We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 54


Shuyi suddenly calmed down.

Tears began to flow from the big eyes again.

Jiang Greed carried it and walked out.

Seeing them coming out of the bedroom, Qin Shuyi opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed it again. Seeing that Jiang Greed was safe and sound, he murmured, "It's fine, it's fine."

Sao Qingniang stretched out her arm towards Qin Shuyi: "Father."

Qin Shuyi subconsciously reached out to hug it, but when he saw Jiang Li, he paused. As if he was afraid that Jiang Greed would not let them go, his eyes were filled with pleading: "Nan Nan doesn't understand anything, I let those people be killed."

Jiang Li sighed, let go of her hand, and Sao Qingniang threw herself into Qin Shuyi's arms. Nestled in his arms like a wronged little girl.

Qin Shuyi held it cautiously, like holding a lost treasure, finally there was light in his dark and dull eyes.

Sao Qingniang secretly turned her head and grinned provocatively at Jiang Li.

But the next moment, Jiang Tan's words froze his smile on his face.

"It is not your dead daughter."

Sao Qingniang turned her head angrily, and shouted, "I am!"

It was eager to seek his father's support, and looked at Qin Shuyi eagerly.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

However, Qin Shuyi did not deny the answer, but smiled wryly and sighed.

Jiang Greed observed his expression and said affirmatively, "You know."

Qin Shuyi hugged Sao Qingniang tenderly, and said softly: "No matter what it is, it is in my heart, and it is my Nannan."

His eyes were empty, as if he had returned to those lonely and difficult days.

The shock of the loss of his wife and daughter was too unbearable for him. While suffering from these vivid memories, he refused to forget them. Even if it was twenty years ago, he still remembered it clearly.

Hejia Village is backed by a big river, and there was a torrential rain for half a month that year. There was a gap in the embankment of the big river. He followed the villagers to plug the gap in the river embankment. When he went out, his wife told him that at noon, he would send dinner to go.

But he dug sand on the embankment until noon, and he didn't wait for his wife who came to deliver the meal, only waiting for the news of his wife and daughter's death.

The village head's wife told him that when they came to the river to deliver food, Nan Nan insisted on following, but she slipped and fell into the water while walking by the river. The water was washed away by the river in a blink of an eye.

At that time, Qin Shuyi only felt that there was a thunderbolt. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world collapsed.

He wailed by the river all night, but he didn't dare to go home at dawn, wandering outside like a ghost.

It was at this time that the river embankment that could last for a few days was suddenly washed away by the heavy rain, and the soaring river flooded the entire Hejia Village,

At that time, he already had the will to die, but God refused to let him die. He was washed by the raging river and hung on a big tree. At that time, he was weak and had a fever, but he heard the voices of his wife and daughter while he was drowsy. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

He felt that they were with him until the rescue army arrived.

He was rescued, but nearly half of the people in Hejia Village died, which should not have been the case.

Thinking about it now, it can only be said that it was their retribution.

When he heard the news of the death suddenly, he didn't doubt the words of the villagers at all. But when he was rescued by the rescue army and lay in the shed where he was resettled, day and night he recalled the day when he heard the news of the death of his wife and daughter, but found many loopholes.

Nan Nan is only eight years old. It is raining so much outside, and the dirt road is slippery and difficult to walk. How can his wife bring it with her when she delivers meals

People in the village said that it was Nan Nan who made a noise and wanted to follow her, but Nan Nan has always been sensible and obedient since she was a child, and never made trouble for no reason.

Qin Shuyi, who was lying on the hospital bed, felt that something was wrong the more he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

He wanted to go home and have a look, but the flood washed away the house, so he naturally found nothing.

But the seeds of doubt had already sprouted, and more and more things were wrong. Qin Shuyi found that when the villagers looked at him, they always avoided their eyes, as if they were guilty.

And He Laosan suddenly went crazy. He went to visit, but found that someone had covered his mouth with a cloth, as if he was afraid that he would yell something he shouldn't say.

Qin Shuyi noticed that something was wrong, and when the flood receded and the villagers were busy repairing houses, he secretly went to see He Laosan.

He Laosan was not gagged anymore, he huddled in the corner of the room in horror, and kept muttering: "It's all retribution, it's all retribution."

He Laosan's wife was burning paper money in the yard, and kept muttering something. He quietly went closer to listen, but heard the truth that made him feel cold all over his body.

The names whispered by the third wife were clearly Cuiping and Nannan.

In the blink of an eye, the fragmentary memories in my mind were suddenly pieced together. He recalled that day when he was wandering outside, everyone in the village seemed to be secretly happy, and the village head’s house was replaced with a new lady, the old village head said firmly to his family: “The heavy rain will stop soon, the rain god I'm not angry anymore."

