We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 51


There is no sadness, just like He Lao Wu, when his cousin died, he could still drink with others and get drunk.

Jiang Li said: "Go and tell Team Chen that He Laowu is probably gone, and tell them to find out what happened to Hejia Village in the flood twenty years ago. I will stay and look for clues .”

Wang Qing asked suspiciously, "What other clues are there?"

Jiang Greed smiled mysteriously, and whispered in his ear: "That old man is not alive."


Wang Qing's scalp was numb, and goose bumps crawled all over his back in an instant.

He shook his voice: "Brother, don't scare me."

Jiang Greed pursed his lips and smiled, two dimples appeared on his cheeks: "Okay, I won't scare you, you go and tell Team Chen quickly."

Seeing that he had returned to seriousness, Wang Qing thought to himself that he was indeed trying to scare him. But still ran away.

It was Jiang Li, who turned around and stared at the anti-theft door of 701, probably knowing where the passage linking to another space is.

The author has something to say:

Hungry and Greedy: What monster is it that made me come to Kangkang this time

Sao Qingniang: Knock Li Mom! Get out! Stay away from my wife! ! !


Without Longlong, Greedy can finally take the bonus all to himself.

It seems that Longlong's absence seems to be a good thing

Draw 100 red envelopes, tweet everyone.

Chapter 33

After Wang Qing left, Jiang Li walked around the corridor and knocked on the door of 701 again.

It was the gray-haired old man who opened the door. His back was as straight as a javelin, his eyes were vicissitudes but not dirty, and his voice was calm and full of time: "Young man, do you have anything else to do?"

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed stared at him for a long time, pointed to his accidentally exposed skin, and said bluntly: "How long have you been dead? Or, do you know that you are dead?"

The old man lowered his head along his fingers, and when he saw the dark purple-red corpse spots on his skin, he was stunned for a moment, but soon realized again.

He pulled down his sleeves and properly covered the corpse spots, then rolled his eyes and said as if recalling: "It must have been a month?"

His eyes were a little blank, and it took him a while to refocus: "I suddenly had a heart attack that day, and it's an old problem. It's just that I lost consciousness before I could take the medicine, and when I woke up, it became like this. "

It was an ordinary day. He had a heart attack, but he fell to the floor before he could go back to the room to get the medicine. I don't know how long he slept on the ground, but when he woke up again, he found that he had become different, but it was not a big deal. He still lived on the seventh floor day after day, waiting to see what happened to those wicked people. retribution.

And this retribution, as expected, came one after another.

The old man's eyes trembled, but the corner of his mouth curled into a smile.

Jiang Greed watched his expression: "You shouldn't stay here. People are dead, you have a place to go."

The old man was not dissatisfied with this, but said: "When the time comes, I will leave."

Jiang Li shook his head: "You shouldn't use that thing to help you kill people. He Lao Er and He Lao Si were killed by it for you, right? He Lao Wu should be gone. When it kills sex, you may not be able to control it." live."

The old man's eyes trembled slightly, and then they drooped down, making it difficult for people to see clearly the expression in his eyes. He shook his head and retorted: "I don't know where you are, but there are no other people here. I killed people, and they deserve to die too."

When the old man talked with Jiang Li, his expression was always peaceful. From his speech and demeanor, it can be seen that this is a well-mannered person. Even though he knew he was dead, he still lived in the Yangshi according to the standards of a living person.

But when he said "they should be damned", he gritted his teeth tightly, almost word by word came out of his teeth, with strong resentment and unwillingness.

When Jiang Greed saw him for the first time, if it weren't for the corpse spots that he accidentally exposed, he could hardly detect the dead breath on his body, he would look no different from a living person. But now he was covered with dead air all over his body, and a strong rancid smell was also emitted.

This old man who had always been gentle and polite gradually took on the appearance of a hellish ghost.

He widened his dark eyes and repeated hoarsely: "They deserve what they deserve."

Jiang Greed raised his hand and pressed lightly on his shoulder, but looked over his shoulder and looked into the room. In the darkness, there were countless pairs of hostile eyes looking at him - those sweeping girls who were placed on the coffee table.

Jiang Li took a step forward, but the old man blocked the door with his own body. His face was enveloped by death at this time, and his bright eyes became dark and dim, but he still straightened his back: "People are me. Kill them, but they should have died a long time ago, and I don't regret it. If an expert wants to do justice for the sky, just do it."

He blocked the door with his dilapidated and rotten body, but gently waved a hand behind his back.

