We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 6


use. Half belong to the Demon Management Bureau, and half belong to the Special Human Management Bureau. The Demon Management Bureau and the Special Management Bureau are at the same level, and both are under the direct jurisdiction of the central security department. This is the result of the joint efforts of the two races, and it is also the source of the peaceful coexistence between the demon race and the human race.

The lobby on the first floor is the office, with ten windows in red and blue. The red window handles the affairs of the demon race, and the blue window handles the affairs of the human monks.

Jiang Greed briefly introduced Xiao Hei, and took him to the first window to line up. It may be due to the holiday, there are many people lined up at each window. There are well-dressed upper-class elites, and shabby low-level goblins, but no matter rich or poor, everyone lined up honestly.

Xiao Hei couldn't see through the roots of these people, but he knew instinctively that these were monster races. There was also a queue for the blue window on the other side, and there were fewer people than this side, but the aura that emanated made him instinctively feel danger and fear. He couldn't help but put a sticker next to Jiang Greed.

The window is very efficient, and they are quickly queued up.

The clerk was stunned for a moment when he saw Jiang Li, then stood up immediately, and said cautiously and panickedly: "Why are you queuing here? Do you need us to arrange someone to receive you?"

Jiang Greed is not surprised by such a situation. But all the monster races who know his roots are so cautious and fearful of him. Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, the legend of the beast gluttonous is still circulating and is feared by people.

"Need not."

Jiang Greed showed a kind smile: "I accompanied a friend to register. He has not changed his form for a while, and he doesn't understand many rules. I think you will have to work hard to train him."

The clerk is a bear demon. I didn't expect the famous beast Taotie to be so kind. After a moment of silence, he quickly nodded, took out a form and asked Xiao Hei to fill it out. Go to the back to apply for an ID card.

After getting out of Taotie's gaze, the bear demon quietly breathed a sigh of relief. The sixth floor above the head is the office area of the special service team. They have long heard that the big monster who came to the special service team a year ago is said to be Taotie, whose name is Jiang Lian. Regardless of humans or monsters, gossip always spreads quickly in the office. Although there is no real evidence, everyone will inevitably be more polite when they see Jiang Li.

The big monsters in the secret service team are not good in character, not to mention the beast gluttony who is famous for its brutal cannibalism.

But seeing it with his own eyes today, Xiong Yao felt that the gossip was unreliable, so he whispered to his colleagues, "That...is he really gluttonous? Why does he seem to have a good temper?"

The colleague was entering Xiao Hei's information, and he said casually: "You don't care, you just need to know that the special service team is not easy to mess with. Even if you look kind on the surface, if you offend someone, it will be gone in minutes ?”

The bear demon shrank his head at the words, and let out a dry "oh". I heard my colleague call Xiaohei Bao's name: "Name."

"... Yao Xiaohei."


"Black mynah."


The Yaozu who entered the information quickly looked up at him in surprise, seeing his stupid look, lowered his head and continued. But he thought in his heart, how did such a timid bird demon know Taotie? Could it be that the rumors are wrong

After recording the information, Xiong Yao came out with Yao Xiaohei, and said: "You take the form, and you will get your ID card in ten days. There will be a training session then."

Yao Xiaohei was still a little dizzy, and looked at Jiang Greed with half understanding: "Is this all right?"

Jiang Li patted him on the shoulder: "Well, from now on, you will be a demon clan living legally. Once you have an ID card, you can live in human society or find a job."

Yao Xiaohei's eyes lit up, and he stammered excitedly: "Then, can I go see Uncle Yao? I... I can be his son!"

Jiang Greed smiled: "If Master Yao is willing, it's not impossible."

"Then I have to find a way to make Uncle Yao recognize me as his son." Yao Xiaohei touched his head and said with a silly smile.


Ying Qiao, who was holding a human face and cow body, came out of the elevator. When he passed the corridor, his eyes glanced at the downstairs hall unintentionally, and his footsteps paused.

——In the hall on the first floor, the little monster of the lion clan who had just parted with him not long ago was intimately next to another monster clan, and the two walked out talking and laughing.

He stared down for a long time, and Tai Feng looked down inexplicably, but found nothing unusual.

"What's wrong?"

Ying Qiao withdrew his gaze lightly, did not answer, but squinted his eyes and kicked him in a very quiet manner: "Be honest, if you are restless, I will chop you up and feed you to the pigs."

The bound Yuya let out a roar, her voice was as shrill as a baby crying, and the ceiling and the ground on the ninth floor trembled slightly. However, the lively hall was not affected at all, as if there was something invisible separating the upstairs from the downstairs.

