We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 75



While talking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a few post links to the group.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed clicked on one at random, and saw that the title of the post read, "Live stream the adventure in Sanshui Village, and reveal the truth about the Baby Tower to everyone."

He exited and clicked on a few others, each title becoming more sensational than the last.

"The living graves in Sanshui Village are real! There are pictures and the truth", "Has anyone heard of Sanshui Village? A cursed village", "A review of the strange events in Sanshui Village, is there really any living people in this village? "...

The latest post was posted half a year ago. It was posted in a post bar called "There Are No Ghosts in the World", and the post title was "Sanshui Village is just an ordinary small mountain village. Today I will broadcast live to smash those who say that there are ghosts in the village. Face!"

Jiang Greed quickly browsed and found that there are really many weird legends related to Sanshui Village. The landlord first took an inventory of the relevant legends that could be found on the Internet, then packed his bags and set off for Sanshui Village.

At the beginning, the direction of the post was normal, but later on, the tone of the host's posts became more and more weird. In the end, he only posted "I can't get out", and the news disappeared completely.

There was an uproar in the following posts in the building, almost every day there were top posts calling for the host, but the host never showed up again.

Seeing them finish reading, Xue Meng said: "I didn't lie to you, is it really evil?"

Xiao Xiaoyu never believed in these things: "Do you know that Fengmen Village has more evil sects than this one? It was scary when it was uploaded on the Internet before, and then it was shown on TV. Isn't it just a deserted uninhabited village? Don't scare yourself .”

Xue Meng thought it was because you didn't know it, there are really ghosts in this world!

He hugged Jiang Li's thigh tremblingly, and howled, "Father, it's up to you whether I can drink fat house water and play games for the rest of my life."

Jiang Li pulled him away without a word, patted his head and said kindly: "Don't worry, son."

The author has something to say:

Cool Brother: I caught the little pigtail, hold my grudge.jpg

Longlong:? ?


If you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. Brother Ku has to teach Longlong new principles.

Chapter 49

In a blink of an eye, it was time to go to the countryside to help the poor. Zhang Tianxing and Xiao Xiaoyu were in a group, and they went directly to Sanshui Village on Monday morning.

Because the location of Sanshui Village is remote and there is a section of the road that is not easy to walk, the two set off at dawn. The car is an official car of the street office, Zhang Tianxing drives, and Xiao Xiaoyu broadcasts in real time in the group.

When Jiang Li woke up and was about to go to work, Xiao Xiaoyu was complaining in the group that the place was too remote, the navigation was inaccurate, and they had been led the wrong way. The two walked around a few times before finding the right way, and they should be there by nine o'clock.

She walked all the way and took pictures, and even specially took pictures of the fork in the road, marking the correct location, and used it as a reference for Jiang Li and the others who went later.

Looking at the photos, the area of Sanshui Village is really desolate. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t have imagined that there would be such potholed dirt roads in this era. The dirt road is surrounded by undulating hillsides, and on the hillsides are large areas of woods and weeds.

There are no people at a glance.

Xue Meng was stunned: [Is this too wild? It's been 9102 years, but there is still such a remote place in Jiangcheng? Didn't even repair the road? ]

[Xiao Xiaoyu: If it’s not remote, why should we help the poor? However, the village we passed by the wrong way was a newly built concrete road, and Sanshui Village should be coming soon. ]

Xue Meng sent a loveless emoticon package.

Xiao Xiaoyu said in the group again: [When you come tomorrow, remember to bring water and food, it’s too deserted here, and it’s hard to find a canteen. ]

[Xue Meng:... ]

Several people were in a crowd, and when Jiang Li and the others arrived at the company, Xiao Xiaoyu took another photo and said that he saw Sanshui Village. There is indeed a village at the end of the path. The houses are scattered on both sides of the dirt road. They are not the two-story self-built buildings that are common in rural areas today, but the brick and tile bungalows of the 1980s and 1990s. The house must have been quite old, and the gaps between the bricks and tiles on the exterior walls were covered with moss, and there were still weeds growing at the base of the walls that hadn't been shoveled.

Xue Meng leaned over to Jiang Li's work station and muttered, "Why does this house look so creepy?"

Jiang Li was speechless: "Are you psychological? I think that the poorer villages basically have houses like this. Wait for Xiaoyu and the others to go in and take a look."

Xue Meng was relieved a little: "Yes."

Xiao Xiaoyu didn't send a message for a while, so he probably has already entered the village and is in contact with the villagers.

Jiang Greed turned off the group chat and dealt with the work at hand first.

Because the main work this week was poverty alleviation, they didn't have much work, and Jiang Li finished it with ease. Looking at the group chat, Xiao Xiaoyu sent another message.

