We Monsters Are Not Allowed to Be Single

Chapter 97


He suddenly raised his voice: "What nonsense are you talking about? These turtles are chasing me and biting me, how do I know why?"

After speaking, he limped away.

Jiang Greed looked at his back, and said softly, "Old turtles hold grudges the most. If you really provoke them, you'd better not go to the water again."

The stumbling figure of the man paused, turned around and gave Jiang Greed a vicious look, before limping away again.

Ying Qiao looked at his back and sneered: "You can't stop people from dying."

Jiang Greed just kindly reminded that since the other party didn't appreciate it, he wouldn't chase after him to be the savior. He nodded in agreement and said, "You're right."

A good date ended prematurely because of this accident.

When sending the person back to the community, the two lollipops in Ying Qiao's pocket were finally given away.

Jiang Greed took the candy, and two small dimples appeared on his cheeks.

Ying Qiao looked down at him, his eyes became softer and tenderer, he actually had a lot to say, but when it came to his lips, there was only one sentence left: "Good night."

Just wait, he thought.

Jiang Gree said good night to him, and walked into the community with Suan Ni and Jiao Tu in his arms. After walking a few steps, I don't know why I suddenly looked back. At the gate of the community, Ying Qiao was still standing there looking at him. The dim streetlights had coated him with a layer of fluffy plating, and the corners of his mouth were still slightly curved. .

Seeing him turn around, Ying Qiao waved to him again.

Jiang Greed smiled at him, turned around and continued walking into the community, but a series of small bubbles of joy suddenly popped up in his heart.

He didn't know how to describe this feeling, it was that the whole person was light and light, and the uncontrollable joy burst out continuously, flattering, as if he was finally full and not hungry.

Although he was hungry every day, he didn't know how happy he was when he was full.

But he just felt that it should be very happy.


The next day, Jiang Li and Xue Meng stayed in the office, and Zhang Tianxing and Xiao Xiaoyu went to the venue instead.

With the lollipop that should have been given to him last night in his mouth, Jiang Greed was humming a song that was out of tune while writing a report.

Both Suanni and Jiaotu were basking in the sun on the small cushions on the window sill, and with them was the big golden pearl that has been favored recently. The two brothers lay face to face, with the big pearl in the middle, you dial it over, and I dial it over again, life is very comfortable and decadent.

One morning passed at work, and in the afternoon Wang Qing suddenly called Jiang Li, saying that a friend had encountered something that might have something to do with spirits, and asked Jiang Li if he had time to take a look.

"My friend's name is Guan Shui. He's a nice guy. He's from the Jiangcheng Corpse Hunting Team. He helped us a lot before." Wang Qing said, "I didn't want to bother you, but this matter is really a bit mysterious. They all suspect that they met a ghost." Yes, there are still people in the team who were injured by the attack. If you are willing to come, they will pay you. If you don’t want to, forget it, I will find a reason to push it away.”

"Guan Shui?" Unexpectedly, this could be related in a roundabout way. Jiang Li laughed and said, "I met him once. Give him my phone number and let him go to Qingyang Lake Park tomorrow."

Hearing that the two knew each other, Wang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and after thanking him, recommended Jiang Li's WeChat account to Guan Shui.

When Guan Shui heard him mention Qingyang Lake Park, he vaguely felt a little strange, but when he saw Jiang Li the next day, he suddenly realized: "It turns out that the master Wang Qing was talking about is you."

Jiang Greed smiled, and asked again: "I heard that someone in the team was injured? When did it happen? Was it bitten by a turtle?"

When it came to business, Guan Shui's expression became more dignified.

"It happened after I went back the day before yesterday. You said that you saw a turtle by the dragon boat. I was worried that something might happen, so I quickly called everyone back. I thought that if I went back to the team, I would be fine if I didn't go into the water, but I didn't expect Zhang Zi When we were pointing the boat on the shore, a big turtle jumped out of the water and bit his leg, if Zhang Zi hadn’t reacted quickly and stabbed the turtle down with the boat pole, he was almost dragged into the water.”

Although his tone was fairly calm, he was still a little apprehensive when he mentioned the big turtle. Frowning, he said, "I've never seen such a big turtle. Its flippers are as big as a human's palm, its neck is as thick as a human's neck, and its mouth can engulf a human leg. A piece of meat was bitten off Zhang Zi's calf. He's still lying in the hospital now."

Jiang Greed frowned: "Didn't you get hurt at night?"

Guan Shui shook his head: "No, Zhang Zi was injured. Master and I sent him to the hospital. Everyone else was shocked and should stay in the dormitory at night."

Jiang Greed then told what happened the night before, and also described the man's appearance.

