We’re All Especially Sympathizing With That Man

Chapter 132: The white moonlight after being traversed


Yuan Zhan didn't know where he was dragged, but this time he was himself, and he didn't wake up in a specific scene.

The sun was so violent that it almost hurt his eyes, and he raised his hand to block the harsh light.

After the eyes gradually adapted, he opened his eyes to see the surrounding environment.

No one who passed by him seemed to see him, and no one noticed that he was standing in the middle of the road.

The people who came and went had only one goal and direction. Yuan Zhan looked up and saw the huge signboard erected in front of him. It was the hospital.

Yuan Zhan couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

Suddenly, the whine of an ambulance sounded in my ears.

Yuan Zhan saw a thin and small child being carried off the ambulance. He was not injured or unconscious, but the woman on the stretcher who was pushed down by the medical staff was wearing an oxygen mask.

The child's face was very familiar, Yuan Zhan stepped forward to take a closer look, this child looked like Bai Yueguang, could he be Bai Yueguang

The medical staff hurriedly pushed the ambulance to the emergency room, and the little boy who looked like Bai Yueguang also staggered forward.

Let's assume that the little boy is Bai Yueguang first.

Yuan Zhan followed without hesitation, and Xiaobai Yueguang sat in the waiting chair waiting for the doctor's diagnosis.

Half an hour later, the doctors shook their heads helplessly, and no one was saved.

They were thinking about how to explain all this to the little boy.

Fortunately, a man appeared after a while. He claimed to be the assistant of the child's father. Since he had family members, the hospital was relieved and there were results in the follow-up.

Yuan Zhan could not be seen by the people around him, and he knew that he should be watching them from the perspective of God.

Bai Yueguang listened calmly to the adults telling him about his mother's death. He knew what it meant to be "dead", and he cried very sadly.

His biological father did not appear at his mother's funeral. Everything was handled by his father's assistant. After the end, the assistant accompanied Bai Yueguang to pack up and move into Bai's house, which is where Bai Yueguang will live in the future.

Yuan Zhan followed and learned about Bai Yueguang's life when he was a child.

After entering Bai's house, Xiaobai Yueguang was very confused, so he left his original school and transferred to another school with higher teachers.

Xiaobai Yueguang's foundation is poor and his grades are average. However, in the Bai family, he is despised for his grades. His half-brothers and sisters are all very good.

Bai Yueguang began to feel inferior and lived in the Bai family cautiously.

During the junior high school period, there was a very powerful classmate in his grade. He was like a shining sun, and he was an eye-catching presence wherever he went. Such students are also legendary figures on campus.

Bai Yueguang, who had low self-esteem, began to pay attention to this classmate of the same grade. He was none other than Yan Jingxi.

From Bai Yueguang's perspective, Yuan Zhan also saw Yan Jingxi shining brightly. During Bai Yueguang's class, Yuan Zhan stood beside Yan Jingxi, watching him earnestly in class.

The teenage Yan Jingxi has a maturity that does not belong to this young man. In fact, he is sometimes quite naive, and he will quietly read comics and novels in private, but he is used to pretending to be cold in front of people, and everyone will think that he is difficult to get close to. .

Yan Jingxi's position is near the window. It is now during the end of get out of class, when students go to the bathroom and go to the bathroom, and those who eat snacks eat snacks.

Yan Jingxi sat by the window watching the scenery outside, Yuan Zhan stepped on his shadow and raised his hand to touch his hair.

Yuan Zhan felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that you can't see me." The two of them lived a married life before, but now they are back when he was young, and they are very good-natured.

Before he could finish his emotion, some classmates came to pass a message to Yan Jingxi.

"Yan Jingxi, someone is looking for it."

Su Qi sat behind Yan Jingxi and smiled: "I'm not asking you to confess again, it's the first time this month. You reject so many people, why don't they give up."

Yan Jingxi shrugged: "Probably like the feeling of trying to fly a moth to a fire?"

Su Qi: "Your explanation... is absolutely amazing."

The role of fire is very important, but it also depends on the species.

Yan Jingxi seems to be right when he compares himself to fire. In the face of people he doesn't like, he is a raging fire, and in the face of people he likes, he is a thin fire, which is extremely warm.

Yuan Zhan is glad that he is the latter.

Inexplicably realizing that he gradually gathered his memories, he began to believe that Yuan Zhanqi was him.

Sure enough, Su Qi was right, and someone confessed to Yan Jingxi.

However, the person who confessed today is not a girl, but a handsome and lovely boy.

Yan Jingxi rejected him expressionlessly, on the grounds that his current goal was to study and he didn't want to fall in love for the time being.

The omnipotent reason for refusing a confession will not hurt the self-esteem of others, nor will it cause trouble for oneself.

Yuan Zhan said in his heart that Yan Jingxi was really thoughtful.

When the boy confessed to Yan Jingxi, Yuan Zhan watched a lot, and he didn't care so much about the excitement. He looked left and right, and saw a person standing at the corner. He walked over and found that this person was Bai Yueguang.

Oh, right.

Bai Yueguang also likes Yan Jingxi, a school-level character.

Yan Jingxi's eyes are never on boring places. Students like Bai Yueguang are naturally masked. He can't remember them even if he wants to. It's no wonder that when he saw Bai Yueguang in the restaurant before, he didn't have the slightest impression.

