We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 92


Face-saving: "Mr. Zhang may have misunderstood the boss."

"Misunderstanding?" Bi An hehe: "Ying Long's glorious deeds can't be counted on both hands, so you think it's a misunderstanding."

Chen Hua looked at him innocently, thinking, do I think so

I don't want to either, but I'm just a paid social animal.

The two were silent all the way, Chen Hua led him into the conference room, opened the door slowly, and secretly prayed that they would not fight as soon as they met.

Fortunately, the two only exchanged eyes for a moment, and Bi An stretched out his hand first: "I haven't seen you for a long time, has Mr. Ying's bald tail hair grown out? Do you need me to recommend hair growth cream?"

"The old injury has healed long ago, so don't worry about it." Ying Qiao didn't even stretch out his hand, and smiled subtly: "I know Mr. Zhang is coming, so I asked Chen Hua to buy some lemons. How many will Mr. Zhang come?"

Chen Hua:? ?

When did you ask me to buy lemons

He stood quietly aside, his eyebrows lowered, pretending to be an ornament.

The two of you come and go, and no one takes advantage of it. In the end, Bi An sat down first, and there was a hint of gritted teeth in his laughter: "Let's talk about business first."

The author has something to say:

Bi An: It's a big deal!

Longlong: Lemon essence!


Congratulations to Longlong and his fourth brother-in-law for completing the historic meeting!

See you at the second watch, I have to go out today, so the watch will be late.

Chapter 63

Before the official interview, the two parties had already discussed the cooperation matters. This time, Bi An came forward, and only needed to refine and finally confirm the contract content.

He flipped through the draft contract, secretly wanting to find a few clauses to find fault with, but the person who made the contract was obviously very careful, avoiding all potentially ambiguous clauses, and the price and content of the cooperation had already been confirmed in advance , I can't find anything wrong with it.

Bi An put the contract aside, glanced at the person who made the contract, and said eccentrically, "Mr. Ying has Assistant Chen as his right-hand man, so I must have saved a lot of worry."

Ying Qiao clicked his tongue, raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course, the old partner naturally needs to cooperate tacitly. Mr. Zhang doesn't have to be too envious."

After speaking, he personally poured a cup of tea for Bi An and put it in front of him, smiling meaningfully: "Mr. Zhang is sour, this is lemon tea specially prepared for you. Mr. Zhang, see if it suits your appetite?"

Qu An: ...

He lowered his face, his eyes fixed on Ying Qiao coldly.

Ying Qiao returned her provocative gaze, and glanced in Chen Hua's direction as if there was nothing in it.

Bi An picked up the cup and drank it down, said angrily, "What about the formal contract? Don't delay my flight at night."

"Mr. Zhang, wait a moment." Chen Hua methodically put away the draft contract, and took out another formal contract that had already been stamped with the official seal.

He stood by Bi An's side, and the knuckles of the hand that turned over the contract were distinct.

"Just stamp it here."

He tapped the position of Party B's company name, pressed his green fingertips on the contract paper, and his fingertips turned light red.

Bi An narrowed his eyes, took out his official seal and stamped it.

The contract was in quadruplicate, and they were completed one by one. Chen Hua put away two of them and handed them to Ying Qiao for review. He stood behind Ying Qiao, bowed slightly, in a posture waiting for instructions.

Ying Qiao looked through it and gave him both contracts: "Let the project team speed up the progress."

Chen Hua agreed, took the contract and left.

Bi An looked away bored and stood up: "The contract is finalized, so I will take my leave first."

Ying Qiao sat steadily, and said politely without distraction: "Do you need Assistant Chen to send Mr. Zhang off?"

Bi An paused for a moment, then glanced back at him with contempt in his eyes: "You can only rely on his loyalty, his picky eyes are really not very good."

Both of them knew who "he" was referring to.

Ying Qiao was happy to see his sour and helpless look, and said confidently, "If Mr. Zhang has the ability, he can also try to poach the wall."


The words were not speculative, and Bi An gave a cold snort, and pushed the door aggressively to go out.

Chen Hua just came back from the project team, and bumped into Bi An at the elevator entrance, and stepped forward to press the elevator for him out of the politeness of a partner: "Mr. Zhang, don't you want to sit down?"

"No, there is something else to do."

Chen Hua was considerate to guests: "Then I'll send Mr. Zhang a ride."

Seeing his polite smile, Bi An felt a little itchy at the root of his teeth, and couldn't help grinding his teeth,

The elevator door opened with a ding, and the two stepped in. Chen Hua always maintained a decent etiquette for hospitality, and took the initiative to stand in front of the elevator key and be in charge of the elevator switch.

"How much annual salary should Ying Long give you?" Bi An suddenly asked.

Chen Hua was slightly taken aback, and then reported a rough number.

"He is generous to you." Bi An grinned.

