We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 112: mastermind of the accident


Bai Yueguang turned off the anchor and fired his newly hired agent. He didn't understand if his defeat was due to the loss of the silver medal. Where would he find a small silver medal to find it.

How stupid is he to lose the silver medal

He was deeply regretful, how could he suddenly lose it after wearing it for nearly 20 years.

The plot god no longer favors him, so his popularity in the live broadcast room has changed from a million people to less than 10,000 people

However, he will not regret it, and the contacts he has accumulated can still be used.

Originally, he would not move the hidden hidden line of this line for the time being, but now it seems that he has to use it.

There is also the fact that he should contact his old friend Du Zhisen. The information in his hand is enough to exchange for the funds for his next business restart. What if he doesn't have a silver medal, he has other channels, he has prepared it long ago, and he also knows The silver medal cannot be with him forever. Before his live broadcast room fell, he thought about it, but he never took it out directly.

Du Zhisen and Du Zhixuan, I don't know how he has been through these years.

He is an internet celebrity, I don't know if he has attracted their attention before.

When Bai Yueguang called Du Zhisen, all his actions were monitored by others.

Yuan Zhan, who let the employees go on a trip, but was in the company himself, also learned that Bai Yueguang had contacted Du Zhisen.

Yuan Zhan: "What about the content?"

Qi Youchi: "Wait a minute, I can hear the clearest version by removing the noise."

Yuan Zhan waited for a few minutes and heard the full version of the conversation between Bai Yueguang and Du Zhisen.

Bai Yueguang: "Du Zhisen, do you still remember who I am?"

Du Zhisen: "I know, you are Bai Yueguang."

Bai Yueguang laughed, very arrogant: "Just remember me, do you need to come out to catch up? I haven't seen you for many years, I miss you two brothers, I almost died in that explosion, you can't let go."

Du Zhisen: "I don't think it's necessary to reminisce about the old days. Don't you know who is right in that matter?"

Bai Yueguang: "Tsk, can you only blame me for being too affectionate and not liking Du Zhixuan."

Du Zhisen: "Whoever you like is your power, I will not interfere."

Bai Yueguang smiled and said: "I don't want to pursue the past, I still remember a business your brother did back then. I have evidence of his transaction with Viagra. Although Viagra is dead, I am still alive. Now the evidence In my hands, if you want... we can make an appointment to meet."

Du Zhisen laughed at his threatening tone, but he was not in a hurry at all, Bai Yueguang is now like a desperado, it depends on how long he can last: "Oh? You want to give me the evidence? How do I know about you? The evidence in hand is true and false."

Bai Yueguang is not stupid, he will also use WeChat: "Of course, I will send it to you in advance, check the goods, give me 500 million, and I will delete all the records of the video."

Du Zhisen already knew his routine, he really wanted to laugh, is Bai Yueguang stupid, how much does he think that video can be worth for 500 million yuan

Let's see how much content Bai Yueguang has saved, what is his trump card that he dares to threaten himself

Does he not know that he is being stared at by many people now, but he still dares to blackmail him? The brain is really a good thing, I am afraid that Bai Yueguang doesn't have it, otherwise why did the silver medal go straight to the plot after leaving him? Everyone lost interest in Bai Yueguang, and they didn't even mention him anymore, as if this person had never been popular before, and a former Internet celebrity has disappeared.

How big the gap will be, one can imagine.

Of course, Bai Yueguang relies on him. He is not the same as ordinary internet celebrities. Now, he is relying on his own reliance to start doing things in the sky.

He is accustomed to relying on the aura of the protagonist given by the silver medal. In the past, everything he did was covered up by the silver medal, but now, everything he does is under the watchful eyes of the public, as long as he shows any clues, he will be caught.

It's not that he is too blindly confident and arrogant, it's that he has forgotten that everything he did is unreasonable. There is no plot god around him to help him, no silver medal to help him cover up his whereabouts, and no luck to successfully bless him. It's not always the luckiest, not necessarily the most perfect person.

After pretending to talk to Bai Yueguang for a few words, Du Zhisen expressed that he was very unwilling to agree to meet him, and the meeting place was set by him, and he would prepare the money.

Du Zhisen: "Okay, I will do it according to the method, but you can't be rude."

Bai Yueguang had to be casual: "How could I fail to speak."

After hanging up Du Zhisen's call, Bai Yueguang contacted the dark line that he had raised for many years. There were not many dark lines, just two.

Bai Yueguang didn't know whether the two dark lines were discovered or not. He was still happily thinking that he would get several hundred million in a few days, and then he would fly away, change his identities abroad, and play again. He wanted to The handsome guy who has slept all over the world, even if the plot master is not there, he can still fly.

When Bai Yueguang's dark line hung up his phone, he saw that dark line respectfully handed his contact phone to the cold-faced man sitting opposite him, and there were two tall bodyguards standing beside him. The biceps were thicker than his thighs, and he was almost scared to death.

