We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 61


When he spoke, he raised his chin slightly, like a victorious little cock. The tail can't wait to raise it to the sky.

Such a cute cub, of course Ying Qiao had to follow the words and agreed unprincipled: "That's right."

Ying Qiao sent the man to the unit and watched him go in.

He didn't drive fast, and when he arrived at the place, Jiang Li almost happened to go to work, so he didn't follow.

When Jiang Greed's back turned into the office and he couldn't see it anymore, he rubbed his cuff buttons and smiled softly. As long as he is with the little monster, he is always in a good mood.

He raised his wrist and admired the new cufflinks up to the light.

After a few glances, I couldn't help but took out my phone and took a few pictures.

— On the pure white shirt sleeve, a deep sea blue gem cuff button shines.

Ying Qiao picked out the best photo and sent it to the group: [Is it pretty? ]

After posting, I noticed that the group name was changed by Taifeng to "Whoever raises the cubs first is the dog".

Ying Qiao is the only one in the group who has raised a cub, and it goes without saying who the dog is.

Ying Qiao felt that they were just jealous of themselves.

He conveniently changed the group name to "You can't have the joy of raising cubs".

Tai Feng sent back the message: [I am blind and cannot see. ]

[Lu Wu: Show affection, please pay the mental damage fee first, thank you. ]

[Enlightened: What is this? New cufflinks? What's so good about this? ? ]

[Lu Wu: @开明, why do you talk to him? Wouldn't it be nice to let him be beautiful by himself? We are all blind. ]

[enlightened:? ? ? ]

Ying Qiao sneered and continued typing:

[@开明, this is a gift from my cub/proud]

[The cutest thing in the world is the obedient and soft little monster. ]

[Sincerely advise you to raise a cub too, you will thank me. ]

[Lu Wu: @开明, look at what I said? If you don't listen to good people, you will suffer in front of your eyes. ]

[Chen Hua: @应賤, why don't you go back to the company? ! /wailing]

[Taifeng: @陈画, I told you to quit a long time ago to come with me, @应賤 is not human at all. ]

[Ying Qiao: I am not a human being/smile]

[Chen Hua: @泰做. Salary is too low, no appointment/goodbye]

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Tai Feng sent a series of question marks, and angrily gave Chen Hua a huge eye roll, jpg.

Chen Hua ignored him, and went mad at Ying Qiao in the group. Ying Qiao glanced at the gate of the street office again, and replied mercifully, "I'm coming," before putting away her phone and driving back to the company.


Jiang Lu, who returned to his work unit in the afternoon, received a warm welcome.

Especially Brother Ku's cold eyes almost stared right through Jiang Greed. Jiang Greed greeted the others before letting Suan Ni and Jiao Tu come out to play.

Suan Ni jumped onto the desk with her tail flicking, raised her head and meowed.

He is now more and more proficient at learning cats, his meowing is soft and delicate, and his stomach is turning over at every turn. Jiang Tan suspects that even if the eldest brother comes, he will not dare to recognize this kitten.

As soon as the kitten came out, Brother Ku hooked it away with a small snack.

Jiang Greed secretly glanced at his younger brother's belly that was getting closer to the ground, thinking that if Zhang Tianxing continued to feed him like this, he might really turn into a cat ball.

While thinking about whether he should lose weight for Suan Ni, he put Jiaotu into the aquarium.

Jiaotu quietly poked out the small corner, hid himself in the middle of the gorgeous coral bushes, adjusted a comfortable position, and nestled comfortably.

After Jiang Gree settled his younger brother, he started his day's work.

He didn't come in the morning, so he had to deal with the work that he didn't deal with in the morning. When it was almost done, Xiao Xiaoyu called him on the internal line and asked him to go to the lobby, saying that he had something to look for.

Jiang Li went out with an inexplicable expression, and saw an aunt in her fifties saying angrily at the lobby window: "Little comrade, you must help us solve this matter. How can you say that there is such a bully? This venue was originally ours. The dance troupe has been using it all the time, and they suddenly came over to take up half of it, but yesterday the lead dancer actually came to provoke us! Whoever said which dance troupe dances better will take the middle position! Of course I refuse to agree, they are the lead dancers She even used tricks to scare me, she thought I would be afraid of her if she had nine heads? No bully like that!"

The aunt said angrily: "I can change my face, and I didn't see me change ten or eight faces to scare her! It's really unreasonable!"

Xiao Xiaoyu promised in a repeated voice: "Don't worry, we will arrange for people to mediate today. Square dancing is for entertaining the body and mind. Don't be angry. It's not worthwhile to hurt your body. We will try our best to mediate the dispute for you."

Seeing Jiang Li coming, he quickly waved and said, "Jiang Li, come here quickly, after get off work, you and Aunt Xu must go to Yuwan Square to help mediate the venue dispute."

Jiang Greed:? ?

