We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 110: Will not show mercy


Yan Jingxi did have an appointment, but the appointment was with Du Zhisen, and there was no girlfriend/boyfriend he just met.

Both are successful people with relatively high requirements and standards for restaurants.

Yan Jingxi's invitation was naturally chosen by him.

The time was 6:30 p.m. the next day.

When Du Zhisen received Yan Jingxi's dinner invitation, he already understood what the topic and content he wanted to discuss with himself. He thought about it carefully, and now is indeed the best time to be frank and open. Maybe they all have their own secrets, but some topics You can still talk, for example: Bai Yueguang.

Compared with others, he has a deeper understanding of Bai Yueguang and has more right to speak.

He didn't want these words at all.

But after the events of the past few days, he probably won't be able to clean up the scene if he doesn't show up again for some things. At that time, Bai Yueguang will bite people indiscriminately, and it will be difficult for him to escape. Really, it's not the time to come back.

Du Zhisen drove by himself, and the player in the car was playing gentle and soothing light music, which made the whole person relax.

Today, he can finally get rid of the burden he has been carrying. All along, he has been looking for someone who has the same language as him, but after he wakes up, the trajectory of everything is still as terrifying as in his previous life. They are all immersed in a manipulated world, like tugging dolls, and they are all living their lives according to the set trajectory.

No matter how repeatedly he reminded him, it didn't work.

Until one day, he found that a person's life pattern started.

That person is Yuan Zhanqi. He should have divorced Yan Jingxi on the day he should have expected, but he did not sign the divorce contract, but it was delayed by a month than expected.

Yuan Zhanqi and Yan Jingxi came into his observation range. As far as he knew, Yan Jingxi should divorce Yuan Zhanqi, but not with Bai Yueguang, probably because Bai Yueguang's promiscuity stopped him. . After their divorce, Yuan Zhanqi would commit suicide in the hospital for three or two days due to depression. Later, Yan Jingxi found out that Yuan Zhanqi was good and fell in love with his ex-husband. The two remarried, but they died in a car accident and got married. Haven't saved his life yet.

Du Zhisen doesn't have much sympathy, but he doesn't want to helplessly watch people who start to deviate from the plot like him and go on the road of no return, not to mention that his sister Jiang Hui, who would have died in a gun battle in his last life, has a very good impression of Yuan Zhanqi. .

In a fish farm encounter, Du Zhisen braved the attitude of suspicion to remind Yuan Zhanqi to stay away from Bai Yueguang, be careful of him, and guard against him. He believed that Yuan Zhanqi could understand what he meant, but now Yuan Zhanqi is also very different, his temperament has changed greatly, his attitude towards Bai Yueguang has always been detached, and he skillfully let Bai Yueguang leave the Tiandi Group, which is also a must. But it is Yuan Zhanqi like this, Du Zhisen is also willing to help him, and if he can help, he will help. After breaking out of some force majeure, Yuan Zhanqi is indeed a good person.

After Yuan Zhanzhan changed, Du Zhisen also saw Yan Jingxi's change, like a chain reaction.

What happened later also made him see more clear and bright future.

After he received Yan Jingxi's invitation, he actually didn't hesitate much. Even if the other party didn't take the initiative to find him, he would take the initiative to tell him frankly. Of course, the premise must be that it was not the Yan Jingxi who surrounded Bai Yueguang every day.

He has come into contact with Qi Youlin, but unfortunately Bai Yueguang's poison is too deep in this person. It is estimated that it is difficult to return to the normal life trajectory. He is not a big philanthropist. Everyone has their own fate.

Some people are good-natured, and it is rare to be able to maintain their original intentions in "force majeure". The representative figures are Yuan Zhanzhan and Yan Jingxi, who are also his key friends now.

When Du Zhisen arrived, Yan Jingxi had already arrived. He specially chose a quiet and elegant teahouse today, and he packed all the tea for dinner.

Du Zhisen said: "The environment is really good. When I was in Yuzhuang last time, I knew that many of your hobbies are the same as mine."

Yan Jingxi smiled: "I don't dare to be like President Du."

Du Zhisen laughed: "I'm just an ordinary person."

The opening remarks of the two are completely different from when Yuan Zhanqi was there.

The two of them shook hands, and this time, in different senses, it was a historic cooperation.

Tonight, they will communicate with each other in this spacious, bright, elegant and quiet tea room, and face each other frankly for their future and the future of more people, further communicate and reach a deeper agreement.

The waiter wanted to stay and make tea for them, but Yan Jingxi waved him to indicate that he didn't need anyone, so he could do it himself.

"Good tea." Du Zhisen sincerely praised.

