We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 104: I'll catch a cold when we meet again


The dining place was chosen by Yan Jingxi. Yuan Zhan was not picky about the style of the restaurant. The environment was elegant and quiet. What's more, he was a rich N generation. When he went out, his parents gave him a lot of travel expenses, and his usual pocket money was also saved It was enough, and it didn't move much.

"Just order what you like the most?" Yan Jingxi said with a smile.

Yuan Zhan was still thinking about the memory that the original owner gave him at the beginning, they should not have crossed each other: "Okay." He flipped the menu.

During the meal, Yan Jingxi was basically taking care of Yuan Zhan's taste.

Yan Jingxi also has a menu in his hand: "Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

Yuan Zhan didn't think about it, and said, "I'm allergic to shrimp."

Yan Jingxi chuckled: "Okay, I remember." He turned his fingers over the dish with shrimp. He could understand the symptoms of people with allergies, and he didn't force the children on the opposite side to try it.

During the meal, Yuan Zhan was observing Yan Jingxi, who was several years younger. He tentatively asked Yan Jingxi, "Are you coming to the beach for a vacation?"

Yan Jingxi smiled and said, "Yes, I just finished a project recently and haven't rested much for several months. I came to the beach to rest for a while, and your accent sounds like someone from Beijing?"

Yuan Zhan nodded: "Well, I am, so are you." He tried his best to act like a high school student, curious about everything.

Yan Jingxi gave him a sure smile: "smart, so do I."

Yuan Zhan snorted.

Yan Jingxi's impression of Yuan Zhan is not bad. He really likes the beautiful boy in front of him. He is innocent, cute and interesting.

He felt that this person's eyes were very different, like the charm radiating from the soul, and it was very perfect no matter where he was in line with his fantasy about the candidate for his future partner.

"Give me your phone number, and I'll take you to delicious food when I get back to Beijing." Yan Jingxi could see that Yuan Zhan's eyes lit up when he saw the food.

"Okay." Yuan Zhan thought to himself how Yan Jingxi became so talkative, what about Bai Yueguang in his mind

From his face, he couldn't see that there was a white moonlight in his heart, what's going on

Yuan Zhan became more and more confused.

The afternoon sun was very dazzling, and this lunch was ultimately unsuccessful. Yan Jingxi directly asked the restaurant staff to record his room number.

Before leaving, he told Yuan Zhan thoughtfully, "You can call me if you have anything."

Yuan Zhan nodded: "Okay, I also went back to rest." In his mind, the room he was going to go back to next appeared in his mind.

His room number is one digit away from Yan Jingxi's, one is upstairs, the other is downstairs, Yan Jingxi is up, Yuan Zhan is down.

I slept in the room until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and my body began to feel sore. Is the physical fitness of high school students so poor

Not long after he got up, Yuan Zhan heard a knock on the door of the room.

Yuan Zhan opened the door, and a group of people poured into his room. They were his high school classmates.

There are Yang Sucheng, Zhou Bufan, and Yu Meiyan. After they heard that Yuan Zhan almost fell into the water and died, they were particularly worried about his situation.

These people are different from the people he has come into contact with. They feel very real to Yuan Zhan, and they are sincerely concerned about Yuan Zhan.

Yang Sucheng was particularly concerned about Yuan Zhan: "You said in the morning that you were not feeling well, and you didn't go out with us, why would you go swimming again."

Yuan Zhan could only make an excuse: "The weather is hot, I thought it would be fine to soak in water in the swimming pool."

Yang Sucheng said like an old mother, "Little Master, can you take care of your body?"

Yu Meiyan also poured warm water for Yuan Zhan: "If you are not healthy, stop drinking. My dad often tells my mom to drink more warm water, so you should drink more."

Yuan Zhan did not refuse.

Zhou Bufan was rather lively, and even tried Yuan Zhan's forehead with his hands: "You're not stupid, how could someone fall into the water? Then how did you get up."

Yuan Zhan briefly mentioned his encounter with Yan Haoxin.

Yang Sucheng asked him, "Then can you go out to sea tomorrow?"

Yuan Zhan nodded: "Of course, there is no problem with seeing the scenery, I will try to keep up with your rhythm."

As the monitor, Yang Sucheng has always had his own opinions and likes to arrange things reasonably and take care of others.

"In this way, we can revise the plan. There may be one or two less games to play tomorrow. Don't play too exciting, Lao Zhou, Xiaomei, do you have any comments?"

Both of them said they had no opinion. Yuan Zhan was moved by their innocent friendship, and a question popped into his mind, why these people were completely different from what he encountered later.

They are all those people, but the ones he has come into contact with are not like those people, their personalities are completely different.

Is this the original world

And a world with white moonlight will make the supporting roles very scary

Does everyone's temperament change

Why is this happening

What did the original owner mean to him

Yuan Zhan continued to follow the original trajectory and went out to sea with several classmates to play on the island.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something. Before they boarded the boat to leave the island, a typhoon blew on the island.

Can't go.

