We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 94



"The red one is the team from Jiangcheng University, the green one is the peasant team from the nearby village, and the blue one is the military team..." Jiang Feiyang introduced them one by one, and finally pointed to a yellow boat and said, "You must not have guessed that the team members are What are you doing, we specially invited you here to create topicality."

Xue Meng observed it and found nothing special, so he asked cooperatively: "What's so special?"

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Feiyang was mysterious: "They are all members of the Jiangcheng corpse hunting team."

Xue Meng said: "I've heard of it!"

Jiangcheng is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There are many rivers and lakes. Every year, countless people fall into the water and drown and go missing. The Jiangcheng Corpse Salvage Squad, which is in charge of salvaging corpses, has always been a frequent visitor to Jiangcheng's urban legends. There are more than a dozen members of the corpse hunting team, some old and some young, and it is said that they were all brought out one by one from master to apprentice.

They salvage corpses in the Jiangli River in Jiangcheng and its surrounding areas all year round, some are hired by private individuals, and some cooperate with the government and the police. It is said that they have a set of salvage methods passed down by word of mouth. As long as they are willing to spend money, there will be no corpses that they cannot catch.

However, the most famous thing about the Jiangcheng corpse hunting team is that their captain went down the river alone without any diving equipment, and fished up the corpse of a young girl standing in the water.

The Corpse Retrieval Team deals with the dead all year round, which is equivalent to wandering between Yin and Yang, and there are many taboos and taboos.

Among them, the most famous are the three no-fishing: do not fish in thunderstorms; do not fish for corpses standing in the water; do not fish for corpses that cannot be recovered three times.

In addition, they have many taboos, such as young female corpses, which are also very taboo by corpse hunters.

And the corpse that made the corpse hunting team famous in the first battle was the corpse of a young girl standing in the water. At that time, the girl's parents called the police and said that the girl had been missing for four or five days. The police couldn't find it. It was because the girl's mother dreamed that her daughter said that the water was so cold that they changed their target and found the body in the park lake where the girl lived. But at that time, the condition of the girl's body was very strange. When the police went to retrieve the body, various accidents occurred frequently, and there was no way to get the body up. Some old people said that the girl probably died unjustly and had resentment. The police contacted the corpse recovery team and asked the corpse recovery team to help get the corpse up.

But after the corpse-hunting team came to see it, no one dared to go into the water. In the end, the leader of the corpse hunting team personally entered the water. It is said that he was alone in a boat, with a big rooster tied to the boat, and worshiped the world for half an hour. After that, he went into the water for 20 minutes without any diving equipment, and finally successfully brought the body up.

Later, when the forensic doctor did an autopsy, the girl really died of homicide.

The reputation of the Jiangcheng corpse hunting team spread like this, and many people were both afraid and curious about them.

No wonder Jiang Feiyang said that he specially invited them here to create buzz.

The author has something to say:

Greedy Zai: What are the favorites of Yinglong French Coffee? Fan gluttonous, the new era is a law-abiding monster!

Longlong: ... (choked up)


I've been waiting for a long time, today is too slow orz

Draw 100 red envelopes!

The update that has been held back for a long time, see you at night!

Chapter 65

Although the Corpse Hunting Team is legendary, the players participating in the dragon boat race are no different from ordinary people. They shouted "Hey, Hey, Hey", and the paddles rowed across the lake in a very fast speed. The other teams obviously have an advantage. At present, only the army can compete with them.

The three of them watched by the lake for a while, and suddenly someone called Jiang Feiyang from the other side of the venue, Jiang Feiyang responded and went over first.

Jiang Greed and Xue Meng strolled idly by the shore. Xue Meng pulled a weed and put it in his mouth, and said happily: "It's such a happy day, I don't know if anyone will open the market this time, the team's winning rate should be quite high."

"The young man is quite discerning."

As soon as Xue Meng's voice fell, a slightly rough voice followed his words.

The two turned their heads when they heard the sound, and the person who spoke was standing behind them, who should have just arrived. He is a burly boy, half a head taller than Jiang Li, with a beard and a little rough appearance, but he should not be very old by appearance, only in his twenties.

His personality is much more kind than his appearance, and he took the initiative to introduce: "Guan Shui, the big brother of those bastards."

Xue Meng, a young sociable person, chatted with others again: "So it's the big brother of the corpse hunting team? I've known you for a long time, why didn't Captain Guan come?"

Captain Guan is the captain of the corpse hunting team who became famous in the first battle and became the protagonist of many supernatural stories.

Guan Shui said: "Master is old and doesn't like to get involved in these things. Let me take them out to exercise their muscles and bones."

