We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 74


Is it an apple? As for being so stingy? "

Zhou Papi is sincere and does not deceive me!

Ying Qiao looked at him expressionlessly: "Get lost."

Chen Hua angrily took the two remaining apples and left, thinking that if she had the ability, don't let me come next time!

The author has something to say:

Longlong: As long as you have perseverance, sooner or later, the little monster will fall in love with me!

Fourth Brother: When I don't exist? :)


Almost sold Amway, Longlong was in a great mood.

There are two more, see the second update=3=

Chapter 48

Going to work the next day, Jiang Greed took the apples to the office to distribute. I saw Zhang Tianxing with a cool face, some bruises under his eyes, and a scratch on his cheek.

Jiang Greed was surprised: "What happened to your face?"

Zhang Tianxing: "I was caught by Fang Qiushui."

Yesterday he drove Fang Qiushui to the Special Administration Bureau, but who knew that she woke up halfway, mad and wanted to jump out of the car, he pulled over in an emergency to catch her back, but she accidentally scratched her.

Jiang Greed looked at his wound, but luckily it wasn't deep, so there shouldn't be any scars left.

Ask again: "Did the Special Administrative Bureau say how to deal with her?" @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Fang Qiushui is human after all, and the Monster Bureau can assist in arresting him, but the real conviction still needs to be determined by the Special Administration Bureau.

Zhang Tianxing held a meeting overnight last night to talk about this matter. Originally, he seldom participated in the affairs of the Special Administration Bureau, but he sent people there yesterday. Only he knew the situation, so he could only stay for the meeting.

The people from the Special Administration Bureau tested Fang Qiushui with equipment, and what Ying Qiao said was right, she was indeed very qualified. If the human body is compared to a bucket, and spiritual energy is water, the body of an ordinary practitioner can only hold half of the bucket at most. But Fang Qiushui's body can fill a bucket.

Of course, this is the ideal state for her to step into practice. But even if she didn't step into practice, she still had a lot of spiritual energy in her body.

Such a good seedling with excellent qualifications has not been seen in the practice world for many years.

Therefore, the meeting debated how to deal with Fang Qiushui.

Some people cherish talents and think that they can take her under their command and teach them well, so as to restore her character. The opposing faction believes that Fang Qiushui is now delirious and has a paranoid personality. If such a person enters the path of cultivation, if he makes a mistake, it may cause catastrophe, which must not be ignored.

When the two sides could not settle down, the opposition contacted Fang Qiushui's parents overnight to explain the situation, but got another shocking news—

Fang Qiushui's parents found a dozen diaries hidden under Fang Qiushui's bed.

The diaries are filled with information about the so-called "gods" that Fang Qiushui has collected from various places over the years. She even researched many methods of summoning gods, some ridiculous, but others sent chills down the spine.

Fang Qiushui carefully analyzed the feasibility of appalling practices such as "blood sacrifice" and "human sacrifice" in his diary, and even experimented with livestock.

The reason why she didn't attack anyone in the end was because she found the "Cave God" and felt it was unnecessary.

In the diary, she puts herself above ordinary people and even her family, thinking that she is different from others, she is just practicing in this ordinary mountain village, and when the time comes, someone will come to pick her up and leave.

Her eyes that can see things that ordinary people can't see, and her little spells that are ineffective at times are proof that she is not ordinary.

Fang Qiushui was convinced of this.

According to Fang Qiushui's parents, Fang Qiushui has been more mature and sensible than her peers since she was a child. In addition, she is beautiful and cute, and her family loves her very much. The only thing that bothered her family was that she would often say that she saw a fairy or a monster.

Fang's family is superstitious, they only think that children have clean eyes and can see things that shouldn't be seen, and it will be fine when they are older.

But who knows that the older Fang Qiushui is, the more obsessed he becomes. She didn't know where she heard about the Luohua cave girl in the village before, and she began to believe that she was also favored by the cave god. Since then, she refused to go out of the house and dressed herself up at home every day. The cave god came to pick her up.

It doesn't matter if it's just like this, the Fang family can't afford a daughter.

But when Fang Qiushui was sixteen years old, she insisted that Dongshen was going to marry her and asked her family to prepare for the marriage.

The Fang family naturally disagreed. It's fine for her to mess around at home. If outsiders know about the trouble, the Fang family will have no face in the village.

Because of this, Fang Qiushui made a big fuss by forcing her to death, and Fang's family finally had to follow her wishes, thinking of coaxing her into a marriage beforehand. But a series of weird things happened when the wedding was held on the mountain. The wedding failed to go on, and the villagers who helped were so frightened that they worshiped God at home for several days.

But Fang Qiushui insisted that it was because she was not old enough that Dongshen terminated the wedding.

What happened that day was really too weird, and the Fang family members were also a little murmured in their hearts. With half-belief and suspicion, they gradually didn't dare to care about this daughter.

After several years of living in peace and harmony, one day Fang Qiushui suddenly brought down a handsome young man from the mountain, saying he was a cave god, and told his parents to prepare for the wedding quickly.

