We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 49


Moving his hands up, he was humming an out-of-key tune, his face was flushed, and his cloudy eyes were full of confusion.

He didn't care that the dim sensor lights in the corridor didn't turn on. He Zhuangsheng's family lives on the fourth floor. It has been ten years since the village was demolished and moved here. He can walk home through the narrow stairs even with his eyes closed.

He Lao Si died, He Lao Si's family was doing funeral affairs today, he helped organize the funeral banquet during the day, and drank a lot of wine with the condolence guests at night, and did not leave until dark.

He was thinking a little wildly, He Lao Er died today, and it is estimated that the funeral will be prepared tomorrow. The people living in this building are all relatives, and the relatives who run things in the family will give favor money. He was calculating in his mind how much favor money he should give to the second child's family, but he didn't notice that he had walked around the stairs again and again.

He Zhuangsheng's house is 404 on the fourth floor. He thought the house number was unlucky, so he took off the house number and hung a mirror to ward off evil spirits. Usually, he only needs to climb a few floors to see the familiar mirror on the door frame, and then open the door to go home.

But today, it is only four floors, but it seems that it will never reach the top.

"What a broken building, the elevator won't install a single one!"

He Zhuangsheng walked on legs that seemed to be filled with lead, and cursed a few times,

This community was a resettlement house that was compensated by the developers when the village was demolished. In 2000, it was still of a high-end style, but in the past ten years, it has become dilapidated. There is not even an elevator, and residents have to rely on narrow stairs to go up and down.

He Zhuangsheng felt that the stairs were so damn hard to climb today, he had been climbing for a long time, and he still hadn't reached the fourth floor.

A drop of water dripped from the top of his head and splashed on the back of He Zhuangsheng's neck, and a trace of chill also dispersed like nothing. He Zhuangsheng looked up at the top of his dark head, wiped the back of his neck casually, and cursed again: "Whose house is flooded again?"

The community is too old, and the outer walls have gradually cracked, especially in places like the corridors, where there are cracks everywhere. If someone's water pipes are cracked, the water upstairs will seep through the cracks, and the ticking downstairs will be like Like rain.

He Zhuangsheng took a deep breath, and stopped a little weakly. The alcohol evaporated along with the sweat, and his chaotic mind became clearer.

The paralyzed brain finally realized something was wrong after a while.

There are only seven floors in total, and the way he climbed just now is more than enough to get to the top of the building. But he turned his head and looked around, but he was still in the middle of the stairs. The sensor light is broken, and there is only a faint ray of light coming in from nowhere, and I can barely see things, but I can't tell which floor it is.

In fact, even if the sensor light is not broken, he can't see the floor sign. The community is too old, and the numbers on the floors are mottled and peeled off. Most of the residents here rely on habit, and then look at the house number to judge how many floors they have climbed.

He Zhuangsheng climbed up a few more steps, wanting to see the house numbers of the residents above.

But no matter how he looked at it, the house number seemed to be deliberately blurred, and it was blurry from far to near, hazy.

A stream of cold sweat broke out from He Zhuangsheng's back, and he rubbed his face vigorously, wondering if he had hit a ghost wall.

Standing in the dark corridor, he raised his head and called his mother-in-law's name. His rough voice echoed endlessly in the stairwell, but no voice responded to him.

Naturally, the sound insulation in the old campus was not good. Usually, he had something to do, and it was not uncommon for him to stand downstairs and shout at the woman upstairs, but now his shouts were like mud cows, and there was no response at all.

He Zhuangsheng's legs were a little weak, and dense cold sweat came out of his back. He looked at the anti-theft door that was only a few steps away, tried to move his lead-filled legs, and tried to knock on the door. There are acquaintances upstairs and downstairs, no matter who it is, as long as it is a living person.

Thinking this way in his heart, he struggled to climb up the stairs holding on to the handrail.

Da da da…

Da da, da da, da da...

His heavy and dragging footsteps sounded again, and after his footsteps, another regular footstep sounded.

He Zhuangsheng's first reaction was not joy, but hairs on his back. Like some kind of beast that sensed danger, he suddenly stopped and turned around, staring at the dark corridor behind him.

A rough voice with heavy panting also sounded: "Which one is where? Don't play tricks with me!"

The sound of footsteps stopped.

He Zhuangsheng's palms were already stained with sweat as he grasped the handrail. He overcame his fear and looked down, only to see a seven or eight-year-old girl standing there, looking up at him.

The little girl wears two shofar braids and a little pink clip on her head. She has a round face, big and dark eyes, and two lovely blushes on her cheeks... What's more, He Zhuangsheng recognizes her.

This is obviously Niuniu, the granddaughter of the old Liu's family, who lives on the sixth floor.