[Xiao Xiaoyu: @薛蒙,Quickly collect the supernatural stories in your head. We went around Sanshui Village. The village is quite normal, and the villagers are also very enthusiastic. They are not as xenophobic as we imagined. In the morning, we will do some ideological work for the villagers to find out their difficulties and needs. At noon, I went to Grandma Huang's field to help weed and fertilize the crops. ]

Zhang Tianxing, who hadn't spoken in the group all this time, also posted a message: [The village does not seem to have any problems at present. ]

Xiao Xiaoyu also deliberately took a few recent photos, probably because the sun was already high at this time, the photos were brightly lit, and it didn't look that gloomy. It's just a normal village and villagers.

Xue Meng took out his mobile phone and started to delete the post, while deleting the post angrily: "Now these netizens make up stories too outrageous, it seems to be true."

"There are not as many demons and ghosts in this world as you think." Jiang Li said: "Most ordinary people will never encounter these things in their lifetime."

Xue Meng touched his chin, and a sense of superiority arose in his heart when he heard this: "I have met it twice, and I can be regarded as the chosen one."

The atmosphere that was made weird by those spiritual posts before was also relaxed. Xue Meng has nothing to do, and has already started to figure out what snacks to bring tomorrow.

Xiao Xiaoyu and the others will go to the fields on the first day. It seems that this week will be physical work, so bring more food to prepare, so as not to be hungry after eating the food in Sanshui Village.

Monday passed so smoothly.

Zhang Tianxing and Xiao Xiaoyu had been busy for a whole day, and it went well, but they were very tired, and they didn't prepare to return until six o'clock in the afternoon.

She no longer had the energy to type, and didn't even want to move her fingers, so she simply turned on the group chat voice.

Xue Meng was shocked when she heard her weak voice: "What are you doing today? Can you be so tired in the next field?"

Xiao Xiaoyu couldn't help but want to hate him when he heard his bluffing voice, and took the phone a little away and said, "You will know if you try it yourself tomorrow?"

"And we were unlucky. Just after returning from the field, we heard that an old man in a family in the village had passed away. There was a funeral in the village, so we also went to help." Xiao Xiaoyu complained: "No wonder the task given by the higher-ups still needs to be done. Do ideological work for them, these villagers are indeed a bit feudal and superstitious, and there are quite a lot of funeral rules.”

She complained a few words, but she was really out of energy, and said: "You will find out when you go tomorrow."

Xue Meng said weakly at the other end: "Why do you die as soon as you go, it's a coincidence..."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Xiao Xiaoyu rolled his eyes weakly, not understanding that he was a party member after all, why he was so superstitious: "There are many old people in the village, young and middle-aged, and the dead are not normal?"

Xue Meng thinks it makes sense. Xiao Xiaoyu and the others stayed in the village for a day and nothing happened. It should be just a coincidence. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Several people chatted for a while, Xiao Xiaoyu explained to them the general situation in the village and today's work in detail, and then ended the audio break.

Jiang Li was packing his things at home, and sent a message to Ying Qiao, saying that he was going to the countryside to help the poor, and asked him if he could help take care of Suan Ni and Jiao Tu tomorrow.

The poverty alleviation workload in Sanshui Village is not small, and it is too inconvenient to bring Suan Ni and Jiao Tu, so Jiang Li is not going to take them with him. But he was worried about letting Suanni and Jiaotu stay at home alone. He always felt that they were alone at home and would play games without eating or sleeping.

Gotta get someone to keep an eye on them.

Jiang Li originally wanted to ask Zhang Tianxing to take care of him, but from Xiao Xiaoyu's weak look, Zhang Tianxing was probably very tired, so he was too embarrassed to bother him.

After thinking about it, there is only trouble to answer Qiao.

Ying Qiao was happy when he received the news at first. The little monster entrusted his younger brother to take care of him, which showed that he trusted him.

As soon as he replied "Yes", Jiang Li sent another message: [Where is your home address? I'll send them both first, and I'm leaving at about five o'clock tomorrow. ]

Ying Qiao: ...

He paused for positioning, and suddenly realized that the villa he is currently living in is a well-known area where rich people gather. The lowest price is over ten million.

And it is obviously unreasonable for him to live here as an ordinary social animal with a monthly salary of 3,000 and an ordinary snake demon with no background.

Ying Qiao looked at her big villa and felt numb for the first time.

He didn't dare to let Jiang Greed come over, but replied: [It's inconvenient if you don't have a car, let me drive to pick them up after I finish working overtime. You have to get up early tomorrow, take the time to rest. ]

Jiang Li thought about it too, he was already very familiar with Ying Qiao, so he didn't politely refuse him: [Okay, then call me when you arrive. ]

Ying Qiao calmed down the little monster temporarily, and immediately called Chen Hua: "Find me a house where I can move in right away."

Chen Hua:? ?

How many years have you lived in this villa, why are you crazy

"Isn't this villa pretty good now? It's hard to organize your collections when you move again."

as a passion