The more Guan Shui heard it, the more ugly his face became, his brows were knotted, and his beard was shaking: "That's Zheng Yu. After returning home the day before yesterday, he asked for leave and said he had something to do to go home..." @无限好文,全在晋江文学city

In the end, I had something to do when I went home, but it turned into a sneaky trip to the river to catch turtles.

Jiang Li didn't need to say much, he also discovered the problem.

The author has something to say:

Greedy Zai: It's a feeling of heartbeat.


It's a pity that Longlong doesn't know yet!

The second is a bit later in 1551,

My neck started to hurt again, as if it wasn't my own!

Chapter 68

Because some members of the team had an accident, the corpse hunting team did not come to participate in the training today, only Guan Shui came to Qingyang Lake Park alone.

He called Zheng Yu, and the call got through, but no one answered.

After repeating it several times, he turned off the phone with an ugly face: "I can't reach anyone, Zheng Yu's family is not in Jiangcheng, and I can't find him for the time being."

Jiang Greed nodded understandingly, and seeing his black eyes and chapped lips, he handed him the mineral water he had brought: "Let's talk about what happened first, those turtles can't follow you for no reason."

Guan Shui took the water, thanked him, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank two big gulps before trying to organize his words: "Actually, I can't tell what happened, I came back from the water about half a month ago. Afterwards, we began to find turtles following us."

"The turtle is very big, we have never seen such a big wild turtle, we joked at that time that we wanted to catch it and eat it." He unconsciously turned the mineral water bottle and recalled: "Master also reprimanded us for not knowing taboos. Such a big wild turtle must have become a spirit, and those of us who live on the water and deal with the dead are most afraid of messing with things in the water, which is unlucky."

"Master was afraid that we would accidentally offend the old turtle, so he asked us to kill a chicken and throw it into the water as an apology. Afterwards, the turtle didn't show up for two days. We thought everything was fine, but on the third day, the turtle came out again. They came. They didn’t do anything. They just followed us when we entered the water.” He paused, and smiled wryly, “But that’s it, it’s scary. Such a big turtle, let alone water Here, you can’t take it even if you are on the shore, let alone in the water. Once I went into the water to retrieve the corpse, and when I came up with the corpse, I turned around and saw a turtle the size of a millstone quietly looking at me. , less than half a meter away from me."

He made a gesture, and the fear at that time still remained on his expression: "It's so close, I feel that there are emotions in its eyes, just like people, it's scary."

"They just followed? They didn't attack people?" Jiang Greed interjected.

Guan Shui shook his head: "It was like this at the beginning, they just followed the boat. We saw that they were not aggressive, and it was summer and there was a lot of work, so we went into the water as usual. The first time they attacked people, it should be a week A few days ago, Zhang Zi and I went to the river to fish for a floating corpse. The floating corpse was washed down from the upper reaches, and the corpse got stuck in the crevice of the reef. Zhang Zi went into the water to move it, and I was on top to respond. As a result, Zhang Zi went down for a long time without any movement , I was worried and went into the water, only to find that he was being bitten by two turtles and dragged to the bottom of the river. I went to pull him in a hurry, but the two turtles let go, so I pulled Zhang Zi up."

"Probably since then, we discovered that turtles would attack people. Zhang Zi, Zheng Yu, and three other team members were all attacked by turtles. Zhang Zi and Zheng Yu were the most seriously injured. Master was worried that something might happen to us, so he forbade us recently. If we go into the water again, the most we can do is to use tools to retrieve the corpses on the boat.”

Guan Shui sighed, with a bitter expression on his face: "But we can't go on like this forever. Now people in the team are in a state of panic, and no one dares to go into the water, and there is no way to complete the work they receive. There is no income in the team. Every day is just a waste of time. They're throwing money away."

@无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Jiang Greed thought for a while and asked, "Is Zhang Zi still in the hospital?"

Guan Shui nodded: "Yes, the bite wound on his leg was serious, we were worried about infection, so we sent him to the hospital temporarily."

"Then go and see him first." Jiang Greed said, "These turtles have a process from following you to attacking people, and they are not indiscriminate attacks. They are more like targeting certain people."

Guan Shui pondered for a while, thinking of Zhang Zi and Guan Shui who were the most seriously injured: "You mean that the turtle may only be targeting them two?"

"It's just a guess for the time being," Jiang Greed said, "Think about it carefully, when the injured team members are not present, will these turtles still follow you? Or will they still hurt people?"

Guan Shui recalled it carefully, then shook his head and said: "Our salvage work is always in a team, either two or three, and they are never absent." He hesitated: "But to be honest, the other three The injured players were all injured when they teamed up with Zhang Zi and Zheng Yu."

Jiang Greed showed a thoughtful expression and said: "The turtle is likely to target the two of them, and everyone else was implicated."

off water bite