We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 9


Then he asked Jiang Greed: "Do you want to go with me?"

Jiang Greed was idle, so he went out with him when he heard this. Before leaving, he thought about it and left the sleeping Suan Ni in the office.

Wenhua Street is a little far from the street office, and the two drove there by bus. It's just bad luck, as soon as we arrived at the intersection of the street, there was a traffic jam. The traffic ahead was crowded together, and there were two police cars parked vaguely.

"Is there a car accident ahead?" Xue Meng poked his head out and looked around.

Jiang Gree had good ears, so he listened carefully for a while and said, "It seems that someone died in the neighborhood."

"Dead again?" Xue Meng was surprised, rubbed the goose bumps on his arms and said: "Last month, I heard that three people died in our district, this is the fourth."

He lowered his voice mysteriously and said: "I heard that the three people in front died very strangely, as if they hit something unclean."

Jiang Greed glanced at him, and said slowly: "Unclean things?"

Xue Meng nodded: "This matter has been spread in several neighborhoods nearby. It is said that when the three deceased died, they all had strange smiles on their faces, and their faces were particularly rosy. Mingming is not very old, and I have not heard of any Medical history, but the good people suddenly disappeared. Do you think it’s strange?”

The work of the sub-district office usually needs to go deep into the community and neighbors, and it is especially exposed to gossip and rumors. But this time it involves human life, which sounds a little more horrifying.

The more Xue Meng said, the more he felt a little hairy, and couldn't help but lower the car window, and felt a little more at ease when exposed to the sultry air outside.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Greed couldn't help laughing: "Aren't we going to break the feudal superstition? Why did you become superstitious first?"

Xue Mengli was confident: "I believe in science intellectually, but emotionally I would rather believe it."

While talking, the congested traffic ahead finally moved, he hurriedly started the car and drove out along the traffic. Sitting in the co-pilot, Jiang Greed glanced at the neighborhood where the accident happened, but the police car and the corpse were gone, and nothing unusual was found, so he looked away again.

Because of the traffic jam, it took the two of them more than half an hour to reach the jewelry store.

The name of the jewelry store is "Xinxiangshicheng". It should be newly opened not long ago, and the signs on the facade are still very new.

After parking the car, the two just walked into the store when they heard "Welcome".

The chubby store owner greeted him and said with a warm smile, "What do you two want to buy?"

Glancing around, he could see everything in the store, and it didn't look like a cult organization that could hide feudal superstition.

Xue Meng murmured to Jiang Greed in a low voice: "It's a waste of time."

Then he took out his work card and explained the situation to the owner.

Hearing that his shop was reported to be engaged in feudal superstition, the owner of the shop was a little stunned at first, and then said helplessly: "I just sell some transfer beads, how come I got involved in feudal superstition and heresy?"

"Luck bead?"

"Yes, these bracelets and necklaces are all made of fortune stones."

The owner of the store picked up a bunch of bracelets and showed them to them: "Hey, it's actually a gimmick."

This bracelet is strung together with translucent milky white beads. The surface of the beads is tinged with red, which is very beautiful.

Apart from this bracelet, other jewelry in the store are also made of this cream-colored transfer stone with red silk.

Jiang Li also picked up a bunch and looked at it. This fortune stone is really beautiful, with a clear and moist surface, and it will feel soft after touching it for a long time.

The two walked around the store and found nothing wrong.

Xue Meng spread his hands and said: "It's okay, let's go back."

The two were about to go back home, and before leaving, the owner of the store smiled and took two men's bracelets to give them. Xue Meng refused, but the shop owner said that he had caused them trouble and had to accept it.

In the end, Xue Meng saw that the bracelet looked good, so he simply paid for it and bought it with Jiang Li.

The owner of the store watched them leave with a smile on his face, and said: "I wish you good luck, and welcome to visit next time."

The author has something to say:

A certain dragon without a name: I am on my way, and I will arrive in the next chapter.


Draw 100 red envelopes, everyone!

Chapter 7

After coming out of the store, Xue Meng was still a little speechless: "There are really too many such blind reports, and we can't ignore them, so we can only run for nothing like this."

"Just serve the people." Jiang Greed said with a smile.

He was still holding the bead string in his hand, and the bead string was held in his hand for a long time, and it became slightly hot. The soft and warm touch on the surface gave him a very familiar feeling for a moment. I just tried to recall it again, but I couldn't remember anything.

He lifted the string of beads and looked at the light. The material of the beads didn't look like jade, let alone ordinary stones. He said to himself: "What material is this bead made of?"