So those Sao Qingniangs who were hostile to Jiang Greed in the darkness fell back again.

Only a pair of eyes in the darker place stared at Jiang Greed from beginning to end, full of malice.

Jiang Greed pointed to somewhere in the darkness: "Are you trying to protect it?"

The old man remained motionless, but the corners of his mouth were straightened. He said bluntly, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You didn't kill anyone when you were alive, how can you kill someone when you're dead?"

Jiang Li sighed, took a step back to show that he did not have any malicious intentions, and said seriously: "I am not an expert in slaying demons, let alone your enemy, but I was entrusted by the police to investigate this case." the truth."

When the old man heard the word "truth", his eyes moved, and his lips tightened slowly.

"I want to talk to it, can I?"

The old man stared at him, but still shook his head slowly, his posture was still guarded: "No one else is here."

Jiang Li sighed again, and tapped a few places on the old man's body with his fingers: "Your body is almost completely rotten, right? Even it can't bring you back from the dead. Have you ever thought that when this body completely collapses, What happens to the soul when it dies?"

If he didn't know what the murderer was before, he would have known it after he knocked on the old man's door again.

He saw a shrine in the corner of the living room.

But the shrine enshrines not any well-known god, but a little girl of seven or eight years old. The little girl has a round face, big black eyes, and a small dimple around her mouth. If it weren't for her combing her lotus hair and holding a broom in her hand, she would be no different from an ordinary little girl.

But the attire on it is doomed to be extraordinary.

This old man enshrined a statue of Sao Qingniang at home. It's just that this idol is not the young woman in the legend, but a little girl of seven or eight years old.

Jiang Greed recalled reading the materials in his mind.

Hejia Village is all people with the surname He, and there is only one outsider whose surname is Qin.

The head of that family is Qin Shuyi, an educated youth who went to the countryside, met and fell in love with his wife in Hejia Village, and finally got married in the remote Hejia Village. Qin Shuyi's parents had long since passed away, so he simply settled down in Hejia Village after his marriage, taking care of his wife's three-acre land while teaching in the village primary school.

The husband and wife live happily, and the only regret is that they never have a child. Until the two were in their early forties, they picked up a baby girl by the river, and brought her back home to raise her.

Qin Shuyi and his wife love this hard-won child very much, but it is a pity that in 1999, there was a flood in Jiangcheng, and it rained continuously for nearly a month. Qin Shuyi's wife and daughter died in the flood inside.

Jiang Greed calculated the time and found that when Qin Shuyi's daughter died, she happened to be eight or nine years old.

The old man is Qin Shuyi, and the person enshrined in the shrine is probably his daughter who died young.

It's just that he doesn't know what relationship his daughter has with Sao Qingniang.

After Jiang Li's words, Qin Shuyi's expression really moved. He hesitated for a long time before asking hoarsely, "You promise not to hurt her? Those things have nothing to do with her."


He met the malicious eyes shining in the dark, and reiterated: "I am a public servant of the country. If it really did not commit a crime, I will not hurt it."

Qin Shuyi still had a look of hesitation on his face, but the body blocking the door was no longer so firm.

Jiang Greed took a step forward, he subconsciously took a step back, and the stalemate was broken. Qin Shuyi finally turned around and led him into the house.

He called softly: "Nan Nan?"

As if in response, there were rustling noises in the bedroom.

Qin Shuyi said: "She is in the bedroom."

Jiang Greed followed him, walked to the door of the bedroom, paused, and then walked in without hesitation.

The world in front of my eyes suddenly became brighter, with a gray sky above my head and muddy yellow land under my feet. Between the sky and the earth, the pouring rain did not stop for a moment.

He walked into another world through a door.

Jiang Greed's footsteps did not hesitate, as if he had been aware of it for a long time. He heard a voice in the distance, and walked towards the voice.

There are rows of houses standing on the yellow land. These houses are very simple and rough like drawn with simple strokes. The people in the houses look out through the windows, and they can even see the sad expression on their flat faces: "What is the rain?" Is it the right time?"

The woman looked around for a while, then closed the window with a sad face. Sao Qingniang, whose window was hanging upside down, swayed slightly in the wind.

Jiang Gu stared at it steadily, and Sao Qingniang grinned at him, as if mocking or provoking.

Jiang Greed ignored it and continued walking.

This is a village, there are not many people, about forty or fifty households, and under the eaves and windows of every household are hung upside down sweeping mothers.