We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 124: The white moonlight was caught


Agreeing to Bai Yueguang's request, Yan Jingxi was of course hesitant in his heart, but what would happen if he didn't agree, whether they would lose their lives again because of Bai Yueguang, he was very glad that Yuan Zhanqi was not at the scene today, if it was between the two of them If a life needs to be taken away, it must be him, not Yuan Zhanqi.

With Yuan Zhanqi's soft-heartedness, after he leaves, he will not care about his parents, and he will think about what happens behind him.

Bai Yueguang is absolutely hateful and hateful. They still need people to solve him. Yan Jingxi also wants to have a conversation with him. He wants to see how disgusting this person can be before giving up.

The disappearance of his silver medal was indeed his and Du Zhisen's handwriting, and they didn't find any features in that ordinary silver medal. To say that something is not normal, there are.

Under normal circumstances, silver should be very glossy when worn every day, and it will be polished until it shines, and the color of this silver medal of Baiyueguang is black and a little abnormal. After testing its purity, it is real silver, and its quality There is no problem on it, but it is strange why the white moonlight prays.

Combined with Bai Yueguang's current experience, whether the special effect given to him by the silver medal is no longer effective, and everyone wakes up from the illusory world he constructed, and will no longer be led by his nose.

As a victim who suffered from it, Yan Jingxi can fully understand the difference between his thinking and the influence. Before, he couldn't control many things, and he would always be inconsistent, hesitant, and indecisive in his feelings, but now his mind is very clear, He knows who he really likes and what kind of feelings he wants.

Although I don't know how Bai Yueguang's silver medal works on the human brain, it truly controls him, including other people.

Now, he is standing less than three meters away from Bai Yueguang, and he wants to understand the source of all this inexplicable.

Yan Jingxi's eyes have long lost the expression when he was controlled by the plot master, indifferent and calm.

Bai Yueguang found a chair and sat down, Yan Jingxi stood opposite him, no need to lift his neck to look at people.

Yan Jingxi was the first person he met in this world who was jealous but couldn't kill him. He was very lucky, so he asked the plot master to make the other party fantasize about liking him. No matter whether he got married or not, he would always remember him in his heart. There is also Bai Yueguang, which gave him hope and disappointed him. This is Bai Yueguang's attitude towards Yan Jingxi, the darling of heaven.

Nothing is better than him. Even the plot master can't force him to change his fate, but he is so strong that Bai Yueguang has been unable to really attack Yan Jingxi, tsk, careless.

Yan Jingxi asked Bai Yueguang: "What do you want to say to me?" Of course he wouldn't ask Bai Yueguang actively, like this kind of scum, he would rather die honorably than beg him for half of it, this man almost destroyed half of him .

Bai Yueguang was a little crazy, laughing wildly, he expressed what he had always wanted, he said: "You are my childhood sweetheart, won't you save the poor me?"

Of course Yan Jingxi would not be angry, and responded generously: "You think we are childhood sweethearts, why do you see it."

Bai Yueguang: "We have lived together since childhood and grew up together."

Yan Jingxi chuckled lightly, unable to reach the bottom of his eyes: "So what? You are breaking the law now, and the police are right next to me. How can I save you?"

Bai Yueguang said, "Come here and be my hostage."

Yan Jingxi was standing three meters away from him, and behind him were other police officers who were afraid to breathe. He was much calmer than them. He now knew that Bai Yueguang was more shameless than they thought, because they grew up together. His partner is going to be his hostage, has his brain been knocked into the water

"Have you thought about the feasibility of your method?" Yan Jingxi did not answer Bai Yueguang directly, but asked him, "Since I am your bamboo horse, how can you bear to take me as a hostage."

Bai Yueguang laughed when asked: "Because you are the most tyrant, because you are annoying, and I am the one who hates you the most."

Yan Jingxi laughed instead of being angry: "Thank you so much for hating me." Before he divorced Yuan Zhanqi, his sense of Bai Yueguang was getting worse and worse, everything he did was uncomfortable, and the distance from him naturally became further and further.

Bai Yueguang was dumb, and it was different from what he imagined. Yan Jingxi actually had no feelings for him. From his eyes, he didn't feel any nostalgia, only a disgust that could hardly be concealed.

Bai Yueguang was silent for a while before saying, "I thought you still had feelings for me." His heart began to feel a little empty.

Among the people in front of him, Tai He, Yan Jingxi, Du Zhisen, and Pang Shengyang were all his targets. The plot god can no longer come out to help him.

He is a little messy, his heart is messed up, no one can help him, and there is no external force that can be used.

But he is the protagonist. At this critical moment, shouldn't someone come forward to help him out

Why not

He glanced at everyone one by one, no, no one was willing to give him a look for help!

Du Zhisen was standing in the back row, and he was also staring at Bai Yueguang coldly, staring at him like a vicious belly snake.

What did he do to Du Zhisen

Yes, he remembered.

