We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 79


, I haven't seen any family with a dog.

"Well. Here it comes..."

Jiang Greed opened his eyes, sat up and covered Xue Meng's mouth: "Don't talk, don't run around. Just stay in the room, I will tell you to come out, and you will come out again. Remember?"

Xue Meng nodded, afraid that he could not see, and gave a very low "um".

At this time, the shrill dog barking had gradually weakened, and it seemed to be mixed with whimpers showing weakness.

The barking disappeared. Instead, there was a sharp cry of a baby.

One sound after another, sharp and ear-piercing, as if trying to pierce a person's eardrum.

With the dim light, something could be vaguely seen passing by the window. Suddenly there was a gust of wind outside, which made the windows muffle, and also knocked down the only lantern for lighting.

The room was completely plunged into darkness.

The sharp and ear-piercing cry of the baby was getting closer and closer.

Xue Meng lay stiffly on the bed, his eyes staring straight at the direction of the window, where there was only darkness, but he felt a faint glimmer of light.

Then, a red light came on.

It's just that the lamp looks a little strange, the wick is black, but it glows red. It flashes every now and then...

And, where did the lights come from at this time

Xue Meng's mind became a mess, but his eyes couldn't move away, staring straight at the lamp. The more I look at it, the more I feel... that is not a lamp, but a red eye.

Eyes as big as lanterns... How big is the thing outside

Thin cold sweat seeped from the back, Xue Meng's brain froze, and his body swayed uncontrollably.

His eyes were still wide open, and he saw the red eye blink, and then changed to another eye.

— The monsters outside are watching them.

After realizing this, Xue Meng even breathed lightly. The crying of the baby outside stopped for some reason, and his violent heartbeat could be heard in the quiet room.

He felt Jiang Li reach out and pat the top of his head, and then his side became cold, and it was Jiang Li who got up and got out of bed.

The red eye by the window didn't blink.

The room was too dark, Xue Meng could only vaguely see the outline of Jiang Greed, saw the direction he was going, and realized that he was going out.

There were another small sound coming from outside, like a child laughing with a high-pitched voice.

There was a creaking sound in the darkness. It was Jiang Li who opened the door and went out. The red eye by the window blinked and disappeared.

The cry of the baby was heard outside again. Xue Meng took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, took out the fruit knife from his pocket, and held it firmly in his hand.

Jiang Greed opened the door and went out, and set up another barrier in the Westinghouse. Only then did he finally look at the strange birds hovering over the village.

That's right, there is not just one strange bird, but a group.

The one closest to him was standing by the window, looking at him greedily, with sharp teeth and dripping saliva faintly visible in its open beak.

It is about two meters high, its wings are half-open, and its head is bent down. It is obvious that it is the one that was pasted by the window just now.

Jiang Greed looked at its dead branch-like horns and ugly bird face, and finally found the name of the strange bird from his memory.

"Gu sculpture?"

Gu carvings are ancient monsters with two horns on their heads, they look like vultures, they cry like babies crying, and they like to eat people.

Gu carvings have a ferocious temperament, and are often dispatched in groups, and they once won a place in ancient times. But after the catastrophe, they disappeared.

Didn't expect to meet here. Jiang Greed licked his lips, counted roughly, and found that there were five Gu carvings, his smile couldn't help but grow wider.

His figure changed suddenly, turning into a huge beast with horns and black scales, his scarlet vertical pupils gleamed with a bloodthirsty dark light, no longer harmless when he looked like a human, and his fierce aura spread out around him.

Jiang Greed raised his head and let out a low roar of excitement, his huge body jumped into the air in an instant, biting a gu carving hovering in the air with precision and speed.

In the darkness, the shrill baby cries came and went. The blood rained down on the ground, and the smell of blood soon filled the air.

Seeing this, the other gu carvings widened their red eyes angrily, and let out an even harsher cry. But none of them dared to take the lead.

Jiang greedily chewed up the prey and swallowed it into his stomach, then spat out a few rough bird feathers in disgust. Gu carving meat is fresh and tender, but he probably has lived in human society for a long time, and he actually thinks that it will taste better if the hair is plucked and then roasted.

Thinking in his mind, the red vertical pupils swept back and forth on several Gu Eagles.

These Gu carvings have thin skin and tender meat, and they are also very tender when fighting. Obviously, they are not old fritters that have lived since ancient times, but more like newly grown chicks. Otherwise, he wouldn't have hesitated to stay where he was at this time.

Jiang Greed licked his mouth, and rushed over again...



Ying Qiao is playing Dou Di Zhu with Jiao Tu and Suan Ni.

Recently, the two brothers got tired of playing Penguin Speed, and have switched to fighting landlords.

