We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 107: Lost aura


Yan Jingxi really thinks that Bai Yueguang's acting in front of him is very funny, which makes people want to sneer.

In the past, under what circumstances would he be deceived by such a poor performance? He was blinded by some kind of power. It's terrifying to think about.

Bai Yueguang found that Yan Jingxi was not immersed in the pitiful image he performed at all, so he changed his coping strategy, that is, changed the topic.

Bai Yueguang: "What are you laughing at?"

Yan Jingxi turned the phone face down and said, "It's okay."

Bai Yueguang thought about what he said when he lost his memory last time: "The last time you asked me, it was about your illness when you were a child. I'm sorry." He was very smart, and instead of explaining it for himself, he apologized to Yan Jingxi first, " I was young at the time, I didn't understand anything, I didn't do it on purpose, I hope you don't mind." He himself didn't feel anything about this matter at all, what is there to care about with a broken harmonica.

Yan Jingxi is not stupid, whether Bai Yueguang is acting or sincerely apologizes to him, can he still not understand

His discernment is not that bad.

Yan Jingxi flipped a small potato chip in the bowl as if he didn't mind: "Why do you deceive me and say that you are the one who accompanies me."

Bai Yueguang lowered his head and pretended to be a little shy, and said, "I wanted to get close to you at the time. When you asked me if it was me, I said yes in a ghostly way."

Yan Jingxi really wanted to give Bai Yueguang a sap in his heart, just how many things did he miss because of his ghosts

However, Yan Jingxi doesn't want to talk to him about this now. After he finds out everything, he will settle the ledger together.

He only gives gentleness to one person, and it is definitely not Bai Yueguang who can enjoy this benefit.

Bai Yueguang has been observing Yan Jingxi's expression. There is no change, no happiness, no sadness, and no anger. What is he thinking? Why is Yan Jingxi more and more difficult to understand now? A little nervous.

Bai Yueguang quietly put his hand on the silver medal hanging on his neck, his mouth moved slightly, and he said three times silently: God of plot, God of plot, God of plot, please help me, and let Yan Jingxi love me so much!

While he meditated in his heart, he continued to observe Yan Jingxi's reaction.

However, Yan Jingxi's expression was normal and there was no change. He still took a piece of lotus root with chopsticks in his hand, put it in his mouth, and tasted the food of the restaurant that ranked first on everyone's review.

Today's meal is all vegetarian. It's completely different from Bai Yueguang's usual big fish and meat. He did it on purpose. Why didn't he find that Bai Yueguang's taste was so terrible before? Yes, just like a nouveau riche suddenly, the troublesome things are trivial.

While eating in the west, Yan Jing also found that Bai Yueguang was looking at himself from the corner of his eye.

Yan Jingxi recalled how they used to get along.

He remembered that since they met, the silver medal on Bai Yueguang's neck had never left him, perhaps because it was only a silver medal, the price was not high, and he didn't care much. If he asked, Bai Yueguang said it was his mother. The only relic left to him will definitely be worn as a talisman and must not be lost.

Almost every time they met, Bai Yueguang would touch his amulet and recite something silently, but he couldn't hear clearly, and his words were vague.

Whenever he doesn't like Bai Yueguang so much, he seems to touch the silver medal.

Yan Jingxi thought to himself, what does this silver medal represent

It seems that he needs to test, if the silver medal is separated from the white moonlight, what will it become, is it really just a talisman left to him by his mother

At this time, Yan Jingxi felt that as long as he pretended that he didn't know anything, he didn't need to come forward to win the silver medal at all.

Yan Jingxi asked him bluntly, "Have you recovered your memory?"

Bai Yueguang never expected that Yan Jingxi didn't react at all. He wanted to try to touch the silver medal and continue to recite the spell silently, but Yan Jingxi's eyes stared at him, which made him feel a little cold, so it would be more appropriate to answer his question first.

Bai Yueguang said, "I only recovered a little, not much."

Yan Jingxi didn't seem to mind, just chatting: "What do you remember?"

Bai Yueguang began to rack his brains to find excuses. He never thought that every question of Yan Jingxi would catch him off guard.

"Well, there are not many pictures of being rescued by others, and they are intermittent." Bai Yueguang's face was a little subtle.

Yan Jingxi knew that he was making excuses, and now he really realizes that Bai Yueguang is full of lies from beginning to end. The more he does, the more he understands that he hides many secrets, and there may be more than one.

