We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 82


In front of me, I walked quickly to the village.

After walking for a while, the smell of blood in the air became heavier. Scattered feathers, dirty blood, and a motionless person could be seen from a long distance away.

The worry in his heart became more and more serious, his handsome face was tense, and he almost rushed to the front.

The man on the ground was tied into a rice dumpling with a rope, and he had completely passed out. The smell of urine and blood on his body mixed together, Ying Qiao frowned uncomfortably.

He took a step back in disgust, looked at the wide open door behind him, which seemed to have experienced a struggle, turned around decisively and walked into the house.

The author has something to say:

Chen Hua: You are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry

Longlong: You are dead :)


Dragon Dragon Angry.jpg

The second update is coming, draw 100 red envelopes, boom~

Chapter 54

The house is very simple, the ground is compacted soil, and the gray and white walls are very mottled. The furniture inside is only a bed, a table and two stools.

The bedding on the bed was piled up randomly, obviously someone had slept there. Ying Qiao lifted the quilt and found a wrench on the bed. The table was placed against the wall, and the stool was crooked and overturned on the floor. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Ying Qiao checked around the room, her gaze fixed on the window frame.

The old wooden window frame was covered with dots of dirty blood, which had coagulated into red and black blood clots. A large piece of the wall covering under the window fell off, and the gray and white wall powder fell on the ground, as if someone once hid under the window and accidentally rubbed off the wall covering.

Ying Qiao lowered his eyes and thought, connecting these sporadic discoveries together.

Jiang Li came to Sanshui Village with Xue Meng. When he entered the village, he saw a car parked under a big tree at the entrance of the village. He recognized that it was an official car of Jiang Li's unit, but the tires of the car were flat. Maybe the car broke down and they couldn't contact the outside world, so the two spent the night in the village.

There was nothing in this room, it was obviously just a temporary residence. The bedding showed signs of being slept on, and it was very likely that Jiang Li and the others slept in this room.

Afterwards, they may have encountered danger. Ying Qiao stared at the scattered feathers and blood outside the window, and then contacted the special management bureau to say that they found traces of Gu eagles here, guessing that Gu eagles attacked them.

Xue Meng is an ordinary person, but Jiang Li is a lion. Although he is still a little boy, Ying Qiao and him have been on several missions together and found out that the little monster has the aura of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, and is very reckless. Looking at the situation outside, he probably has something to do with the Gu sculptures who attacked them Had a tough fight.

Just what happened after the fierce battle? Is Jiang Li injured? Where did you go now

Ying Qiao suppressed the anxiety in her heart and forced herself to think calmly.

Poverty alleviation is on a rotation basis. When Jiang Li was in distress and trapped in Sanshui Village and could not contact the outside world, he would definitely hope that the colleagues who would succeed them tomorrow would come to the village to find someone abnormal. If so, they should take the initiative to stay clue.

Ying Qiao glanced around the shabby house, and then searched carefully in the house.

He finally found a cell phone that was turned off between the table and the wall. Ying Qiao recognized Jiang Li's cell phone, it wasn't Jiang Li's, it probably belonged to Xue Meng who was traveling with him.

Turn on the phone, and the phone still has 10% of the battery left. It directly enters the main interface without unlocking.

There is an audio file alone in the center of the main interface. When Ying Qiao saw the name of the text, his eyes froze, and his fingers hovered on the audio named "Suicide Note" for a long time before finally clicking on it.

The audio began to play, first there was a harsh noise, and then Xue Meng's hoarse and crying voice.

He seemed to be trying his best to recount the incident completely, but in fact it was a bit upside down, and there was an uninterrupted noise in the background sound. If you listen carefully, you can tell that it is a sound similar to a baby crying.

It should be the cry of the Gu Eagle.

Ying Qiao glanced at the scraped wall under the window sill, guessing that Xue Meng was recording there.

The audio was still playing, Xue Meng's voice was hoarse, and he finally got to the point: "Jiang Greed let me hide in the house and went out by myself." @无限好文,全在晋江文学城

"It was too dark in the room, I couldn't see outside, I could only hear... Then I smelled a strong smell of blood. I hid under the window and looked out, and saw a monster with long horns bit off the head of the strange bird, and the blood It was sprayed everywhere... I searched for a long time but couldn't find Jiang Greed, only the clothes thrown in the corner... "

The voice in the audio paused for a moment before continuing again, Xue Meng's voice was hoarse than before: "That's Jiang Li's clothes, he was eaten by those monsters... I will soon-"

The audio stops abruptly.

Ying Qiao looked at the pinched and deformed mobile phone without any expression on his handsome face. He was like a statue, holding his discarded mobile phone and standing there, motionless.