Bai Yueguang lives in the shadow of the Bai family, and his inferiority prevents him from breaking through himself. Like other boys, he can't muster the courage to stand in front of Yan Jingxi and express his feelings to him.

Yan Jingxi's life in Bai Yueguang's junior high school can be said to be a symbol of his cowardice and a ravine that he cannot cross.

Yuan Zhan saw that Bai Yueguang's life in Bai's house was not happy. He became more and more depressed, and his schoolwork was getting worse and worse. The teacher asked parents several times and wanted to chat with Bai Yueguang's father, but Bai's father But always because he was busy, he hurriedly left the school every time he didn't talk for a few words. In the end, only Bai's father's assistant came to the school to handle school affairs for Bai Yueguang. The assistant still appeared in the name of "uncle". Moonlight is a great irony.

Bai Yueguang's depression turned into depression. Although he became taciturn, he has not given up his longing for future life.

He's still in high school, going to college, but he's become more mediocre.

He doesn't need to be involved in the Bai family's business. In his freshman year, the Bai family's business began to decline. There were too many internal conflicts in the family. The company's decision-making changed every day, and finally the Bai family's business had to end in bankruptcy.

Seeing that the brothers and sisters of the Bai family became paupers overnight, Bai Yueguang was quite fortunate, fortunate that he never had hope for the Bai family.

The Bai family takes care of themselves. Bai Yueguang's college life can be said to be quite difficult. He basically goes out to work to earn money to support himself, tuition fees, and living expenses. Sometimes he has to work three jobs a day. In the bedroom, I was too tired to straighten my waist.

After graduation, he has a relatively fixed job. He can bear hardships and stand hard work, and he does a good job. He is appreciated by the boss and no longer has to run around.

After working for two years, he made a handsome boyfriend. He thought that he could live a happy life after all the hardships. However, Bai Yueguang's bad luck is still there, and the good times are not long. Mole, he owes people money everywhere and cheats, using his appearance to deceive other people's money everywhere, and Bai Yueguang's few deposits were deceived by him.

Bai Yueguang called the police, but his boyfriend hid without a trace. Even if he was caught later, the money would have been squandered by him. Bai Yueguang was very sad. He clearly looked at the bright man, but he was actually a liar. .

In addition to being cheated out of money by his boyfriend, the boss of Bai Yueguang's company also seems to have encountered a liar. His collaborator went abroad with money and disappeared without a trace.

The company declared bankruptcy, and Bai Yueguang lost his job.

Father Bai couldn't help Bai Yueguang for a long time. It would be good if he didn't come to him for money. After Bai's declaration of bankruptcy, Father Bai used the family's savings to start a new business. Unfortunately, his thinking has long been unable to keep up with the trend. After one failure , since then, he has never recovered, and he is either drinking or quarreling with his current wife and children every day.

None of the Bai family can be down-to-earth. They are all used to being pampered, used, and served by others. After losing everything, there is only fear and confusion.

Unlike them, Bai Yueguang lived hard, but he was still too simple and deceived.

No money, no job, oppressed by life.

But he has to live without money.

The man who had lost hope was walking back from the police station and passed by a big company. Bai Yueguang saw a mature and steady man who couldn't move his eyes and feet. He was also the one he had a crush on in school. Man - Yan Jingxi, a man as bright as ever, confident and elegant.

Bai Yueguang looked down at his ordinary self, and he sighed.

But it filled him with hope. When he was at his worst, he saw Yan Jingxi again. After work, Yan Jingxi was more charming than when he was a student.

In order to learn more about Yan Jingxi, Bai Yueguang also wanted to work hard to get into this company, but unfortunately he submitted his resume twice, but he failed, because the job experience was insufficient and he could not meet the requirements of their recruiters.

When Bai Yueguang was downcast, he saw that a restaurant opposite the company was recruiting waiters. He had experience as a waiter in college and was just short of money. First, earn some money to support his recent life and then find a job again. You can see the entry and exit of people from the opposite company, and it's good to take a look at Yan Jingxi every day when he goes to work, although he may not be able to see people more often.

However, as long as there is a reason for him to work hard, he will continue to work hard.

Maybe Bai Yueguang has found the wrong direction and goal of his efforts.

Until one day, he saw Yan Jingxi appear with a young and beautiful man, and his reason was shocked.

In terms of words and expressions, Yan Jingxi loves the man very much. They look like a happy couple. Bai Yueguang can't deny that they are really a good match. The man has a gentle smile and polite speech. He is like a noble boy. , he deserves the care and love of people like Yan Jingxi.

The person who appeared in this restaurant with Yan Jingxi was Yuan Zhanqi.

Bai Yueguang, who was shocked, still kept a smile and served them.

He had no envy or hatred for them.

I just feel that God is not fair at all.

That night, Bai Yueguang was drunk on the roof with a dozen beers by himself.

He shouted to the sky: "I hope that someone can bear all this for me, it's too painful, I hope that those happy people are like me with broken families, so that they can also experience the suffering of the world, hahaha..."

Yuan Zhan stood beside Bai Yueguang and heard his wish.

The next moment, Yuan Zhan felt his body being pulled again.

Opening his eyes again, he stood back to the same place, the hospital.

A familiar ambulance appeared in front of him again, but this time, Xiaobai Yueguang was not taken down by someone, but he took the initiative to get out of the car, with a bit of strangeness in his eyes.

Yuan Zhan can be sure at the moment: he is Bai Yueguang after being transmigrated.