The four of them had to find a nearby place to hide from the rain. There was a villa-like room not far away. They rushed forward under the rain. The rain was really heavy.

Press the doorbell and the door opens automatically.

Apparently the homeowner had surveillance cameras at the door.

After entering, a gray-haired man smiled at them: "Please come in, it's raining heavily outside."

The four newly graduated high school students thanked the old man very politely: "Thank you uncle."

Yu Meiyan's mouth was sweeter: "Thank you uncle for taking us in, your home is so beautiful."

The old man smiled and said, "This is not my house. I am the housekeeper here. Now I will take you to meet the owner of the house. He happened to be here today."

Yuan Zhan had a strange hunch, and the next moment, his hunch came true.

The housekeeper of the housekeeper's uncle is Yan Jingxi who he met yesterday.

Is it actually Yan Jingxi

Where is this going, can anyone explain it

My mind is getting more and more confused.

Yan Jingxi was also surprised when he saw Yuan Zhan: "Hey, we are really destined, classmate Yuan."

Yuan Zhan's smile was a little stiff. He was still struggling with what the plot was and why it was completely different from the memories that the original owner had revealed to him before. Now it's not abrupt, but he's worried. It suddenly developed smoothly, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Yuan Zhan's mood can be imagined when he meets Yan Jingxi again, but Yan Jingxi is really surprised. He feels that he and Yuan Zhan are really fateful, and he regretted not having a few more words with him last night. God seemed to hear his heart. , sent the man to him.

Yang Sucheng was smart and reacted: "Are you the kindhearted person who saved Zhan Qi yesterday?"

Yan Jingxi answered him confidently: "Yes." He turned his head and said to the old man, "Take them to change into dry clothes. They are all wet, but don't catch a cold. Classmate Yuan was not feeling very well yesterday."

The old man was a little stunned, thinking that his boss is not a little clean, but he responded quickly: "Okay, let A Fen prepare ginger tea for them. When it rains, the temperature on the island will drop by ten degrees."

The old man didn't say it, but Yuan Zhan felt a cold war when he said that the wet clothes were sticking to his body.

Yan Jingxi has been paying attention to him, and when he sees this, he puts his hand on his shoulder: "Is it cold?"

Yuan Zhan was indeed not physically fit, and he didn't dare to show his strength: "A little bit."

Yan Jingxi made a quick arrangement: "then I'll take you to my place to take a bath, Abo, take the three of them to the second floor."

The old man had no opinion. Yang Sucheng wanted to say something, but saw Yuan Zhan being held upstairs by Yan Jingxi.

Yuan Zhan said, "You don't need to hold me, I'm not that delicate." Then he sneezed very hard.

Yan Jingxi: "your words are really not convincing, let's go, soon, I just took a shower, and the bathroom is still relatively mild, otherwise I won't bring you up."

Yuan Zhan sneezed three times in a row.

Yan Jingxi glanced at him, took him directly into the bathroom in the room, and turned on the shower: "Do you know how to use it?"

Yuan Zhan nodded, and had already started to have a nasal voice: "Well."

Yan Jingxi said, "I'm just standing outside, I'll get you clothes and pants later, and a new trumpet for your underwear."

The man's self-esteem was hurt, Yuan Zhan said in a nasal voice, "I don't think you should underestimate me."

Yan Jingxi smiled: "I saw you in swimming trunks yesterday, and I guessed it visually."

Yuan Zhan looked down at his slightly upturned buttocks: "At least a medium size." His breath was a little weak.

Yan Jingxi shrugged: "I know, you quickly change your wet clothes, take a hot bath, and come down to drink ginger tea later. I will put the clothes on the bed, and you will come out and wear them yourself later."

Yuan Zhan rubbed his itchy nose: "Oh, good."

After Yan Jingxi closed the bathroom door, he thought to himself: What a cold little guy, is he not charming enough, he didn't respond.

When everyone changed into dry clothes and went downstairs to drink ginger tea, Yuan Zhan came downstairs.

The other three were treated the same, wearing ordinary clothes, only he was wearing Yan Jingxi's, and his clothes and trousers were one size larger, but he knew how to take care of himself. High and one low, at first glance, it is still quite fashionable to wear.

Yan Jingxi folded his arms around his chest and looked at his dress: "Isn't it cold when the calf and trousers are rolled up?"

Yuan Zhan: "It's not cold - breath!" It's a slap in the face.

Everyone: "… "

Yan Jingxi smiled lightly, squatted down and unbuttoned his trousers and rolled them up to the bare feet.

Probably because he was accustomed to Yan Jingxi's service before, Yuan Zhan didn't think much of it, everyone else was stunned, not knowing that people would definitely think that they were a man-man relationship.

After getting up, Yan Jingxi personally brought ginger tea to him, with a slight command in his gentle voice: "Drink it." This is too inattentive to his body.

Yuan Zhan was enjoying his service and drank obediently.

After drinking it, he realized that something was wrong, and everyone stared at him.

Does he seem to be acting too for granted