It's just that the two brothers are rookies, and Doudou has already lost almost. After finally saving some capital by signing in, the fifth brother was away, so the two brothers happily fought for the landlord.

Ying Qiao was originally staying in his "dwelling house" feeling uncomfortable, and he felt uncomfortable at the thought of living here for a week.

Until the continuous failure sound effect forcibly interrupted his thoughts.

Jiaotu was holding the tablet, and Suan Ni was grabbing his arm. The two brothers spoke in exactly the same dignified tone.

One said: "The last two thousand Doudou."

One said: "No more losses."

Ying Qiao listened on the sidelines. I deeply felt that these two little brats had lost too badly, so I couldn't help but help.

Then somehow it evolved into him fighting the landlord with the two cubs.

After playing the last round and winning back Doudou, who had lost all of the brothers, Ying Qiao consciously assumed the responsibility of Brother Yan, confiscated the tablet, and urged the two brothers to go to bed.

He checked the time, it was two in the morning.

It should be... probably not too late, right

The two boys returned to the room. Ying Qiao put away the tablet and was about to go to rest when Chen Hua called and asked anxiously, "Which village did you say Jiang Li went to help the poor today? Has he come back? "

Ying Qiao frowned slightly, and said, "Sanshui Village, you should be back in the afternoon? I sent him a message, but I haven't replied yet."

"What's wrong?"

Previously, he only thought that Jiang Li was too tired from work, so he didn't reply to the message. Not sure now.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Hua gasped: "The Special Administrative Bureau detected a large area of miasma suddenly in Sanshui Village. It may not be ordinary miasma, but a ghost miasma formed by the accumulation of deep resentment over time."

He licked his lips, and said with great difficulty: "The people they sent to investigate also found traces of Gu eagles around there."

In fact, miasma was detected early in Sanshui Village. The area was small, and it only appeared at night for a while and then disappeared quickly. The Special Administration Bureau did not find any more anomalies and victims, so it decided that the danger was not serious and did not report it.

They didn't realize that they had misjudged the degree of danger until early this morning when a large area of ghost miasma suddenly broke out and they found the traces of the Gu carving group.

The author has something to say:

Foodie: There are so many Gu carvings, one pot can’t be stewed, one is grilled, one is deep-fried...

Longlong (worried): The little monster must be terrified.

Gu carving:? ?

(look at my bones and say it again)


Greedy finally got meat, but it is wrong to eat wild game, don’t learn from it (bushi)

Today is six thousand thick and long, there is no second watch, everyone.

Draw 100 red envelopes=3=

Chapter 52

After the Special Administrative Bureau discovered the problem, it immediately contacted the Demon Administrative Bureau, preparing to gather its staff to find out.

Not to mention the bad influence that the ghost miasma will cause if it spreads to other villages, just the group of Gu carvings that have not been fully confirmed to exist is enough to make them nervous.

Gu Diao, a monster that feeds on people and likes to move out in groups, has a terrible reputation.

"I'll give Jiang Li a call."

Ying Qiao hung up the phone and immediately called Jiang Li, but after several calls in a row, it was always "the number you dialed is not in the service area and cannot be connected temporarily".

He could only turn around and call Zhou Xu to confirm the situation. The phone rang and was connected, Zhou Xu couldn't help sighing when he heard him ask about Jiang Li.

He told Ying Qiao that Xiao Xiaoyu and Zhang Tianxing found that they could not be contacted in the afternoon, and the phone number of the village party secretary could not be reached.

At first they thought it was because the signal was not good or they were too busy, but there was no news from the two of them until the evening, and they still couldn't contact anyone. Xiao Xiaoyu and the others became worried.

But Jiang Li and Xue Meng are both adults, and they are in a remote poor village, so it is normal that the signal is not good and they cannot be contacted overnight. Although the police were called, the two lost contact for only a few hours, and the police could not immediately accept and find someone.

Xiao Xiaoyu and Zhang Tianxing could only report the situation to Director Cheng and Uncle Zhou first, and planned to drive to Sanshui Village at dawn.

Ying Qiao hung up the phone with a serious face, and called Chen Hua back. After connecting, she only said briefly: "I'll be there right away, you send me the location of Sanshui Village first."

After speaking, he was about to go out, but when he got to the door, he remembered that there were two cubs to take care of at home. He paused, then turned back to the second bedroom to see the two brothers.

The brothers are getting ready for bed.

After Jiaotu changed into her pajamas, Suan Ni had already got into bed. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ying Qiao hesitated for a moment, but still didn't tell them about Jiang Rai's disappearance, but said: "I have something urgent to go out, you guys stay at home obediently and don't run around, someone will come over during the day, what do you want to eat with him