We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 81


Are you going with me? "

Xue Meng said without hesitation: "I'm with you."

Follow the boss to feel safe.

His expression was full of trust, without a trace of fear or barrier.

Jiang Greed laughed: "Then let's go."

The two left Huang Zhishu behind and strode toward the cemetery with flashlights on.

The author has something to say:

Greedy Foodie: I have finished the takeaway, and I have to pick up the rest.

Xue Meng: I didn't see anything.


There are two updates, see you later!

Chapter 53

The entire Sanshui Village was shrouded in black mist, and the groves that passed through during the day were only left with vague black outlines, which were vague and gloomy.

Xue Meng followed Jiang Greed step by step.

Jiang Li gave him the phone. The flashlight on the phone does not have a wide range of illumination, and it can only just illuminate the path under his feet. Xue Meng had to pay attention to his feet all the time in order to keep up with Jiang Li's footsteps. He noticed that Jiang Li didn't need lighting, and he walked on the ground in the dark.

When his curiosity arose, he couldn't control his mouth, and started babbling again: "Why are we walking over there? Can't we fly?"

Humans' understanding of monsters seems to be omnipotent, especially Xue Meng watched Jiang Greed bite off the head of the strange bird. Jiang Greed is stronger than a strange bird, so he should be able to fly... right

Jiang Greed looked at him sideways: "Do you want to fly?"

Xue Meng said: "Think, who didn't have a dream of going to heaven when they were young?"

Jiang Li sighed slowly, and politely asked his opinion: "Then I will take you flying?"

He is thinking that walking slowly is a waste of time. If he didn't take care of Xue Meng's fragile heart, he would not walk on two legs.


Before Xue Meng finished speaking a good word, it turned into a scream.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The giant black beast held him in its mouth, grabbed the trunk of the tree with its four limbs and quickly climbed to the top of the tree, and then jumped and moved between the tree crowns as if walking on the ground. The surging black mist and blurred tree shadows were trampled under his feet, and even the sound of the wind whistling past his ears became clear.


Xue Meng couldn't move anymore, he took a deep breath, and his weak protest was blown away by the wind: "I don't want this kind of flying!"

It's nothing like it's shown on TV.

Jiang Gree's ears trembled, pretending not to hear his protest.

The two arrived at the end of the woods in the blink of an eye. Jiang Li stopped at the top of the tree and looked down. At the end of the woods was a continuous hillside. It was filled with dust, and weeds and vines grew again. The only few trees with crooked branches in the cemetery were also entangled to death by vines, leaving only twisted dead branches stretching towards the sky.

The cylindrical black building seen during the day stands behind these stone tombs, with its back against the not-so-high hillside. After a closer look, I found that it was actually a tower with three floors, about five or six meters high. The top of the tower was drum-shaped, and the body of the tower was built of dark gray bricks. A rectangular opening on one side, and several small holes distributed around the tower.

Those black mist escaped continuously from these stone tombs and towers.

Xue Meng originally wanted to count how many stone tombs there were, but counting back and forth was dazzled. He murmured in a low voice: "Why are there so many stone tombs?"

There are no tombstones in these stone tombs, and the mounds protrude high above the ground, like cages. After a long time, they feel more gloomy and terrifying.

Ginger's red pupils narrowed, and he jumped down from the treetops.

Xue Meng didn't dare to scream this time, he held his heart that was about to jump out of his throat, and said to Jiang Li sincerely: "Next time we'll walk, I think walking is good, healthy, and can exercise your body."

Jiang Greed blinked, and gave him a kick with the horns on the top of his head.

Xue Meng was sat on the ground by him, his eyes were still a little fluttering: "I don't think there is any sense of reality now."

Then he pushed Jiang Greed's big head aside: "Don't point your mouth at me, otherwise I always feel that you will bite my head off in one second."

The scene where the strange bird was bitten off its head was probably the biggest psychological shadow in his life.

Jiang Greed no longer intentionally frightened him. He turned into a human form, squatted down and stared at Xue Meng's right hand: "What is under your hand?"

Xue Meng looked back suddenly, and saw a gray hand bone scattered in the messy haystack. Half of the hand bone was stuck in the gap between the bricks of the stone tomb, as if protruding from the tomb.

And his hand was pressing on the hand bone just now.

Xue Meng:! ! !

He scrambled to his feet, bowed three times respectfully towards the grave, and muttered confessions like "I didn't mean to, you adults don't remember the mistakes of villains".

Jiang Greed squatted down, followed the cracks in the bricks where the bones of his hands were exposed, and opened a gap in the mound to reveal what was inside.

Xue Meng apologized, and looked at the dead bones in the grave in surprise: "Why is this grave hollow..."

