We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 100: Good news is also bad news


When he stepped forward, Yuan Zhan realized that he thought too much.

The two young people who talked to Yan Jingxi treated him with respect and gratitude.

The three of them were drinking beer, and they were relatively restrained. They only thought they were drinking drinks. Obviously, they were talking about things.

When Yuan Zhan and Du Zhisen came in, they were ready to pay the bill and leave. The two young people saw that Yan Jingxi's friend was coming, and immediately said goodbye to Yan Jingxi and left, giving up their seats to Yuan Zhan and Du Zhisen. There are a lot of guests at the bar tonight, okay The location is still difficult to find.

One of the young people said: "Mr. Yan, we will report to you if there is any progress."

Yan Jingxi: "Well, go back first."

The two left together with their heads lowered, until Yuan Zhan sat down and didn't see their faces clearly. They didn't look like Yan Jingxi's subordinates, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Since it had nothing to do with him, Yuan Zhan never thought to inquire about his private affairs.

"What to drink?" Yan Jingxi asked the two of them, as if they were just friends and there was nothing else messing about.

To explain one thing, his current feelings and emotions are very well concealed, but it also makes Yuan Zhan feel comfortable and natural.

Du Zhisen was also welcome and ordered the cocktail he wanted. He turned around and asked Yuan Zhan what he wanted to drink.

Yan Jingxi blurted out: "He drinks Margarita."

Yuan Zhan: "Margaret."

The two spoke one after the other, and Du Zhisen felt that he had been sprinkled with a handful of dog food.

Yuan Zhan felt strange, Yan Jingxi didn't even know that the original owner would be allergic to shrimp before, how could he suddenly know today that he likes to drink margaritas, the strange thing is that he is the one who likes to drink margaritas, not original owner.

Yan Jingxi didn't intend to explain, he only received Yuan Zhan's surprised gaze, he was satisfied as long as the effect was achieved, he felt that it was a secret between the two of them, no one knew about it, and he could secretly secretly rejoice. Once sure everything that happened in his dream could be real.

If things go on like this, those dreams may be their previous lives.

It turned out that Yuan Zhanqi was really his lover in his last life, and he was sure of it by ordering the drink.

Since the dream appeared, the Yuan Zhanqi he saw, no matter which action or smile he saw, was exactly the same as him in the dream. The only thing he regretted was that Yuan Zhanqi did not have the memory in his dream.

No, it can't be used, it's too cruel, just let him know about those past events, let him pave the way for Yuan Zhanqi in the future, give what he wants, and support his career to the end.

If someone obstructs, this time, he will fight to the end with his life.

After this little incident today, Yan Jingxi will not reject more and more dreams again, because these dreams have become his memories.

Yuan Zhan and Du Zhisen went to the hotel to drink for entertainment. The friendship between the two has not yet reached the point where they can talk about everything. For Du Zhisen, Yuan Zhan is more on the defensive, and the contact is only to learn more about the plot.

But in fact, Yuan Zhan didn't get any information about Bai Yueguang from Du Zhisen's mouth, and he felt that the original book was too complicated. It can only help him push to meet his fiancé.

Manpower is still limited.

The three of them have their own thoughts, but they chat casually on the face, and there is no fixed topic.

Since Yuan Zhan and Yan Jingxi are ex-husbands, Du Zhisen is not easy to talk about their relationship. He found that Yan Jingxi would occasionally glance at Yuan Zhan, and Yuan Zhan would also look down at Yan Jingxi when he was listening to the song. The two people who care about them actually care about each other very much in their hearts.

Yan Jingxi is actually very suspicious of Du Zhisen. Who was responsible for the car accident back then? Why is Du Zhisen not involved with Bai Yueguang now, but instead often appears in his and Yuan Zhanqi's line of sight

Du Zhisen's appearance made Yan Jingxi wonder, what special situation does he have? It seems that it is really necessary to find someone to investigate Du Zhisen.

Near twelve o'clock, the three of Yan Jingxi were a little embarrassed to chat, so they went back to their rooms.

Du Zhisen got off the elevator first, Yan Jingxi and Yuan Zhan were both on the same floor.

Yan Jingxi walked out of the elevator with Yuan Zhan as if nothing had happened, and even grabbed the attention of others. He asked Yuan Zhan a little surprised, "So we are on the same floor. What room are you in?"

Yuan Zhan looked at his card number: "1908."

Yan Jingxi pretended to look at his card number: "I'm 1906."

Yuan Zhan thought to himself, this is too coincidental, a god-like plot.

Opening the door of the room, Yuan Zhan went in directly: "Okay, good night."

Yan Jingxi: "Good night."

After Yuan Zhan closed the door, Yan Jingxi swiped his card expressionlessly and entered the room.

When the door closed automatically and the card was inserted into the deck, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

There are so many coincidences in the world, they are all arranged by his room.

At first, Yan Jingxi didn't think that the organizer would invite Yuan Zhanqi. After seeing the list of participants, he arranged everything, the flight number and seat number of the plane, and even the hotel. Of course, he did a good job. Don't let Yuan Zhanqi have the possibility to notice, he may not think that he will bother to start with the details, just to meet him more times and brush his sense of existence.

I don't ask Yuan Zhanqi to accept his feelings immediately, but I want to change the image in Yuan Zhanqi's mind. The matter with Bai Yueguang is not his original intention. Many things are not under his control, including the nearly 30 years he has lived.

