We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 93


Only then did he finally set off for Pengcheng. The two evil dragons were not low in cultivation, and they were hiding in the sea. It took us a lot of effort to find the trace. I restrained one of them, and the other dived into the bottom of the sea when the situation was wrong. As a result, I felt that the sea was full of pollution. The blood was too dirty, and he refused to go into the sea. In the end, it took twice as much effort to stir up the sea water before forcing the evil dragon out. "

Bi An made a concluding speech: "It's impossible to expect such a person to be enthusiastic and helpful in this life. If you don't vent your anger and bring harm to the innocent people from the Demon Control Bureau, you will burn incense."

Jiang Greed's expression changed from OO to =. =, finally becomes orz.

He silently thought, as expected, Ying Qiao's fan filter is too strong.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Ying Long happened to be passing by Sanshui Village, and his eagerness to help did not make sense. First of all, he had already violated the regulations by exposing his true form in the city. Although the thunderstorm caused did destroy some of the ghost miasma, it also destroyed the baby tower. But if it wasn't him who was in the tower at that time, someone else might have been cold.

Thinking about it this way doesn't seem like a helpful person. A bad mood can explain it better.

He was influenced by Ying Qiao, and the little goodwill he had barely gained was gone.

Yinglong favorability -10.

Jiang Li has even started to worry about how to let Ying Qiao see the true face of the idol.

Ying Long is not worth it!

There are so many dragons, and the Dragon Palace accounts for most of them, so why not come and follow me.

The author has something to say:

Bi An: Every cause must bear fruit, your retribution is mine :)

Greedy cub: Yinglong is not worth it, it's better to be a gluttonous fan together!

Longlong:? ?


The second watch is coming!

Chapter 64

Bi An is a plane at night. The three brothers took him to the airport together.

Suan Ni was forcibly held in his arms by the fourth brother and flicked his tail very unhappy, but when he thought that he was leaving soon, his unrequited expression became a little more excited.

Bi An could see through his thoughts at a glance, tugged at his ears, and scolded: "Little heartless."

Suan Ni shook her ears, pursed her furry ears and hid them behind her head with a displeased face.

Anyway, he will leave immediately, he doesn't care!

Before leaving, Bi An thought that his younger brother was in the Demon Management Bureau with Ying Long, so he told Jiang Li to stay away from Ying Long, so that his cute and cute younger brother would not be deceived.

Seeing that Jiang Greed nodded and promised to avoid Ying Long, he left with confidence.

After sending Bi An away, Jiang Li took a taxi home, before it was time to go to bed, he began to think about how to gently and tactfully let Ying Qiao realize that Ying Long was not as good as he thought. Fan filters are really bad!

He held up his mobile phone and turned over the pancakes on the bed. After rolling for a while, he suddenly remembered that there was a place where he might find more black information about Ying Long—the official website of the Bureau of Demon Management.

The official website of the Demon Control Bureau can only be entered through a specific website. Like all official websites, the official website of the Demon Control Bureau is very simple. Apart from the basic introduction and personnel recruitment modules, the only remaining module is the announcement of punishment information.

Jiang Greed, as a good monster who talks about five things and four beauties, has never paid attention to this punishment announcement board.

The reason why he thought of this was because the news of Sanshui Village gave him inspiration. Ying Long exposed his true form in the city and was seen by many ordinary people, causing a wide range of discussions on the Internet. This is already a very serious violation. There must be a punishment announcement in the bureau.

He clicked in and scrolled down a few pages, and sure enough, he found Yinglong's punishment notice.

[Twenty points will be deducted for exposing the original form in a human city, destroying residential buildings, and causing major public opinion. ]

Jiang Greed quickly took a screenshot and saved it. After thinking about it, he didn't quit, and continued to scroll down. Sure enough, after turning two pages, he saw Ying Long's name again.

This time, five points were deducted for destroying public buildings and violating regulations.

Scrolling down, you can see Ying Long basically every one or two pages. All kinds of reasons for deduction of fancy points, five points, ten points, three points...

Jiang Li roughly added points, and found that according to Ying Long's deduction frequency, it should have exceeded 100 points long ago.

But he still stayed in Jiangcheng well, and was not forced to re-educate or be banned from activities in Jiangcheng.

Jiang Greed thought of Jiufeng who cherished the remaining 10 very much, and felt that there must be an unknown py transaction in it.

He saved all the screenshots of the punishment announcement he found, and then sent them all to Ying Qiao.

[Today I accidentally discovered that Ying Long's violation frequency is so high 0.0]

[Sanshui Village also violated the regulations that time, exposing the original shape and destroying the houses, and deducted 20 points. ]

[According to the 100 points, it should have been deducted long ago, but he is still staying in Jiangcheng, isn't it against the rules? ]

[I feel that what Ying Long described to you is very different, are you being cheated by him? 0.0]

Ying Qiao, whose WeChat alerts suddenly rang one after another, picked up the phone: …

He clicked on the punishment screenshot sent by Jiang Li, his face gradually darkened.