Suddenly feeling relieved, He Zhuangsheng stepped back two steps, waved to Niu Niu, and said, "Niu Niu, why are you alone? Where's your grandma?"

Niuniu tilted her head to look at him, then grinned, her round face was flat when viewed from the side. She looked at He Zhuangsheng, and said in a crisp voice, "Grandma is at home, I'm going to buy ice cream."

He Zhuangsheng really laughed, Niuniu's grandma didn't let her eat ice cream often. He beckoned and said, "Come on, fifth master will take you upstairs."

Niuniu trotted a few steps as she said, and came to his side.

He Zhuangsheng didn't seem to see the little girl's flat body, so he held her hand and said, "Let's go."

Niuniu happily responded, turned her flat head, and smiled at him with a round flushed face.

Probably having a living companion, even though he was only a child, made He Zhuangsheng much more at ease. He led Niu Niu up, climbed a few steps, and saw the house number that he could not reach before.

The house number reads 301, and it was only on the third floor.

As long as you climb the first floor, you can get home.

He Zhuangsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and led Niu Niu to climb up neatly.

Niuniu followed him step by step, humming a cheerful song:

"Sao Qingniang, Sao Qingniang, if it doesn't rain tomorrow, I'll give you a silver bell.

Sao Qingniang, Sao Qingniang, it won't rain tomorrow. Give you golden bells.

Sao Qingniang, Sao Qingniang, if it rains tomorrow, I will cut off your head. "

The little girl's voice was ethereal, like a newborn baby warbler, crisp and tender, humming a few nursery rhymes over and over again.

But after He Zhuangsheng heard the lyrics clearly, goosebumps crawled from his arms to his face. He said sternly, "Where did you learn this?"

Niu Niu grinned, her eyeballs were black and big, but without a little light, they looked dim.

"I listened to others singing."

"This song is not good, don't sing it in the future."

He Zhuangsheng barely restrained his hostility, and vigorously pulled her up. Just walking, but I felt that the little hand I was holding became light, and the originally soft hand became a little flat, cold...

He Zhuangsheng felt Youdao's cold eyes staring at him. But he didn't dare to explore the weird touch in his hands, and he didn't even dare to lower his head. He looked at the familiar anti-theft door with a mirror, hurriedly shook off Niu Niu's hand, took out the key, opened the door and rushed in...

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Sao Qingniang hanging upside down on the anti-theft door was blown up by the wind, the corners of her mouth suddenly turned up, and she let out a little girl's crisp voice: "I'm home."


Jiang Li and Wang Qing also stayed to watch the night.

There is a parking space in front of the floor, which is convenient for them to monitor. The two sat in the same car with Team Chen and Zhao Li, another team member, while watching the flow of people in Sandong, they reorganized the case.

The two deceased were beheaded, and their bodies were hung upside down at the door of the house. With such brutal and consistent methods, and the locations are all in the same building, it is hard not to remind people of revenge and murder.

Team Chen and the others have listed the human relationships around the deceased as much as possible, and found that the residents of this building are basically relatives.

They moved to this building as a whole ten years ago, that is, in 2009 because of the demolition of the village. Most of the people living in this building are people with the surname He from the village.

The deceased He Zhuangyang and He Zhuangqing were cousins, He Zhuangyang was the second child and He Zhuangqing was the fourth child. Besides the two of them, there were six cousins.

Boss He died of stomach cancer a few years ago, and Seventh He died in a car accident the year before last. Among the eight cousins, the oldest one died was Old Ba He, who died in the flood twenty years ago .

Only He Laosan, He Laowu, and He Laoliu, who are said to be insane, are still alive.

"The relationship between these cousins is not very good, or the neighbor relationship in the entire building is relatively average. There are usually some trivial conflicts, but they are not to the extent of enmity." Team Chen said.

Wang Qing said strangely: "They are all relatives who moved from the same village. They don't report to the group in an unfamiliar community, and the relationship is still very cold. Isn't it a bit strange?"

Jiangcheng's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and many surrounding villages have been demolished. Most of them are in relatively remote areas such as Hanyang and Caiyang. Large areas and houses have been built to resettle these villagers. Generally, these villagers move from the village to the community as a whole, and the relationship will become closer and closer. Because there are not only relocated villagers in the community, but also many tenants or residents of commercial housing. When facing outsiders, they are always surprisingly united.

Team Chen nodded and said: "We also think it's a bit strange. But we have visited the residents, but we can't find any news. We are currently inclined to kill people for revenge. The murderer must have something to do with the person surnamed He, or the eight brothers. I have Ask someone to investigate what happened before they moved here, to see if they can find any clues."