He almost forced Du Zhixuan to like him, almost made Du Zhixuan take drugs successfully, and he also robbed the purest Bai Yueguang Guan Shujing in Du Zhixuan's heart, who made Du Zhixuan dislike him, he didn't even give him a straight look, he was not angry, He is not reconciled, he is the protagonist of this world, the master of this world, these natives should go on according to his ideas, they should like him well, what is the right thing to do with him, can others like him if they like? Is he not good

Thinking of this, Bai Yueguang suddenly smiled again and looked at Yan Jingxi: "Unfortunately, you and Yuan Zhanqi left." He said lightly, but in fact his voice was trembling and excited. As long as he destroyed their happiness, he felt it was worth it. into the world of fiction.

Yan Jingxi's hand behind his back clenched his fist: "it won't bother you anymore."

Bai Yueguang and Yan Jingxi chatted a few words, obviously not as irritable as five minutes ago, Tai He quietly blinked with his colleagues, indicating that they should be on standby at which post they should be.

Just when Bai Yueguang thought he still had a chance to ask Du Zhisen to come over and chat with him, three pistols shot at Bai Yueguang at the same time, two on his left and right hands, and one on the back of his neck.

In recent years, Bai Yueguang's body has been too exhausted, and he is very weak. He didn't have time to resist, and he began to slump to the ground. Several anti-drug police officers stepped forward to hold him down to prevent him from resisting.

It was confirmed that the bomb on Bai Yueguang's body was half-truth, and even if it was detonated, it would not cause large-scale damage.

After being anesthetized, Bai Yueguang had closed his eyes and passed out. He didn't even make his last request, and he didn't even see Yan Jingxi's relieved expression.

In fact, Yan Jingxi and Bai Yueguang didn't talk much about it, the main thing was that his mood was stabilized, to ensure that he would not suddenly do something extreme, Tai He would order him to be subdued, and their plan was completely fine.

As early as Yan Jingxi saw Yuan Zhanqi drinking with someone who killed Matt Feng, he sent someone to investigate. He didn't expect it to be Tai He. They had met before. After a few chats, they probably knew the situation on both sides. In the past, it is better to cooperate once and bring Bai Yueguang to justice.

The confident and arrogant Bai Yueguang would never have thought that the man he had tried so hard to play with would in the end join forces to send him to prison, and Yan Jingxi, Du Zhisen, and Tai He would prepare all the evidence for him.

Pang Shengyang was also in reality. He quietly left after watching the crowd. After all, his nationality did not belong to Huaxia.

After the police took Bai Yueguang away, Du Zhisen stepped forward and shook hands with Tai He, and then left with Yan Jingxi.

Tomorrow morning, they will fly away with the police. He needs to go to the police station to record a statement. The sooner Bai Yueguang is convicted, the sooner they will be able to free themselves from the memories of those seniors.

Du Zhisen knew about the existence of Bai Yueguang, a terrifying person, earlier than Yan Jingxi. His pressure has been formed for many years, and now he can't relax at once. He has family members he wants to protect.

Similarly, Yan Jingxi also has it.

Don't wait for the next morning, they will return to Beijing with Tai He and the others overnight.

As soon as you say go, the follow-up matters on the bar will be appeased by the staff on board and the police who stayed behind.

The white moonlight, who believes that he can stir up the wind and rain in the world in the book, and shine with the sun and the moon, must have never thought about what to do if his plot master suddenly fails.

Before Yan Jingxi left, he wanted to say goodbye to Yuan Zhanqi, but Assistant Chen made a suggestion to him. It is better to let him calm down and think. The sudden separation will make him more impressed with the boss.

Assistant Chen is worthy of being an emotional person and an expert.

The next day, Yuan Zhan and others, who were completely unaffected, got up and found that several outstanding men had disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Only Du Zhixuan remained, and he told everyone about Bai Yueguang's "glorious deeds" last night.

Yuan Zhan also confirmed to Du Zhixuan that he just slept and Bai Yueguang was taken away by the police

Why didn't Yan Jingxi tell him.

Du Zhixuan also said: "Zhi Sen told me that Jing Xi was called as a hostage by Bai Yueguang last night."

Yuan Zhan's heart was slightly tight: "He won't be foolish enough to be a hostage, he's not injured or anything."

Du Zhixuan said, "I don't know either, maybe not. I didn't tell me the details."

Yuan Zhan said in one breath, "..." Brother Du, do you dare to be more curious

Du Zhixuan staggered Yuan Zhan's condemning gaze, and he said a little guilty, "Why don't you call him and ask." He couldn't tell Yuan Zhan that Yan Jingxi deliberately asked him to perform in front of Yuan Zhan before he left last night. To play is to test whether the other party cares about him or not.

Yuan Zhan: "I took the plane back last night. I should be still on the plane now. People should be fine."

He didn't understand why he suddenly cared a little.