The dark line shook his thighs: "Mr. Du, I have explained everything I should have explained. I really don't know anything. I am a beef noodle restaurant. How can I know so much."

Dark Line Er, who was huddled in another chair, still smelled of shampoo: "Me too, I don't know anything, I wash other people's hair every day, how can I have spare money to help Bai Yueguang stare at people, he asks me for errands , just give me tens of thousands of dollars, and it's already spent."

Du Zhisen couldn't help but doubt and asked the two subordinates next to him, "Are they really the two dark lines left by Bai Yueguang?"

No matter how it seems, it is no different from ordinary people. Just these two things still hold up the white moonlight for half the sky in the story of the previous life, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Sure enough, it was the existence of force majeure that made them omnipotent

Otherwise, how can Bai Yueguang explain it, and how can these two weak chickens explain it.

Du Zhisen recorded the content of the connection between Bai Yueguang and Dark Line, and asked Dark Line to take them to set up the scene.

At the beginning, they fell into Bai Yueguang's trap, but this time, it is not known who fell into whose trap.

He will not let the tragedy of his past life repeat itself.

After the matter was done, Du Zhisen told Yan Jingxi about the current situation and sent him two dark-line photos of Bai Yueguang.

When Yan Jingxi pointed at the photo of the two, his fingertips trembled slightly: "Are they the dark line of Bai Yueguang?"

A horrific image flashed through his mind, it was his dream, and he saw that the driver of the big truck driving towards them was the man in the second photo.

So the deaths of him and Yuan Zhanqi are still related to Bai Yueguang!

Yan Jingxi slammed his fist on the hard tabletop, making a loud bang.

Du Zhisen felt his hand bones hurt when he heard it: "Do you have any impressions?"

Yan Jingxi gritted his teeth, his tone was chilling, and his words were cold: "They are the murderers, and Bai Yueguang is the one who killed us. It's him, yes, I remember it clearly."

He was absolutely certain that the mastermind behind the accident was Bai Yueguang!

Du Zhisen also frowned: "Do you need me to hand over someone to you?" It seemed that none of them could escape the fate of being ruined by Bai Yueguang.

Yan Jingxi felt disgusted when he saw that face. He resisted the tumbling in his stomach and said, "No, there will be laws that will severely punish them for the crimes they have committed."

Du Zhisen: "I understand."

Yan Jingxi clutched his chest, hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom, throwing up all the lunch he had at noon.

Assistant Chen, who had just knocked on the door and came in, heard that the boss was vomiting again in the bathroom, and wondered if the boss had vomited more recently. If he didn't know that he was a man, not a girl, he would have doubted whether he was with someone. Pearl tire dark knot.

However, if there is such a thing, that bead tire must belong to President Yuan. He knows very well how much President Yan cares about President Yuan.

Now that Mr. Yan couldn't ask for it, he felt a little sad. While Yan Jingxi was rinsing his mouth in the bathroom, Assistant Chen spontaneously sent Yuan Zhanqi a WeChat.

Assistant Chen: Mr. Yuan, Mr. Yan has been vomiting recently. Did you know he had this problem before

Yuan Zhan on the other side had just won a game and was in a good mood. When he saw the message, he replied directly: No, I don't know. It's better to go to the hospital to have a look, but don't delay the time for treatment.

Assistant Chen: I understand, I'm bothering you.

Yuan Zhan: Don't bother.

When Yan Jingxi came out of the bathroom, Assistant Chen put away his mobile phone seriously, first asked about his physical condition, and after confirming that Yan Jingxi really didn't need to go to the hospital, he started to report the situation to him.

That night, Yan Jingxi was not in the mood for the live broadcast. He tore off his tie and lay on the sofa tiredly. His eyes were tired and his mind didn't want to move, so he fell asleep on the sofa unconsciously.

Yuan Zhan opened the live broadcast platform regularly and clicked into the live broadcast room of "I love cooking".

Seven o'clock, not open.

Eight o'clock, not open.

He tried to DM me love to cook and no one responded.

Not only him, but many fans have left comments below, saying that the anchor is willful and doesn't want to cook anymore. I'm afraid it's not going out to date a girl/handsome guy

Yuan Zhan also swiped on his Weibo homepage for a long time, and the more he swiped, the colder his heart became.

Until nine o'clock in the evening, there was a new post on Weibo, which I love to cook.

I love to cook: I’m very sorry, I was too tired from work today, and I was in a bad mood due to some things. I fell asleep when I came back. I didn’t start the live broadcast. I will show you more about the live broadcast tomorrow. I hope you don’t dislike it.

The old driver replied in seconds: Why are you in a bad mood and broken in love

I love to cook and reply to the old driver who is stunned: Guess.

Yuan Zhan held his breath. If I love to cook and stand in front of him, I will definitely punch him. Are you a girl? Let others guess what you think.