Intellectually, he felt that Jiang Greed's death could not be determined by just a piece of clothing, but emotionally, when he heard "he was eaten by those monsters", his rationality was on the verge of breaking.

All the anxiety and worry accumulated before turned into an irresolvable violence at this moment.

Dragon scales are looming on the handsome face, and the human pupils have been replaced by golden vertical pupils. Ying Qiao threw the discarded mobile phone aside, and walked towards Huang Zhishu outside step by step...

The long-simmering thunderstorm finally descended.

In the clouds like ink. The thick electric dragon swam away, and then swiftly slashed down with an unstoppable momentum. The deafening thunder exploded along with the electric light, tearing countless gaps in the endless stream of ghost miasma.

The rain poured down.

Chen Hua and others who arrived a little later stared at the violent sky in dumbfounded.

"This, this..." The fellow Taoist priest looked at the crazily spinning compass needle and then at the sky, but couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Chen Hua wiped the rain off his face, and shouted amidst the thunder, "Everyone retreat."

The thunderstorm screamed, no one dared to be tough, everyone immediately retreated a hundred meters away. Others didn't know what was going on with this weird and terrifying celestial phenomenon, but he did.

Ying Qiao was worried about Jiang Greed, so she came to Sanshui Village first. And only he can stir up the sky and summon thunderstorms.

Something must have happened to Jiang Greed.

Chen Hua cursed, and before he had time to explain, he jumped in along the gap where the ghost miasma was torn.


The two big Gu eagles were much stronger than those smaller ones, it took Jiang Li a little more time to bite off their necks.

He didn't eat these two Gu carvings in a hurry, but cooked them according to the law and hung them upside down on the dead tree.

The strong smell of blood spread in the air, and Jiang Li stayed under the tree, staring at the tower. The hole on the tower was dark, and Jiang Li felt that there was something hidden in the tower from just now, and it gave him a very comfortable feeling.

Jiang Greed didn't go in hastily, and wanted to try to fish out the things inside.

Gu Diao's blood dripped from the severed head, and finally sank into the soil.

The calm ground suddenly vibrated, and something was coming out of the soil, first with four horns, then a head, and finally a huge body...

A sheep-like monster with an unusually huge body emerged completely from the soil. Its thick limbs crushed the stone grave, with weeds and dead vines hanging from its four corners, its thick mane was in locks and strands, mixed with grass clippings, soil and dry and solidified blood, and dragged on the ground for a long time .

Jiang Li let out a cry, and his scarlet eyes widened in surprise, but he became even more excited: "Soil?"

He turned his head and looked at the cemetery. He didn't expect that such a small Sanshui village could breed so many human-eating monsters.

The earth mole looked at the body of the gu carving with salivation, it was imprinted by the scent of the blood of the gu carving, but Jiang Li, who was guarding the gu carving, made it feel a little afraid. But this fear quickly lost to the desire to eat.

It let out a thick and weird roar, lowered its head to reveal four hard and sharp horns, and rushed towards Jiang Li.

Jiang Li squinted his eyes, and showed his curved and hard horns, and went forward bravely and fearlessly, @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The huge and heavy bodies collided together, and the friction between the horns made a dull sound. The four horns of the earth mole broke off in response, and it let out a painful roar, but Jiang Li continued to exert strength, and the sharp horns pierced the opponent The fur pierced into the skull, throwing the opponent violently to the ground.

The soil mole was still struggling to stand up, with dark red and foul-smelling blood continuously flowing out from the broken horn and the big hole on the top of his head.

With a low growl, Jiang Greed rushed over and bit Tu Mole by the neck, and threw it under the always quiet tower.

The ground was slightly shaken by the body of the soil mole.

Dust fell from the black tower.

Jiang Greed looked up at the dark hole at the top of the tower, rolled his eyes, grunted twice, picked up the still-breathing mole, and climbed up the tower.

It's dark outside, and even darker inside the tower. Jiang Greed glanced at the stacked bones at the bottom of the tower, but he didn't find anything that made him uncomfortable. He scratched his paws irritably, threw the mole into the tower, and then jumped down himself.

The bottom of the tower is soft mud like a swamp, and there are many small and fragmented baby bones piled on top of it, layer by layer. Taotie's original form was too big and cumbersome, half of Jiang Li's body fell into the swamp-like soft mud, he pulled himself out, and simply changed back to human form.

The bottom of the tower was covered with the baby's bones, and he had nowhere to stay, so he could only climb onto the half of the body that hadn't sunk in the dirt and stood looking around.

There are no obstacles at the bottom of the tower, and he can see everything clearly at a glance.

In addition to the baby's bones, there were many ropes and bamboo baskets that were not completely rotted. He looked at the