Immediately after thinking of something, his face turned pale.

"This is... a living grave?"

Among the posts about Sanshui Village that he read before coming in, one talked about living graves.

Jiang Li gave a low hum, pointed to the dead bones in the grave and said, "The old people in Sanshui Village who are over 60 years old should all be here."

Living graves, as the name suggests, are graves where living people are buried.

In the early days, people in some places believed that the old man should die after the age of 60. If he did not die, the happiness and longevity of his descendants would be damaged, which is called "living descendants' longevity". Old people who are still healthy and healthy after the age of sixty are not welcomed by their children and grandchildren. The descendants will use bricks and stones to build a tomb just enough to accommodate one person, place the old man in the tomb, add a brick once a day when a meal is delivered, and completely plug the gap in the tomb after 360 days. Even if the old man is buried.

Some old people are lucky enough to survive for 365 days, and they will be sealed alive in the grave.

Jiang Greed had seen living graves before, but they were far less numerous than in Sanshui Village.

These graves are densely packed together, some new and some old, and it is not known when they started to continue.

Xue Meng was chilling all over his body, and the graves were all human lives.

He looked around, feeling startled more and more. He even saw a new grave with wreaths not far away. He remembered that there was a funeral in the village before, and the old man who died was just sixty years old... His heart sank, and he strode to the new grave, wanting to confirm the grave The middle-aged man was dead or alive, but he was nailed to the spot when he saw the scene in the grave.

"Ginger Greed..."

His voice trembled violently, and his body froze and did not dare to move.

Jiang Li heard the sound, and saw that the new tomb was not completely sealed, and there was a freshly eaten skeleton lying in the tomb, and beside the corpse, there was an ungrown gu carving. The body is only half the size of a human, but the beak and claws are sharp enough.

Jiang Greed loves cubs, but he has no love for these gu carving cubs.

He grabbed the gu eagle ready to attack with his bare hands, frowned and endured its piercing cry. Ask Xue Meng to take out the rope in the bag to tie its wings, and break its beak and claws to prevent it from escaping, and then hang the screaming gu carving upside down on a dead tree.

The shrill cry of the baby immediately echoed over the cemetery.

Xue Meng was a little flustered by his operation: "Are we waiting here?"

"I'm the one waiting here."

Jiang Greed looked around, pointed to a coffin thrown behind, and said to Xue Meng: "Go and hide in the coffin, lest I can't take care of you later."

Xue Meng was a little stunned, but he also knew that he would be slowed down if he stayed, so he could only bite the bullet and go to the coffin, and while removing the coffin lid, he prayed that there would be no dead people inside. Fortunately, this is really an empty coffin, he breathed a sigh of relief, quickly hid in, and then closed the coffin lid.

Several calls that were getting closer and closer could be heard outside, such as the magic sound piercing the ears, Xue Meng almost wanted to hit his head on the coffin board.

Fortunately, soon there was another low and majestic growl that disrupted the shrill cry. Xue Meng, who came back to his senses, rubbed his sore ears and continued to listen to the movement outside.

The ones brought back by the small Gu Eagle's cry were two larger Gu Eagles. It was bigger than the five that were eaten before. Jiang Greed guessed that they should be the parents of the little Gu Eagle.

The two Gu carvings circled around and let out an angry cry, one left and one right swooped down from the air towards Jiang Li.

Jiang Greed fought more and more bravely, raised his head and let out a low growl, showing his sharp fangs, and charged forward... @无限好文,全在晋江文学城


Outside Sanshui Village. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Under the silent night, a dragon with golden scales moves from far to near. His figure is vigorous and his wings are powerful. Every time he flaps, the dark clouds gathered above his head become darker and darker. Lightning flashes in the thick clouds, brewing at any time. With thunderstorms and heavy rain.

Ying Qiao was worried about Jiang Greed, so instead of joining Chen Hua and the others, she rushed to Sanshui Village first.

When they arrived, Sanshui Village, including the surrounding hills and woods, had been covered by ghost miasma, and the surging ghost miasma was still expanding outward.

He bowed his head and looked down, his golden dragon pupil narrowed dangerously, accompanied by a deep dragon cry, a glaring lightning swiftly slashed towards the ghost miasma—

The dazzling electric light tore a gap in the thick black ghost miasma, Ying Qiao looked at the direction, flicked his tail, and rushed in.

After passing through the ghost miasma, Ying Qiao saw Sanshui Village. The dilapidated village stood quietly in the black mist, as if it had merged with the ghost miasma. The big tree at the entrance of the village has only dead branches, the weeds on the side of the road are withered, and the moss on the wall is an ominous black red...

should fall to the ground