"Then it depends on who can drink it." Yan Jingxi said, pausing the posture of making tea in his hand, "Let's get down to business, Mr. Du knows what I'm going to talk about with you today."

Du Zhisen took a sip of tea: "I would like to hear the details."

Yan Jingxi said one word: "white."

Du Zhisen completed the last two words: "Moonlight?"

Yan Jingxi: "Well, it seems that you can guess what I mean."

Du Zhisen: "We are all the same."

Yan Jingxi: "If that's the case, then let's open the skylight and say something bright. Before talking about the moonlight, can I know how you made your mind clear?" He pointed to his head.

Du Zhisen didn't hide it, but now, it's unnecessary in front of his peers: "When I was 21 years old, I had a dream that was real and frightened me, everything was about a world, and people in that world would follow the predetermined trajectory Life, whether it is birth, old age, sickness or death, no one can change their destiny, they can only watch them being toyed with one by one. At first I didn't believe it, until later, I found out that one of my brother's collaborators appeared Someone exactly like my dream."

Du Zhisen: "That person was inconspicuous at first, but as long as he is interested in you, or is interested in you, it will make people feel special, special and different, he is always surrounded by many men. I thought my brother would also become One of the men in his harem, luckily not.

Du Zhisen: "During the cooperation, he took a fancy to my brother, but my brother has someone he likes and is not interested in him. The business in hand, and our video was recorded. You know, some content in our line is completely hidden from the outside world. At that time, I was a student, and my brother followed up on the business at home, and I hardly got involved. "Because of Bai Yueguang's matter, my brother was so busy with his heart and mind that he was devastated by business matters."

Du Zhisen: "In a transaction, Bai Yueguang suddenly disappeared. My brother always thought he was dead, but I knew that Bai Yueguang was not dead, he was just plotting something. My brother heard that his childhood sweetheart was utterly decadent because of the disappearance of his fiancé."

Du Zhisen: "Bai Yueguang hooked up with my brother's childhood sweetheart through suspended animation. You've seen it before, Guan Shujing. Brother Guan let him drive him, and he listened to his words, as if he had been tricked. Yueguang's memory jumped out, he used to be a positive and cheerful doctor and was very popular, but since he met Bai Yueguang, he has become like that."

Yan Jingxi: "You mean that Bai Yueguang ruined your brother's childhood sweetheart for the purpose of revenge for your brother's dislike of him?"

Du Zhisen was a little unnatural: "It can't be said to be a waste. Physically, Brother Guan will not suffer."

Thinking of Bai Yueguang's short stature, Yan Jingxi agreed with Du Zhisen's statement, and he really did not suffer.

After Du Zhisen finished speaking, he took a sip of tea and asked Yan Jingxi, "Where are you and Yuan Zhanqi?" He decided to reserve a little bit about the ending of the two of them in the dream. Let's see how much information Yan Jingxi knows now.

Yan Jingxi began to recall how he began to change.

He smiled slightly and said, "I may be worse than your brother being liked by Bai Yueguang. Where should I start?"

Yan Jingxi: "From the day Zhan Qi said that he would not divorce, my mind started to become a little strange. While getting along with Zhan Qi, I was struggling. Do I like Bai Yueguang or care about Bai Yueguang because of habit. Yes. The more Zhan Qi cared about and thought about him, the more I began to doubt what Bai Yueguang did, affirming and denying, denying and affirming, and repeating."

Yan Jingxi continued: "Until the day Zhan Qi and I divorced, my brain began to become clearer and wider, like the frosted glass in front of me being smoothed, and I could see my heart clearly. However, there are other things in the middle. The opportunity made me realize the terrifying nature of Bai Yueguang. He deceived me at a young age and misled some of the things I insisted on. I am very glad that Zhan Qi is all right now, and I want to protect him. "

Du Zhisen asked him tentatively, "You didn't dream about your past, did you?"

Yan Jingxi's expression was a bit bitter: "I dreamed that the two of us died in a car accident, and I want to find out the truth." He stared at Du Zhisen, "I think you should give me the answer."

Du Zhisen shook his head: "In the dream, I also saw your ending, but I don't know who did it, but I think it has something to do with Bai Yueguang. I believe you know his recent movements."

Yan Jingxi: "I know."

Du Zhisen said: "The white moonlight of another world that I know, he does not allow anyone to break away from his control, you may..."

Yan Jingxi lowered his eyes slightly again: "I understand what you mean."

Du Zhisen: "I won't show mercy."

Yan Jingxi: "I won't either."

They exchanged some details about the news of the two sides again, and after the confession, they really became able to talk about everything.

The two, who seemed impossible to be friends at first, suddenly talked and laughed, and the scene was once very harmonious.