But even so, Ying Qiao's complexion still became very bad. He looked indifferently at Yuya who dared to provoke him, suddenly raised his hand and snapped off a horn on its head, then stuffed it into Yuya's mouth with a smile, forcing it to swallow.

"Is it still called?"

Yu Yu suddenly choked up: "..."

No, stop calling.

Seeing him suddenly change his face, Tai Feng looked downstairs curiously, why he was fine just now, and he changed his face when he said he changed his face, as if he had reached menopause.

But he didn't dare to say this in front of Ying Qiao, he coughed and reminded: "The others are already waiting, let's go first."

Ying Qiao gave an expressionless "Yes", kicked her again, and said coldly, "Go forward."

Yuya: "..."

Why did I still get beaten when I didn't call

The author has something to say:

Ying Qiao: Although it's fake, it doesn't work even if it's green.

Jiang Greed:? ?


Sassafras: yàyǔ

[There is a beast, its shape is like a cow, but it is naked, with a human face and horse feet, its name is Sassafras, its sound is like a baby, and it is a cannibal. ]

Sell a sassafras today and give red envelopes to the top 100 babies.

Why are there fewer comments? Is it because the mashed garlic is not fragrant or the roasted pig's trotters are not fragrant? !

Sound off wanting lots of comments!

Chapter 5

On both sides of the long table in the meeting room, there were six or seven high-level officials from the Bureau of Demon Management and the Bureau of Special Management sitting quietly. In the front seat was the person in charge sent by the security department of the capital. The person in charge is an old man in his fifties, with a good appearance, a straight body, deep wrinkles between his brows, and looks very dignified.

Ying Qiao knocked on the door and came in, and everyone's eyes were attracted to them.

The one who came in first was the very honest Yu Yu after being beaten, followed by Ying Qiao and Tai Feng.

The old man stood up, took a look at Yuyu, turned his head to Qiao and Taifeng and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Ying Qiao nodded slightly, but didn't answer.

Seeing this, Taifeng said: "It's a matter of duty."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two sat down in the vacant seats reserved.

Sassafras was randomly tied to a corner of the conference room, probably because it was afraid of being beaten, and it didn't dare to object to Qiao's method of tying a cow. Instead, he silently shrank into the corner.

The old man on the main seat spoke first, with a calm and majestic voice: "When everyone is here, let's start."

"The comrades in the security department have analyzed and counted the cases submitted up to April 30 this year. Compared with last year's data, it has increased by 50%."

The old man spoke neither fast nor slow, and his enunciation was clear and powerful. He paused, looked around, took into account the expressions of everyone present, and then continued: "...The data shows that more and more non-human races have become active."

"That's not a good sign." He sighed heavily.

The land they stepped on has a long history of five thousand years. These 5,000 years belong to human history, and other non-human races have almost disappeared. But if we push forward further, we will find that in the long river of history, human beings are not the only protagonists.

Gods, monsters, ghosts... were all the protagonists of this land, but they appeared on the stage one by one, and left the stage sadly after the curtain fell.

They disappeared, but they were always there.

And it is gradually waking up and becoming active on this land.

"Abbot Hongyan watched the stars at night and found nothing unusual."

Master Daoheng from Dajue Temple spoke first. He clasped his palms together, recited a Buddhist verse, and looked sideways at the Taoist beside him: "Daoist Qingyun, did you find anything?"

"Never." Daoist Qingyun shook his head solemnly.

Since the beginning of this year, incidents have occurred frequently in various places, and the metaphysics community has long been aware of the abnormality. It is just that several masters gathered together to watch the stars at night and repeated divination, but they failed to figure anything out.

The stars are as usual, and the hexagrams are auspicious.

But the more peaceful it is, the more disturbing it is.

The metaphysical world had no clue, and everyone's eyes naturally turned to the people in the Demon Management Bureau.

Tai Feng thought for a while and said: "I read the data submitted this year, and the number of monster races with spiritual wisdom is much more than in previous years. But after sending people to investigate, no abnormalities were found."

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to various reasons, there are fewer and fewer monster races with spiritual wisdom. Looking at the big data, the number of monster races who have developed spiritual intelligence is also decreasing every year, but this year, there are suddenly many more monster races who have just developed spiritual wisdom.

The number of monster races is rare, and having one more companion is something to be happy about, but many monster races who have just opened their minds have not been educated and do not understand the rules, and the wildness has not retreated, so the conflicts caused by this have become more and more . In addition, many monster races that had disappeared in ancient times also began to appear.

Yu Yu, who was escorted here today, is one of them.

Yu Yu was originally a god with a human face and a snake body, but it was killed by another god.