He has read books and knows the bad custom of offering sacrifices to the Rain God in Hejia Village.

In just a split second, he concatenated the terrifying truth.

He was so angry that he went crazy, questioned him, and called the police. But the flood has washed away all the evidence. All the people in Hejia Village said that he had lost his mind.

Even the police looked at him sympathetically and said there was nothing they could do.

For a while, Qin Shuyi felt that he was really crazy.

He knew the truth about the death of his wife and daughter, but he had nowhere to seek justice. He did not leave Hejia Village, but continued to live in the original house like a ghost. The villagers dared not speak to him anymore, and everyone walked around him.

After living like this for many years, he had no way to vent his pain and anger, but could only vent through paper-cuts and statues.

His house is full of paper dolls of Sao Qingniang, and is full of statues of Sao Qingniang made by himself.

He read many books and knew the legend of Sao Qingniang, so he enshrined the best statue he made and offered incense every day, deceiving himself and hoping that his daughter and wife would really become gods.

A group of such days is twenty years.

Hejia Village was demolished, and the people of Hejia Village moved from the village to the city, and he followed them lingeringly. No one dared to be his neighbor, so he lived alone on the seventh floor.

He had to wait to see the retribution of Hejiacun.

But the retribution was not over yet, but he couldn't bear it anymore. He suffered a heart attack and died in his own home.

He didn't know how long he had been dead, but he only knew that when he opened his eyes and woke up again, a girl like a daughter, Sao Qing, squatted beside him anxiously and called her father.

His daughter is back.

From that day on, he began to live like a normal person again, but people in Hejiacun began to die.

He stood by the window, looking at the funeral shed downstairs, and listening to He Laoliu and his wife arguing downstairs, saying how terrible the death of He Laoer and He Laosi was, and he felt a burst of gratification in his heart.

As for other abnormalities, he ignored them, and this was not an important matter in the first place.

If it wasn't for Jiang Greed's sudden visit, he would probably continue to deceive himself.

He gently patted Sao Qingniang's head, looked at its anxious expression, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Because of his selfishness, he let the child avenge and kill him.

Sao Qingniang hugged his neck, her face became wrinkled, but there were no tears in her eyes, she just said stubbornly: "I am Nan Nan!"

Jiang Greed walked to the corner of the living room and looked at the shrine that had been carefully cared for. Only then did he realize that besides the statue of Sao Qingniang, there was also a tablet enshrined next to the shrine, which was the tablet of Qin Shuyi's deceased wife.

Qin Shuyi placed the statue of his daughter and the memorial tablet of his deceased wife together, and for decades, they have been enshrining with incense day and night.

He pointed to the statue and said to Sao Qingniang, "Is that where you came from?"

Sao Qingniang's body froze, she denied loudly: "No!"

Jiang Li laughed, it looks like a little girl like this

"It's useless if you don't admit it, I feel it."

There is still a trace of aura left in this statue, which is exactly the same as that of Sao Qingniang.

The god statue created with painstaking efforts was sincerely worshiped by Qin Shuyi day and night with incense and fire. Twenty years later, a spirit was born.

It is not a god that came into being in the hope of thousands of believers, but a spirit body born of Qin Shuyi's obsession alone.

It is not yet a god, but if it can continue to receive incense and worship, and practice hard, maybe one day, it can become a real god.

But it was stained with blood and karma willingly for Qin Shuyi.

Jiang Greed's eyes were a little moved, he looked at Sao Qingniang, but he said to Qin Shuyi: "It can't continue to kill, it was born for too short a time, if it kills too much, it will be full of resentment, and eventually it will lose its mind .”

Qin Shuyi's expression changed, and the hands holding Sao Qingniang trembled.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Sao Qingniang was still stubborn: "You're talking nonsense!"

At this moment, it no longer had a fierce look on its face, it just hugged Qin Shuyi tightly, like a child afraid of being abandoned.

Qin Shuyi wiped away his tears for it, and said softly, "Nannan, stop, don't hurt yourself because of those beasts."

Sao Qingniang's body trembled, and she cried, "They are bad people, damn them!"

It was born out of Qin Shuyi's obsession, and it had been vaguely conscious many years ago. It stayed in the statue and listened to Qin Shuyi's recounting of the past, it felt so uncomfortable that it was about to die. It wants to become stronger and wants to be with Dad. That's right, from the moment it was conscious, it felt that Qin Shuyi was its father. But it clearly knew that it was not Nan Nan who had died long ago.

But it thinks that since its father created it, then it is called Nan Nan, and it is father's daughter. It wants to be with Dad.

But no matter what it does, it can't come out of the statue,