Maybe it's just such a person, so other people will be deceived without knowing it

In any case, Yan Jingxi has long been on guard against Bai Yueguang. The more he tries to cover up, the more secrets he will find out sooner or later.

The time for Bai Yueguang was only two hours. After the meal, Yan Jingxi did not intend to send him back.

Bai Yueguang also eagerly hoped that Yan Jingxi would take him home, but Yan Jingxi closed the door directly after getting in the car.

Bai Yueguang grabbed the car door: "Wait a minute!"

Yan Jingxi raised his eyebrows to look at him: "Is there anything else?"

Bai Yueguang: "Aren't you going to send me back?"

Yan Jingxi looked at the time: "I still have something to do next, and I'm not on the way with you. Or you can take a taxi. The car here is very easy to take, and there are subways and buses."

Bai Yueguang didn't expect Yan Jingxi to be so shameless: "..." He actually threw him on the road alone.

Didn't the plot god make him love him so much he couldn't help himself? Could it be replaced by the routine of the cold president instead of the warm route

Bai Yueguang couldn't help thinking, he quickly calmed down and pretended to be strong and smiled: "Okay, I will go to squeeze the subway."

Yan Jingxi then closed the door with a bang, completely isolating Bai Yueguang. Now he doesn't even want to breathe the air around Bai Yueguang.

Standing outside sweating, Bai Yueguang narrowed his eyes and began to hold resentment towards Yan Jingxi.

Yan Jingxi, you can do it, you dare to do this to me, I remember you.

He thought he could squeeze some opportunities out of Yan Jingxi today, but the process of meeting was beyond his imagination, so he could only deal with the past hastily. When did Yan Jingxi become so shrewd, and every question made him unable to answer.

Even so, Bai Yueguang never thought about whether his silver medal was still working.

With full of complaints, Bai Yueguang took a taxi home.

Seeing Qi Youlin who was hiding in the corner suddenly jumped out and hugged him, his heart felt a little better. He was still cute with the surname Qi, but he was too clingy and easily hindered his work.

However, with so many people in the entertainment industry, his distribution channel is even more effective, and his eyes on Qi Youlin are much softer.

It's just that Qi Youlin's next words almost didn't make him vomit blood.

Qi Youlin took off his cap: "Ali, your head is really ugly."

Confident in his appearance in 20 years, Bai Yueguang is the first time he has heard others say he is ugly!

He opened the door and pushed Qi Youlin away, is he really that ugly

Qi Youlin closed the door quietly, not understanding Bai Yueguang's sudden break free from his embrace: "Did I say something wrong?"

Facing the mirror, Bai Yueguang's face turned pale, and the fingers that touched his face were trembling.

Dull and inflexible skin, the complexion is a little yellow, the dark circles are getting heavier, there are dense blackheads on the nose, fine lines on the sides of the eyes, the spots on the face are also particularly obvious, the nasolabial folds are more and more obvious, and there are also on the neck. Two wrinkles!

How did he become like this

what is the problem

There is a great story shrouded in it, even if he doesn't wash his face or take care of his skin, his skin has always been supple and elastic, his frown and smile will exude a charm, as long as he subconsciously seduces people, he will not refuse, and will They love him so much that they lose themselves, their world, and their hearts are only him.

Didn't his silver medal work

Bai Yueguang untied the silver medal around his neck, held it in his hand, and carefully observed the silver medal.

How could this be

The silver medal used to be silver all the time, and even if he covered it with his collar, he couldn't hide its brilliance, but now it's gray, with a layer of light black on it, looking dirty, like It's like it hasn't been washed in years.

Maybe it's because he hasn't cleaned it for a long time

I heard that toothpaste can clean silver.

He immediately squeezed out more than half of the toothpaste and rubbed the silver medal hard.

He can't lose a silver medal without losing anything, absolutely not!

The silver medal is a powerful guarantee for him to have no disadvantage in this world, a guarantee for his future life, and he cannot lose it.

After rubbing and washing several times, Bai Yueguang became less confident the more he washed, and the more panicked he became.

No, the plot master will not abandon him.

Qi Youlin was locked out of the door the whole time. After waiting for a long time, Bai Yueguang didn't see Bai Yueguang come out of the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Ali, what's wrong with you? Have you eaten your stomach?"

His voice brought Bai Yueguang back to his senses. He washed his face with facial cleanser and patted on toner before regaining his confidence.

Yes, neither Qi Youlin nor Yuan Gengzhe are out of his control, the plot master must still be there, it may just fall asleep.

That's it, he must not guess wrong.