Every time the points were deducted before, it was all deducted. If the deduction is gone, then pay a large fine. Ying Qiao had never noticed that there was such a penalty announcement section on the official website.

And let the little monster see it.

Ying Qiao gradually felt a sense of shame of public execution.

And a little bit of frustration.

The impression that was finally reversed has fallen back to the bottom!

He thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how to explain these punishment announcements, and he couldn't pretend he didn't see it, so he could only reply dryly: [Ying Long may be more informal. ]

Jiang Li immediately replied to him: [I checked the punishment announcement section of the official website, and Taotie was never deducted too much. ]

He also said with emotion: "Sure enough, a monster cannot be judged by its appearance." ]

Ying Qiao: ...

Being stunned so much that she had nothing to say, Ying Qiao could only pretend to be asleep and put the news on play.

I hope that when I wake up tomorrow morning, the little monster can forget about this and change to a new topic.

But after thinking about it, he became angry and sent a message to Chen Hua, asking him what happened to the punishment announcement and whether it could be withdrawn.

Chen Hua expressed helplessness.

[What has been announced cannot be revoked. ]

Ying Qiao's face was pale: [Donate another sum to the bureau, I don't want to see myself in public announcements in the future. ]

Chen Hua replied well, but secretly murmured in his heart, how many years has it been since the public announcement, and now he knows that he is going to lose face

Don't do anything that violates the regulations if you really want to face it.

But he didn't dare to say that.

Jiang Greed waited for a long time with his mobile phone in his hand, seeing that Ying Qiao didn't reply any more, he guessed that he was still struggling to digest the facts.

Little fans see idols' stone hammer and black material like this, so they have to give him time to accept it.

Jiang Greed thoughtfully did not send any more messages.


@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

After work on Monday, Jiang Li and Xue Meng went to Qingyang Lake Park. The venue of the Dragon Boat Festival is Qingyang Lake, and the starting point is located in Qingyang Lake Park.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and the preparations for the Dragon Boat Festival are becoming more and more tense. Now the venue for the competition is already being built.

When Jiang Li and Xue Meng passed by, the workers were building the venue, and there were still a few dragon boats practicing in the lake. The scene was busy and cheering, and there were many tourists who came to the park for morning exercises to watch.

The staff member who was in contact with them was Jiang Feiyang, who was about the same age as Jiang Li and the others, and had a very lively personality. Seeing the work badges hung by Jiang Li and the others, he gave them two bottles of mineral water, winked his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Are you the warriors who solved the strange case of Sanshui Village?"

The names of the two were blurred in the news reports, but they were commended in the system. Those who pay attention can naturally guess it.

Jiang Feiyang is obviously a caring one.

Xue Meng snorted, and had already chatted familiarly: "It's all luck, we almost couldn't come back."

He hooked shoulders with Jiang Feiyang and talked nonsense, which made people stunned. When the story of The Adventures of Sanshui Village was finished, the two seemed to be good brothers who had been separated for many years.

Xue Meng asked at this time: "What are we going to do?"

Jiang Feiyang said proudly: "We are in charge of the venue, and it's almost done. But on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the leader must be invited to speak, and the police are also needed to maintain order to avoid accidents." He paused, and said with a smile: " I haven't had much contact with the big leaders in the district and the system of the Public Security Bureau... "

Xue Meng heard the string song and knew the elegance: "Then we will be responsible for contacting these two pieces."

The leader of the speech at the Dragon Boat Festival can ask Director Cheng or Uncle Zhou for help, these two are very comfortable in the system. As for the public security system... Xue Meng touched Jiang Li's shoulder: "Are you familiar with the police station?"

He remembered that the Caiyang District Bureau had sent a pennant and a letter of thanks to Jiang Li.

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed took the initiative to take the job: "I can go and communicate with them."

There was no rush for these two matters, so Jiang Greed and Xue Meng went to familiarize themselves with the general process under Jiang Feiyang's leadership.

Jiang Feiyang introduced: "This is the first Dragon Boat Festival. The leader means that it will be a grand and lively place. We have recruited eight dragon boat teams for the district. The registered dragon boat teams are enough. The dragon boats are too simple. , we intend to get a few more imposing dragon boats to support the scene, but the funds are too small... "

The Dragon Boat Festival is funded by sponsors. But because it was the first session, they hadn't gained much fame yet, so naturally they couldn't get any rich sponsorship. The funds are mainly used for competition prizes and venue layout, and the rest can only be frugal.

Standing by the lake, Xue Meng saw that the narrow dragon boats in the lake were indeed a bit old, and the trainees paddled very hard. Although it was training, the teams were secretly wrestling.

Because it was a working day, the participating players did not come together, and the team was not neat, which seemed a bit