Xue Meng heard it and said: "It's so cheap, it's either a stone or man-made glass, right? But it looks pretty good. Didn't the owner say it's a fortune stone? Maybe it can really bring people good luck. "

Unexpectedly, Jiang Li shook his head solemnly: "It is a lie to talk about changing fate. A person's luck is closely related to himself. It is not as useful to expect foreign things to change his fortune as to memorize the core values of socialism every day. The righteousness on his body With more energy, the evil spirits dare not approach, and the fortune will naturally go up."

Seeing Xue Meng's expression that you are not teasing me, he said again: "And there are gains and losses in everything. If you get something that does not belong to you, you will naturally have to exchange it with something of equivalent value. The same is true for luck Yes. There's no such thing as pie in the sky."

Xue Meng rubbed his chin and looked at him. He didn't know whether he listened or not, and said with a smile: "Jiang Xiaolu, you look like Uncle Zhou. Uncle Zhou often tells us these great principles."

Seeing that Jiang Li wanted to say something else, he quickly hugged Jiang Li's shoulders and walked towards the parking place with a playful smile: "I understand everything you said, I just made random comparisons, and I didn't expect money to fall from the sky—"

His words stopped abruptly when he saw a stack of money on the ground.

"It's not so evil, is it?"

Xue Meng subconsciously glanced at the beads on his wrist, then at the pink Grandpa Mao lying on the ground, and turned to Jiang Li with his eyes wide open, saying, "Is there really money in the sky?"

Jiang Greed frowned and picked up the money on the ground. There are eight cards in total, and the amount is not large, but the timing is a bit weird.

He looked at the beads on his wrist, but he didn't find anything wrong, so he was puzzled for a while.

But Xue Meng was surprised, and immediately relieved: "Is it a coincidence? There just happened to be a duty booth at the place where I came here just now. Why don't you hand over the money first, maybe the owner will come back to look for it."

After talking, the two prepared to turn back and hand over the money they picked up to the guard booth. Halfway there, I ran into an unexpected acquaintance.

"Should Qiao?"

Jiang Greed looked at Ying Qiao who had just gotten off the silver-gray luxury car, and called out in doubt.

Ying Qiao happened to come here with Chen Hua to investigate something, but unexpectedly ran into Jiang Li. His expression froze for a moment, and he quickly walked forward naturally: "Why are you here?"

Jiang Li was still thinking about the luxury car, and replied blankly: "The street office received a report from the masses, let's come over to check the situation."

Ying Qiao looked down at the work card hanging around his neck, and smiled faintly.

"Coincidentally, I also came out with the boss."

The frantically knotted string in Jiang Li's head was immediately straightened out: "So that car belongs to your boss..."

Ying Qiao nodded without changing his face: "Of course it belongs to the boss, otherwise how could I afford it."

Chen Hua who just stepped forward: "..."

He looked at Jiang Lu, then at Ying Qiao, then at Jiang Lu... His eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, and he said in a drawn-out voice, "Xiao Ying, this is your... friend what?"

He also deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "friend".

Ying Qiao frowned, and turned to look at him with a smile, with a warning in his eyes: "Yes, Mr. Chen."

In just four words, it seemed to pop out from between the teeth.

Chen Hua looked confidently at Jiang Greed with great interest. The other party had a work badge from the street office, and looked like an ordinary office worker in his attire... But Ying Qiao's eyes were higher than the top, but he had never made such an ordinary friend.

He guessed that this cute-looking young man was probably the little lion clan monster who had a blind date with Ying Qiao and talked about it.

Ignoring Ying Qiao's warning, he looked at Jiang Li with a smile: "Xiao Ying is good in everything, but his temper is too bad, it's hard for you to be friends with him."


Jiang Greed looked at Chen Hua blankly, not understanding why the leader suddenly began to speak ill of Ying Qiao, shouldn't the employees he can bring out be excellent

However, he subconsciously defended Ying Qiao: "No, Ying Qiao has a good temper and is good to friends."

It's just too much money.

But he didn't say this.

Chen Hua's eyes flickered, and he wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly he felt a chill behind him, and Ying Qiao approached him calmly, like the sound of mosquitoes reaching his ears: "Say one more word!" , I’ll take your skin off when you go back.”

Chen Hua is a painted skin demon, and Ying Qiao said skinning, that is real skinning.

Not as strong as others, he clicked his tongue in boredom, and could only give up the gossip regretfully: "I still have something to do when I come out today. When you are free some other day, Xiao Jiang, you can come to our company to play."

After speaking, he quickly stuffed a business card to him, then turned around and slipped away.

"I still have something to do today, so I'll make a dinner appointment with you another day." Ying Qiao looked down at him and said.

Jiang Greed nodded in response.

After the people left, Xue Meng immediately yelled: "Fuck, that car costs more than 8 million yuan? Your friend is a moron?"

"That car belonged to his boss, he's a beater.