Fang's parents only thought that their daughter was finally back to normal, but just as they were planning to get married, something happened. First, the groom suddenly disappeared, and then Fang Qiushui also took the family's money and ran away.

Angry and worried, Fang's family called the police and searched the house. Unexpectedly, no one was found, but Fang Qiushui found out the diaries written by Fang Qiushui over the years.

The Fang family's parents had somewhat noticed their daughter's anomaly before, but they were all murmurs in their hearts. It was not until they saw the diary that they finally confirmed their suspicions.

In the diary, Fang Qiushui not only has no affection for his parents, but regards them as servants, and even thought of using his younger siblings to sacrifice to the "gods".

Looking at the sacrificial steps, the Fang family felt chills in their hearts, and their hairs stood on end. In grief, they finally gave up on this daughter.

Now I heard that she caused trouble outside again, and only told the people in the special management bureau that they could deal with it as the law did, and they just pretended that they had never given birth to this daughter. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The phone was released to the public, and after Fang's parents hung up, all the participants fell silent, and the small group of people who had insisted on a good education before stopped trying to fight for Fang Qiushui. After all, a person who is so indifferent to his family, how can he expect her to have a real sense of right and wrong.

In the end, the Special Administrative Bureau unanimously decided to deal with her severely. First, it dissipated the spiritual power in her body, and then sealed her meridians. At this time, Fang Qiushui was already insane, so the Special Management Bureau simply sent her to Chengnan Nursing Home.

The Chengnan Nursing Home is under the Special Administration Bureau, and most of the prisoners are people like Fang Qiushui. The crime is not worthy of death, but if they are left outside, they may cause trouble. Simply put them in custody together.

"It's best to keep it locked up." Jiang Greed said, "Anyone who touches such a lunatic will have a headache."

Zhang Tianxing nodded in agreement.

He asked casually again: "Did you play well yesterday? It's a pity that my ticket was wasted."

Please let him go, Jiang Li was a little embarrassed when he said it: "I'm very happy, but I troubled you yesterday, and I will call you next time if I want to go again."

Zhang Tianxing seemed regretful: "Well, I can't buy a VIP ticket, and I may have to wait in a long line."

"The VIP ticket this time was given by the boss Ying Qiao." Jiang Li said with a smile: "It should only be available internally. I have read a lot of strategies on the Internet, but I rarely see VIP tickets."

Zhang Tianxing frowned slightly: "Boss? I thought Ying Qiao himself was the boss."

Jiang Li didn't realize that he was being stereotyped, and was still feeling emotional: "Yes, I thought so at first. But he is really just a small assistant, but he often goes out with his boss and is more respected."

Zhang Tianxing gave a meaningful "Oh".

With Ying Qiao's attire and domineering demeanor, she doesn't look like some unknown person.

He closed his eyes and thought deeply, and ended the conversation.

At work in the afternoon, Director Cheng came to announce a sad news—on June 7th, that is, next Monday, they will take turns to go to the countryside to carry out poverty alleviation work.

The location for poverty alleviation has been decided long ago, in Sanshui Village. for eight days.

The participating members are Xue Meng, Xiao Xiaoyu, Jiang Li and Zhang Tianxing. Director Cheng and Uncle Zhou will show up at the beginning and end to take a promotional photo, in the name of giving young people the opportunity to experience.

Director Cheng cheerfully finished mobilizing them with his teacup in his hand, and then asked them to form their own team and make preparations in advance, so that they could breathe a sigh of relief when they took turns going to the countryside.

Xue Meng and Xiao Xiaoyu were still crying, and Zhang Tianxing was the first to speak: "I'm on the same team as Jiang Greed."

Xue Meng wailed artificially: "No, Brother Greedy's thigh is mine."

Xiao Xiaoyu also immediately said: "I strongly refuse to form a team with Xue Meng, and I can't take the weak chicken."

It was rare for Xue Meng not to talk back, and he admitted quickly: "Yes, a weak chicken like me can only be driven by a big brother."

Zhang Tianxing: ...

He glanced at Suan Ni, his face was gloomy and he didn't speak.

Finally, it was decided that Jiang Greed and Xue Meng would form a team, and Zhang Tianxing and Xiao Xiaoyu would form a team.

Xue Meng was overjoyed, looking at it, he wanted to buy a bunch of firecrackers and firecrackers to let it go. He also said to everyone: "My mother is going to burn incense in the temple soon, and I will ask her to ask for four peace talismans when she comes back. When I go, each person will bring one."

Ever since he was forced to open the door to the new world with Jiang Li, he has become very superstitious, and he no longer objected to his mother going to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Xiao Xiaoyu despised him: "Wake up, you are here to help the poor, not to catch ghosts. If you take the lead in engaging in feudal superstition, be careful and I will report you."

Xue Meng was not convinced: "Why is my feudal superstition, you haven't checked Sanshui Village, have you? I searched the Internet, found several posts, and found that the village is very evil.