, the post should be processed as well.

Jiang Greed didn't talk about it anymore, but asked: [Do you have time tomorrow night? I invite you to dinner. ]

Earlier, I said that I would invite Ying Qiao to dinner after I got the bonus, but I didn't expect that there was a delay. Now he not only has a bonus, but also a large amount of pocket money from his fourth brother. As a rich man with a big wallet, Jiang Li felt that he had to help his poor friends.

By the way, discuss with him how to properly distribute the few wages.

Ying Qiao didn't know what Jiang Greed had in mind, seeing that he was going to treat her to dinner, she didn't want to let the little monster spend money, but at the same time, she felt relieved that my family had a young son.

The little monster got the bonus, and immediately thought of inviting him to dinner.

Relieved, satisfied, happy.

[Ying Qiao: Good. ]

Chen Hua saw that his well-placed tail began to curl up and down, raised his hand to hold it down, and said, "Don't move, the ointment hasn't been applied yet."

Ying Qiao heard that he could only put away the phone, but after lying on the ground for a while, he felt bored again, so he couldn't help showing off: "The little monster explained that he will invite me to dinner later."

Chen Hua: ...

He responded perfunctorily: "That's really good."

While speaking, he still held a jar of qián suet ointment in his hand, and dipped a brush made of qián into it.