Since he started dreaming every night, he has gradually been able to control his thinking and behavior. Yan Jingxi doesn't know what force is stopping him, but he knows that he is no longer subject to the resistance, and now he is afraid that Yuan Zhanqi also has this kind of resistance. A terrible force obstructs his future and controls the trajectory of his future life.

The first day of the conference was held at the local international center and was packed.

Internet bigwigs gave speeches on stage one after another, each one being more witty and humorous than the last.

Yuan Zhan's position is still in the front, just in the first ten rows. He can see the people on the stage clearly. After a day, he has benefited a lot. Even before he came across, he didn't learn as much as he did today. It is the first time to start a business, and you still need to further study and gain a deep understanding of the industry you love.

When Yuan Zhan was seriously integrating into his new life and new career, a protagonist who couldn't talk about opened his own aura of protagonist in another place in the same city.

Some people just can't read it, such as Bai Yueguang.

Although no one invited him to the Internet conference, there will be many anchors who follow the trend to the meeting city to start live broadcasts to gain popularity. As an emotional anchor, Bai Yueguang certainly doesn't want to miss this opportunity to make money. He also wants to Let the audience see another side of him, the last time the outdoor anchor was a bit of a failure, this time he must find his way back.

This time, Bai Yueguang's live broadcast room was not flooded with more open ways than the sudden appearance of his ex-fiancé, nor did he encounter something embarrassing during the live broadcast. This time, he obediently waited in line in front of the snack bar. I took my own grilled squid. However, I don’t know if it was because of luck or because of bad luck. Bai Yueguang was smashed by a flower pot that was blown down by the strong wind. The passerby immediately called an ambulance.

The assistant that Bai Yueguang had just invited was so anxious that he almost forgot to turn off the live broadcast mobile phone that fell on the ground, and was reminded by passers-by.

Fortunately, there is a hospital nearby. Bai Yueguang was taken to the hospital by the ambulance that arrived within a few minutes. The little assistant was crying with tears and snot all over the place. This happened only a week after he started working. Mood.

The assistant was first but Qi Youlin who had the best relationship with Bai Yueguang. The other party was recording songs and his phone was put away by his manager. He didn't receive his call immediately. Hours later.

It was neither Tai He nor Qi Youlin who came the fastest, but Yuan Gengzhe who had just returned to the Yuan family and received a 500,000 venture fund.

The incident of being smashed on the head by a flowerpot during the live broadcast will be reported as an anecdote by the news reporters as long as the protagonist is fine. Within an hour of Bai Yueguang entering the hospital, the news on the Internet is already overwhelming, and several anchors who came to City C together that day He also rushed directly into the hospital to wait for the results of Bai Yueguang's surgery.

The result was just a false alarm. Bai Yueguang looked at Bai Nen, who was actually rough-skinned and thick-skinned. The big flower pot fell from the fifth floor. He only broke his scalp. The doctor shaved his head bald and had twelve stitches. It is very aesthetically pleasing.

The little assistant had no experience in dealing with the media, so the reporter who heard the news broke into the hospital to take a super close-up shot of Bai Yueguang, taking a picture of his white egg bald head wrapped in gauze very clearly.

Yuan Zhan, who started to read the headlines after a tiring day, saw Bai Yueguang put himself into the hospital, and was filmed by a reporter and posted on the Internet, and he almost laughed out of his abdominal muscles.

Bai Yueguang is Bai Yueguang. The way to become famous is different from that of ordinary people. Others are all kinds of hype and unscrupulous marketing, but he is different. Whatever happens to him, whether it is big or small, tragedy or comedy It can make headlines in minutes and become the focus of netizens. Probably this is the halo of the protagonist.

It's just that it seems that all the negative news is wrapped around Bai Yueguang, and it is impossible to shoot some more inspirational advertisements.

I really want to forward this news to Yan Jingxi and Du Zhisen.

Yuan Zhan rested in the room for a while after the meeting. He was just about to go downstairs for dinner after taking a shower, when he saw Yan Jingxi frowning and looking down at WeChat. As soon as Yuan Zhan appeared, he turned off WeChat.

Yuan Zhan wondered if he also saw Bai Yueguang's injury and was admitted to the hospital, and he was probably worried about the other party.

Gee, what a saint.

Yan Jingxi: "Have dinner together? If you don't mind, I'll take you to meet Zhao Qun."

Zhao Qun was one of the bigwigs in today's speech. Yuan Zhan was defeated by his own career and agreed with Yan Jingxi's proposal.

Yuan Zhan: "Okay, are you familiar with them?"

Yan Jingxi: "Fortunately, sometimes I meet at various important meetings and have a meal."

Yuan Zhan: "That's great." Thinking that he could have a meal with the boss to gain knowledge and find someone to give advice, Yuan Zhan unconditionally gave Yan Jingxi several smiles like a spring breeze.

Of course, Yuan Zhan would not know that Yan Jingxi was suffering in his heart at this time.

The person he monitored Bai Yueguang had just learned that Bai Yueguang seemed to have recovered his memory. He remembered his fiance Yuan Gengzhe who had just appeared beside him, and the chat records of the two of them in the ward had been sent to him.

This is also the reason why Yuan Zhan saw Yan Jingxi frowning when he came out.

Bai Yueguang may have recovered some of his memories, or all of them.

Good news and bad news.