He stepped forward in a daze, and was pushed by Xiao Xiaoyu in front of Aunt Xu: "Aunt Xu, look, this is a comrade from our street office, named Jiang Li, and I will ask him to come with you in the afternoon, do you think it's okay?"

After speaking, he whispered next to Jiang Li's ear: "It's time to use your charm!"

Jiang Greed:? ?

Xiao Xiaoyu said before that Jiang Li's looks must be liked by middle-aged and elderly people. Sure enough, Aunt Xu happily pulled Jiang Li's arm, and said enthusiastically, "Everyone in your street office is really good-looking, Xiao Jiang, right? Do you have a partner?"

Jiang Greed rolled his eyes, looked at Aunt Xu's inexplicably enthusiastic smile, and nodded with a strong desire to survive.

Aunt Xu was suddenly lost: "Oh, I have a partner."

Jiang Greed could only laugh dryly for a while, and agreed to Aunt Xu, and kept squinting at Xiao Xiaoyu, sending out a distress signal.

Xiao Xiaoyu gave him a look that could not help you cheer, and then turned his eyes mercilessly.

Jiang Greed: ...

What should I do if I suddenly find out that my colleagues are scammers

The author has something to say:

Longlong: Look at this jewel. It's bright and big. Do you have it

Longlong: I suggest you raise a cub, maybe in a few decades some cubs will give you gems.

Longlong: Does anyone want the whole box of gems for sale? I only wear one of the three thousand gems.

(in a minute... )

Taifeng has disbanded the group chat.


Today is Hyun Cub Dragon, Longlong proudly akimbo.

I received a lot of nutrient solution yesterday, thank you everyone =3=

Draw 100 red envelopes!

Chapter 38

Jiang Li and Aunt Xu made an appointment to meet at Yuwan Square at 6:30 in the afternoon.

Yuwan Square is a leisure square near Yuwan Community. In addition to the square, there are also various pavilions and sports equipment. Every evening. Residents of nearby communities all relax in this square.

Of course, there will be no shortage of square dance troupes as the main force of entertainment activities.

The members of Aunt Xu's dance troupe are basically residents of Yuwan Community. There are nearly forty permanent members, not to mention people who join in and dance along the way. The scale of the dance troupe is not small. Before the dispute arose, their dance troupe had always occupied the C seat in the middle of the square.

According to Aunt Xu, another dance troupe that had a dispute with them was a resident of Chunjingyuan, another relatively high-end new community nearby. Of course, Chunjingyuan also has a supporting activity square, but the residents there are probably elites, and there are not many people who like square dancing, so there are only a few dozen people in the dance troupe. And because they were too disturbing to dance in the venue in the community, they were reported anonymously by the residents. After property mediation, they were transferred to Yuwan Plaza.

So there are two dance troupes in Yuwan Square.

Originally, the venue of Yuwan Plaza was not small, so normally the two dance troupes could live in peace. Until this week, the new dance troupe was dissatisfied that Aunt Xu's dance troupe had always occupied a good position, so they asked for a competition, and which dance troupe danced well would be in the middle of the good venue.

Aunt Xu said that this is a battle for the C position.

Originally, she was not timid, but the other party's lead dancer seemed to be a professional dancer, and several members danced professionally. And Aunt Xu's side is all amateur dancers, which involves unfair competition.

So Aunt Xu rejected the other party's unreasonable request on the grounds of unfairness.

After that, the lead dancer of the other party came to her several times, and finally there was a bad behavior of intimidating her by juggling nine heads. Aunt Xu went to the street office in a rage.

Jiang Greed was walking towards Yuwan Square with his bag on his back, thinking: Are these nine heads juggling, or which monster has revealed its original shape

But is there really a monster who likes to dance in the square

While thinking about it, he had already arrived at Yuwan Square. Aunt Xu is already in the square with people and equipment. There was obviously another group of people opposite them, a total of three people on the other side. The leader is a bright and charming woman, judging from her figure and appearance, she is about thirty to forty years old. The woman was dressed in fashion, with exquisite makeup, and a head of wavy curly hair casually draped around her waist. It's just that his expression is quite domineering.

Aunt Xu was arguing with the other party, and when she saw Jiang Greed, she quickly pulled him over and said, "Look, little comrade, if I didn't pay attention to coming here early, they would all be ready to grab the spot! Why are you so big? The well-dressed people look good, but they have no quality at all?!"

The woman was furious when she heard the words, her eyebrows were raised upside down: "Who do you say has no quality?!"

Aunt Xu is also quick-spoken, she took advantage of it, and immediately sprayed back not to be outdone: "I will talk to whoever answers! You are so qualified, don't you know that you come first and then come? You are so qualified and secretly bring people to occupy the space?! I bother!"

The woman was so angry that her chest heaved, and she said angrily: "You think I'm willing to come to this shitty place?!"

Aunt Xu: "Oh, then you are really condescending to come here! Why are you still here?"