Xue Meng was disrespectful, and said in a low voice: "The handicap should not be opened yet? It is estimated that there are many people betting on you."

Guan Shui showed a knowing smile: "That's right, we brothers have spent a year on the water to make a living, so there must be some real work under our hands."

He is very proud of his work in words.

Jiang Li was a little surprised by his attitude.

He had read some news reports about corpse hunters. Unlike the Jiangcheng corpse hunters, which were so lively and lively, most corpse hunters were lone rangers, or small teams of only two people. They have been fishing for corpses in the water for a year, and they have little contact with living people. Ordinary people don't like to associate with them very much. They think they are unlucky, and they are usually reluctant to invite their relatives to hold banquets. The work of corpse hunters is hard, stressful, and dangerous. Most of them are inherited from their fathers or passed on from master to apprentice, and it is very difficult to maintain.

In recent years, the government has been intentionally guiding the establishment of standardized private emergency salvage organizations, but not everyone is qualified for this job, so the industry of corpse salvage is actually declining day by day.

But judging from Guan Shui's words and deeds, the other party is very proud of his profession. There are also quite a few members of the corpse hunting team, and the development seems to be good.

For such a situation, although Jiang Greed is only an outsider, he is still happy for them, and he has a better impression of them. Therefore, I kindly reminded: "You can bring pets during training, but it is best not to bring them during official competitions, so as not to be misunderstood by the referees for cheating."

"What pet?" Guan Shui was stunned: "We don't have any pets!"

Seeing his stunned expression, Jiang Greed was also a little confused. From the moment they came over, a large turtle had been following the corpse-hunting team's dragon boat. The shell on its back was about half a meter long, with a pointed head, and it had been quietly following the corpse-hunting team.

A turtle of such a large size was following the side of the boat, and the team members on it could not have missed it. Jiang Li took it for granted that it was a pet raised by the corpse hunting team.

After all, according to the reports, some corpse hunters are too lonely, and they will keep black dogs or turtles and other water animals for company. @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

But Guan Shui's expression was too startled, and Jiang Li realized that he had misunderstood, pointing to the bottom of the dragon boat and said, "It's a big turtle that has been following your boat."

Xue Meng was still looking hard into the water, and said strangely: "Why didn't I see..."

Guan Shui suddenly strode to the edge of the lake, holding on to the railing and yelling in a panic, "Go ashore! Go ashore!"

After he finished shouting, he whistled a long whistle, which was extremely loud. Like a signal, the yellow dragon boat that was running at the forefront suddenly changed direction and quickly docked. The other dragon boat teams couldn't figure out the situation, thinking that something happened, they rowed nervously to the shore for a while.

Others yelled towards the shore, "What happened?"

Jiang Li and Xue Meng didn't know what happened, they could only watch the dragon boat team in training approach the shore one after another, and the team members jumped ashore in a hurry.

There was so much movement here that Jiang Feiyang was startled, and he hurried over: "What's wrong? What happened? Who was calling just now?"

The others stared wide-eyed, bewildered.

Jiang Greed and Xue Meng looked at Guan Shui together.

Guan Shui showed an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but our team has something urgent to do, so we have to go back."

He was tall and thick, and apologized politely one by one. When the others saw this, they didn't bother to let it go any longer, they just said it was a false alarm, and went back to continue training one after another.

On the contrary, the nearly ten team members who came down had solemn expressions, and there was still anxiety and fear that could not be concealed.

But before Guan Shui made a sound, none of them spoke first. They all stood there quietly waiting for instructions.

"Sorry." Guan Shui's expression was no longer as relaxed as before, and there was a solemn look between his brows. He still said the same to Jiang Li and the others: "There is urgent work in the team, let's go first."

After speaking, a group of people left in a mighty manner.

The second monk Xue Mengzhang couldn't figure it out: "Where is the turtle? Why didn't I see it? Is a turtle so scary?"

Jiang Greed also didn't understand: "Maybe it's against their taboo?"

Xue Meng thought about it, too. There are so many strange taboos and rules among the corpse hunters. It is said that they have to bring a rooster every time they go into the water. If they catch the corpse, they have to kill the rooster to sacrifice to the river god.

Thinking about it this way, it's not so strange to run away when you see a turtle.

This was just a small episode, neither of them paid much attention to it. After a leisurely morning and having lunch under Jiang Feiyang's warm hospitality, Jiang Li and Xue Meng went to find Wang Qing in the afternoon, and wanted him to lead a connection so that the Public Security Bureau would send someone to meet the Dragon Boat Festival. security matters.

Since the Sao Qingniang incident, Wang Qing has not been in touch with Jiang Li for a while, seeing Jiang Li who came to the door was very enthusiastic