Chen Hua didn't understand what he was trying to say, and thought that I do two or three jobs by myself, and 997 is always on call. Isn't it normal that the salary is higher

On the surface, he remained polite: "The treatment of our company's employees is not bad."

"I'll give you double your annual salary."

Ying Long's words reminded Bi An, and he said slowly under Chen Hua's surprised eyes: "I happen to be short of an assistant."

Chen Huashi moved and refused: "Thank you Mr. Zhang for your love, I have no plans to change jobs for the time being."

In fact, it is because he not only has a high annual salary, but also has a share in the company that should be given to him.

But wealth can't be exposed, and being a demon has to be low-key.

The smile on Bi An's face faded, just as the elevator arrived at the lobby, he snorted again, without even saying goodbye, he strode out of the elevator.

Every time Chen Hua dealt with him, he never had a good face.

He didn't bother to inquire, and happily took the elevator upstairs to find Ying Qiao.

Ying Qiao was thinking of an excuse to ask Jiang Li to come out, but when he saw his happy face, he paused, and looked at him: "Fart, let go."

Chen Huamei danced happily: "Bi An just offered double annual salary to recruit me."

Ying 峤 has no interest: "Oh?"

Chen Hua calculated very well, and hinted: "I told him that the boss is going to give me a raise soon, and double the annual salary is no big deal." @无限好文,全在晋江文学城

"..." Ying Yan looked at him in a word.

After a while, he said, "It's not without reason that you are single."

Chen Hua:? ?

He was simply baffled: "It's fine if you don't raise your salary, why do you want to attack personally?"

Ying Qiao waved his hands like chasing away mosquitoes: "If you have nothing to do, get out, don't bother me."

Chen Hua had to scold and leave.


The faces of the way back were gloomy.

In fact, he and Chen Hua didn't have a deep friendship, but the circle of big monsters was only that big, and he was well-informed, and he often heard people mention that Ying Long had a capable subordinate. It can be called twenty-four filial subordinates, and everyone envies them every time they mention it.

Because of Peng Cheng's party and Ying Qiao's enmity, he hated each other.

It is really incomprehensible that with Yinglong's temperament, how can he have loyal subordinates

So at a certain banquet, he heard that this powerful general was also coming, and he went to watch it out of curiosity.

Then I saw others.

The Painted Skin Demon has a beautiful and good skin, but it is gorgeous and not bewitching, but has a sharp beauty. In fact, seriously, Chen Hua's age is not ranked high in the circle of big monsters. It is purely because he represents Ying Qiao that he is worthy of stepping into the threshold. But when he faced a group of big monsters, he was calm and comfortable.

Whether it's appearance or personality, they are all in line with Bi An's preferences.

It's a pity that they didn't know each other well, and later they only had some occasional intersections in business. Bi An had the intention of poaching the wall, but later he accidentally heard that Chen Hua had been loyal to Ying Long for so many years because he liked Ying Long, otherwise, who would be able to stand a boss like Ying Long

He thought carefully and felt very reasonable.

The person you like doesn't like you, this is the most common situation. But if he not only doesn't like you, but also likes your deadly enemy, and treats your deadly enemy like a cow, which can be called twenty-four filial piety, then it will be very annoying. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Just like Yinglong who used a microscope to search for seven days and seven nights but couldn't find a good point, what's so good about it

Why Chen Hua fell in love with such a thing is simply the top ten unsolved mysteries in Bi An's mind.

Seeing that they were almost home, Bi An adjusted his expression, not wanting his younger brothers to see that their fourth brother had just suffered a tragic accident in Waterloo.

He opened the door and went in, and saw Jiang Li was on the phone on the balcony, seeing him coming back, he hung up the phone and asked, "Why did you come back early?"

Bi An took off his wristwatch and threw it on the tea table. He fished Suan Ni over and hugged him in a bad mood, and threw himself into the sofa: "I met Ying Long, and my eyes got hot when I saw him, so I came back early."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Huh, Ying Long

Because Ying Qiao persevered in Amway, Jiang Greed became a little interested in Xianglong. He sat down beside Bi An, curiously asked: "Why do you hate Ying Long so much? Is he really so annoying?"

He briefly mentioned that Yinglong happened to pass by Sanshui Village and was eager to help.

Hearing Bi An sneer, he pinched Suan Ni's chubby paw and pointed at Jiang Greed: "Naive. It's the end of the world, and Ying Long will never be enthusiastic to help. Most likely he lost his temper that day because he was in a bad mood, and as a result It just happened to be a coincidence to cause a thunderstorm."

Jiang Li slowly opened his eyes.

"Why do you think I have such a big enmity with him? It's because I went to Pengcheng to deal with the two evil dragons. It was an urgent situation. He insisted that the scale care was not finished, and he had to wait until he finished before starting." Bi An sneered. Said: "Have you ever seen a male demon who regularly cares for scales and feathers? I have never seen a demon who is more sissy than him in my life."

Jiang Greed had a magical look on his face.

"I waited for him for three hours